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Looking for people who have been to the grey room

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:53 AM
Martianboy,the rotating hypercube you are talking about,were you on the moon and had you been put in a room with other kids and fooled into thinking that it was a toy and did they try to fool you into making the toy work?I had an experience with something that sounds like what you describe,you have to put it together properly or in the right positions to get it to work.You have to make it work with telepathy.It is easy for me but was hard for everyone else,and I knew I was being manipulated into making it work so I held back .

If this isnt what you were refering to then thank you for tweaking my recall.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:56 AM
I haven't read the whole thread yet, just a few pages, but I find it all very interesting to read, definately. And I do believe you people and thank you for sharing your experiences, it is mostly valued! I wish though I had similiar experiences as well. Any way, how to get there? I had many strange dreams, living a few other realities through dreams, but not this. It's fascinating to say the least.

[edit on 8/5/10 by Cybernet]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by martianboy

I had often used the hypercube as a mental construct of my own

Wow! What a cool thing! It is difficult to see visually. I don't know how you can hold it in your head as it rotates. I can see how it would hold your attention!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I just saw the movie "Knowing". It´s realy amazing, there are so much of it people on this thread are talking about! I think something like this could happen. Not exactly, but many ideas may be real.

About this 10 year time-loop, when I wasn´t interested much about alien theme... I don´t know, why. But I´m not sure it was a time loop. I feel it was more of introduction back then and now it´s back, because it´s time.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by boo1981
they feel to real to be dreams, i feel everything and the feeling of my neck burning from the light was very strange

I did wake up once and had bruises in the center of my palms. The bruises related to the dream, and the dream was definately a dream and not real. So I guess you could have a physical sensation like heat on your neck after a dream.

However, you feel like the dreams aren't dreams. To me that says it all.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by one4all
Martianboy,the rotating hypercube you are talking about,were you on the moon and had you been put in a room with other kids and fooled into thinking that it was a toy and did they try to fool you into making the toy work?I had an experience with something that sounds like what you describe,you have to put it together properly or in the right positions to get it to work.You have to make it work with telepathy.It is easy for me but was hard for everyone else,and I knew I was being manipulated into making it work so I held back .

Your profile stated "I have told you the truth even though it cannot possibly be truth – I know how it sounds.
Also I do not know it this means anything but for the past several years I have had a feeling of patiently waiting for something. I do not know what it is but I know that it is something big and something that involves me but how and why is the question I cannot answer yet. " This seems to be true of most people on this thread. Thanks for joining us.

The hypercube as a toy is interesting. Other people have asked about holding a ball or cube, so it must be an experience others have had. I cannot imagine it being an easy task. I find it difficult to really see it.

What is really interesting is that it was a task given that you felt you needed to do. That is also a common theme.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Amandla
About this 10 year time-loop, . But I´m not sure it was a time loop. I feel it was more of introduction back then and now it´s back, because it´s time.

I don't know why I call it a loop. There was a 10 year period when things were on hold - the schedule, whatever that may be, was on hold, and time seemed to be flowing in eddies, as if forward movement was being restrained.

I don't know how I know that but I do know it.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Notthat,It wasnt a task I was asked to do---I was lied to to convince me to do it,it must be that we cant be forced,I was an extra-aware child,thanks mom,I knew that we were all being manipulated into making the "toys"work,I knew they werent toys,I knew the teachers were eager for us to make them work because they werent sure if we could do it or not and they needed to see WHAT WE COULD DO.I knew that they were using sugar with us when they didnt have to and as a young kid I somehow sensed this gave me power and it sure did.I watched the other kids and i refused to make my toy work although it WAS ABSOLUTELY EASY TO DO,I made it seem difficult and was non-compliant,as much as I could be at seven or eight and under the circumstances.Once I realised that the teachers would show extra attention if i made a little progress I tested them and decided that they could be nmanipulated because I has something special they wanted and for some reason I was inclined to hold back their ability to gauge my OWN ABILITIES.

The toy levitated and spun and changed colors,you operated it telepathicly ,it was a big deal to get it up,i had a problem not making it blast around the room,i wasnt happy being manipulated.

I remember geometric shapes that you had to make 'fit"together in a specific sequence to make a specific action happen.It was easy thats the feeling I had.

I can tell your story is real,you have taken the same tack i did in trying to self-substanciate my experience through seeking out a certain NUMBER of people with enough commonalities in our stories that I felt grounded in a common reality.

I liked the holding back of the item everyone was holding,i did the same thing and still hold back certain points as you should also do,keep at least five levels of special points you use so you can grade the experiences you learn about.Without giving up all your original information.

