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My expiriences from 10 and up

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:57 AM
It takes heart and courage to post from his inner truth, his experiences, and what he has been shown, and remembered points to this matrix and the controllers. Very unusual and remarkable.

The heart of the issue here is what is the matrix? Who is really pulling the strings on our leaders, who do they serve? What is the nature of reality, and of the cosmos?

I have a different viewpoint on starseeds, than I had even a month ago, now. All of us, those looking for truth beyond what the media tells us, beyond the official stories, are the ones who need to shine their lights to others, and we need to find ways to do this in our own local areas if we are able to. Everyones circumstance is different.

To find what we are about in this life, the way to lend a helping hand, to grow, to activate memories is to turn within to seek our true selves, and our Higher Selves, is the way we can connect to our life purpose and why we're here.

I've had quite a few connections recently, they've changed my perceptions, made me wonder what arrangements I made before I came, what the wake up call was about, after all this involved crafts , that my whole family saw, and expecially one son, a year older than Shadow Ninja, and contact. What is an ET? Is there only one definition?

What is the universe? Time? Dimensions? Infinity?

Are we really here, in this "persistent illusion" as Einstein called it? Do we truly leave our home?

In an infinite universe, streaming in from an Infinite Beyond, there is always a Beyond, the Beyond, and Beyond this.

If you were home, and this was a DVD, the universe a computer/dvd player, and someone programmed you to experience 100,000 years in a mere "second" where there is no second in "no time" would you see them when you connected into the film?

There is alot of concepts and many have different opinons about Infinity and the nature of Creator, or One!

To understand Infinity is to understand that there are Many In One, 111111111.........equal and infinite family of light!

The Universe, one of many infinite universes, is our school, a living library, the foundation level being 3D planets like earth.


Some believe that we merge into oneness. Yet its really something else, something that will take our breath away by the sure wonder of the plan.

We come to this school, and with Infinite Light Beings, this process takes an Infinity, to become, perceive, experience self. This foundational moment in infinity stretches in both directions infnitely, in an infinite roll of film, with each scene advancing us into the future. And the future us, yet again, another, more progressed, where there is no "future" and where we are truly in "no time", yet this progression of us, stretches into infinity. This is our Higher Self! And as all reach, a point of true equality, we are all potential equal, therefore we are all equal for we stand in the eternal day, no time, in the middle of infinity, reaching in all directions infinitely.

Is something to wrap our minds around.

It also makes this foundational experience, hardest lesson and test in the duality school called earth 3D, the foundation of our selves. Mamy in One, individuals, doing it our own way, dreaming our own dreams. We make it real by coming here, we are the clip that holds the infinite roll of film into being.

This duality structure only, not soul. Day, night, star, dwarf star, we contain the duality in all outer forms even our bodies, but not our souls. And also, we don't pass the test until we've become ourselves, loving, and desiring equality, and an advanced world without wars and hunger.

For some this is a long test where there is no long, short, higher, lower, lesser, greater in inifinty and no time. For some its like Ground Hog Day, the movie, reliving the scenes, changing them each time, until we get it right.

For others, they come to help, nudge and shine love, to lend a helping hand because we all love each other.

When we leave the solar system we leave our time space in this school/illusion/uninverse and enter no time. Ets are therefore quite a bit different than we imagine.

The Beyond all of our true home,and we have never truly left it, none of us, and all beings of consciousness/life/light are already through on the other side, for the potential is that this has not begun, and is over, all at the same time in "no time".

So, asking why another is writing online, to nudge or shine light, to share that there is more to the matrix than we know, doesn't make sense because the ones online are already the seekers, and its everyone that needs to awaken, to who they are.

Everyone is doing it "their way" and so is Shadow Ninja! He's doing it his way, and sharing what he can.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:03 AM
I believe he's sharing as an encouragement for you to know everyone is living in an illusion, a matrix and there is far more to them than they ever thought, and need to find themselves, become themselves.

Beyond our Universe - Infinity Zoom [HD]

I have my own version of his meditation, it doesnt take long, a few moments here and there throughout the day.

This video is one of my favorites. The ending is important clue. Just watch it, then look within, and try to contemplate infinity, and an infiinte universe.

Use your imagination, and creativity, and feelings, and imagine flying, feel the wind, feel how light your body is, then through the universe. Think Big, Grow Bigger, flying through space. And ask your Future Self/Higher Self, to help you find your way, what you need to do the most, to love and forgive all and self, and to remember who you are and what you were to do when you came. And connect....

