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Demon Identification Help Required.

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posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
Now you tell me

I'm pretty sure I'll be asking for your help ... there must be an easier way than the epic journey I took to get the last pic up.

Thanks Woody

My apologises, I think I started reading the thread after the epic photo battle o doom, else I'd have lent a hand

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr

Originally posted by woodwytch
Now you tell me

I'm pretty sure I'll be asking for your help ... there must be an easier way than the epic journey I took to get the last pic up.

Thanks Woody

My apologises, I think I started reading the thread after the epic photo battle o doom, else I'd have lent a hand

pheonix you have no idea was a damn sight more traumatic than fighting demons

I'm so dumb when it comes to technology


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Oh gah your lucky you missed it hahahaha

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:06 PM
Woodwy may I ask if you've read my posts? And if theres anything you need me to look into I can just ask and its good if its the 2nd girl

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by paranormalITI
Oh gah your lucky you missed it hahahaha

What the ... now that's just cheeky


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
pheonix you have no idea was a damn sight more traumatic than fighting demons

I'm so dumb when it comes to technology


I can imagine, I was like that a few years ago, afraid to touch anything on the PC for fear of accidently deleting/breaking things. Now, I can quite happily de-virus-ify (it's a real word dammit ... in my mind ...) people's machines using all sorts of methods.

Ignorance or lack of understanding of a subject does not equal dumb
Something my other half has to remind me of

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by paranormalITI
Woodwy may I ask if you've read my posts? And if theres anything you need me to look into I can just ask and its good if its the 2nd girl

We actually started in the house of Girl 2 because they had been there the least amount of time ... then we went across the way to the house of Girl 1 and finally asked our guides to send it back to it's source and bind it from returning to either home.

I will be calling the homes tomorrow and as I've mentioned we will go back to the houses in a few days for a follow-up and see how things are going.

Please feel free to let me know whatever you pick-up on. I have to say that the amount of energy we raised was amazing ... I was so proud of everyone.


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Im amazed it went so smoothly also! but i will keep you updated

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I have just read this thread and am amazed at the time wasted trying to 'identify' the demon, or practitioners of magick and withcraft trying to add their advice in the matter however well-meaning.

My advice should you decide to take it is the simplest most efficient manner to eradicate such a 'being'.

I will say that since 'demons' or 'fallen angels' are from a Judeo/Christian background etc, and the Bible talks extensively about them, it would be sensible to realise that regardless of anyone's belief systems on these threads, it would be best to approach this from the Judeo/Christian belief system.

You can't fight fire with fire, and since demons and fallen angels gave magicians channelling them (King Solomon comes to mind, who then fell from grace and was condemned by God for it) and occultists their magical traditions, it is not the way to erradicate them by using 'their' magical methods. These are anathema to God and condemned in the same Bible which prohibits all forms of magick and occultism/witchcraft, and so certainly no way to fight demons/fallen angels, but rather a way to entice men with knowledge and trick them by luring them into occult ways with the 'promise' of 'power' over such beings, which does not really work but condemns a practitioner of such magick etc to eternal punishment.

Don't get upset, but we are talking about Biblical fallen angels here, and so must 'go by the book' or should I say, the 'Good Book', and so if you wish to deal with such beings, you must adhere to the 'rules'.
King Solomon communed with them and was tricked basically, and God punished him, therefore using magick is not the way.

The only manner is to go to a Catholic Exorcist priest with great experience in the matter and sensitive to such beings. They will assess the situation and see if it's a psychological or spiritual matter, and when they have tested for this, will prepare to tet the demon and extract it's name, and will then use the name of Jesus and the Roman ritual to get rid of the demon or fallen angel. The Bible shows how scared demons are of being cast out back into hell. The Bible has many instances of Jesus and the Apostles casting demons out in the name of Jesus.

I know a exorcist whom I have refered several people to who were in worse shape and had far worse problems with such entities. I can't go into it as this isn't the place for such examples and they are confidential, but I will tell you that these situations were very grim and yet those people in question and the problems surrounding them all successfully went after the priest's intervention.
The man is a 'saint', and before people bash the catholics because of certain corruptions and paedophile priests, etc, let me remind you that all institutions where fallible or evil men can enter and subvert, that it is the fault of such men and not a teaching or institution which is to blame.
Paedophiles will try and enter work in schools, or a kindergarten, police, etc, anywhere where they can abuse the system for their own evils.
Also any institution like medical, political (as we all know) is created for good, but can be corrupted by a few evil men, but doesn't mean all the men in it or the whole thing is evil. The same with the Catholic church. The occult secret societies have tried to and successfully succeeded in trying to corrupt it and bring it down from within in certain areas, but there are plenty good men who follow God's teaching despite corruptions and evil men trying to bring it down, so please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater....

