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Originally posted by Lillydale
Why do truthers believe EVERYTHING THEY READ?
Where are those body parts and seats again?
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Is that the casing of the CVR? And were they able to recover the data from the CVR in spite of this damage? Or is this photo misidentified in the OP?
Originally posted by dereks
Originally posted by Lillydale
Why do truthers believe EVERYTHING THEY READ?
They only believe it if it is on a silly conspiracy theory website!
Where are those body parts and seats again?
See, what did I say - a "truther" who refuses to visit a non conspiracy website as he knows it will destroy his silly conspiracy theory
so once again, just for a "truther" ,body parts, pictures of and where they were found
but we all know that you will not go there, as you do not want your silly conspiracy theory fantasy destroyed!
Originally posted by fleabit
There was an engineer who was on site soon after this happened, and he worked on it for months, on-site, to figure out exactly what happened. It was a nice special where I saw the results, and where the hole, including the smaller one inside, on another wall, were explained in detail. Just because you are not an engineer and can't fathom how something happened, doesn't mean it's impossible.
This guy was actually PO'd when they mentioned how some people felt it was a missile, or nothing at all. He in a nutshell, said that he has over 30 years of experience with this sort of thing, and he gets disgusted when people jump to conclusions, when the facts are there for the finding. He did the work, hundreds of hours, and there was no doubt in his mind this was caused by that plane.
But whatever.. nothing anyone says will sway you, if you think it's a coverup. People who think there is some conspiracy can't even agree with each OTHER about this plane. You expect us to believe you are all-knowing about the physics of a plane crashing into the Pentagon? Fly over, missile, nothing at all.. a bomb was exploded, and so on. Get your own story straight first perhaps.
Originally posted by seism
I personally know someone who watched the plane fly over the highway and it hit some lamp posts as it was coming through. We talked about 2 days after the event and he was sure it was an airliner.
Originally posted by 4nsicphd
You get n A++ for aerodynamic theory but need to brush up on current technology. Boing did a FDC software fix for the ground effect problem. The computer commands a power reduction to offset reduced induced drag and makes a minor elevator trim change. Wait a minute on the theory grade. ground effect doesn't change lift, only drag. And "very close" is not very quantifiable. Try "within one-half wingspan of the ground." And the 757 has winglets which already reduce vortex drag by effectively raising aspect ratio. OK, you still get an A-.
Originally posted by jaywoo
9. “This aircraft then made a sharp turn and flew towards the Pentagon and seconds later crashed into it.”[126]
14. “[The plane] nearly shearing the roof off the trailer before slamming into the E ring.”[131]
37. “I saw…this big silver planerun into the side of the Pentagon.”[154]
38. “The plane, with red and blue markings, hurtled by and within moments exploded in a ground-shaking ‘whoomp’ as it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon.”[155]
42. “it was an American airlines plane that came in and hit the Pentagon.”[159]
45. “I am sorry to rain on your parade, but I saw the plane hit the building. It did not hit the ground first… It did not hit the roof first… and yes, it did impact the Pentagon… There was none of this hitting-the-ground first crap I keep hearing…”[162]
50. “[the plane was] aimed like a dart straight into it.”[167]
Originally posted by JustMike
reply to post by Lillydale
Hi Lillydale,
I'm not sure if we should link the pics direct and we certainly couldn't upload them here, due to the T&C (ATS being a site that is readily accessible by minors). However, the pics are there, about 7/8 of the way down in that long list, in the "Phase 2" section.
We have official information that workers within the Pentagon died that day, and I see no way of telling if the victims depicted were Pentagon staff/visitors or aircraft passengers/crew/hijackers, and apparently neither did those officials who prepared the description statements for these images. I also do not see any wreckage that I'd be willing to identify as aircraft seats.
In short, I don't see how the images of these people definitively prove that flt AA77 impacted the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001. Considering the relative closeup nature of the images, I also don't see how they prove that the images were taken within the section of the Pentagon that was damaged on that date. I don't think we can say that the images absolutely weren't taken there, but that's a long way removed from saying they must have been taken there.
