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Demon Identification Help Required.

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posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I purchased Bollanger's book this past week (The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide), and I really enjoyed it, and got no sense of "selling out" when I read it. That being said, I think to a degree that they have sold out, as I met the leader of that ragtag troop of "paranormal investigators" a few years go (before his show came on the air) and he is a conceited, self absorbed jerk. He's making a butt-load of money doing that show, and what ever amount of legitimacy he had before making the show has been overshadowed by its success as a money making scheme.

To compare apples to oranges, Kenny G. was one of the best jazz performers in the world back in the 70's and early 80's. When the promise of dollar signs lining his pockets ran across his eyes, he easily sold out making #ty albums of "Adult Contemporary Smooth Jazz," and it is horrible music.

But back to my original point. You are right. To a certain extent Coffey and Bollanger did sell out a bit, and I do believe that a lot of those supposed "hauntings" have been faked for the sake of making a good dramatic show, giving less legitimacy to those of us who pride ourselves on our extrasensory abilities.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Bicent76

To identify types of demons you need to first fundamentally start your research in religions theology,

Pardon me.

Most of what you said was fair enough, if that's how you perceive the sphere's and dimensions to which we fathom, that's your prerogative, not everybody can metaperceive and i understand those viewpoints.

You are who you are, if you don't have natural metaperception and have never bothered cultivating yourself in spiritual and psychic regard it won't mean much to you, why would it.

But the quoted is patent nonsense.

May i ask what makes you think you can profess that, when any number of us can tell you why it's nonsense?

And BTW, the field of psychiatry stopped trying to chemically cosh or lobotomise, fry brains with ECT etc, those who are mystic, spiritualists, witches and worlocks and the various forms of psychic long ago now, over the past few decades, arrogance in society using the field of psychiatry to denigrate those who are simply different without actually knowing much about it in point of actuality, is more prevalent than psychiatrists actually diagnosing those such as the dimensions of creed in this thread as having psychiatric problems.

I see a great many people on the Internet slagging people off professing to have knowledge in psychiatry, not just in relation to mysticism or spirtualism etc but in many regards, personally i'd like to analyse them and tell them exactly what their problems are and i really am usually spot on when i do analyse somebody.

No offence, i see you've approached this from a point of respect so that's reciprocated, but the quoted is nonsense chap.

Any number of us in the creeds can tell you exactly why as well, so i'm wondering why you think that.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

for one I do not know you so I will not give you this lesson, and perhaps it is a clinical mental state.. Period...

I would suggest theology, thou.. Period... If you speak of demons, for this is a relic of the sort... Good try...

May peace be with you..

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Thank for responding to that DeltaPan. Unfortunately, I think there will always be people that will just assume discredit what us Witches, Warlocks, Psychics, Sensitives, etc. claim, and believe to be able to do. With no disrespect intended to Bicent, I think the Christian Church is the biggest resistance to our cause as there is. When people like us were persecuted and burned for practicing something that we believe so strongly in, there is something wrong with that. I don't believe that humans weren't intended to be able to tap into this "Godly Knowledge." We have to remember that we all have free will, we were all born from the greater cosmic power, and those of us who have trained and know better than to tap into the darker energies out there will be fine from any sort of retribution at the hand of an angry God. I think it's just a matter of point of view, and there will always be those that will openly discourage and even condemn those of us who just tap into the natural energy flow around us.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr

Originally posted by RshachGtsthar
reply to post by woodwytch

Whoa wait.. you have trouble using a computer?

No offense, but that's the reason why you believe in demons then.

No offense either but how does one correlate to the other? That's like saying: "You don't know how to use a screwdriver, which explains why you think fairies live in your dishwasher."

Ok, now I may not be the sharpest knife in the draw ... I would never claim to be, but I have to agree with 'pheonix' here !

Am I missing a point that's a little too subtle for my capasity of understanding here ... can you explain the statement in simple terms for me please.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

balance is the profound aspect of life, if you cannot balance, a correct answer is never given...

that is all. Keep your wits about you..

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by 00777
I have just read this thread and am amazed at the time wasted trying to 'identify' the demon, or practitioners of magick and withcraft trying to add their advice in the matter however well-meaning.

