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Supporters of 911-Official Story: Explain your method of rationalizing those things that are ignored

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Just want to say,

I appreciate this thread. I'm glad all the Truthers can gather in one spot and bash any OS believer/supporter just because we don't agree with your Conspiracy Theory.

Good job.

We were attacked by Muslim extremists because we support Israel and because of our military presence in the Middle East along with many other nations. We have soldiers in how many countries worldwide? Quite a few. Could this be a reason why we're hated?

We aren't dislike because we're a free nation, we were attacked because we stick our nose where it doesn't belong.

Did our government allow these attacks to happen? Of course. Clinton could've taken out Bin Laden but failed. W failed to do anything about the warnings that were brought to him and his cabinet. Reasons for the ignoring of such information? That's entirely up for debate.

That's the story. That's what happened. But you're allowed to have your opinions. Thanks.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

[edit on 6-2-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by MrJTP

But, based on the "total proof" requirement of the original poster on this thread there is no way either side is going to convince the public to join up with them. It will always be a two sided argument. A very frustrating one.

The requirement of factual evidence to prove an event is not my personal standard, so why imply so? You think that loosening the basis of proof makes something true? The point of the thread is that you don't have to choose the OS or any other theory. It's perfectly realistic to remain undecided and await true confirmation. Why must you be committed to something unbelievable?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Zerbst

The requirement of factual evidence to prove an event is not my personal standard

Thanks for clearing that up.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Whyhi]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by dragonseeker
Well, it's not too hard to understand why some people stick by the OS. How do you live in a country where your own government commits mass murder against it's own citizens? how do you deal with that reality day to day?

some people can't. It's easier to just buy the lie. I don't, and it drives me nuts, knowing that the US gov had a hand in this. I know they did. I was saying they did when it was very unpopular to say. I lost a lot of friends for saying it. I said it publicly, I wrote a damn poem about it, and read it in front of a room full of "industry" people. That did not help my life or career one bit
The people who believe in the OS believe in it the same way people believe in god. tell an evangelical christian that god does not exist, see how well the conversation goes
So what do you expect, OP? the good news is, a lot LESS people believe the OS than ever before. the bad news is, the vast majority of us americans don't have the balls to do anything about it. dunno how to fix that..

Well, you could say that but, on the other hand, some qualified people will say " that insecure and/or discontented people very often feel a need for a tangible enemy on which to externalise their anger. "

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Did you not say in your op, it is only a few posts back, that " I firmly believe that to accept something to be true you must explain all aspects of it. That even if one detail cannot be resolved you cannot be certain ".

How is that not seeking " a detailed explanation of every aspect of terrifying events " ?

When I point out that truther stories about controlled demolition at the WTC don't even begin to address how it could have happened, let alone detail, you get all defensive and say well this just about the OS.

That's what I said but it still doesn't imply my want for detailed explanation. The topic is about excepting something as true without certain facts. I want to know why you feel you must choose a side regardless of solid evidence?

I don't support CD either, so why try to imply it? To believe in CD is genuine because it's a theory. The OS is meant to be fact, which is illogical to support with so many unanswered questions. Get it?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

Bravo, Bud!

Now were getting back on topic.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I think the "Conspiracy Theory" is about a bunch of rag tag primitives who live in caves were able to pull it off. That is a freaking wild conspiracy theory.

However I am a skeptic. I try to ask hard questions.

I am skeptical of the bogus junk the .Gov claims is reality.

And I enjoy participating in debunking it.

Also, why would you call them "Truthers" ? Is this not a Freudian Slip to the max??? If you think they are full of it, call them "Liars". Duh...

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Ok lets get down to the basics first.

The events as widely known on 9/11 occurred like this: AQ terrorists hijacked four aircraft, using three to strike both WTC towers and the Pentagon, while the fourth crashed in the middle of nowhere. The towers burned and collapsed, as did the section of Pentagon that was hit and burning. AQ took responsbility. After investigating, the US discovered that there were terrorist cells in the US that were up to no good, but due to beurocratic red tape, and interagency rivalry, the information was never put together, tragically.