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by AidanK

First of All Love and Light thank you for the questions also the post you have made. As I have stated before I am not a Chosen One as someone here refereed to me before. We are all here for a reason and all have been sent here. Some had their memories erased before coming to Earth and others are walk ins with memories. When I was little I did do work to advance to remember and awaken. I am asking and trying to guide others to do this because it can help them remember who they are. Everyone is able to experience many things that I have and even more. It is up to us to decide if we want to wake up and remember to do what we came here for.

I am not special then anyone else ,I am a mere kid who is trying to remember and connect more. We are all equal so there is no need to say that others can not experience things. Because every single one person on this planet can awaken and there is no specific selection who can or can not.
It is important for us to wake up and remember who we are so that is why I am asking people to do those things.

I am here merely to share my experiences and messages I am given to share with the public online. I am just trying to also shine some light and spread some love to those on this forum also those around me. Because it is nearly the time for S.H.T.F scenario and I think it would be best for others to start remembering sooner then later.

So for the final message to all those that claim to be the only special ones. We are all equal, we are of the same family and there is no limitations to anyone. Everyone is here for this very moment to wake up and carry out the task they chose to do before coming here. I believe in every single one of you and I know that we can all help each other to awaken. May it be exercises that can help on the road to recovery of memories or may it be our experiences and things we saw also done. That can help us raise awareness in one another and help each other to regain our memories also who we truly are.

I love all equaly even the smallest beings on the planet and I have this message for all. We are brothers and sisters in the infinite even though we can not remember. The biggest thing we must do is help each other on the way to regaining everything we knew.

So when i ask of you to do these things I am not forcing anyone to do it. I am merely suggesting what can help and a little push towards the direction of how to regain your memories.

Love and Light as always for we are one family in the infinite.

Remember Who You Are

You are light and spread that light trough out the world to give love to all.

Thank you

[edit on 20-4-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Well yes I am sharing what I need to share at the right time. There are things I was told to hold off for a bit until it is the right time. I guess it is for the best that they told me to hold off on some information.

I wonder when it will be the right time

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:59 AM
I think WanderingScribe has just proven the nature of Duality.

This thread has come to a, well i guess you could say a stand still. It's only been 4 days but i think it might begin to deteriorate as time allows it.

Without 2 pushing sides, this thread has slowly stopped. The "skeptic" and the "believer" arguments are actually extremely beneficial to the general nature of threads. The skeptic pushes the believer by challenging their views in which the believer will continuously update with more information to try and swing the skeptic. Now that skeptic has gone, the believer may believe he/she has "won" the dispute and gradually less information will be pushed out.

The reason i'm stating this is because i don't want it to happen; just because WanderingScribe has gone, it doesn't mean we would not like further updates. So please, ShadowNinja, if you have some more information to share, please do so.


posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:58 AM
Do you know why I stopped posting???

It is not because of Scribe and there are reasons that he left, which I guess he got bored of harassing me and this thread.

I would like to keep you updated but what is the use. Humanity has been given so much and even shown what is needed to be done. Simply by so many people and yet there are those that do not hear. Through out the ages we were burned on the stake accused of witch craft and what not made up by the same people we try to awaken now.

I guess it is time to tell you what I was told and shown.

1. The sky will turn red and through out the time there will be darkness for 3 days. Many will parish and mostly males shall die by this horrible sickness. The woman shall be spared and they will out number men 10 to 1, shouts will emerge in this perished land through out the dead still silence.

2. He shall come from the dark night sky, yet many will see him come forth from the Sun. The great big roar will be heard across the lands full of hate and blood bath yet many will be in distress. By being simply blinded and there shall be no time a moment of pure darkness . Yet through out there shall shine light and fill the hearts of many. So many will be death to hear or see the warnings coming.

3. Many will be taken home and fleets will be right at home awaiting for arrival. I see the pure blue,gold,pink,red, yellow light shining through out the stars above. They say it is purely up to us and there is no distant buts. The truth of light is a true bright must in this we rely in.

4. He told me and it made me cry by showing me the road behind. Yet there was a great huge distant shout saying "It's the way many of them are". I stood with tears running down my cheek seeing fires and blood on the street.
So much hatred and so much dark surrounded them in those dim nights. Yet light shone inside their hearts to show them truth they needed much.

There is so much I would love to tell but patience is a must in this time still.

For it is important to remember who we are and I must seek the path inside.

Love and Light as always.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

Who comes out of the sun? Jesus? Michael? Superman?

I've seen crafts arriving in the future too, but its a little confusing. No time means infinity, not blackness, the curtain lifting. To me this would mean everyone passes on in the twinkling of an eye, perhaps without even knowing it, for our astral light body is real and solid, but more light than this, no illness, disease!

Why do all the men get sick? There may be lots of problems here but women are rather fond of them, and their sons. So what are the implications here?

[edit on 24-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:43 PM
“No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chased away”

“Into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary.”

