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To Those Who Think 9/11 truthers are crazy

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:06 AM
A lot of people will call you crazy, stupid ignorant you name it. But really, without pointing fingers, what's the big deal here?

I'm not gonna advocate any theory in this thread(although you probably understand my position), but lets face it.

What is the big deal if we ask some questions?

Better yet, if there is nothing to hide, why the hell wont the government answer them?

To be completely honest with you. If the government came out and sufficiently answered just 50% of what we are asking, i would probably be for the war in Iraq. But, how can you be for the war in Iraq if you know you are being lied to and denied information left and right?

I mean think about it guys. Its common sense. If the government actually cares about protecting america, wouldn't it answer all of our questions?

Mothers for 9/11 truth got shafted. These mothers lost their loved ones so the government had the decency to re-comission the 9/11 comission. After the second comission ended they had about 20% of their questions answered. The rest where ignored. After the mothers voiced their anger the comnitee basically said to stfu.

Would you die for these people? Regardless of your views of 9/11, is this the kind of country you expected America to be?

The media is trying to make 9/11 truthers look like angry vandals, but they are not. The 9/11 truthers are simply americans and they are just as patriotic as everyone else.

I've seen it day in and day out. Where a person will get angry that someone is debating 9/11, but at the same time hate Bush for engaging in war over in Iraq. Can we really have these inner battles going on?

This isn't about Left-Right-Liberal-Conservate. In fact, if you take everybody and ask them the right questions, chances are majority would fall somewhere in the middle. We are almost all moderate.

What im getting at here is that we need to stop arguing with each other over who did 9/11 and start gathering in masses to show those who think they can control us that they cannot. It doesn't have to be violent. It doesn't have to be televised, even(because we all know who runs the media). All that needs to happen is for them to know that WE mean business.

There is always a time when people are challenged with defending their freedom. Power corrupts infinitely. You can wait, and let the bankers take control. You can wait, and let money take control.
But the more you wait, the less control will be left waiting for you.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:23 AM
For an "evolved" species, we suck.

We lie to each other, we try to control everything, we destroy whatever we touch, we all think we are "L337", we can't forgive...And THEY force us to kill or want to kill each other, because they know we can't stop those other things.

Until we can control ourselves, I doubt the truth makes any difference to the outcome of our species.

Don't resist the change. It has to happen now.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:26 AM
very well said. S & F to you.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Demoncreeper
For an "evolved" species, we suck.

We lie to each other, we try to control everything, we destroy whatever we touch, we all think we are "L337", we can't forgive...And THEY force us to kill or want to kill each other, because they know we can't stop those other things.

Until we can control ourselves, I doubt the truth makes any difference to the outcome of our species.

Don't resist the change. It has to happen now.

I can agree with you but there are 2 things i must point out:

1) What is the change you are referring to?
2) We can control ourselves and it can work. Martin Luther King would be the perfect example. Without violence he took it all and ended up changing the views of black people all around the world. There are many bad things human beings have done but those bad things seem to be looked at more vigorously than some of the good ones.

Look at it this way:
A good drive avoids a near-collision by maneuvering out of the way.
A bad driver crashes and makes the news.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by demonseed]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:36 AM
Please check out the other thread which started today similar to yours, well done

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by demonseed

Whoever speaks the truth is labelled crazy, if the powers that be are trying to hide that truth.

The problem here is that when powerful people are involved in a cover-up, it is very difficult to get to the truth.

Only exceptional people, fuelled by the strength of their convictions, and also very brave, can do so.

On the other hand, there is power in numbers, and if enough people support the truth, it emerges.

It is a long and difficult battle. A good start is not caring about what people label you.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by demonseed
A lot of people will call you crazy, stupid ignorant you name it. But really, without pointing fingers, what's the big deal here?

The big deal is that everything your compatriots are spouting is complete rubbish...

1) I don't think you're crazy and I don't even think you're stupid. You're simply getting all your information from a bunch of conspiracy web sites that are deliberately feeding you nonsense to get you all paranoid over shadows.

2) Who the heck told you we don't want further investigations? Have all the investigations you want. My beef is that you people are making up every lame sounding excuse under the sun why you shouldn't believe anything that contradicts these conspiracy stories of yours so I'm not holding out any hope you'll accept any further investigations that don't say what you want them to say, either.

3) I personally do agree there's a conspiracy, but it's a conspiracy to cover up all the boneheaded incompetence in how badly they were slipping on banana peels in preventing and dealign with the attack. Why does every conspiracy just have to involve secret societies trying to take over the world?

4) Then there's the most glaring issue of all- despite your gloating so insistantly that there's a conspiracy, you're all but getting into fistfights among yourselves over what the conspiracy is supposed to be. Was it Bush? Was it the military industrial complex? Was it the Jewish world order? How the heck did they get all those explosives into the buildings to begin with?

