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Demon Identification Help Required.

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posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 03:21 PM
double post

[edit on 18-1-2010 by tk2dsky]

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

it's pretty creepy...It looks like a shadow grey in the top corner. Completely different than what you're looking at, but that's what my eyes see.

[edit on 18-1-2010 by tk2dsky]

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 03:25 PM
Wow, that is an interesting photo. Was that visible when you took the picture? If so thats interesting that your dealing with an entity able to manifest that thoroughly.

As far as it being demonic... Does the name Serguthy mean anything to you? Furfur?

Also have you considered that said picture is not demonic and perhaps, and this will sound wierd coming from an agnostic, but could be the spirit or guardian angel trying to communicate how to combat the demon?

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Hi Woody

I kept thinking about that black pepper smell that one of the girls reported. I figured that if anything was going to help identify what you were dealing with then that would probably be the most helpful.

I did a bit of digging on that and for what it's worth this is what I found, it's all pretty much from Liber 777. Pepper specifically, along with all hot pungent odours are listed by Crowley under path 27 - a few of the other correspondences are: Mars; Samael; plantary spirit Bartzabel; the tarot trump which Crowley names 'The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty' (note the hosts thing again); works of wrath & vengeance.

edit: figured I might as well post the rest of the list I made: ruby; sword; horse, bear, wolf; absinthe, rue; Horus; red; muscular system; Furies, Chimeras. It's not a complete list but I can't imagine any of the other stuff being relevant.

[edit on 18-1-2010 by skjalddis]

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 03:37 PM
The more and more I hear about this case, the more and more I get concerned. I need more on the background of the girls, specificly the one with the higher level of interaction with the entity. Occult practices? Religous background? I think you need to probe a little more. I also think you are dealing with something quite serious.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Right, hold onto your hat DrJay because this is interesting.

I had the evaluation and introduction of the 2 girls + mothers earlier today ... at my house.

All went along very nicely I think both sets of people gained a little comfort from the fact that neither set was now on their own ... so to speak.

Now I asked all of them if they would allow me to share a little more information on here about their situations ... in the hope that more help from you guys would be forthcoming ... all were agreeable providing I didn't upload any photos with them in ... or mention any of their names.

What follow is information I had already been aware of but have not shared in this thread so far.

>>> Girl 1 & Mother

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Interesting. The attached spirits trying to combat the entity. It's not that unusual. Perhaps this will help.

Holy Mary, Mother of Mercy, Pray for us. Holy Elizabeth, mother of the poor, Pray for us. Saint Elizabeth, who didst fear God from thy heart, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, most fervent in devotion, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, devout and beloved disciple of Jesus, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, imitator of blessed Francis, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, of noblest faith and birth, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, devoted to all pious offices, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, whose nights were spent in prayer and contemplation, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, who wast consoled with heavenly visions, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, beloved of God and man, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, full of contempt of this world, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, example of poverty, chastity and obedience, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, solace of thy husband, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, mirror of widows, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, holocaust of penance and humility, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, admirable preacher of meekness, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, despiser of the luxuries of the regal house, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, lover of the Cross of Christ, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, light of all pious women, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, nourisher of the orphans, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, always intent on works of mercy, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, consoler of all sorrows, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, teacher of the poor, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, seeker of contumely and affronts, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, distributor of thy riches to thy poor neighbors, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, patient in adverstity, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth maker of vestments for the poor, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, hospitable receiver of pilgrims and the sick, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, succor of the needy, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, formidable to demons, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, example of all spiritual perfection, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, repressor of all vain and dissolute conversation, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, cheered by angelic choirs in thy last agony, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, miraculous in life, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, helper of our devotions, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth, our sweetest patron, Pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord! Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, O Lord!

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

Pray for us, blessed Elizabeth: R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. Enlighten, O God of compassion, the hearts of Thy faithful servants, and through the glorious prayers of blessed Elizabeth, make us to despise the pleasing things of this world, and ever to delight in the consolations of heaven. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. (Or this):

O God of tender mercies, pour forth Thy light over the hearts of Thy faithful people: and graciously listening to the glorious prayers of blessed Elizabeth, make us to think little of worldly prosperity and to be ever gladdened by heavenly consolation. Through our Lord, etc. R. Amen.