Good luck and God bless you in your quest.

This is

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by 00777

Thank you for your thoughtful response. It is refreshing to hear someone of a Christian background not immediately condemning us for what we do. I myself am an energy practitioner, and rely on my own personal power to do good. I have had three successful "exorcisms" or cleansings, as I like to say, using nothing but my own personal power. How do I know that they were effective? The families affected have had not a single complaint since I left. I believe that it's the intent to rid a house of whatever, rather than the methodology in doing it. Whether you pray to your Christian God, or a Muslim prays to Allah, or whatever, it is still evoking the same type of intent: to rid the house of negative energies. I think many of us use the word "demon" because there isn't a suitable substitute.

I personally believe that J.C. had a lot of good things to say, but I am not one to follow dogmatic traditions (and I apologize if I offended you by saying that). I think that we each have our own ways of coping with these things, which, as I have noticed, have become braver in the past 50 or so years, as they have been reaching out to more people. That's where those of us with faith in our own energies, or faith in a God, or whatever come in.

I appreciate your response, and it's always good to hear from the non-judgmental Christians.

Peace and Namaste.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by 00777

Man o man i needed a good laugh.

There's a fractal still in fits of hysterics on the floor as i type, that was so funny.

Sorry, but the people you refer to in your post as being the best ones to approach in order to deal with an entity, usually just mess themselves up completely in the process.

I am not a mentor and as unpalatable as it may seem to some, i don't impart what i know over the Internet to people i cannot meet and know their energies directly because occult knowledge is that darned dangerous to those who aren't suited to dealing with it's potent dimensions, i have a responsibility not to influence anybody who may open themselves up to things they cannot handle, a duty of care which were i not to take that seriously would have major consequnces to me courtesy of the powers that be, but will say there's nothing in the canonised bible which actually deals with malevolent entity, nor in the majority of uncanonised books which are available.

What you refer to was made benign and what works is guarded and kept by sects so they never see the light of day, this was done long ago during several waves of destruction of knowledge deemed demonic over the past couple of millennia where some was secreted in hope it could be used to empower and enslave by the Romans and others annexed to their 'holy' empire.

It is lucky for us as a species that "secret societies" and us in the creeds who have advanced their knowledge to deal with negative entities are around else things on this planet would be considerably worse not better, that the mysteries are kept safe by "secret societies" etc, we've always been around, but because of persecution which was the case even up to mid last century our people kept themselves hidden and at least "secret societies" have **censored** etc so they can be released on Sabbaths and when cosmic alignments are influencing on Terra etc for creed to utilise.

But times have changed and we are now in the open and proud to be pagans, witches and worlocks as much as mystics and spiritualists.

For your information, i had my dealings with JudaoChristain negative entity in my teens, potent ones and i ended kicking the crap out of them by the time i'd passed my 3 cycle of 7, after i'd been caused a lot of damage, but i prevailed and what damage was done is long since healed and to me was of no consequence to this present or the future they are out of their league when it comes to those such as myself, there is nothing in those legions i fear, none of them, the only thing they can do is affect people surrounding me, cowards, just takes constant corrections in my path which compared to my main responsibilities is a triviality, they are merely annoying.

When those subjugating me to that JudaoChristian nonsense as a kid, dragged me to see a priest all those years ago, he insultingly said i was just mental not possessed, which i was at that point, very possessed and it was the crap i was being forced into which was causing it.
Within hours the priest was paralysed down his left side and it's lucky he didn't try to take on what had used me as a vessel to interface this plane, not my fault, it must have been insulted

Nothing but what you would call occult arts helped me overcome what i had to deal with, it would have simply destroyed anything Christian like a Catholic exorcist, and yes, everybody did used to say i was like something out of the Omen and however people know how strange i am today they are not scared as was thenwhen people were very scared of me, now people know they've nothing to fear from me and have known that since my early 20's, moreso since 2000, i overcame and took my true path from the one which those entities attempted to deviate me to, which methods used to overcome a dark path do not include anything whatsoever which is Christian unless you include Gnostic teachings to which i have much respect, nor any monotheist teachings, now evil runs if it knows i'm on it's case, but i'm not about sorting out peoples problems as i have responsibilities in nature and our planet, not people, only in the context that people are part of nature, my time for helping people is now past. (Such is the nature of the 'tapestry' of existence, of course there's exceptions where i have to aid an individual but they wouldn't know and i don't intervene when it's called for to gain recognition nor praise, i do so because it's necessary and i'm not about helping everybody and anybody who asks, there's many others who are there for that with different responsibilities to mine.)

