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The Modern UFO Myth and Imminent Disclosure

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posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by converge
Since no one truly knows what the explanation or cause is, we can't dismiss, a priori, any possibility. That doesn't mean we should throw out the window burdens of proof, weight of evidence and common sense.

But see converge, you claim you need undeniable evidence to believe that extraterrestrials visit this planet, yet you don't need it to believe anything that Joe Astrophysicist from M.I.T.'s science department publishes in his science journal! Every skeptic likes to think they're "above it all" by adhering to the strict principles of science, but the reality is that they're just as brainwashed as every other fanatical Bible thumper on the planet. Why you ask? Because skeptics (well, people in general) have a stubborn unwillingness to question anything presented as "fact" from authority figures.

Let me turn the tables on you for a minute: go and show me undeniable evidence that the leaders of this world are really human. Sounds crazy, but go ahead and try. Exactly, you can't! Have you personally met them? Have you personally looked at their DNA under an electron microscope? Were you personally standing in the surgery rooms watching them get delivered? Absolutely not. Infact, you [yourself] can't prove that humans evolved naturally on earth; you [yourself] can't prove that extraterrestrials didn't visit the planet thousands of years ago and got turned into gods, demons, and angels; and you [yourself] can't prove that that the official version of history that's been laid out in academic textbooks and taught at schools worldwide is indeed the real, unadulterated story. Instead, you hand over your decision-making process to authority figures (scientists, historians, archeologists, biologists, professors, governments, teachers, parents, etc.) and blindly swallow what they present as "official" without the slightest hint of doubt or question, because you've been brainwashed (subtly) into believing that modern science stands for all-things rational & reasonable. Your one and only true source of authority is your intuition -- your "higher self" -- not anyone or anything else. Your intuition is what should be deciding the authenticity of a given piece of evidence, not an academic or a scientist.

If you truly weren't brainwashed, you'd engage in open inquiry & doubt toward any & all views and belief systems, including [namely] your own, and those that sustain the official, materialistic model of reality that has been accepted as fact for the past millenia or so. I guarantee you that eventually, there's going to come a time in your life when you're going to realize that everything you've ever been taught at school has been completely insignificant in relation to the true meaning of life, and has been extremely limited. Every flower has it's own time to blossom.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hermantinkly]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:58 AM
Disclosure regarding UFOs, so far as I relate to it, is not a disclosure by the government but by the good bad guys in opposition to the bad bad guys (NWO/Illuminati). Disclosure would be an first step to ending the long series of lies about the world and would follow with energy disclosures, history disclosures, etc.. The good bad guys (triad and friendly Illuminati) are interested in sharing and a more health and spiritual word. The dark forces, versus the light forces. The dark forces, the "Satanic", "Possessed", "Nazi" forces are desperate for their control to continue.

What happens at a higher level, is that as generations pass, the incarnating spirits on the good side are of a higher state of consciousness. The Supreme Being is entirely in charge, exhausting karma is the goal. Keeping the creation is relative balance is also a concern to "the devil" as "zombies" don't exhaust much karma ie release much energy and the Devil ("Kal") is all about consuming energy of the spirits. Since this plane exists within limits it has to be maintained that way and spirits are infused to do so. In fact "Hidden Saints" from purely spiritual regions incarnate here for that reason only. The are not active in salvation whatsoever, they work as normal people but their presence helps to keep this world from disintegration.

The at least two major opposing forces are always maintained. At one time the dark force gains influence to pull this creating down and at other times the light force gains power to pull the creation up. At the same time, the creation is in the Kali Yuga or Iron Age and is on it's last leg. There are a lot of spirits here and they all have to exhaust their impurities over the next quarter million years or so. Things can be too perfect but a lot of the karma is burned off on the mental levels thus limiting the physical consequences.

If the spirits, even 100 years ago, where to be elevated to the state of spirituality in the world of today they would find themselves very uncomfortable. Spiritual content is rising at a carefully measured, ever merciful pace. In the future, so called psychic powers, will be much more common and as spirits become ready to return home they will be shown the entire creation so that they have a clear understanding and perspective on where they are and where home really is and the diametrically different and immeasurably superior life they will have when they reach there. In the future people will be shocked at how they could have possible been fooled as they have been. Rather like being in a dark room full of people where someone describes the color of the carpet to everyone and they all are very happy and satisfied that the know and understand exactly what it looks like. Then the light comes on and they realize it's nothing like what they have been taught and how gullible they where to accept what they where told. All these assorted criminal scams will, some day, be so transparently fraudulent that the perpetrators will find themselves with no where to hide and no lies that will be accepted.