My advice should you decide to take it is the simplest most efficient manner to eradicate such a 'being'.

I will say that since 'demons' or 'fallen angels' are from a Judeo/Christian background etc, and the Bible talks extensively about them, it would be sensible to realise that regardless of anyone's belief systems on these threads, it would be best to approach this from the Judeo/Christian belief system.

You can't fight fire with fire, and since demons and fallen angels gave magicians channelling them (King Solomon comes to mind, who then fell from grace and was condemned by God for it) and occultists their magical traditions, it is not the way to erradicate them by using 'their' magical methods. These are anathema to God and condemned in the same Bible which prohibits all forms of magick and occultism/witchcraft, and so certainly no way to fight demons/fallen angels, but rather a way to entice men with knowledge and trick them by luring them into occult ways with the 'promise' of 'power' over such beings, which does not really work but condemns a practitioner of such magick etc to eternal punishment.

Don't get upset, but we are talking about Biblical fallen angels here, and so must 'go by the book' or should I say, the 'Good Book', and so if you wish to deal with such beings, you must adhere to the 'rules'.
King Solomon communed with them and was tricked basically, and God punished him, therefore using magick is not the way.

The only manner is to go to a Catholic Exorcist priest with great experience in the matter and sensitive to such beings. They will assess the situation and see if it's a psychological or spiritual matter, and when they have tested for this, will prepare to tet the demon and extract it's name, and will then use the name of Jesus and the Roman ritual to get rid of the demon or fallen angel. The Bible shows how scared demons are of being cast out back into hell. The Bible has many instances of Jesus and the Apostles casting demons out in the name of Jesus.

I know a exorcist whom I have refered several people to who were in worse shape and had far worse problems with such entities. I can't go into it as this isn't the place for such examples and they are confidential, but I will tell you that these situations were very grim and yet those people in question and the problems surrounding them all successfully went after the priest's intervention.
The man is a 'saint', and before people bash the catholics because of certain corruptions and paedophile priests, etc, let me remind you that all institutions where fallible or evil men can enter and subvert, that it is the fault of such men and not a teaching or institution which is to blame.
Paedophiles will try and enter work in schools, or a kindergarten, police, etc, anywhere where they can abuse the system for their own evils.
Also any institution like medical, political (as we all know) is created for good, but can be corrupted by a few evil men, but doesn't mean all the men in it or the whole thing is evil. The same with the Catholic church. The occult secret societies have tried to and successfully succeeded in trying to corrupt it and bring it down from within in certain areas, but there are plenty good men who follow God's teaching despite corruptions and evil men trying to bring it down, so please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater....

Good luck and God bless you in your quest.

This is

000777, you are fundamentally wrong on a couple of concepts. And that is saying that a Catholic Excorcism is the only legitmate type there is.

As an example of the discretion allowed in the West, in the use of the means of exorcising, we may refer to what Sulpitius Severus relates of St. Martin of Tours (Dial., III (II), 6; P.L., XX, 215), that he was in the habit of casting out demons by prayer alone without having recourse to the imposition of hands or the formulae usually employed by the clergy.

The CHurch also acknowledges there are some with a charisma for excorcism that may cast the demins out without the rite.

The Church also documents Jewish Excorcsms that have succeeded.

There are various Church officials who are of the opinion that dabbling in the spirit world is acceptable with the proper disposition of the mind, body and soul.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Bicent76
reply to post by truthseeker1984

balance is the profound aspect of life, if you cannot balance, a correct answer is never given...

that is all. Keep your wits about you..

It is 'all' and 'always' about balance you are so correct.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Bicent76
reply to post by DeltaPan

for one I do not know you so I will not give you this lesson, and perhaps it is a clinical mental state.. Period...

I would suggest theology, thou.. Period... If you speak of demons, for this is a relic of the sort... Good try...

May peace be with you..

Dear chap.

You are responding to somebody who has good knowledge of theology, i'm a Neopagan.

Nice try at besting me there, back, but what you said is still patent nonsense and your response indicates wriggling on a hook and doesn't actually know much about negative entities really just trying to be clever, i can profess theology if you like, as a Neopagan.