Sorry, i know your opinions are common in your commonality, but you are way off the mark.

Faith that anything in Christian teachings can actually deal with these things effectively is misgiven, dangerous even as it does tend to piss them off and they go into overdrive, one of the reasons we tend to say why more 'evil' effects this world, because people are taken away from nature and the true arts and traditions, not least the goddess tradition.

But hey
, don't get me wrong, i'm not proselytising, you believe what you want, i believe in free will more than most of your camp, you're entitled to your opiinion.

My opinion is you are off the mark though and that's from personal experiences.

Pagan creed's arts and crafts, traditions and teachings, are far more effective against such things as is the nature of the topic of the thread than anything Christian which is made up of similar to what we have but made benign.

No offence meant.


[Ps, BTW. I am the last person to condemn denominations within Christianity which have paedophile scum within their ranks. As you correctly say, there's bad as well as good in any large organisation.

The many should not be judged by the actions of the few or one.

What gets me is when parishioners and hierarchies cover up or protect paedophiles or other aspects of child abuse and abusers, criminal enablement through complicity to fact, says considerably more about them than the sick individuals themselves.]

[edit on 21-1-2010 by DeltaPan]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Like I said in my response to 00077, I think it's more the intent rather than the methodology. I believe that all faiths and beliefs have some sort of substance in the Otherworld. The only inherent problem that there is is the fact that some spirits aren't Christian. What if you were dealing with a Muslim Djinn? Would you use the Catholic exorcism rights to banish it? I don't think so. It would just piss it off, and it would probably just laugh it off and keep going. I do agree that it is those of us who have gone back to the pagan ways of dealing with energy that are the ones that will ultimately become triumphant over these beings of dark. With that being said, however, I don't discredit any sort of religion, as I believe it's the intent rather than the methodology that really matters when dealing with dark entities.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by DeltaPan

Like I said in my response to 00077, I think it's more the intent rather than the methodology.

This is very true, but intent demands proper understanding and method is a way of sequencing and focusing intent, mechanisms, tools.

Often these things are adequately dealt with by the energies of self rather than calling in help from the planes but as we meditate through our chakra, so too levels should be attained and that's what method in craft is about as much as anything else associated with our deities, this is why we have varying deities, to sequence and focus to various elements and directions, forces in nature and our living planet etc, all which play their roles in countering various manifestation of negative entity.

Or else it is likely to be a case of making entity manifestation worse and this is unfortunately often the case when entity manifestations are actually what's happening and not something more parapsychological or residual events being charged by quantum particle showers from cosmic energy and other cosmological phenomena which is causality to dimensional anomalies etc, psionic flux in teenagers etc, etc.


[edit on 21-1-2010 by DeltaPan]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Very true. I get angry sometimes watching Paranormal State in particular, because kids think that "hey, if I say a few Bible Verses then these things will go away." This causes a distinct problem in that since they have had no proper training (whether religious or pagan), and may not even be someone who can harness the cosmic energies, will get into trouble and might anger the beings to the point of physical manifestation and attack.

Even though my senses have been very fine tuned over the years, there are still some things that I prefer to do before I assume that there is a presence there. I always cleanse the area first to loosen up the "cosmic dirt" and accumulated negative energies, as 9 times out of 10, it is a matter of cleaning up the energies, and that will make the lesser "rats" of the ethereal world scatter. There is always that 1 time out of 10 where a proper cleansing won't work, and then we have to rely on the greater natural energies to empower us further to fight, or even bind the more malevolent of entities.

