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This has to be 100% genuine???

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:42 AM
Does look like a genuine bit of film, but as someone said it is so hard to see thesedays what is real and what is cgi or messed with footage. and thats a real shame.

How can you just say its the sun reflecting of a plane ? this object appears to be staying still for quite a few minutes. if its a plane it would have to be a shiny metalic one to get the sun to reflect like that. I cant see where the runway if its aplane landing is. if the plane has landing lights on would we not see some lights also of the airport. lights on planes usually have some repeating pattern

the latter part of the film where its dark, is it the sun had gone down , or has he put a filter lense to stop the glare to try see the object better? But I think this part of the film is fishy to say the least. an odd cut in the film and the clarity of the object lights get a bit more focus then some of its movement seems a bit fishy. where he always pans the camera down to the ground seems like he is trying to make the film seem natural like maybe he thinks it will look more real in the finished clip.
I couldnt say this is a real plane in landing or take off. and something just dont stack up right with the video so i would be more inclined to go along the lines of its faked. if it was me filming that I would just try zoom in on it, then zoom out to show size and position then zoom back in, but not keep turning the camera to the ground, u dont do that because any moment it could dissapear and u wouldnt want to miss anything.

It could happen to any one of us we genuinly video some strange craft or object in the sky - u know at the time its so weird, but when it comes to publishing it everyone says its fake or just a helicopter. that must be really frustrating.

The comments in youtube usually only consist of numb-skull name calling and slanging matches. people comment stuff without any real intelligence on stuff. I think most must be school kids - like at school you could bring in some toy that is actually really cool, but guarantee mates will just say its rubbish or they have a better one at home! Youtube is no different to little kids at school

some comments in utube on this video:

doba30 (2 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
Reply can you think of a better site? bigmikey1979 (2 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
Reply above top secret is a govt disinfo site !! beware ! bigmikey1979 (2 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
Reply real shill troll disinfo fool !

Reply above top secret is a govt disinfo site !! beware !

??????? is it ?
people comment and make claims but they never give any further reference.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by mikeg2222]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by sensfan

I don't know of many conventional aeroplanes that can do that, and of the handful that can (VTOL) none are going to hang around in the same spot as the day turns into night.
[edit on 23/1/2010 by spikey]

Did you see Phage's uncut/unedited version of the video?

-- At 1:38, you can see that the videographer put the dark filter on the camera (i.e., it isn't nightfall)

-- then at 2:30, you can see the object begin to bank toward the left of the screen

-- then at 2:50, you can see the object for exactly what it is -- a plane.

The video in the OP conveniently stops before the point that the plane becomes apparent. That makes me think that person who made the edited video in the OP's post (not necessarily the OP himself) was intentionally trying to deceive (i.e., it's a hoax).

Here's the unedited video:

Originally posted by Phage
I wonder why this poster edited the original video. Maybe because of what can be seen around 2:50?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by mikeg2222

I am doba30. Thats exactly the point and on a good note it proves im not the one that done the vid thanks. As for the comments posted on there yes it was me and yes to say i was pi**ed off would be an understatement.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:09 PM

I think this video is way better than the video posted by the OP.
Second line.

[edit on 1/1/2010 by thegrayone]

[edit on 1/1/2010 by thegrayone]

[edit on 1/1/2010 by thegrayone]

[edit on 1/1/2010 by thegrayone]
Mod edit: embedded code corrected.
Use just the video ID when embedding videos.

[edit on 24/1/2010 by ArMaP]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:18 PM

This is the video I was talking about. I couldn't edit my first reply so I had to post again. Hopefully this work now.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by enca78

well if its an airplane it would have moved from that are coming towards or away another words if it was coming to it would make the observer point the camera upwards after awhile they dont move that friggin slow and its not even moving its in the same location minutes later and even after its dark it was moving away the camera man would have to angle the camera down toward the ground as its getting closer to the horizon airplane my ass!