Also see if any names here give you anything..

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 04:37 PM
Now here is a catholic prayer of excorcism... Not the full rite. I'm interested in what type of reaction it would provoke.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.

Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in "our battle against principalities and
against the rulers of this world of darkness,
against the spirits of wickedness in the high places"
[Eph., 6:12].

Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His
and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny
of the devil.
The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and
to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed
to be led into heaven.
Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our
that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to
the Church.
Offer our prayers to the Most High,
that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us;
take hold of "the dragon, the old serpent, which is the
devil and Satan,"
bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit
"that he may no longer seduce the nations." [Rev. 20:2-3]


In the Name of Jesus Christ,
our God and Lord,
strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin
Mother of God,
of Blessed Michael the Archangel,
of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints.
and powerful in the holy authority of our ministry,
we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and
deceits of the devil.
God arises;
His enemies are scattered
and those who hate Him flee before Him.
As smoke is driven away,
so are they driven;
as wax melts before the fire,
so the wicked perish at the presence of God.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies.
R. The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the offspring of David,
hath conquered.

V. May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.
R. As great as our hope in Thee.

We drive you from us,
whoever you may be,
unclean spirits,
all satanic powers,
all infernal invaders,
all wicked legions,
assemblies and sects.

In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, + may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb.

+ Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment God's elect and sift them as wheat.

+ The Most High God commands you, + He with whom, in your great insolence, you still claim to be equal.

"God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." [1 Tim. 2:4)

God the Father commands you. + God the Son commands you. + God the Holy Ghost commands you.

+ Christ, God's Word made flesh, commands you; + He who to save our race outdone through your envy, "humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death" [Phil. 2:8); He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her "all days even to the end of the world." [Mt. 28:20]

The sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, + as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith.

+ The glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; + she who by her humility and from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception crushed your proud head.

The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of the other Apostles commands you.

+ The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command you. +

Thus, cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions, we adjure you by the living God, + by the true God, + by the holy God, + by the God "who so loved the world that He gave up His only Son, that every soul believing in Him might not perish but have life everlasting;" [St.Jn. 3:16] stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and hindering her liberty.

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation.

Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood.

Stoop beneath the all-powerful Hand of God; tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus, this Name which causes hell to tremble, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of heaven are humbly submissive, this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the God of Hosts.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

V. May the Lord be with thee.
R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

God of heaven,
God of earth,
God of Angels,
God of Archangels,
God of Patriarchs,
God of Prophets,
God of Apostles,
God of Martyrs,
God of Confessors,
God of Virgins,
God who has power to give life after death and rest after
because there is no other God than Thee and there can be
no other,
for Thou art the Creator of all things,
visible and invisible,
of Whose reign there shall be no end,
we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty
and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power
from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits,
from their snares,
their lies and their furious wickedness.

Deign, O Lord,
to grant us Thy powerful protection
and to keep us safe and sound.
We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


V. From the snares of the devil,
R. Deliver us, O Lord.
V. That Thy Church may serve Thee in peace and liberty:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.
V. That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.

(Holy water is sprinkled in the place where we may be

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

It's amazing how you can be so sure without any evidence. It's almost as if you're being completely delusional. But that can't be the case, right?

All this thread is people passing around opinions, completely devoid of factual basis, and others accepting which opinions have been voiced the clearest, and not the opinions based on fact.

I feel sorry for the family being 'traumatised'. It's clear most of their trauma has come from people in this thread, and not from any 'entity'. Disgusting.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by DrJay1975

It's amazing how you can be so sure without any evidence. It's almost as if you're being completely delusional. But that can't be the case, right?

All this thread is people passing around opinions, completely devoid of factual basis, and others accepting which opinions have been voiced the clearest, and not the opinions based on fact.

I feel sorry for the family being 'traumatised'. It's clear most of their trauma has come from people in this thread, and not from any 'entity'. Disgusting.

Sure of what? I never said I was sure of anything, simply exploring different avenues trying to get to the truth. It's quite clear that us discussing options without taking action disturbs you. I'm not sure why, most of your posts appear to be simply calling people idiots for exploring anything paranormal. If thats the case why troll the forum? You offer nothing constructive other than to critisize the poster rather than the post. You offer no alternative theories. Nobody in this thread have traumatized the family. And also, how do you know our opinions are not based in fact? It seems like you make many unsubstantiated assumptions.

