posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 05:36 PM
Hey there,
sounds as if you indeed are on sth, although the pepper-smell also confused be a bit.
I have to say that red eyes mostly don't mean anything good, so I don't suppose it's sth protective.
Have you tried to find out what happened to their fathers and compared their stories? (Family, mariage of parents, heritage, love life, school,
abilities and interessts...) ..? Maybe there is more to the story that apperas to the surface.
Do you also have psychologists and electritians on your team?
Maybe there is a general problem with the electricity in their street which could have influences on brainwaves and therefore could lead to changed
senses (seeing stuff, feeling presences, having chills, disturbed REM-Phase while sleeping which could lead to nightmares, sleep-paralizes, bad memory
when being awake, etc...).
It's good to check it out first- I don't say it's not possible, it actually is, but maybe there are other reasons for all of these happenings and if
you can exclude the scientifical ones, you are one step closer to acknowledge what it could be instead.
I also thought of Elizabeth, when reading the word "zabeth", but what's the link to the male energy then? Have you checked the stories of the
Best wishes and keep us updated- I am still trying to figure out how to create my own thread