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by enca78
reply to post by groingrinder

Youre telling me especially from 2min10 onwards its a plane? give your heads a shake i live near an airport
i know what a plane looks like

Crappy digital zoom does wonders for blurry images. Maybe it is a supernova?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 03:19 PM
I live near JFK and Laguardia. 50 planes do this every evening when I look up. C'mon guys, this is clearly, no doubt about it, an airplane, made on Earth, carrying ppl to their destination in the air. If the guy filming it actually stopped zooming in and out in awe of it, you'd see that it's nothing special at all. When you keep blurring the lights with zoom anything can look peculiar.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Just for the sake of completeness, and to show what sort of person posted the edited version on Youtube, he ('mucnpl') is now trying (and failing) to remove all comments (inc. one of mine) that refer to the original video and/or point out that he has edited out the parts showing it to be a plane.

Interestingly, I also received this highly mature and considered response as a Youtube message:

From: bigmikey1979
Subject: shill troll disinfo punk
message: loser pussy

(O: Wow. These guys are true thinkers... I love how they deftly respond only to the facts....

To repeat, here is the original video, thanks to Phage:

You can see the aircraft very clearly at 2:55 and 3:13

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by CHRLZ

Thank you for sharing this.

I don't understand how this was strange footage at all. Honestly, I see that on a daily basis and it is far from strange, unless you rarely see airplanes.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

Originally posted by Hack28
reply to post by sensfan

Thats not the sun reflecting off a plane, firstly the sun would have to be on the other side its setting behind the plane. That can't cause a refelection to the observer on the other side of the plane.
Also planes move they dont hang like that.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by Hack28]

Yes -- planes DO appear to hang like that when they are low on approach and heading toward the observer. The brightness of the object could be an airplanes landing lights, which are extremely bright.

If you ever spent time around a busy airport at dusk or night, you will ALWAYS see this same thing happen -- you will see the bright lights of a distant plane's landing lights just seem to "hang" there for a while. Then, as it gets closer, it will have more apparent motion.

Edit: spelling

[edit on 1/22/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

Edit: Apologies for this, still figuring forums out and wanted to delete this post.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by theBFG]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by enca78

well if its an airplane it would have moved from that are coming towards or away another words if it was coming to it would make the observer point the camera upwards after awhile they dont move that friggin slow and its not even moving its in the same location minutes later and even after its dark it was moving away the camera man would have to angle the camera down toward the ground as its getting closer to the horizon airplane my ass!

Well the first part of your post just seems to be a random selection of words thrown together!

I gather you are doubting it is a plane?

Have you read the full thread?.....if not, why bother posting?

It is a plane, the person that originally put the video on youtube edited out a section of the video that clearly shows a plane banking.

I know research can be a pain at times, but you only had to read about the first 2 pages of this thread and you wouldn't have made yourself look so foolish.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by enca78

well if its an airplane it would have moved from that are coming towards or away another words if it was coming to it would make the observer point the camera upwards after awhile they dont move that friggin slow and its not even moving its in the same location minutes later and even after its dark it was moving away the camera man would have to angle the camera down toward the ground as its getting closer to the horizon airplane my ass!

You need to read the whole thread like 90% of all the posters who posted on pages 4 and 5, only a few seem to have read the thread. If you've read it and you know who you are, I'm not talking about you!

It's not that the airplane moves slowly, it might be going 400 miles an hour, but it can appear to not move at all, for quite some time.

Then, when the airplane turns and it becomes apparent it IS an airplane, whoever uploaded the video to youtube apparently edited that part out, but we can see that in the longer version Phage posted.

Lots of people posting to this thread make the same mistake, assuming a motionless object can't be an airplane, when if fact it CAN be an airplane, because it only APPEARS motionless, it's really not but you just can't see the motion when it's coming straight at you from a great distance. Even the guy who lives through an airport and sees planes all the time didn't recognize it as a plane, so what chance to the rest of us have who don't live near airports?

