posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 07:02 PM
I didn't want to feed into the hype of the video, but I chose to go onto you tube and find the video anyway. I gotta say, it didn't look any
different than any of the other videos out there for the last few years......which is why I don't watch MTV or VH1!! Was it inappropriate? To say the
least!!!!!! Satanic? Yep!!!! But, the second I heard somebody say they were about to debut a Jay-Z video, I would have LUNGED for the remote!!
I don't know what channel my husband put on, but I KNOW it was one of the "free" basic channels - CBS, ABC, one of those - so we, too, could watch
the ball drop at midnight. (Ironically, on a side note, I had never even seen the ball drop until I had a kid! Before that, I was too busy partying on
that night, and I have to wonder how many people that the video was made to target - ages 18-25??? - actually saw the damn thing! Probably not many -
the only ones home on New Years watching the ball drop are the ones with families or someone with the flu!)
But I my husband and I put the tv on to watch the ball drop (my kid was asleep) and I had the privelege of NOT seeing the Jay-Z
debacle...instead, I got to see Jennifer Lopez in nothing but panty hose and a fur coat. No exaggeration - they had to "fuzz" out her crotch region
(no pun intended - or maybe it was) THEN I got to see some random couple, not just kissing, but KISSING!!!! Tongues a-rollin, full on making
out.....then back to half/mostly naked J.Lo.
So I didn't get to see the big premier of Jay-Z's satanic/kill people/it's all about the money/dancing girls video, I was too busy watching a naked
woman (but she was very sparkly, and she was covered in another animal's skin) and people making out (but they did cut away seconds before they took
their clothes off) so I guess I was one of the "LUCKY" ones.
So so so so pathetic. I am so thankful my daughter couldn't make it and passed out.
And for the record, for all the people who want to say that the op shouldn't have been watching tv, he should have been doing something better with
his family, consider this: I WAS! I wasn't sitting around w/my husband watching tv all night, and if my kid had stayed awake, we would have been
hanging out and having fun...up until about 11:55pm when I would have/did switch the tv on to watch the ball drop.
The point has been made perfectly by others. WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYY?????? What is the point? Why can't I watch the ball drop and smile and cheer? Because
the times have changed, and I do not think that will be an option any longer.
And one more side note re: tv/family: The time has come to give up the idea that you can watch anything as a family. Know what I watch with my
daughter? Survivor. That's it. Nothing else. Ever since Everybody Loves Raymond, they have not come out with ONE new show for families!!! Not ONE!!!
So I am stuck with i-Carly or Family Feud until she goes to bed. So I'm not surprised, just grateful, that my daughter wasn't awake at midnight. She
would have had more questions than I had answers to. Her question wouldn't have been "what's a 'ni...ger'" when she heard it 23 1/2 times in
Jay-Z's video, or "why is that woman not wearing any clothes?".......her question would have been, "Why are they showing these things on tv?"
And I would have had no answer.