Your a sad case who needs to stop attempting to hijack a thread. My lord its in the paranormal studies forum. Offer up a paranormal explanation or debunk it. Just quit complaining and attacking people.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I'm highlighting the fallacy of piling assumptions upon assumptions and expecting to learn anything. No one here is "exploring" anything paranormal - there is no evidence any of this stuff exists, so how can it be explored? It'd be like exploring a building without even knowing it exists.

You folks don't even offer ANY theories, just baseless hypotheses that have no supporting evidence, and which seem to have been plucked out of thin air.

I'm not hijacking a thread, merely trying to stop any (more) gullible people from being suckered in to this childish, pathetic make-believe "I wanna be in Buffy/Supernatural/Etc." nonsense.

I can debunk everything written in this thread - unless you have evidence, you are indistinguishable from people making stuff up off the top of their head. Just because the word 'paranormal' is in the title doesn't mean you can just forego evidence. It's absolutely retarded. No one has learned anything from this forum, except I've learned that lots of adults need to grow up and stop playing make-believe.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 06:09 PM
Dave have you thought about taking a good antidepressant? Again just because it isn't proven to you doesn't mean it doesn't hold validity for others. Have you even looked at her picture?

Woodwytch, examine the possibility of an ekimmu as well.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

i cannot find anything on serguthy or furfur. i shall try to see if there is anything, but no promises

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

yes an ekimmu could be likely, especially considering the fact that the family had a child that died. and maybe the ekimmu is trying to protect her sister from a demon. . .

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Dude, go somewhere else. Were all sick of hearing you spout out at the mouth, frankly, over things you obviously haven't the slightest idea about.
It was my understanding that this thread was to be a learning experience and here all I see every few posts is you spouting crap, calling people's spiritual beliefs out and pretty much being a textbook example of a human douchebag. If you don't like what's being said here, sod off.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by davesidious

mate I've tried to keep my mouth shut out of respect for woody and her thread, but I have to agree that it's time you packed up and pissed off. Maybe you've had a hell of a scare and this is your way of denying it, if you want help then ask for it, no-one here would deny you that, but as I'm sure your mother told you once, when in company of people you don't like either leave or by polite, ie if you haven't got something nice to say then say nothing at all.
Your belief that this is all hokus means nothing to us, we are very comfortable with the fact we may be wrong, but you just have to keep on acting like a spoiled rude little child and interupt when he adults are talking,
so please just leave...quitley...NOW

PS sorry woody, couldn't help it

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I read the list of names and recognised a few but the 2 that actually meant anything to me were;

BERITH ... from the Witch perspective it means 'to recognize that which is hidden' ... 'to see beyond the cloak' ... 'to recognize the secret knowledge'
(it is my name ... my username is 'woodwytch' ... my full name is 'Berith Woodwytch).

HECATE ... again she has strong links to the Craft. She is one of the triple aspects of the Goddess and represents the Crone ... again the Crone represents the wisdom of the ages. Many people are afraid to call on Hecate (pro - heck 'a' tay) ... during ritual because of her exceptional strength and power ... but she is the protector of women ... particularly abused women ... and I personally feel great safety and comfort when I have called on her services for myself and clients in the past. Having said that she definately demands respect and should not be called on lightly eg; not recommended for novices of the craft.


posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 08:12 AM
Perform the littany of st elizabeth and see what reaaction you get. If you wish to perform the prayer of excorcism I'd make sure the girls were present. I think you'll get a good idea what your dealing with. If you require further assistance after that I have a dear friend who's a Brit priest who might be willing to assist.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Will do ... and can I just say how much I appreciate all the time you've taken to offer your help ... I really am so greatful ... it's obvious to anyone who has read your posts on this thread (and elsewhere), that you really do know what you're talking about.

But more than that I like that you are not approaching the subject from a purely paranormal angle ... you also have the psychological angle covered too ... I like the balance this brings about.


posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Serguthy is a demi demon of Charpon and holds power over the opposite sex.

Furfur-he's an earl of hell who urges love between a man and woman

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