It's an opinion you may hold, it doesn't happen to be true, where do you think the knowledge to which you speak comes from, what planes did those achieving such knowledge perceive in the first instances?

What are the intrinsic natures of our crafts?

See i really do know what i'm on about because i've been who i am since my early youth, mine is not a peripheral knowledge.

But i won't go on, this is ww's thread and i've made my point, nuff said really.

You don't actually have a clue.

Indeed, peace be with you also.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

the problem their, chap, is I was not trying to best you..

that there tells me your intellectual level..

forget me in the fathom now..

for the depth of accessing my knowledge does not contrive to such a sort..

[edit on 21-1-2010 by Bicent76]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Not sure I can help but for 1 ZABETH sounds like Elizabeth you form a conclusion on that, ME MABEY OLD LOVER OF SAID LOST ENERGY. Also it seems there may be a portal or access point near the location you speak of for evil or lost DEPENDING. So you may have to create a OBSTRUCTION FOR THOSES PASSING BACK AND FORTH or place a closer device of some sort between the 2 properties, TRAPPING THEM IN THEIR REALM can be something as simple as digging a small hole in the between area filling it with water and sealing it with original dirt dug out. Ok my attempt to help as I am no spirit chaser as I am a evil energy absorber/destroyer GOOD LUCK.

[edit on 1/21/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Hey there, thanks for that ... I did the cleansing with my team last night (at both properties).

Having spoken to both households today they were so relieved to have not only slept upstairs all night but to have slept soundly all night (I'm so pleased for them).

I've promised to keep an eye on them for a while to make sure all is well ... but everything felt so light last night by th time we left.

Having said that, I do like the 'hole' idea and it's definately something I would use when / if the need arises anywhere in the future.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
So you may have to create a OBSTRUCTION FOR THOSES PASSING BACK AND FORTH or place a closer device of some sort between the 2 properties, TRAPPING THEM IN THEIR REALM can be smething as simple as digging a small hole in the between area filling it with water and sealing it with original dirt dug out. Ok my attempt to help as I am no spirit chaser as I am a evil energy absorber/destroyer GOOD LUCK.

[edit on 1/21/10 by Ophiuchus 13]


Much what i said a few pages back.

As both properties intersect on Ley, the energy can be utilised to close the portal at source.

It's the easier than direct confrontation and will not vanquish any bound spirits in phase flux and innocent to the fray by using component magick directly.

Spot on but i'd suggest divining a point of flow prior to the intersect(s) as the Ley maintained portal may not actually be in either or both properties, if that doesn't do it it will be something more to do with past events at those properties and locked, so needing direct neutralisation and stronger magick, but if ww's correct and it is Ley anomaly giving purchase to entity manifestation to this plane, using those energies and correcting will be the wise path and take less to achieve objective, targeting the source to dry up the river and cleanse the residual trickle .

And she as well as many others know well that these are strange times, where cosmological influences to this planet are rising and it's changes in the sphere's of our planet allowing rises in such phenomena to manifest, as everybody who has a kin to metaphysics understands.


[edit on 21-1-2010 by DeltaPan]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Hey there, thanks for that ... I did the cleansing with my team last night (at both properties).

Having spoken to both households today they were so relieved to have not only slept upstairs all night but to have slept soundly all night (I'm so pleased for them).

I've promised to keep an eye on them for a while to make sure all is well ... but everything felt so light last night by th time we left.

Having said that, I do like the 'hole' idea and it's definately something I would use when / if the need arises anywhere in the future.


Job done then. Consider what's said by Ophiuchus 13 and myself if it didn't take effect.

What did you do to cleanse exactly, i'm curious, being as we were talking a malevolent entity not a simple poltergeist, with some benign spirits amonsgst it all?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:09 PM
Yea Woody he's a world class prick. As far as Michele she's totally reinvented herseld with PRS, she was a self proclaimed transgender vampire dominatrix. She said she was an egyptian priest a decendant of the nephilim and now she says her abilities are coincidental and genetic. She also assisted in faking the handprint in "The Glove". But then again PRS got busted for faking an entire episode so...... No surprise there. She toned herself down and made herself more vanilla to cash a check IMO.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Well apart from the smudging with white sage and sweetgrass plus a little vanvan powder ... I made the decision to call on Hecate for assistance ... and she obliged.