Disclosures will come because they are a manifestation of the rise of spirituality and with it conscious awareness.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by game over man
It's funny someone wrote about the Reptilians living in another dimensions controlling the world, haha that is pretty funny.

There's absolutely nothing funny about that, because The Reptilian consciousness has indoctrinated you (and the rest of humanity) so thoroughly that you are now too weak-minded to even fathom that they exist to begin with. Via religion, science, and other forms of subtle indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the Reptilians have steered you in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point where the concept of an alien master/creator is considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy to ridicule and laugh at.

Strangely enough though, the concept of an imaginary god has been perfectly acceptable and is by no means considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy in society. Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra-ridiculed in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Think about that for a second. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. Infact, the truth is that those imaginary gods were actually aliens that got turned into gods and were worshipped by the primitive humans.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hermantinkly]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by karl 12

Originally posted by converge


Let's focus on the facts—the objective, undeniable, hard facts.

Coverge -interesting read and good point.

I think these are two of the most important statements made about Ufology:

"The opposite conclusion could have been drawn from The Condon Report's content, namely, that a phenomenon with such a high ratio of unexplained cases (about 30 percent) should arouse sufficient scientific curiosity to continue its study."
"From a scientific and engineering standpoint, it is unacceptable to simply ignore substantial numbers of unexplained observations... the only promising approach is a continuing moderate-level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective means... involving available remote sensing capabilities and certain software changes."
Ronald D Story - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics UFO Subcommittee -New York: Doubleday, 1980

"Probably the most striking discrepancy in the Condon report, however, was between its contents and conclusions. Condon had concluded that science could gain nothing from studying UFOs. Yet, the report ended up with a near 30 percent unexplained rate, and a core of cases that came within a hair's breadth of being conclusive evidence for the reality of alien technology – cases which, under the most rigorous analysis, appeared to be the result of extraordinary craft in the skies."
Richard Dolan PHD

Debunking the Condon Report


I agree converge made some excellent points, we all need to be skeptical of believing one way or another without facts and evidence.

This is a key point Converge made that bears repeating, as it is correct but often misrepresented:

Originally posted by converge
However, there is nothing concrete and documented that would lead us to conclude the Government has extensive knowledge of UFOs. Quite the contrary if one goes through all the documents that have been declassified.

But karl12, I believe those statements misrepresent the Condon report which DOES support further scientific study of it's focused on clearly defined objectives that are designed to find results, INCLUDING to compensate for shortcomings in the methods used in the Condon report:

Scientists are no respecters of authority. Our conclusion that study of UFO reports is not likely to advance science will not be uncritically accepted by them. Nor should it be, nor do we wish it to be. For scientists, it is our hope that the detailed analytical presentation of what we were able to do, and of what we were unable to do, will assist them in deciding whether or not they agree with our conclusions. Our hope is that the details of this report will help other scientists in seeing what the problems are and the difficulties of coping with them.

If they agree with our conclusions, they will turn their valuable attention and talents elsewhere. If they disagree it will be because our report has helped them reach a clear picture of wherein existing studies are faulty or incomplete and thereby will have stimulated ideas for more accurate studies. If they do get such ideas and can formulate them clearly, we have no doubt that support will be forthcoming to carry on with such clearly-defined, specific studies. We think that such ideas for work should be supported.

Some readers may think that we have now wandered into a contradiction. Earlier we said that we do not think study of UFO reports is likely to be a fruitful direction of scientific advance; now we have just said that persons with good ideas for specific studies in this field should be supported. This is no contradiction. Although we conclude after nearly two years of intensive study, that we do not see any fruitful lines of advance from the study of UFO reports, we believe that any scientist with adequate training and credentials who does come up with a clearly defined, specific proposal for study should be supported.