However at this point in time I think it matters not.

Those of us who know know,and the time I fear is short.

I have been led to understand that when the ships come we will have free will to leave if we are able to board and travel,the catch is you have to feel true love for humanity,you cant be evil,you may have been evil in the past and still board BUT AT THAT TIME YOU MUST NOT BE FILLED WITH NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS OR YOU WILL BE MIRED IN A NEGATIVE REALITY YOU WONT BE ABLE TO EXTRICATE YOURSELF FROM.

Thats all,no other special requirement.

The big problem as I personally have found is that some of us may choose to stay with loved ones who cant leave or choose to not leave by virtue of hanging on to negativity emotionally.I may be one of those,because I know those who are able to leave face no hardship,they wont need me,but those who stay face incredible odds and hardship and they will need me and my love for them will not diminish in the face of my own salvation,I believe I shall stay.

I have already gassed one opportunity to leave earth out of concern for my loved ones,no problem passing on two,my love has only grown as I have grown.

But everyone deserves the chance to choose this future reality,this is the crime being comitted by the people holding back full disclosure,they are aware as I am aware that only a minority of humanity will survive here on the planet and the longer they can keep the masses unprepared the greater their chances of being part of the surviving minority.

There is no godly or otherworldly list,only good people 'at that time"will be able to board,the rest take their chances here.

People will survive here just very very few and in an absolutely random fashion,like little miricles all over the planet,in little spots we will survive.

All the propoganda is because the powers that be understand the numbers game and an uneducated human does not have the opportunity to consider or accept the perspective or reality required to have a chance to participate in the survival lottery.

The ships are still coming,humanity will be preserved,no war will stop this because the world governments are already aware of the facts.

But if you are stuck here or choose to stay here you will face considerable challenges INCLUDING WAR and planetary devestation.

We all have free will,we just arent all as informed .

Dont worry about the ships,the people are all going to be a random group with one thing in common,the ABILITY TO FREELY BOARD.

We are all punching our own tickets as we speak.Truly clear your heart,let go of anger and grudges and your connection to money and material things,allow your natural love and concern for humanity to fill you and begin to act on those feelings,begin to understand that we are truly all for one and one4all.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:50 AM
I wasnt supposed to rememer my experiences,of that I am sure ,and the trip tio the moon was after I HAD LEARNED HOW TO REMAIN AWAKE AND AWARE.So again I retained memories I wasnt supposed to.

At the end of the day I always say ,they wouldnt have been teaching us those things for nothing,so the application MUST OCCUR WITHIN MY LIFETIME,44 is my obsessive number as it seems we all have one,I will turn 44 in 2012.I have a feeling that is gameday.

I have become a bit of a survivalist lately,I am not questioning it I am going with it.

Anyone you meet so far have implants in their left leg?Or anyone who remembers having a bad nosebleed around SEVEN OR EIGHT and finding a small little hard metal like ball in the blood or the clot?

Sorry for the last question but it seems important to me to ask if anyone that remembers the grey room has signs as I do of abduction.Bad sinus infection with a lot of unexplainable scarring in the sinuses upon investigation?Anyone ever have cattle Mutilation occur near where they lived at the time,you might want to google this one ,you could get surprised at this one.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Martianboy,the rotating hypercube you are talking about,were you on the moon and had you been put in a room with other kids and fooled into thinking that it was a toy and did they try to fool you into making the toy work?I had an experience with something that sounds like what you describe,you have to put it together properly or in the right positions to get it to work.You have to make it work with telepathy.It is easy for me but was hard for everyone else,and I knew I was being manipulated into making it work so I held back .

If this isnt what you were refering to then thank you for tweaking my recall.

No, I was in the transition point between this life and whatever comes next. No moon involved.

I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian sect. I left that in 1995 (for reasons I won't go into - but you see similar things on the news each day about various such religions - I don't need to rehash that).

When I came into the room I was told "you are God". For some reason that didn't bother me. I understood and I don't know why, that the hypercube was metaphor for the multidimensional nature of God, and 4D is about as much as my brain can handle. As the cube rotated in space about a foot or so off the floor (in a wireframe representation) it changed colors as it moved in and out of various dimensional states. I also understood the voice that was talking to me was God - but I didn't "see" God as a "being" per se.

