@ Unity
Thanks for posting the full series of videos detailing the conspiracy and it's relation to astrology. I'll be sure to watch them.
While I disagree with the conclusion that they're heading towards, I do agree that they have almost nailed the teachings of esoteric secret societies
perfectly. Not all of the teachings mind you, these orders and practices have thousands of years of depth behind them. No matter how many videos you
have it cannot get to the full depth and breadth of their work.
I feel we may have to forever agree to disagree on whether or not a couple of radical Islamic terrorists were able to astrologically plot a terrorism
attack which started a chain reaction of S.H.T.F intensity.
I'll always be in opposition to this view until 2012 comes and goes, only then will we know for sure what the truth is.
Somehow though, I am of the inkling that you will forever believe astrology is evil and that the Freemasons, Illuminati and other secret societies are
behind it all.
We will have to agree to disagree. Fair enough?
@ Unity
Lets see, lets go your typical orthodix, 1950s uninformed answers, in place of truth, I'm referring to how you respond to Shadow Ninja's
I will await Shadow's responses. However, I am actually curious which of my answers you consider to be "1950s Orthodox answers". Would you be so
kind as to point out where these answers are at so I can go find their counterpart in the 1950s mentality?
Also what I deciphered there, its a pretty good guess that its the altar, since I know there would be a third pillar, but I've never studied
occult things, not in any form
It shows that you haven't. The occult has made up a majority of my life and studies. So I am intimately familiar with it's workings.
now this is based on two things, research for awareness, and an odd synchronicity with the information, understanding this makes unraveling
other things easier
The occult is an amalgamation of concepts, archetypes and myths from the world over and time throughout the ages. The lessons are not new, the symbols
are not fresh, and the teachings are hardly centered specifically in one place and time.
Such is the diversity of the occult, and why a true venture into it takes a lifetime of practice and experience.
If you find truths in the occult relating to your own life experiences you'll need to re-evaluate what your perception of the world and life is.
Occult teachings are not about extra-terrestrials and multi-dimensional beings. Every occult teaching deals with mankind, man's possibilities and the
ultimate freedom of any and all races (extra-terrestrial or godly) with ultimate union and existence as oblivion.
I'll relax though, you're fresh to the occult scene, so I won't confuse you with the deeper knowledge of occult things.
@ Unity
Those nursery rhymes are meant for you, Unity. Not just you though. Anyone is welcome to comment on them. You though, are espousing a knowledge and
exposure to occult teachings. Serious students of the occult would be able to recognize the occult messages hidden within such rhymes.
Again though, anyone is welcome to comment on them, but initially they were directed at you.
@ Phoenix
Awww, you're so sweet to let everyone else have a stab at them. Have a star!
There are many, many ways of interpreting these little nursery rhymes. Several are political, and related to the era in which they became popular.
Which is all fine and good, I have no problem accepting that most things in life come with multiple meanings.
The meanings I am looking for though, concern occult philosophy. Which is the subject matter that Unity is now approaching. A subject matter which has
been a cornerstone of my life for the majority of it.
When she says she is pursuing it on the word of one who is "truly knowledgeable", I can say that I am like this "phantom" word-giver. The occult,
the esoteric, the pagan, archetypal, mythical, mystical, metaphysical and magickal have been the cornerstones of my life.
Which is why I posted several little nursery rhymes for her. They all contain occult teachings and philosophies relating to the Qabalistic Tree of
Life, the Pillars of Severity and Mercy, the 4 elements of nature, the
Axis Mundi, and Eastern metaphysical thoughts.
I'm waiting for someone to talk about those. All of these people with connections to divine and extra-dimensional figures should have no problem
deciphering them.
Here I wait, patience everlasting.