So they even highlight the apparent contradiction and point out why it's NOT a contradiction and that scientists with clearly defined, specific proposals for study should be supported, which is in direct contradiction to Dolan's misinterpretation of the report when he says "Condon had concluded that science could gain nothing from studying UFOs" so I think Dolan cherry picked some comments about the conclusion and didn't read it thoroughly.

Or if I could paraphrase my own interpretation of the Condon report, it would be:

"If we keep doing what we've been doing, we're going to keep getting what we've been getting (Such as the 30% unexplained but with no real understanding of what that 30% unexplained is). So if we want to get results that will contribute to science in the future, we will need to do something different than what we've been doing, and we would support a defined approach to that end".

And Karl it is my hope that you as a subject matter expert will agree that since the Condon report DOES support further scientific study, we should not promote misunderstandings or misrepresentations by Dolan or others saying that "Condon had concluded that science could gain nothing from studying UFOs", by posting and repeating that misrepresentation or misunderstanding on Dolan's part.

I say this because I happen to agree with the Condon report's conclusion which does support further scientific research on UFOs, if it's properly focused, but I'm agreeing with the actual report's conclusion and not Dolan's misunderstanding of it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:41 AM
Hiya Converge, this is a good thread and you've clearly taken a lot of time putting together. A thread like this should hit the Aliens/UFO board twice a year to remind people what the subject is all about.

Ufology is essentially a static mess of lies, claims and wishful thinking. All of which has been stirred by guys like John Lear, Bill Cooper, Victor Martinez, Doty, 'Kitt' Green as disinfo. Add to that our old friends from exopolitics (Greer, Sala, Peckman and the motley bunch of pathological liars), 'Dr Reed' and people like Blossom Goodchild. Some of these people seek attention and some seek to deflect attention. InfaRedMan's sig is a good example of the crap in UFO topics. It's a little old now, but folks should check out...UFO Hall of Shame.

Within this 'mess' there are signs of life. Released documents and FOIA requests show unexplained phenomena almost every year since the late 1940s. Public incidents like O Hare Airport are interesting too. Good researchers like Frank Warren, Nick Redfern, George Knapp and Dr Haines keep the subject interesting. The guys over at Reality Uncovered make difficult reading for anyone wanting to keep their dreams unchallenged. I guess my point is that people should be extra careful about who they trust, who they believe and the type of websites they go to for their ideas.

One of the things I find intriguing about this subject is what people 'choose' to believe. Baby-eating aliens in DUMBs, child-raping aliens in Govt and millions of alien abductions. There isn't any evidence for any of these claims. They're horrific. They imagine a world that is, frankly, hellish. The thing is...they choose this awful reality.

The only way to stay interested and sane in Ufology is to be a skeptic. Most of us began as 'believers' and got burned by the guys mentioned above. Now we stay close to the evidence and speculate within reasonable boundaries. The interest remains, but the gullibility died a long time ago

Thanks for posting an interesting thread, although many members have clearly been unable to read it gotta laugh

(A good read...UFO Critique: UFOs, Social Intelligence, and the Condon Committee )

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:22 AM
It's been some long reading, but worthy of every single second.
First of all, kudos for being able to express some even complex conceptualizations in such an easy to understand way, even for me (english is not my first language, but i could get every part of your OP):
to be able to communicate using some easy, understandable syntax, is way more difficult than to drop some random bombastic words that hardly would make the point to the eye of the average reader: and it proves that your primary aim was to share, not just to look cool.

On topic, I have to say that I agree with both your general take and your take on some specific points that get often, too often overlooked.
A common belief that usually surfaces is that "governments don't share what they are aware of because they don't want to cause panic"; this claim often comes together with a bonus (Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio prank, as example.
Well, many things hapened since, and one thing that i've learned is that panic is a FRIEND of the governments, especially of those who want to use ignorance as not just some cover, but as some money machine.
An example that comes to mind is the wave of influenzas: SARS, H5N1 and H1N1 were presented like some threat to the mankind and they turned to be just a way to make money: for example, my gov.t has bought 24,000,000 doses of vaccine for H1N1 but even doctors refused to vaccine themselves.
Go figure how could be exploited some alien threat. Panic is their friend, and the idea that the reason for the lack of disclosure is the fear to generate panic doesn't hold water in my humble opinion: governments are made of people, and if they got the news with no crazy side effects, then i don't see what is supposed to happen to the common people.