Then the voice said "God needs to change". And suddenly I knew my task was to change the angles at the vertexes of the hypercube. Fair enough. Then I thought "If I'm God, and that cube is God, then who the heck is talking to me?" I started to panic. Then I thought "I don't know anything about changing hypercubes". And all I could think of was all the dumb things I have screwed up as a human being, and this thing is asking me to "change God?" (as represented by the hypercube). Plus all my religious upbringing is just chock full of "God doesn't change" ideas. But all life grows and changes. So I thought, "you know I don't know what the heck I'm doing, and somebody is going to get hurt here", and I did the only thing I knew to do. I surrendered. I said "my life is in your hands, but I will not murder another intelligent being". Whatever came next I was willing to accept it.

No sooner than I had said that sentence, I wake up in my hospital bed (I had been unconscious for two weeks) and the medical alarms are going off and I hurt like hell, and I had a trach in my throat and I was on a respirator. Nurses are scrambling "He's awake!". I just started laughing to myself, and I thought "holy sh.. my friends will never believe this!" I healed very rapidly from the illness and I spent another 2 weeks in ICU and 4 weeks in subacute care. The doctor said I would never walk again and that I'd have to live with a trach and oxygen pump. I had to relearn how to eat, how to walk. I can walk up to 6 miles now.

The episode bothered me though. Because it wasn't like the Near Death Experiences I read from Dannion Brinkley - although there was defintely that bright place. I had NO LIFE REVIEW, and I had this sense that the core of what I am (and I think this is true of all humans) is a beautiful good being. I never believed that before. I've always been very harsh on myself. Religion taught me to be that way.

About 3 months later a friend in South Africa told me the meaning of the experience, he said "The voice was God, you are God like all life is - God is the totality of all life and that totality is also conscious, and the cube is your rigid ideas of God in your head that need to change." I was stunned, that was the meaning and I knew it to the core of my being.

I wasn't going to go into all that. But that was the riddle of the cube.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Thank you martianboy,glad to hear you are ok.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by one4all

Those of us who know know,and the time I fear is short.

I have been led to understand that when the ships come we will have free will to leave if we are able to board and travel,the catch is you have to feel true love for humanity,you cant be evil,you may have been evil in the past and still board BUT AT THAT TIME YOU MUST NOT BE FILLED WITH NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS OR YOU WILL BE MIRED IN A NEGATIVE REALITY YOU WONT BE ABLE TO EXTRICATE YOURSELF FROM.

Thats all,no other special requirement.

some of us may choose to stay with loved ones who cant leave or choose to not leave by virtue of hanging on to negativity emotionally.

There is no godly or otherworldly list,only good people 'at that time"will be able to board,the rest take their chances here.

People will survive here just very very few and in an absolutely random fashion,like little miricles all over the planet,in little spots we will survive.

Yea. You are right.
1. We can't be forced. We have to agree.
2. Ships are coming to take some of us off planet. I don't know who is running the ships or where they are going.
3. To get on you have to "feel right (smell right?)." This has to do with the nature of your energy or aura. You can't just think happy thoughts that day. It will be OK to be scared.
4. You can choose to stay behind with loved ones.
5. Most will die. Random chance to live. Some kind of world disaster.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Sorry, computer problem.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by NotThat]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by one4all
,they wouldnt have been teaching us those things for nothing,so the application MUST OCCUR WITHIN MY LIFETIME,

I have become a bit of a survivalist lately,I am not questioning it I am going with it.

Anyone you meet so far have implants in their left leg?Or anyone who remembers having a bad nosebleed around SEVEN OR EIGHT and finding a small little hard metal like ball in the blood or the clot?

signs as I do of abduction.Bad sinus infection with a lot of unexplainable scarring in the sinuses upon investigation?Anyone ever have cattle Mutilation occur near where they lived at the time

Yea. During my lifetime. Soon, I think.

Also a bit of a survivalist but not extremely so. No guns. Can't go on a ship if you kill someone.

Implant in nose now, I think. Both of us. Signs of sinus scaring and repeat surgeries (without having any I know of). Everyone in my family has had multiple bad bloody noses as a kid. (Family trait?) No little balls found, but Waiting 2 dug out an implant in her back.

I don't know about cattle muilitations. Not quite sure wher I lived when I had many bloody noses at night.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by martianboy

When I came into the room I was told "you are God".

the hypercube was metaphor for the multidimensional nature of God,

I also understood the voice that was talking to me was God -

Then the voice said "God needs to change".

I did the only thing I knew to do. I surrendered. I said "my life is in your hands, Whatever came next I was willing to accept it.

The doctor said I would never walk again and that I'd have to live with a trach and oxygen pump. I had to relearn how to eat, how to walk. I can walk up to 6 miles now.

I had this sense that the core of what I am (and I think this is true of all humans) is a beautiful good being.