You do see the problem, I trust.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by demonseed

I can agree with you but there are 2 things i must point out:

1) What is the change you are referring to?
2) We can control ourselves and it can work. Martin Luther King would be the perfect example. Without violence he took it all and ended up changing the views of black people all around the world. There are many bad things human beings have done but those bad things seem to be looked at more vigorously than some of the good ones.

Look at it this way:
A good drive avoids a near-collision by maneuvering out of the way.
A bad driver crashes and makes the news.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by demonseed]

The change:

Is the feeling inside everyone RIGHT NOW. Some people feel it as the "apocalypse", or the "financial crisis" or "NWO" take over. Or the second coming, etc...etc..

Point is, we are on the breaking point of some change. But it has to happen. Everyone cries for change, but then they resist because they fear it is one of the worse things... But...change is rarely a smooth transition.

As for your point 2. Yes, I agree...but the message has been lost for the most part by the masses.

Instead of recycling that message over and over, sparking the same feelings that WERE sparked then(which would be a GOOD thing), the masses are fed the events of 911 over and over. Making sure they show you how your freedoms were "cinched" all the time, with "terror levels", Airport security, etc Breeding and harvesting any and all hate they can muster for whatever group the gov't feels the need to blame..

Maybe my wheel has finally come loose ...but I feel frustrated at everything, with no where to turn. No where. I mean, this is just a tiny tiny piece of the picture..but it's churning in more and more people everyday.

I can almost see the battle of the sheeple awakening, and the PTB working harder to NUMB NUMB NUMB the masses back into complacency...and can't figure out why no one else sees it.

To use your metaphor...this car is being BADLY driven. haha.

Sorry for the rant, there...but I don't believe the truth will make any bit of difference, unless the sheeple are willing to react in a change evoking way.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:07 AM

In 2001, Canada was involved in a minor political scandal. Advertising companies and some ministers were accused of being involved in unhealthy kick backs. The Canadians held a minor enquiry and, as I remember, no-one of any importance resigned.

In 2001, several thousand people were killed on 11th September at the WTC and the Pentagon. Three aircraft, their crews and their passengers were lost with no survivors and on prime time TV, people plunged to their death. Law introduced as a result curtailed civil liberties as never before in the USA. Linked to this, America claimed moral justification for going to war with two Arab countries. Additionally, as a result of the cover-up over 9/11, hundreds and hundreds of first responders breathed in toxic dust and are now dropping dead like flies. The 9/11 Commission investigated what had happened on that day.


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The big deal is that everything your compatriots are spouting is complete rubbish...

If this is all rubbish then why do you post in these 911 threads 24/7, if this is all “rubbish” to you, then walk away, ignore it.

1) I don't think you're crazy and I don't even think you're stupid. You're simply getting all your information from a bunch of conspiracy web sites that are deliberately feeding you nonsense to get you all paranoid over shadows.

You do not know where everyone gets his or her information from.

My beef is that you people are making up every lame sounding excuse under the sun why you shouldn't believe anything that contradicts these conspiracy stories of yours so I'm not holding out any hope you'll accept any further investigations that don't say what you want them to say, either.

You’re really full of it. You do not know what people will say, or think? If you did you wouldn’t be wasting your days 24/7 slinging insults to Truthers, you would be out in the real world making billions.

I personally do agree there's a conspiracy,

Pot calling kettle, I love it.

Why does every conspiracy just have to involve secret societies trying to take over the world?

Because, it does not. Does your conspiracy “involve secret societies trying to take over the world?”
So, it is not all conspiracy as you claim.

4) Then there's the most glaring issue of all- despite your gloating so insistantly that there's a conspiracy, you're all but getting into fistfights among yourselves over what the conspiracy is supposed to be. Was it Bush? Was it the military industrial complex? Was it the Jewish world order? How the heck did they get all those explosives into the buildings to begin with?

You do see the problem, I trust.

We do see the problem Dave, and that is you are very bitter, because most people on ATS do not endorse your opinions, the “facts” and “evidences” do not support your opinions either.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:30 AM
The single biggest disaster that has ever befallen the 9/11 Truth Movement was at the hand of the NDP.

I remember clearly when all these stupid people got really excited when the New Democrat Party Of Canada took up their cause in Canada, at last a mainstream party supporting them.

Sadly the opposite was true. Having the left-wing NDP onboard meant that the world was able to write off the whole movement asd just a bunch of left-wing cranks. Absolute disaster!