True, it could be argued that as the description statements say these bodies were found in the Pentagon after flt 77 crashed into the building, then they or some others like them (which are not shown) must be from flt 77. That's not unreasonable if this aircraft did crash into the building and it contained passengers, and the OS is that it did and they were on board. But frankly, these images of human remains apparently inside a burned-out building could be from another fire and another location entirely.
Evidence image nr. 200047 troubles me the most, though. You have to look at it to see why. The state of one of the bodies is inconsistent with its surroundings and something that I've never seen before even in normal house fires when victims have been trapped inside a room and everything has been burned and charred. For a victim's clothing to be untouched -- not even scorched -- is truly remarkable.
But that's just another of the strangenesses about 9/11 I suppose.
Originally posted by jaywoo
The other half of them...
59. “It added power on its way in…The nose hit, and the wings came forward and it went up in a fireball.”[176]
74. “I saw it fly right into the Pentagon… ‘It just was amazingly precise… It completely disappeared into the Pentagon.”[191]
75. The plane seemed to be floating as if it were a paper glider and I watched in horror as it gently rocked and slowly glided straight into the Pentagon. [Note: this eyewitness claims he watched everything in ‘slow motion’ due to ‘adrenaline’].At the point where the fuselage hit the wall, it seemed to simply melt into the building. I saw a smoke ring surround the fuselage as it made contact with the wall. It appeared as a smoke ring that encircled the fuselage at the point of contact and it seemed to be several feet thick. I later realized that it was probably the rubble of churning bits of the plane and concrete. The churning smoke ring started at the top of the fuselage and simultaneously wrapped down both the right and left sides of the fuselage to the underside, where the coiling rings crossed over each other and then coiled back up to the top. Then it started over again—only this next time, I also saw fire, glowing fire in the smoke ring. At that point, the wings disappeared into the Pentagon……I saw an explosion and watched the tail of the plane slip into the building”[192]
77. “My people who did see it enter the building described it as entering the building and then there being flames coming out immediately afterwards.”[194]
79. “I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did giving the direction the aircraft was taking at the time. As most know, the Pentagon lies at the bottom of two hills from the west with the east side being next to the river at 14th street bridge… The wings came off as if it went through an arch way leaving a hole in the side of the building it seems a little larger than the wide body of the aircraft. The entry point was so clean that the roof (shown in news photo) fell in on the wreckage.”[196]
83. “The plane came in hard and level and was flown full throttle into the building, dead center mass, Maj. Leibner said. “The plane completely entered the building… The plane went into the building like a toy into a birthday cake…The aircraft went in between the second and third floors.”[200]
89. “The hijacked jet slammed into the Pentagon at a ferocious speed. But the Pentagon’s wall held up like a champ. It barely budged as the nose of the plane curled upwards and crumpled before exploding into a massive fireball. The people who built that wall should be proud. Its ability to withstand the initial impact of the jet probably saved thousands of lives.”[206]
Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by Arbitrageur
The nose of an aircraft is carbon fiber, not very strong, what actually punched the hole? Where are the soft nose parts that would have smashed and spread out as debris before any part of the stronger frame, that might have punched through, hit the wall?
Originally posted by downisreallyup
I challenge all of you to watch a recreation of a train crash, particularly one where the train crashes into the end-terminal. Because of the momentum, the train just plows through the concrete, iron and steel, ripping the building to shreds. While the train engine is indeed strong, the cars are not much stronger than an airliner, and the airliner engine is certainly as strong as any other type of engine. Remember, jet engines are built for strength and durability above all else, even efficiency or weight... safety is their main concern.
[edit on 9-2-2010 by downisreallyup]
Originally posted by JustMike
That would seem to me a unique event in the annals of high-speed and fiery aviation crashes, but if there were others then I'd be glad to know about them so it would credibility to that aspect of this case.
Originally posted by prof-rabbit
My other point being if the plane went through then the engines must also have gone through and there are no holes!
Originally posted by rnaa
No, they are built for efficiency and durability. Both characteristics dictate minimizing weight and contribute to safety. Remember, the heavier they are the more stress they put on their mountings... and safety is the main concern.
Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Originally posted by 4nsicphd
Or maybe you have a better explanation for why the flight data recorder didn't survive in this particular instance.
I try to deal in facts, not supposition but maybe some people didn't want it to survive. Actually the FDR did survive. The photograph in question was of the CVR (cockpit voice recorder.)