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”

/exit thread

- Phoenix

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:19 PM
I wish I was as magical and mystical as you. Seriously though, I understand the UFOs and being Psi aware but past lives and all this really throw it for a loop.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by LightofLiberty

Do not you see there is no loop,no time, no matrix to be understood. But infinite light and love to be seen by all for that is what they will get after all.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Not and end or a beginning.

for many races will visit this vast land.

children and crafts in the great fields of gold.

will play together as meant it all.

there will be endless love and teachings done.

for sky and light high up also low will be at peace as one in it all.

brothers,sisters and families will reunite with endless light shining bright.

Me need to stop speaking riddles but I can not stop.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

the comet silly and war also a virus will be released.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:15 PM
For I give you all my love and light may you all have a good sleep tonight. Rest well my brothers, sisters, friends and may you awaken in these great plains.

Love and Light to all.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:36 PM
Hi everyone. For whoever reads this, I feel like I really needed to post my own personal experiences and how they relate to ShadowNinja.

I've had an eye-opening past week or so. And it's all due to him. The first time I spoke to him, I had felt this energy that actually, I couldn't explain. I felt my emotions going up an down. I don't think I'd ever felt that, but I was so open to what he had to say after reading his thread here.

I had never had anyone else say some of the things that he'd said, but what really got me was that, I had felt them all before. Like him, I'm a teenager and from a young age, I've been convinced of certain things. Speaking to him brought up all of these beliefs and feelings that I've had for years. I knew he wasn't lying and that he was telling the truth. Because I had felt it to be true. I opened my self up to his knowledge. After that, things changed.

That night I was terrified though. I knew that opening myself up would mean gaining memories and knowledge of who I really was. I had a terrible sleep and noticed that my cats had never left my side. All night. I told him about this and he suggested that perhaps they were my guardians. I agreed that it was possible.

Over the next few days, I noticed being able to feel what I thought was energy in the hallways and stairs of my house. One night, I communicate with the spirits of loved ones who had passed away. They confirmed so much of what ShadowNinja had told me, that there was no denying that he was so connected.

Last night I was speaking to him, and had one of my kittens sitting with me. He told me to look into her eyes and tell her that I knew who she was, not by speaking but by feeling it. That I knew she was my guardian. Her initial response was to back away from me, which was odd for her. He mentioned to be respectful and loving while saying it. So I changed the way I did it. I watched her as she looked downwards, back up again and closed her eyes for a few seconds. She laid down and went to sleep.

Shadow, had said she had gotten the message and closed her eyes to tell the guys above that it was okay, and that I knew. That very night my head touched the pillow, I closed my eyes and saw an image in my head. It was a man, but for some reason I kept thinking it was my father. I've looked back on it, and remember being so confused because I believed this man was my father. My human father, but he had a completely different face. He was telling me something. I felt almost an urgent energy. But the thing was that I had no idea what the hell he was saying, because I'd never heard a language like that before. Also, there was a filmy, almost gray look to this. It actually looked like maybe some kind of wavy film over it.

I remember exactly how I felt. I was SO confused because I felt like this was my father, but I couldn't understand him and his face was different. I realized what must be happening to me. That someone was trying to communicate something to me or get me to remember something and I just wasn't ready. I was terrified and upset that it was happening. I kept opening my eyes. But I felt my eyes close again and I'd see the man again. Telling me something that I couldn't even begin to understand. Looking back, I believe I willed it out of my mind about three times and then it went away. I wanted it to stop. I didn't want to know anything.

Today, I spoke with ShadowNinja about it and looked at it differently. I want to know. We decided it may have been a guard who realized that I was opening myself to them. Shadow told me to communicate with him - within myself and show my love and respect for the man. So I went by the river and communicated with him.Letting him know I respected him for trying to speak with me and show me things. I felt a bit of kind of a glow inside me at one point. And every once and a while it comes back. I trust that he'll speak again to me.

You guys can experience this too. Just open up!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:58 PM
I'd also like to say that the man was sort of nodding in my direction. Just imagine if you were trying to get your point across to someone who wasn't listening to you. That's the vibe I got from the way he was moving. I didn't see his body, though. Just his head. I'd also like to say I was fully aware and awake during all of this. Which is the oddest part. And a lot of why i was so afraid at the time.

I'm anxious to know what it is that was trying to be shown or told to me. What's important is staying open because, as soon as you learn to accept things, you'll be shown more.

I'll let you guys know if there are any updates on this. Keep yourselves open minded and listen to what Shadow has to offer. I look at life in a totally new way now. So many things that we stress about, that are so little in the grand scheme of things.