About 3 months later a friend in South Africa told me the meaning of the experience, he said "The voice was God, you are God like all life is - God is the totality of all life and that totality is also conscious, and the cube is your rigid ideas of God in your head that need to change." I was stunned, that was the meaning and I knew it to the core of my being.

I wasn't going to go into all that. But that was the riddle of the cube.

I had 6 different doctors/specialist tell me I was going to die. Well, here I am, very much alive. Whatever I need to do in this life I have not yet finished.

The whole God thing is interesting. I spent a few years annalysing God, taking God apart into all his aspects. I can understand why some religions have different names for different parts of God. I just couldn't understand my spiritual experiences without a God and I had no real concept of God when I started.

I experienced "I am God". I assume not all of God.
Like a toe is me but not all of me.

I, too, surrendered when I didn't know what else to do.

I experienced a voice as God. Again not all of God because God is too much energy for me to hear all of God.

I did not experience a hypercube but instead I experienced flowing energy with different densities in parts. I suppose we experience what we can relate to. I can picture a series of connecting fountains or a flowing river. I can't seem to hold the hypercube in my head.

We are all beautiful at our core, and so much more that we allow ourselves to be.

I think your friend is right about the meaning of your experience.

Thank you so much for sharing. I could see my experience in yours. Beautiful and wonderful, but not so easy to live with such experiences.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by martianboy
I went to a white place in my near death experience last year. But I didn't get the impression it was a "physical" type place. It was very bright and had a sense of safety and love that was quite overwhelming.

I had a dream a few weeks back that I found myself waking up in a very ultra-modern city or structure that seemed to be made of white quartz that was very curvy - it was not rectilinear architecture like earth. Almost like it was grown or if you had put balloons in plaster of paris and then popped the balloons later and the voids formed nice eye pleasing spaces. There were humans in some kind of uniform walking through the corridors and I was in an alcove off a corridor. They seemed quite excited that I had awakened (I was still dreaming here). It was brief and I remember sitting up on the bed cushion which was a deep blue. It was a little different however than the near death experience and I wasn't given any riddles like I was given in my near death experience. I wasn't told anything at all. It just seemed like a dry run or something. But it wasn't really a grey place it was quite bright but you couldn't tell where the light source was.

Thanks for writing, Martianboy! I've been to that same place you went to in your Near Death Experience. However, I wasn't anywhere close to dying. It happened as part of, or as a prelude to, the grey room. NotThat calls it the River of Power. I call it the river. Needless to say, I have no fear of dying now because I know where everyone goes!

As for your "dream", your descriptions somehow echo the grey room. The room we were in was curvy, too. Balloons would be an accurate way to describe it because there were no sharp corners, everthing seemed rounded (except the floor, which was flat). Like you, we experienced a room that was quite bright but you couldn't tell where the light source was. I didn't see them, but I felt (knew??) that there were humans wearing blue uniforms beyond the "room" we were in. I assumed they were American military overseeing everything, but again, I never saw them.

I believe you've been to the same place or a similar one to us. You weren't in the same room we were in, but your view of the landscape echoes ours. We use the term "grey" because it was really hard to describe the color of the place. Bright. Light. Not white, white's too glaring. "Grey" seemed to be the best fit.

I've always had the idea that the grey room was a part of a much larger facility. I wasn't sure if it was a space ship or another planet.

Do you have any ideas about whether your place was a spaceship or a planet? Why do you THINK the people in uniform were excited? (I know you might not know, but try think from your gut.)

I can't wait to hear from you again!!!!!!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by martianboy

Oh you will most definitely feel it again at death. The first thing I recall feeling was finding myself in this bright place. Then it was if my consciousness expanded and was everywhere. Kind of like how physicists describe electrons as being non-local - my mind seemed non-local (full quantum?), and it was so amazingly clear. It made regular life seem like a sluggish dream mentally. It was a quite intoxicating sensation that I will never forget. Then I felt this overwhelming sense of safety, acceptance, grace, and compassion. The doctors had told my wife I'd probably wouldn't survive. I also seemed to have a body and the same sense of my identity. I don't think I got quite as far along the process as some NDEs I have read about.

I would love to have that level of consciousness in regular life. I could get so much done! But I am back in pea-soup land watching everyone be mean to each other and everyone worrying about the end of the world and I wish I could convey how much God cares about humans. If people knew that, they wouldn't fear, they wouldn't be finding ways to divide one human being from another, all this wasted effort when we are such grander beings made for so much grander things.

