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Archive of reports inferring most of UA93 was buried

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posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by kiwasabi

I agree with both of your statements. I have always thought that the other two debris sites were where the majority of the wreckage was at. The one in Shanksville only contained the predator/global hawk or whatever "other plane" used as a decoy crashed at.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Double post... look below

[edit on 9-4-2010 by kiwasabi]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Wait, so you're going off with this wind noise based on something they told us? At least make them show us some tampered/faked evidence first... Believe nothing they TELL you. And be very skeptical of what they SHOW you.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Much of the tape is reportedly unintelligible. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “the voices were muddled and the ambient noise of the wind rushing by the speeding plane often made it impossible to distinguish individuals, even when they were yelling.” [Daily Telegraph, 4/20/2002; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/21/2002] New York Times reporter Jere Longman writes the book Among The Heroes based in part on interviews with relatives who hear the cockpit voice recording, along with several government officials and investigators. The recording reveals new details of the passengers’ struggle on board Flight 93, but the government still has not officially stated if it believes they took over the plane or not. [Washington Post, 4/19/2002; MSNBC, 7/30/2002

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by kiwasabi

Very simple to do that:

The recorder was used in the trail of Zachirias Moussaoui and when it was played, the sounds of rushing wind as if the plane had been "holed" was very evident. However the Judge sealed the recording so the public could not examine it. I believe thats a sign of a cover up.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by kiwasabi

Very simple to do that:

The recorder was used in the trail of Zachirias Moussaoui and when it was played, the sounds of rushing wind as if the plane had been "holed" was very evident. However the Judge sealed the recording so the public could not examine it. I believe thats a sign of a cover up.

I just think it was faked like the stupid Flight 93 radio chatter. But I suppose something incriminating could be on the recording as well.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by mikelee

No, the recording was sealed to the public because ALL CVR recordings are "sealed", as regards the public.

It is a law:

It is illegal for the National Transportation Safety Board, who regulates these recordings, to release them to the public.....


The airlines, who own the original recording, are legally allowed to release it if they so choose....Several others come from lawsuit settlements in which release was mandated by a court order, and yet others come from various independent investigators who chose to release the information.

They are few, and far between. When they involve flights operated by pilots of Unions (especially ALPA) then there is STRONG opposition to, and intense pressure to NOT ever release the actual taped recordings to the public.

Now, about that 'wind noise'. The snippet you gave is a little vague...and, it is of course, 'hearsay'....

Do you know at what point in the tape the 'wind noise' is heard?

Is it just in the final few, the very last couple of seconds?

Because, at that time (last seconds) the airplane was exceeding its maximum 'normal' airspeed. I can tell you, there would be a LOT of exterior wind noise, from the air flowing over the cockpit windows, when at those speeds.

[Also the OverSpeed Warning sound, is that mentioned as well? Didn't see it...)

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

That particular recording was sealed at the request of the government prosecutor for:

"...any future criminal actions or proceedings should evidence not yet determined warrant." source: transcript of ZM trial proceedings.


It (the original recording) is kept at Iron Mountain facility. It also will never be released back to American Airlines.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by kiwasabi

I agree with both of your statements. I have always thought that the other two debris sites were where the majority of the wreckage was at. The one in Shanksville only contained the predator/global hawk or whatever "other plane" used as a decoy crashed at.


You do know that the second "debris" site contained light debris that was carried from the main crash site? The police, coroner and even people who were around Indian Lake reported seeing papers, magazines, charred insulation, strips of nylon, and mail falling from the sky AFTER the impact at Shanksville. The debris was blown there since the wind blew from the NW towards the SE. The impact sent a fireball and mushroom cloud which would easily suck up any light debris blasted apart and have it get carried by the winds to their final landing area. This all hapened after the impact. Not before. Also, Flight93 did not fly at all over that area. So even if it was breached by a missle or whatever, it would not have rained down there, but along the original flight path, and would have fallen to the ground before the impact. Not after.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

Could you make it very clear what you're implying happened here? Give your complete (condensed) theory of Flight 93, if you don't mind.

[edit on 9-4-2010 by kiwasabi]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by kiwasabi

In a nutshell?
Flight 93 hijacked, terrorists attacked by passangers. Terrorist flips plane into the ground at high speed obliterating the aircraft.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by kiwasabi

In a nutshell?
Flight 93 hijacked, terrorists attacked by passangers. Terrorist flips plane into the ground at high speed obliterating the aircraft.

Effectively destroying all evidence of what actually happened there?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
I am not speaking for hooper. I actually don't know his/her exact position on that. AND, I really don't see why it matters.

So it is OK to have it both ways?!

The word "most" is vague enough, isn't it?

It's what you believe, right?

What does the word "most" conjure up in people's minds?

Well let's test it out on you. Please put the percentages conjured up in your mind when people say the following:

1. "most"
2. "half"
3. "hardly"

Is that a silly comparison? YES, because this whole discussion us silly.