Everyone that I have seen arguing on the side of the "Truth" movement (I use the term very loosly) believes there is some mega grande conspiracy which interconnects every single facet and event and non-event on 9/11, and before, and after. What happened after 9/11, a pretty crappy video called Loose Change pops out, made by a couple of bored frat boys who have little to no understanding of the real world. We also get all these videos like Sept. Clues, which sprout like weeds on youtube. Now I gotta admit I fell for them too. I actually watched them and said, wow, that is something. But after delving into what exactly they were saying, I realized, they were nothing more than snake-oil salesmen, twisting words, accounts, using innuendos, lying, and downright stupidity. Pods on airplanes, no planes, some planes, holograms, thermite, thermate, nano-thermite, bombs, thermite cutters, silent explosives, nukes, tv fakery, paid off eyewitnesses, God the list goes on. Bush knew about it, Cheney did it, NWO did it, Evil Zionist Jews did it, Mickey Mouse Club did it, secret government did it, the fire/police/paramedics/AF personnel/ FBI/CIA/NSA/FAA were all in on it, etc etc etc.

Now where exactly do people, most rational thinking people, think something is amiss? Usually when someone asks, do you believe we were not told the whole truth about 9/11, what context will the answer be used in? Majority wise will think, well, SOMEBODY dropped the ball on this and wants to cover their @$$. Will they admit to who goofed up so badly? The FBI and NSA miscommunications, tons of beurocracy, red tape, infighting between the alphabet organizations, etc etc, all have been proven to have occurred right up to 9/11. Is THAT what people are thinking we have not been told the truth on? Most would say yes.

However, the majority of what I see in the "truth" movement do when they hear that answer "yes we were not told the truth", they run with it and go, "see? People believe that we were lied to about bombs, pre-knowledge, everyone being in on it, Bush doing it, Cheney doing, etc etc etc. Haha! The "OS" is falling apart!" Not so fast boys and girls. I very much doubt so many people actually believe our govt is directly responsible for 9/11 by planting bombs, setting it all up, etc etc tec.

Some facts about "steel buildings" and fires. If steel is so solid and good, why do fire safety codes require fireproof materials to be placed on bare steel? Why do firefighters avoid entering burning buildings where the roof is supported by light steel trusses very similar to those used in the floors of the WTC? Why did the steel sections of the Windsor Tower begin collapsing from fire alone within 2 hours of the fire starting, and then completely falling apart down to just the concrete skeleton? A little investigation and research is needed to see just how steel behaves in a fire. WTC7 was burning for nearly 7 hours without any water being used to put it out. Fire fighters all saw it was badly hit and in very bad shape. Hence why they put a surveyor tranist on it, to monitor its creeping bulge and tilt. why wasnt it mentioned in the report? It was secondary to the main event, ie WTC1+2 . FYI: The comission itself was created to investigate the events and INTELLIGENCE FAILURES leading up to 9/11, NOT how the WTCs collapsed. I thought that would have been obvious.

WTC7 was secondary. It collapsed, and that was after being struck by debris and burning out of control for 7 hours. If you want to be so nitpicky, why arent you asking why didnt they mention WTC4,5,6 and the Marriot? They also were destroyed. Why ignore them? The firefighters knew WTC7 was coming down. They saw the damage, the signs of structural integrity failing. Firefighters are trained in these matters. They even have a video of one firefighter pointing out and mentioning how the building was leaning to one side prior to collapse.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:42 PM
Of course there are parts i wouldnt beleive about 9-11 but ehh never mind this thread is so predictable you all have fun

there will be no conclusions reached here just wow i really get so erked reading these coooky what ifs and then followed up by everyone hooting and hollaring in support but im the one not in reality because i beleive in the factual evidence from MY countrys judicial system.
Duh no governments are completely honest
duh there may be undisclosed information but come on im just so taken back how every alternative 9-11 theory is just blindly excepted.

Im mean seriuosly (mr scientishin) lol you know the nature of how jet fuel burns ,building structure, impact stress your like all of us not a proffessional opinion just a what iffer.

I would be more inclined to beleive half the jibberish and nonsense ive read but there is abolutely no common sense or cognitive problem solving skills going on.
Bring it on 9-11 sheeple i cant wait to hear you all pat each others backs some more. and hate on my post PREEEEDICTABLE .

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Zerbst

"Emperor Has No Clothes"

Most of the people will believe the BS, instead of listening to the one little boy.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

I don't hate your post.

And I don't believe in any random "theories".