I cannot believe the God I encountered is going to allow any 2012 die off of mankind. I don't know who's fear that is, maybe its the powers that be own fears? They would have reason to fear if God treated them like they have treated other humans. It shouldn't be our own fear.

Yes, yes, yes!!!!

Your NDE sounds like my river. I would describe the "river" as the same thing. My consciousness expanded endlessly. I was a part of everyone and yet I was still myself, like an atom can be part of a much larger thing. How do I explain this next part?? Something held my identity together, but I never saw my body. I was still me, but I could feel and her many other people around me. I was a small part of that much larger thing, but just as important. All consciousness flowed around me. No one thing was more important than anything else. We were all equal, all a part of each other. Every question I ever had was answered because all consciousness was there. The volume of knowledge was incredible. I felt complete. I was filled with utter joy and love. I never wanted to leave.

Again, I wasn't having a Near Death Experience. I don't even know how it happened. Suddenly, I was there.

When I was back in the real world, I was depressed. I wanted to go back to that place. I felt like it was unfair to show me that place, to connect me there, and then have me go back to regular life again. It was difficult having attachments to people because all people were important, none more than another. As weird as it sounds, I was homesick for that place. I later realized that I'd been shone a gift.

From my own experience, I know it is difficult to have that level of consciousness and function in real life. I feel three dimensional here, but there I was infinity-dimensional. When I came back to real life after experiencing that level of consciousness, I felt two or even one dimensional. I had to readjust to real life again.

As for 2012, I am not afraid. I think the planets' alignment will change things. How I do not know. I also feel 2012 is a false date.

Because I was in that "river" I know that there is a part of me that is still there, like an echo. I know that the rest of me will go back there when I "die." But I am not worried about that right now. There is a lot of living left to do!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by NotThat

Movie - Kids carried backpack with changes of clothing and food. So did we. Kids didn't take backpacks with them so the items weren't needed. Our items weren't needed.

Movie - wierd kid was obsessed with numbers having to do with dates and # of deaths. One of my relatives was obsessed with numbers. He could tell strangers their date of birth, house #, SS#, age, phone #, ect.

Movie - wierd people followed them around. They appeared and disapeared suddenly. The kids said that the wierd people always knew where they were. That happened to us also.

Movie - kids heard voices (whispers) that others didn't hear. We all heard voices that others didn't hear.

Movie - kids talked about KNOWING. We talked abut KNOWING

Movie - there was the sense that the people in the movie were running out of time. We we running out of time.

Movie - the kids knew that they were going somewhere safe and that all their needs would be met. We knew we were going somewhere safe and all our needs would be met.

Movie - the kids were taken up in a bright light. We moved up in a bright (grey) light to the grey room.

Movie -long, skinny aliens. Waiting2 saw a tall skinny alien.

Movie - strange sun. We saw a strange sun

Whoever wrote the story went to the grey room. The music made the movie scary but it wasn't a scary movie. It wasn't a scary experience either.

NotThat, everything you said was right. I'd like to add that I saw three tall skinny aliens, not one. I also saw one short one. The three tall skinny aliens looked similar to the ones in Knowing.

I cried when I saw the movie because I felt this was someone's way of reaching a mass audience to find us and say, don't worry, you haven't been left behind. We're coming back for you. It was the same feeling a mother gives to her child. Assurance. It was yet another way our experience was validated.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Martianboy,the rotating hypercube you are talking about,were you on the moon and had you been put in a room with other kids and fooled into thinking that it was a toy and did they try to fool you into making the toy work?I had an experience with something that sounds like what you describe,you have to put it together properly or in the right positions to get it to work.You have to make it work with telepathy.It is easy for me but was hard for everyone else,and I knew I was being manipulated into making it work so I held back .

If this isnt what you were refering to then thank you for tweaking my recall.


For some reason telepathy is important.

So, if they were trying to figure out who was telepathic, why do you think they needed people who are telepathic?

I'm curious. What did the room you were in look like?


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by NotThat

Originally posted by Amandla
About this 10 year time-loop, . But I´m not sure it was a time loop. I feel it was more of introduction back then and now it´s back, because it´s time.

I don't know why I call it a loop. There was a 10 year period when things were on hold - the schedule, whatever that may be, was on hold, and time seemed to be flowing in eddies, as if forward movement was being restrained.

I don't know how I know that but I do know it.

Yes, I also know it as well.

I think it is a loop because we were headed down one path, then somehow got diverted for a while. Now we are back on that original path again.

I have no idea what any of it means. Sometimes I wonder if it is related to us remembering other parts of history that didn't happen here. I don't know.

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