Way more interesting is another facet, which links superpowers' governments and, for example, many religions (NOT all though): both have something in common. They're interested in spreading the idea that they are the top of some imaginary pyramid, according to their hierarchies.
Now, the discover of some extremely advanced civilization, would make look our terrestrials superpowers very poor, and drive into a state of crisis all those who believe that God is what Vatican wants us to believe he is, if he exists.
Now this is what you'd call a valid reason to cover up anything, because all the brained people would start saying: "yes you are a superpower, but it seems that in front of them you look like some bacteria, exactly like i do".

Isn't it? It has been a valid reason to burn at the stake Giordano Bruno for claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds after all, so i guess that to hide some evidence would be quite easy to do do.
THIS, in my opinion, is one of the keys: when during WW2 US fighters pilots started spotting the so-called Foo Fighters, firstly they thought they were some unknown weapon: but when they've realized that the same thing was happening to the other side of the fence, they started wondering about many things.

And all the claims about underground bases, reverse engineering, EBE, MJ12, retrieval of alien bodies MUST be taken as a bunch of uncorroborated claims until proven the contrary.
To be intellectually honest, we should focus on facts, and to date facts spell clearly that we have a LOT of evidences but ZERO proof that any alien race exist

But to loose our hopes would be the biggest mistake we could ever do.

One of the best OP i've ever seen

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:27 AM
As this seems to be a one sided thread I felt the need to jump in and stand up for the other side.

You say that your a skeptic, but tell me what would you be if you looked up in the sky one day and saw it clear as day a silver disc above you, hovering silently.

Suddenly the tables will be turned your the the style of your threads would change overnight, you will be part of the truth searcher community that the skeptics prey on.

In the film 'They Live' the black man (physically) fights the drifter for over 5 minutes because he believes that the other man is crazy. However, after puting on the sunglasses he soon realises that he was wrong and the world he thought he knew unfolded infront of his eyes.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:49 AM
Well done Converge. I really struggle to understand the mentality of a large group of ATS members. You have taken the time and effort to put together a clear and concise post that is well researched without any conjecture to cloud the argument. I am sure that when you mentioned that you are a skeptic of the modern UFO myth, quite a few readers skipped the rest and decided to post a reply anyway. Lately here at ATS the guys and gals that have been so crucial in giving us inquisitive types another well researched side to the more contentious issues seem to be getting more and more ostracized by the "believers in everything" cult that is taking hold around here. I just hope that you guys don't become disillusioned because there are still a few level headed ATS'rs out there.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree
Fran, a skeptic doesn't disbelieve UFOs. I've seen two certain UFOs and one unusual phenomena. Of the two UFOs one zig-zagged across the night sky at great speed. The other made triangular movements in a clear sky as me and friends were looking at a satellite passing. As a skeptic, I have no explanation for them. They remain unidentified. Again, as a skeptic, I have no evidence to conclude they were ET.

What Converge is pointing out isn't really one-sided. It's accurate and truthful. Many of our ideas about UFO/ET have been presented by shady people and basic liars. By sticking to the evidence and being aware when we speculate, we're less likely to be tricked or mislead. Remember the Serpo hoax? A lot of people swallowed it...the skeptics were laughed at.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
As this seems to be a one sided thread I felt the need to jump in and stand up for the other side.

You say that your a skeptic, but tell me what would you be if you looked up in the sky one day and saw it clear as day a silver disc above you, hovering silently.

Suddenly the tables will be turned your the the style of your threads would change overnight, you will be part of the truth searcher community that the skeptics prey on.

You raise a good point. It was a sighting exactly like that that got me interested in the subject 19yrs ago. A disk, hovering silently above the heads of me and a friend, probably no more then 100 - 150 ft above our heads, before silently flying off out of sight. After that I went headlong into this subject and read everything I could.

The trouble was, there is was always one nagging doubt that kept coming back, and still does to this day. Me and my mate of the time witnessed two different things - I saw a smooth disk, no more then a couple of ft thick and probably about 15ft wide, he see's a disk of similiar proportions but completely covered in what he described as arials, or antennas. We argued about it for ages after, as he was dumbfounded I didn't see any as he said there was so many it made the 'object' look ridiculious. I didn't see a single protrusion, just a smooth disk.