While I was out by the river today I didn't care about anything else except the beautiful world that I was living in and the man who had tried to get my attention last night in my vision. The wind was blowing immensely, my hair was blowing wildly and I didn't care. I didn't care if a thunderstorm had started in the midst of me connecting. I was happy to be here and thankful for what I've been given and the effort to communicate with me. I simply laid there in front of the river enjoying the nature and beauty of it all. Again, it was a feeling I hadn't really felt before.

We have so much to learn! Just open yourself up to it.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by LaurenVirgo]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by LaurenVirgo

Lauren just remember that its not opening yourself up to someone. Its always guarding your soveriegnity. You are inviolate. It is going within your own heart/feelings to connect to self, Higher Self, where in "no time" there is no higher or lower. And this universe/time is an illusion/university/school, a duality school.

Really you are a small tiny fraction of yourself. Its like projecting your thought into the game and you forget. So you are going within, connecting to Yourself, and asking, who am I ? Why am I here? Help me to remove the blocks an overcome this world? I wish to remember who I am and love strongly.

This also means you may indeed have contact you are meant to, but also ask for protection as well.

I would go to the river as a teenager with friends its safer, but then I'm a mom.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

I think you should be sharing the school condition here. You said 200 kids out of 600 at the prom came home sick, and family members within 10 hours and that the school wasnt closed.

This sounds very dangerous.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by LaurenVirgo

Well, i can't disregard your story, but what i can do is pick up on your energy, so i'm just going to write a little summary of what i think i'm feeling/getting.

Your energy is light, and quite gentle. Soft is a good word. I don't think it's helped by the fact you stated you were a teenager, because that will lead me onto a bias of the fact that you are innocent as that's the general idea i get; of course, not all teenagers are ignorant, but that's what i'm feeling.

I don't mean ignorant in a bad way, i mean it in the type of way that you are just venturing into new territory and don't quite understand everything.

I'm also feeling that you have some sort of protection, from something higher. I think an appropriate metaphor would be little red riding hood.
You're a little girl in a big woods. The protection idea comes in to, as i'm thinking that you are possibly being protected from the "wolf" by something, but you are oblivious to the wolf and to the protection.

That's just a little idea of what i get from you're energy, but it's only a basic reading; after all, we're all little people in a big woods.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by OrionTri]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 08:11 PM
[edit on 26-4-2010 by Unity_99]

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by LaurenVirgo

Lauren just remember that its not opening yourself up to someone. Its always guarding your soveriegnity. You are inviolate. It is going within your own heart/feelings to connect to self, Higher Self, where in "no time" there is no higher or lower. And this universe/time is an illusion/university/school, a duality school.

Really you are a small tiny fraction of yourself. Its like projecting your thought into the game and you forget. So you are going within, connecting to Yourself, and asking, who am I ? Why am I here? Help me to remove the blocks an overcome this world? I wish to remember who I am and love strongly.

This also means you may indeed have contact you are meant to, but also ask for protection as well.

I would go to the river as a teenager with friends its safer, but then I'm a mom.
[edit on 26-4-2010 by Unity_99]

Thanks, Unity. I'm up for all the advice and knowledge that someone like you has to offer. I'll definitely stop saying "open up", because it's not quite right. I see how it's about me knowing myself. And learning from within.

I'll try meditating and being outside more. My dad is cautious so I carry around dog spray, so I feel better about being alone. Although, I imagine it's probably not the best idea to have my eyes closed and be totally out of it, lol. Mom's advice are always best.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by LaurenVirgo]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by OrionTri
reply to post by LaurenVirgo

Well, i can't disregard your story, but what i can do is pick up on your energy, so i'm just going to write a little summary of what i think i'm feeling/getting.

Your energy is light, and quite gentle. Soft is a good word. I don't think it's helped by the fact you stated you were a teenager, because that will lead me onto a bias of the fact that you are innocent as that's the general idea i get; of course, not all teenagers are ignorant, but that's what i'm feeling.

I don't mean ignorant in a bad way, i mean it in the type of way that you are just venturing into new territory and don't quite understand everything.

I'm also feeling that you have some sort of protection, from something higher. I think an appropriate metaphor would be little red riding hood.
You're a little girl in a big woods. The protection idea comes in to, as i'm thinking that you are possibly being protected from the "wolf" by something, but you are oblivious to the wolf and to the protection.

That's just a little idea of what i get from you're energy, but it's only a basic reading; after all, we're all little people in a big woods.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by OrionTri]

I definitely don't understand everything. In many ways, all this is so new to me. If I am being protected by something, all I can do is hope that the wolf doesn't win whatever battle is going on there.

The only thing I'm pretty sure about is the fact that I'm trying to be told something. I've just been trying to encourage whoever it was to try again. Although, part of me is scared that it might be something harmful, or as you'd call it, "the wolf."

Thanks for your insight!

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