What's funny is you skeptics trying to weasel out of evidence that contradicts your precious official story.

What is the difference how much exactly was buried, compared to how much wasn't?

If officials said 1+1=3, would you except that?

The ONLY reason that a certain individual (or two) even care, at all, is because of ONE off-the-cuff statement, waaaaay back in the early days, early aftermath of September 11th. An FBI agent, when pressed by a reporter, threw out the line of "about 95%" was really was a WAG, on his part. It was not any sort of 'official' calculation.

Is that a fact, or just your poo-pooing opinion?

Now, he mentioned the word 'recovered', not 'buried'.

Yes, so if 95% was recovered, and about 10% of a 757 remained above ground, then what % should be buried?

It is completely irrelevant, and an argumentative red-herring (just one of very, very many, in 9/11 discussions) that serves no useful purpose. It adds NOTHING to any debates, whatsoever.

I mentioned in another thread who you skeptics use poo-pooing against evidence that gives your official story a lot of trouble.

It has no more relevance ,than, say, asking how much of Pan Am 103 was buried, at impact. Or USAir 427. Or United 585.

Are there conspiracy theories that those planes didn't crash too?

Or, PSA 1771.

That plane reportedly crashed in a grassy field too going about 700 mph, a 100 mph faster than UA93 allegedly crashed at, but most of debris from PSA 1771 remained ABOVE ground. Interesting, huh?

[edit on 9-4-2010 by ATH911]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
You do know that the second "debris" site contained light debris that was carried from the main crash site? The police, coroner and even people who were around Indian Lake reported seeing papers, magazines, charred insulation, strips of nylon, and mail falling from the sky AFTER the impact at Shanksville.

Funny how a couple pieces of debris constituted a "second debris field."

The debris was blown there since the wind blew from the NW towards the SE. The impact sent a fireball and mushroom cloud which would easily suck up any light debris blasted apart and have it get carried by the winds to their final landing area.

How did this debris that was "sucked up" by this alleged mushroom cloud land in a SE direction from the crater all the way down to New Baltimore when that alleged mushroom cloud in that photo lined up between the pond and crater, which means it would have drifted in a SW direction?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by kiwasabi

Not all evidence of course. Some objects survived, as is expected in such a crash. Some items will survive something like this, some will not. They did find passports, aircraft parts, personal items of the passangers and terrorists.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by kiwasabi

They did find passports, aircraft parts, personal items of the passangers and terrorists.

Please provide evidence of this. Obviously we've seen the aircraft parts, but where are the personal items? And where are the bodies?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by kiwasabi

Not all evidence of course. Some objects survived, as is expected in such a crash. Some items will survive something like this, some will not. They did find passports, aircraft parts, personal items of the passangers and terrorists.

But yet "not a single drop of blood."


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by kiwasabi

You can search here on ATS as it has been brought up and posted before many times. I'm sure if you looked you will find them.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

But yet "not a single drop of blood."


Ah but what else did they find? Lets see shall we?

Hundreds of searchers who climbed the hemlocks and combed the woods for weeks
were able to find about 1,500 mostly scorched samples of human tissue totaling less than 600 pounds, or about 8 percent of the total

Let's ask the cororner:

Miller and a group of more than two dozen volunteers this week made a final sweep of the property, looking for debris. The group found airplane debris near a section of downed evergreens and a small amount of human remains, Miller said.

Miller said the lab is continuing to test DNA material to verify the deaths of the last six crash victims.
He said DNA tests won't be able to identify the four hijackers on board.
"To make a DNA identification we need something from the victims or their family members
-- personal effects, or blood samples -- to match," Miller said. "We don't have that kind of information about the terrorists."
Identification of the victims through DNA testing allows the coroner to issue death certificates
and return the fragmented remains to the families.
Miller said he will identify as many of the remains as he can.
Remains that can't be identified will be interred at a grave in Somerset County.
"We already have issued presumptive death certificates so families could begin to take care
of the affairs of those persons we haven't identified," Miller said.
"Now we can say for sure on 34 of the victims
and that gives the families, some of whom have held memorial services, more of a sense of closure."

Five months after the crash, once the long, painstaking identification process was completed, he realized he had one larger duty remaining. Finally, some fragment of each of the dead had been positively identified, either by DNA or, in a few cases, fingerprints. So now the remains were going to be returned, he says, "and some people were going to look inside the caskets and I wanted them to know it would be shocking. I had to explain . .

so you are saying not a drop of blood was found, but the coroner and dozens of responders and searchers found body parts, scraps of flesh, bones, human tissue. You expect to see it all drenched in blood? Just everywhere? I'm pretty sure thats not how this works.

If I were you, I'd ask someone who has been to a violent airplane crash and ask them what they found when they sifted through debris of the aircraft. I dont really hear much about pools of blood in those crashes.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

Radek, please provide links to real news stories to back up your claim. Otherwise stop wasting your time perpetuating the government's myth.

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