That led me down the path of 'perception', and to the uncomfortable conclusion that the validity of the sighting, or the genuine nature of the person reporting it, might not offer any real insight into the origin behind such a phenomena.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Subz949]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by hermantinkly

Originally posted by game over man
It's funny someone wrote about the Reptilians living in another dimensions controlling the world, haha that is pretty funny.

There's absolutely nothing funny about that, because The Reptilian consciousness has indoctrinated you (and the rest of humanity) so thoroughly that you are now too weak-minded to even fathom that they exist to begin with. Via religion, science, and other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the Reptilians have steered you in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point where the concept of an alien master/creator is considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy to poke fun and laugh at.

Strangely enough though, the concept of an imaginary god is perfectly acceptable and is by no means considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy. Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra-ridiculed by society in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. Infact, those imaginary gods are actually the aliens that got turned into gods by humans.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hermantinkly]

Aren't you contradicting yourself? You telling Coverge that he is brainwashed into accepting anything any "Official" dishes out as "official" information.

Yet you seem to be so totally convinced that a Reptilian species has Infiltrated our society and controls everything?

Thats your belief and your brainwashed in it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

You see that is where many people differ on the subject of ET/UFO's.

I personally have seen a UFO up close not just a light in the sky, but close up with my very own eyes and there are countless of people in the same position, some have gone a step closer and have been abducted by these so called 'non existent beings'. So when people say that its all in our head and imply that we aare all lying us we become a little touchy to say the least.

What skeptics are doing on ATS are no different to the black man in 'They Live' one day they will have their 'turn.'

In regards to SERPO,how do you [personally] know that it didn't happen?, you see skeptics in general will dismiss top secret documents and witness accounts until it suits them. Prove to me without conviction that SERPO was a hoax, you can't, the reason being is that you are in the same boat as the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Subz949

IMHO those who have seen a craft know much more than they realise..

Can I ask (which is still on topis) because I want to include this in my next post, have you ever meditated? if so had you ever meditated before the sighting?

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by Nomad451

Aren't you contradicting yourself? You telling Coverge that he is brainwashed into accepting anything any "Official" dishes out as "official" information.

Yet you seem to be so totally convinced that a Reptilian species has Infiltrated our society and controls everything?

Thats your belief and your brainwashed in it.

Maybe this members belief is backed up by his own experiences? at the end of the day no matter how anybody sees it, we are are all in the same boat. Our beliefs are shaped from our perceptions.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by Subz949

IMHO those who have seen a craft know much more than they realise..

Can I ask (which is still on topis) because I want to include this in my next post, have you ever meditated? if so had you ever meditated before the sighting?

Yes I've meditated, not before the sighting though, I was 16yrs old at the time of the sighting. Afterwards I got heavily in trance music and DJ'd in southern england until about the mid ninties. So meditating and that side of things was something very close to me. I've had 2 other extroadinary sightings since then, and one very frieghtening one - but none of them bore any resemblance to the others - they were all completely different things I witnessed.

Now I spend my time scanning the skies with telescopes - it doesn't mess with your mind so much lol.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Orkojoker
..To appreciate the reality of the UFO phenomenon - whatever it is - you really don't need to look much beyond the period from 1947 to 1969, a time when the waters were significantly less muddy. Look closely at how the issue was dealt with by the Air Force during those years, look at the information gathered by NICAP, read what James McDonald had to say on the subject.

Orkojoker, thats a very pertinent point and you're not wrong about the information gathered by NICAP and the work of Dr James Mcdonald - Richard Hall makes some interesting observations below about the 'NICAP Evidence Report' and where we stand today:

UFOLOGY: Where Do We Stand Today?

Over thirty years ago I compiled this documentary report (The UFO Evidence - 1964) for the leading UFO investigation group, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C. Few people at that time were aware of the scope and consistency of UFO reports by credible witnesses such as scientists, professional pilots, police officers, and even U.S. Air Force personnel. The Air Force was officially charged with conducting a UFO investigation, but maintained that nothing of any importance was being observed.

