posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:57 AM
It takes heart and courage to post from his inner truth, his experiences, and what he has been shown, and remembered points to this matrix and the
controllers. Very unusual and remarkable.
The heart of the issue here is what is the matrix? Who is really pulling the strings on our leaders, who do they serve? What is the nature of
reality, and of the cosmos?
I have a different viewpoint on starseeds, than I had even a month ago, now. All of us, those looking for truth beyond what the media tells us,
beyond the official stories, are the ones who need to shine their lights to others, and we need to find ways to do this in our own local areas if we
are able to. Everyones circumstance is different.
To find what we are about in this life, the way to lend a helping hand, to grow, to activate memories is to turn within to seek our true selves, and
our Higher Selves, is the way we can connect to our life purpose and why we're here.
I've had quite a few connections recently, they've changed my perceptions, made me wonder what arrangements I made before I came, what the wake up
call was about, after all this involved crafts , that my whole family saw, and expecially one son, a year older than Shadow Ninja, and contact. What
is an ET? Is there only one definition?
What is the universe? Time? Dimensions? Infinity?
Are we really here, in this "persistent illusion" as Einstein called it? Do we truly leave our home?
In an infinite universe, streaming in from an Infinite Beyond, there is always a Beyond, the Beyond, and Beyond this.
If you were home, and this was a DVD, the universe a computer/dvd player, and someone programmed you to experience 100,000 years in a mere "second"
where there is no second in "no time" would you see them when you connected into the film?
There is alot of concepts and many have different opinons about Infinity and the nature of Creator, or One!
To understand Infinity is to understand that there are Many In One, 111111111.........equal and infinite family of light!
The Universe, one of many infinite universes, is our school, a living library, the foundation level being 3D planets like earth.
Some believe that we merge into oneness. Yet its really something else, something that will take our breath away by the sure wonder of the plan.
We come to this school, and with Infinite Light Beings, this process takes an Infinity, to become, perceive, experience self. This foundational
moment in infinity stretches in both directions infnitely, in an infinite roll of film, with each scene advancing us into the future. And the future
us, yet again, another, more progressed, where there is no "future" and where we are truly in "no time", yet this progression of us, stretches
into infinity. This is our Higher Self! And as all reach, a point of true equality, we are all potential equal, therefore we are all equal for we
stand in the eternal day, no time, in the middle of infinity, reaching in all directions infinitely.
Is something to wrap our minds around.
It also makes this foundational experience, hardest lesson and test in the duality school called earth 3D, the foundation of our selves. Mamy in One,
individuals, doing it our own way, dreaming our own dreams. We make it real by coming here, we are the clip that holds the infinite roll of film into
This duality structure only, not soul. Day, night, star, dwarf star, we contain the duality in all outer forms even our bodies, but not our souls.
And also, we don't pass the test until we've become ourselves, loving, and desiring equality, and an advanced world without wars and hunger.
For some this is a long test where there is no long, short, higher, lower, lesser, greater in inifinty and no time. For some its like Ground Hog Day,
the movie, reliving the scenes, changing them each time, until we get it right.
For others, they come to help, nudge and shine love, to lend a helping hand because we all love each other.
When we leave the solar system we leave our time space in this school/illusion/uninverse and enter no time. Ets are therefore quite a bit different
than we imagine.
The Beyond all of our true home,and we have never truly left it, none of us, and all beings of consciousness/life/light are already through on the
other side, for the potential is that this has not begun, and is over, all at the same time in "no time".
So, asking why another is writing online, to nudge or shine light, to share that there is more to the matrix than we know, doesn't make sense because
the ones online are already the seekers, and its everyone that needs to awaken, to who they are.
Everyone is doing it "their way" and so is Shadow Ninja! He's doing it his way, and sharing what he can.