Very thought provoking stuff. Thanks for posting!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by 00777

Thank you for your thoughtful response. It is refreshing to hear someone of a Christian background not immediately condemning us for what we do. I myself am an energy practitioner, and rely on my own personal power to do good. I have had three successful "exorcisms" or cleansings, as I like to say, using nothing but my own personal power. How do I know that they were effective? The families affected have had not a single complaint since I left. I believe that it's the intent to rid a house of whatever, rather than the methodology in doing it. Whether you pray to your Christian God, or a Muslim prays to Allah, or whatever, it is still evoking the same type of intent: to rid the house of negative energies. I think many of us use the word "demon" because there isn't a suitable substitute.

I personally believe that J.C. had a lot of good things to say, but I am not one to follow dogmatic traditions (and I apologize if I offended you by saying that). I think that we each have our own ways of coping with these things, which, as I have noticed, have become braver in the past 50 or so years, as they have been reaching out to more people. That's where those of us with faith in our own energies, or faith in a God, or whatever come in.

I appreciate your response, and it's always good to hear from the non-judgmental Christians.

Peace and Namaste.

>>> truthseeker > 00777

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984

Very true. I get angry sometimes watching Paranormal State in particular, because kids think that "hey, if I say a few Bible Verses then these things will go away." This causes a distinct problem in that since they have had no proper training (whether religious or pagan), and may not even be someone who can harness the cosmic energies, will get into trouble and might anger the beings to the point of physical manifestation and attack.

Agreed. In those cases if the intent/faith or focus isn't there behind the words, it'd be the same as reading a cook book recipe to the entity, not a lot would happen .. except possibly making it hungry in that case

To me, rituals or prayers or whatever you want to call them, are more about giving a focus to your own energises for the task at hand.

For example, you could have the perfect ritual planned with the right times and the right deities and directions and all that jazz, but if you expect it to fail from the start, are merely going through the motions of it or aren't mentally prepared/focused then you'd probably have been better off not starting it in the first place.

Hoping that makes at least some sense, not had enough coffee today at work, that and my headache from last night wont shift
2.5 hours to go

[edit on 21-1-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Whoa wait.. you have trouble using a computer?

No offense, but that's the reason why you believe in demons then.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:12 PM
Its very hard for me to take this thread seriously with demons and angels posting on it.. But I will take a whack at it.

To identify types of demons you need to first fundamentally start your research in religions theology, Many views of demons and spiritual entity's lie here. Their are events and things that occur without a logical explaination, in order to understand such you must try to find the written texts that try to describe and understand these things. Furthermore without some form of concrete evidence within this circumstance the women need to seek a professional dr, to get a clinical analysis, once you gather that you need to utilize both findings to aquire your solution, in order to identify the solution. In essense the demon could be self proclaimed.

I may sound out of touch but I perhaps am at a age or granduer that does not make sense to the language spoken here. Sometimes you have to try differant things to get differant results..

It is also hard to respect such a disposition. I thought a long time before trying to help on this thread due to the respect.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by RshachGtsthar
reply to post by woodwytch

Whoa wait.. you have trouble using a computer?

No offense, but that's the reason why you believe in demons then.

No offense either but how does one correlate to the other? That's like saying: "You don't know how to use a screwdriver, which explains why you think fairies live in your dishwasher."

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:19 PM
Paranormal State... Blech! The purpose of those shows is to secure advertisers. Which means creating drama. And nothing causes much more drama than a Catholic Excorist. That movie was terrifying. They prey on that fear. They've been busted faking evidence. The sad thing was that Michelle Bollanger assisted them in faking it. Chip Coffey was briefed before hand in at least one case before giving his walkthrough.

I've met Michelle and Chip and they both sold out to an extent for the show. That being said both of these people have some degree of mediumistic ability. It's a shame that it gets lost for the sake of dramatization. I can be fooled just like anyone else but they have some degree of legitimacy.

Paranormal State itself is a joke. Ryan said he was called in to perform numerous excorcisms by The Church. LOL. No demonology background and no training. By Vatican rule he wouldn't even be allowed to witness a legitimate excorcism performed by the church much less perform one. The funny thing is Father Bob Bailey isn't an excorist nor has he EVER performed an excorcism, even though they represent it as such on the show. He's prayed for Deliverance but never performed an excorcism on the show or off. The Prayer of Deliverance is for the demonically oppressed and Excorcism is for people completely possessed who have lost free will.

Bailey whom I've also met also says thatwhat he's seen when he's particpated has been real. I believe him. But he's done 2 cases with them this year.

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