I live my life by 1 hypothesis, that I should only trust me, and not trust anyone else.

That means I don't trust anyone here at ATS, and I for sure as hell don't trust the .Gov for obvious reasons. I try to remain very skeptical.

But the ATS people have NOTHING to gain from me, whereas the .Gov has plenty to gain from me. So....

I do however lean towards the more likely scenarios.

My response was not predictable. It should be a random surprise to you.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:49 PM


posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:52 PM
Reply to post by muzzleflash

No ease of use. Drop the 9/11 and movement add a er equals less typing. No significance. Especially not what you think.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

Yes I'm a sheeple because I don't believe the OS lol. So you believe our governments tale? Those darn Muslims just hate us so much for our freedoms!!! Did you know Mohamed Atta used Cocaine, drank heavily, and liked pork chops? His stripper girlfriend made all of this public. Since 9/11, the manager of a bar Atta got drunk at has come out and said Mohamed Atta said "F*** God" one night while intoxicated. Sounds like the 9/11 "ringleader" was a devout Muslim
. What about the fact that these "suicide" hijackers are turning up alive around the world? Do some research on what I'm telling you... might be surprised.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:55 PM
Reply to post by muzzleflash

The smugness you and your cronies exhibit is something gained. You forget psychological pay outs.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:26 PM
I like this topic because I have been wondering this same thing.As we come to the point where those of us who know we have been lied to too much to stand anymore and want some real answers to these and a multitude of other things,we now outnumber those who won't think about it or whatever.No longer are WE fringe and so I look around at the once hiders-in-the-crowd who stand alone now defending the implausible as fact and wonder about the mental gyrations that takes.And does this speak to other aspects of life?Admitting you're wrong is music to the ear,to me.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Zerbst

Unfortunately history shows us that we will not get to the truth. What really happened on that fateful day will remain unexplained for a long time. We can speculate all day long, but what do you really want to accomplish? I have a feeling this subject is a gigantic waste of time.

I don't believe the OS for a second, but look at Roswell, JFK and just recently the O'Hare UFO incident. The lid's screwed on tight.

For your own sanity you should look into other subjects. This horse has died a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by trueforger
..., we now outnumber those who won't think about it or whatever.No longer are WE fringe and so I look around at the once hiders-in-the-crowd who stand alone now defending the implausible as fact and wonder about the mental gyrations that takes.And does this speak to other aspects of life?Admitting you're wrong is music to the ear,to me.

What planet do you live on? I'd say that 98% of the population has moved on and is not interested in this topic AT ALL. Ya know the Oscars are coming up soon and Edwards has a sex tape ...

Wake up!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Zerbst

Just want to say,

I appreciate this thread. I'm glad all the Truthers can gather in one spot and bash any OS believer/supporter just because we don't agree with your Conspiracy Theory.

Good job.

What kind of garbage is this? Do you really think that you can sum up the 9/11 conspiracy with an hour on google? You want nothing more than an ego stroke from all of those who agree with you but there is NOTHING that you can provide to show proof of ANY government interaction.

Please, SOMEONE, provide physical proof of explosives on 9/11 at the WTC site. Anything. There is none. Instead of trying to find the truth you surround yourself with like minded individuals who twist logic, science and eye witness accounts. Sound like a lemming....

then you state....

The requirement of factual evidence to prove an event is not my personal standard, so why imply so? You think that loosening the basis of proof makes something true? The point of the thread is that you don't have to choose the OS or any other theory. It's perfectly realistic to remain undecided and await true confirmation. Why must you be committed to something unbelievable?

Please try to explain this. If i am reading it correctly, you are stating that you do not need evidence to make your point or prove your truth. Wow, that is convenient. I believe that is called delusion.

There is no need to explain any rationale for not believing the garbage that is spread about 9/11 except that it should be common sense. Tin Foil hats are good to wear but sometimes they don' work and it is time to walk away.

It has been almost a year since the last 'new evidence' find and nothing has happened since that one since it could not be independently confirmed.
What will follow the red dust?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Reply to post by muzzleflash

The smugness you and your cronies exhibit is something gained. You forget psychological pay outs.

1) I don't have any cronies, I'm solo.
2) What exactly are you saying? Speak legible English please?

Is this some sort of threat or warning? Or observation? You totally lost me with that one.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by muzzleflash]

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