This was particularly a bitter pill 9/11 Truth people like myself who have been and remain, life-long supporters of the Conservative Party in the UK and Canada and are keen to see Harper re-elected up here.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by demonseed

Just three points, first most of the "questions" have been answered to everyone's satisfaction and they have now moved on to dealing with the impact of those answers, i.e. dealing with terrorism in the modern world. Secondly, many, if not most, of the so-called "questions" are thinly, if at all, veiled accusations that demand that people prove they are innocent. We don't do that in this society. Third, mature people understand that some questions, for reasons of national security and to protect our institutions of justice, cannot be answered publically and some questions will remain forever unanswered because the are unknowable.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by impressme

You do not know where everyone gets his or her information from.

Of course I do! The only way someone can look at the events of the Pentagon attack and come away with thinking, "that was a cruise missile and all the eyewitnesses in the area were secret gov't disinformation agents" is becuase they got that idea from one of those damned fool conspiracy web sites trying to get people all paranoid over shadows. I know this becuase when you tried to claim al Qaida actually meant, "toilet" I looked it up and found THAT came from one of those conspiracy sites.

You’re really full of it. You do not know what people will say, or think? If you did you wouldn’t be wasting your days 24/7 slinging insults to Truthers, you would be out in the real world making billions.

Not true. Granted, the idea of if-you can't-beat-them-join-them and make $$$$ from creating my own 9/11 conspiracy web site and selling "it's an inside job" DVDs, T-shirts, baseball caps, etc is tempting, I have integrity, so peddling outrageous lies to gullible people for money runs against the grain. Besides, the "give us your money and we'll tell you the truth behind 9/11" market is already pretty well glutted at this point. When people are even beginning to sell bizarre 9/11 conspiracy crap like THIS:

Some time all you can really do is shake your head in disbelief know that there are way, WAY too many sharks in the water as it is.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:38 PM
The Truth Movement had some momentum 2002-5 or so. Some real questions on who planned and executed the attacks, funding sources, why US intelligence failed, why the military response didn't happen, how much foreknowledge the Bush admin had.

A rush of wonky books, articles, tons of stuff on the Internet. Wonky unsubstantiated theories flying. Controlled demolition, missiles, death rays, holographs, etc.

For a while there bright young concerned people were getting together and comparing notes.

After the long delayed official reports came out, investigative reporters did their homework, structural engineers weighed in on the cause of the WTC Tower collapses, and the fats were assembled - there was a clearer picture.

Bush & Co were hiding a lot of things. But we now know Arab terrorists were funded, trained, and co-ordinated by al Qaida, a faction of Saudi Arabia's royal family, Pakistan's ISI, people and organizations in Turkey, Egypt, elsewhere.

How do we know. Well quite a few have been captured and confessed. Warehouses full of documents, records, testimonies, all corroborate essentially the same chain of events.

Critical thinkers worldwide have absorbed this significant historical event and moved on. A lot of teenager and college students, the disenfranchised, people with parental and authority issues, a lot of the Muslim world, still believe the theories.

A sub-industry developed of videos, books, websites, catering to it. A few hungry opportunist loser professionals and academics have found a way to make a quick buck capitalizing on their credentials and speaking skills.

There are still conspiracy sites, public speakings, sites, videos, stuff in print. But it has largely devolved into a fringe cult. Sort of like UFOS, White Supremacists, other oddball movements. The occasional acknowledgment on slow days in the media. But understood now for what it really is by most.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

And yet , there are people who Stamp their foot and yell.

It's true , believe me , the OS is true.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:11 PM
I thought Popular Mechanics put all this nonsense to rest?

I guess not.

Not all crazy people are truthers, but all truthers are crazy!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:21 PM
Mods, didn't you close a thread about Why Truthers are crazy?

What makes you think this is going to be any better or even civilized?

Anywho, I personally don't agree with the truthers due to the lack of evidence that backs up their claims. Also, they're just repeating what they've heard from unreliable sources.

We were attacked because we have troops in the Middle East. We were attacked because we stick our nose in where it does not belong. We were attacked because of our support for Israel. (that's my take on it and that's the take of Ron Paul as well many other intelligent individuals who understand History)

I know, I know. Truthers on this website are going to call me ignorant and feel free to flame me as it seems that's all Truthers know how to defend themselves. Your story is just a conspiracy theory. Nothing more. After all, it is a conspiracy theory website.


[edit on 24-1-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

Not going to call you crazy .

You are entitled to your own opinion sir.

As I am mine .

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Some people just aren't strong enough to face the truth and instead get angry at asking questions.

Its about as childish as a kid putting their fingers in their ears and yelling "lalalala!"

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:26 PM
exactly right, its starting to happen now worldwide, the universe has had enough and conciousness is righting the wrongs. its happening people, as stephen green said, the fuse is lit and the rocket is taking off .

S & F and peace x

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