Being near the airport isn't enough, you need to go to a position on the glide path approaching the runway. I did this at Chicago's Ohare airport one day and it was amazing, I could see at least 6 or 7 "UFO"s approaching each runway on the glide path to 2 different parallel runways, I'd estimate they were maybe 2 miles apart on the glide path extending to perhaps 10-15 miles away, and I could only see motion on the very closest planes, and they didn't look much like planes till they got really close and flew overhead as you suggest. And I put "UFO"s in quotes only because I know they are planes, but they don't look or move very much like planes, at least like we normally expect.

The vast majority of the time they look like motionless lights suspended in the sky, and the only change you can see is the lights very gradually seem to get brighter and or closer, but they hardly APPEAR to move at all, for a much longer time than the 2-4 minutes of that video. It helps to see them from that perspective right on the glide patch to appreciate how unlike a plane a plane can really look. Well that is what a plane looks like from that angle but apparently many or possibly even most people don't seem to realize that.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

yeah i read a little of the thread not all the way through and i seen some explanations that you pointed out but i was jus thinking the observer should have to angle up or down depending on whether it was coming or going and since it doesnt seem to get closer or farther and make the camera person angle then i didnt think it could be an airplane but i'm usre you can see honest mistake on my part

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
...they dont move that friggin slow...airplane my ass!
(sorry for the heavy editing, but I did this to make your post readable)

Yes -- planes DO look like they are flying that slowly when they are at low altitudes on approach.

Planes on approach could be 20 or more miles out when they turn their landing lights on. The low altitude combined with the ultra-bright landing lights and the fact that the plane is flying towards the observer makes it look as if the plane is hovering or moving very slowly.

This is an extremely common scene near major airports.

Originally posted by spinalremain
I live near JFK and Laguardia. 50 planes do this every evening when I look up. C'mon guys, this is clearly, no doubt about it, an airplane, made on Earth, carrying ppl to their destination in the air. If the guy filming it actually stopped zooming in and out in awe of it, you'd see that it's nothing special at all. When you keep blurring the lights with zoom anything can look peculiar.

I totally agree.

While I don't live near a major airport like you do, I have spent plenty of time near major airports and have noticed the planes on approach look just like this.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:14 AM
How do you delete this? Thanks to phage and the unedited part its clear what it is.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by enca78

You can't, it's on your permanent record now

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Until I saw the unedited version, this was an interesting video. Of more interest to me is a not so little gem I spotted while looking through the youtube comments for the video linked here. I'd start my own thread on them but alas I cannot. Video IV is very intriguing. It's a triangle of lights and the camera operator get's interesting shots of each of point of the triangle.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by enca78
How do you delete this? Thanks to phage and the unedited part its clear what it is.

I agree, way to go Phage!

But just think about how many people would still think that's a real UFO if he hadn't found that longer version? A lot! In fact, a lot of people still think it is because it's obvious they haven't read the thread (not referring to you enca78, I know you've read it), and are still posting as if they have no idea what it is on pages 4 and 5 well after Phage posted his video.

You do have a time window to edit your posts, I think it's about 2 hours or something like that, so if you had seen the longer video within 2 hours and decided to retract or edit your post based on the new info, that is possible. But after the 2 hours is up the edit button disappears and then there's no way to delete it. If it's a brand new thread and you just realized it's a duplicate a mod will delete it for that reason if you ask, but this thread is too long to delete now, I think.

And I don't think it should be deleted, it's educational. I think we all need a reminder that something that may not look exactly like an airplane, may still actually be an airplane, and in this case it is. It's a valuable lesson for all of us so I think you did us all a service by drawing this to our attention.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Yeah it looks strange but the bloke started putting different settings on the camera cos of the planes lights. Its blatenly got the red & blue flashing lights on its wings. Yeah looks strange, but so does alot of things when zoomed in , out of focus, what ever dimming effect he had on etc.

I live near when the planes go out to sea to turn around to land. I used to think some of them were stars since they dont look like there moving.

I belive in life on other planets, but im not gonna try lie to my self in to saying its visitors from another world lol.

End of the day, if they have technology to space travel amongst planets, i doubt they could give a # about being seen on a video camera.

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