When The UFO Evidence was released in July 1964, coinciding with a new wave of sightings after a lull of several years, it received national and international news coverage as well as serious attention in the U.S. Congress. Less than two years later, as the sightings increased, the Air Force UFO project came under heavy fire and the House Armed Services Committee held hearings...


The UFO Evidence - published by NICAP

Dr James E Mcdonald also made some very intriguing statements about UFOs over the years and was instrumental in briefing the UFO Symposium for the House of Representatives in 1968 - the fact that reports like this are rarely addressed (or even read) by UFO detractors certainly isn't very encouraging and all goes towards helping to perpetuate the myth that "there is no evidence for the UFO subject".

"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses... When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing. Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe." (Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, July 29, 1968.)
Dr. James E. McDonald, Senior Physicist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona


Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects -Committee on Science and Astronautics - US House of Representatives,1968


[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Subz949
Yes I've meditated, not before the sighting though, I was 16yrs old at the time of the sighting. Afterwards I got heavily in trance music and DJ'd in southern england until about the mid ninties.

Thats the way it works, through meditation i.e stillness of the mind, somehow its possible to establish a connection, those who haven't meditated will not be able to comprehend the enormity of all of this, have you ever meditated off this planet? i,e been aware of just how small we are in all of this? (if its personally please U2U me)

It is my own belief that after sightings people become interested in meditation because something is unlocked inside of them and through the stillness of the mind it is possible to empathise with this 'thing'

[edit on 31-1-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree
What skeptics are doing on ATS is helping to allay the hysteria that is generated by some members. Some skeptics are open-minded and some are more hostile to ideas. Generally, the skeptics are literate, articulate and can source their evidence or support their points with reasoned argument. Believers misunderstand us...we ask questions and are open to answers.

I'm not going to prove Serpo was a's already been proven. Funnily enough, by skeptics on ATS. You can read their evidence Reality Uncovered: Project Serpo Uncovered.

I'm happy to take your word that you've seen a 'nuts n bolts' UFO. I'd be even happier if I'd saw one too. Using Serpo as an example, the few believers that insist this was a real series of events do damage to any credibility the subject still has. The recent Bill Cooper thread was yet more evidence. People clinging to the lies of others attracts ridicule.

Anyway, have a nice day Fran, it needn't always be arguments and scorn

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

No no im not arguing, and if it comes accross as that then I apologise. Of course I am passionate about this topic as all of you know I am sure
I agree people who are on the fence are needed in order to form a conjective perception of this subject. However, I am also saying that we should take peoples beliefs seriously as the majority of time these beliefs are based on personal experiences and to mock those beliefs causes prejudice towards groups of members.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:03 AM
That was a nice peice of writing.I guess there is a lot of people out there that believe in aliens and ufos.There is also a great number of people who do not believe in ufos.Lets talk disclosure then.You can break disclosure down into different statements.Will disclosure actually happen.(1)It might happen if aliens and ufos really exsist and the goverment thinks its time for disclosure.(2)It will not happen if the goverment wants to keep the whole alien/ufo sage secret forever.(3)It might happen if the aliens think its time for disclosure to occure and reveal themselfs to the public without the permission of the US goverment.(4)It will not happen if the goverment has made all this alien/ufo sage up just to coverup something even more sinister nobodys except a few people knows about.So what do i believe.Disclosure will proberly happen when the goverment feels its the right time to reveal discloser.Before that time the goverment has to tie up loose ends and fix alot of things before disclosure can be released to the general public.At the moment i believe the goverment is about 85% to disclosure.They have to fix up the other 15% before disclosure can occure.That process may take years or even decades to finalise.So what kind of changes need to be made before disclosure.Many thousands of documents and photos need to be destroyed and falseafied.Many people working for the goverment need to be given new names and moved to different locations in different jobs.Some certain people may go missing or turn up dead from natural causes.Places need to be changed and a lot of equipment needs to be moved to other locations or destroyed.That just the goverments side of it.I am guessing the aliens have a lot of clean up to do also is simlar areas.The aliens are battering down the hatches.Moving a lot of equipment and personel of world to other planets.Bases are being locked up tight and entrences to be closed.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by GORGANTHIUM]

[edit on 31-1-2010 by GORGANTHIUM]

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