I know quite a few Pagans hesitate to call on the help of Hecate because of her strength (if you get it wrong) ... but she has come forward for me in the past with excellent results ... and she certainly didn't disappoint last night ... there is nothing like the wisdom of the Crone herself for getting rid of pathetic negative entities who try to gain strength from the vunerable.

As I wrote in an earlier post ... when you speak the words ... you have to feel the meaning in the heart of your soul for them to be effective ... and whilst I'm sure things like the Littany of St Elizabeth would work wonders when spoken by someone who felt the power of the words ... they didn't reach me ...

... But the Invocation of Hecate (wow) ... and as you are most likely aware that amongst other things, she is the Protector of Women ... so she fit the bill perfectly.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by DeltaPan

Well apart from the smudging with white sage and sweetgrass plus a little vanvan powder ... I made the decision to call on Hecate for assistance ... and she obliged.

I know quite a few Pagans hesitate to call on the help of Hecate because of her strength (if you get it wrong) ... but she has come forward for me in the past with excellent results ... and she certainly didn't disappoint last night ... there is nothing like the wisdom of the Crone herself for getting rid of pathetic negative entities who try to gain strength from the vunerable.

As I wrote in an earlier post ... when you speak the words ... you have to feel the meaning in the heart of your soul for them to be effective ... and whilst I'm sure things like the Littany of St Elizabeth would work wonders when spoken by someone who felt the power of the words ... they didn't reach me ...

... But the Invocation of Hecate (wow) ... and as you are most likely aware that amongst other things, she is the Protector of Women ... so she fit the bill perfectly.


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by DeltaPan

Absolutely ... this is why I want to keep an eye on things for a while.

But I have to say to someone who will appreciate this ... it was amazing !!!


posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by DeltaPan

Absolutely ... this is why I want to keep an eye on things for a while.

But I have to say to someone who will appreciate this ... it was amazing !!!


Indeed i do.

The heightened spiritual states achieved during invocations can be exhillerating and awesome, often are.

Well done ww.

Blessed be.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 08:39 PM
I didn't read through every post on this one, but I get the gist of it from the OP. Classification of demons is a very tough thing to do, but like many of the posters mention. Once you know the name of the bastard, you can exorcise it. Demons like angels are not of human nature. They cannot die, all you can do is exorcise it. Demonic possession and haunting even though rare do occur. The problem here is I don't think, whatever this thing is, is a demon. Someone once told me that demons different from normal haunting in that, demons will attack the mind body and soul, where as a normal spiritual or ghost haunting is done through only the physical experience.
So unless the two incidents between the two girls include, having visions, dreams, hearing disembodied voices, feeling heighten sense of anger,depression, change of character(something messing with their emotions). Of course if this thing was a demon its going to try to do everything to prevent you from stopping it. It can read thoughts, and can wreck havok not just on the person it's possessed but the environment and people around it.
Whatever this thing is, it's looking like if it might just be a normal spiritual haunting. Even if that's the case, it can be serious. Even ghosts(spirits) like people can be evil or good. So far from the events you mention, no physical harm has come to these people. I'm guessing you might have a good ghost, especially the fact that you mention that one of the girls, always feel like whatever it is likes to piggy back on them, or seem to be attracted more to the girls. This might be a child spirit lost, doing some background check on the properly, was it originally one resident before it split into two? Any deaths in the area, that might fit the description of a child spirit haunting? Toys being moved around, missing items then reappearing again, lights or objects getting turned on and off? The female mothers of the house? any events happen to them?
If this thing does turn out to be a demon, you might just be out of your league. These things dont get excorised easily, and usually its someone with very strong faith that can do it, namely a priest. Over the years, I have collected a few tips from various forums about the subject from people who have dealt with these kind of situation. If it worsen, just let me know I will post it on the forum.

The prayer of Saint Michael which one of the posters already put on this thread, is one of your best defensive against this demon (if it is one). There is a properly way to do it, but i'm sure just reciting the prayer itself and having faith in it's power is already a strong weapon to use.

In latin:
Sancte Michael Archangele,
defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

In english:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by Nemox42]

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