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2010 On to the Next One... WTH

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posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I think you need to re-direct all that energy into something more positive, or at least towards someone thats more deserving of it. Jay-Z is a success story who made something of himself.

If he's associating with secret societies and the like, don't pay attention to him and don't support his music. Jay-Z is not to blame for ANY of our problems, sorry to break it to you!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Retikx

Can I ask how you get to page 11 of a thread and give the same exact response as 4-5 other people without reading the thread and making an OP have to repeat the same words?

There was no avoiding it, it was shown right after the stroke of Midnight onNew Years Eve on a public channel....

Don't mean to be snippy but did you really think that by this many pages no one had said the ol "if you don't like it don't watch it" response by now and that you were posting something original in response?

Your missing the point of the entire thread... which is by and large about the Capacity in America to BUY any slot at any time irregardless of what people think they are going to see...

Not about Jay Z and a Video on MTV

Frankly every person who plants this response temporarily drops my IQ by 2 points and gives me a head ache...

The majority of the people get what i'm saying and it's kind of sad that a few really do just Plant Blanket Conditioned responses about the right to say whatever you want etc, etc...

Why exactly is it Okay... for some Hip Hop star to basically purchase the moment after New Years to force feed his song to families all across the USA and show it to Everyone when it contains Images and Lyrics that could Offend so many people by religion or children or simply type of music they would want to hear on a Holiday?

How exactly is it okay to take a tradition people follow for decades every year cut out the holidays theme song to nothing when families are singing together and show them...bullets and demonic symbols instead by paying a lump sum?

Why would you respect this method of self promotion and how does this actually make someone a real star?

Not ONE person who has simply Jumped to the freedom of their music has actually given a decent response to any of those questions because in the end there is no reason for it...

Even jumping straight to an annoying commercial at such a moment is something we accept but no one actually likes...

If your watching a movie and a commercial came on for a product YOU individually like to buy, you still know what it is, it still interupts a Movie and annoys you...

So why Jock JZ so hard when in the end all he is is exactly what his song says he is a Money addicted Thug?

Let me ask you...

Would you like it if his money makes this common place?

If your sitting in the middle of a Ball game or Movie or anything else... and instead of Just ordinary annoying commercials, now performers can come on and buy the slot for 4-5 minutes straight and interrupt your thoughts and what your watching with a totally different type of entertainment particularly one you might find offensive?

Maybe during the nightly news... we can have a Gay performer drop a video in at the 15 minute mark depicting homosexual sex...

I don't WHAT you might NOT want to see or find offensive in the middle of watching something else...

But what was done here was a step beyond for commercialism and materialism...

Delivering a Music Video that at least half the people watching might not like, containing a message that offends some... Money, Greed, violence...

Random in the middle of a Holiday celebration...

TV commercials aren't bad enough?

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Societalgnorance
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I think you need to re-direct all that energy into something more positive, or at least towards someone thats more deserving of it. Jay-Z is a success story who made something of himself.

If he's associating with secret societies and the like, don't pay attention to him and don't support his music. Jay-Z is not to blame for ANY of our problems, sorry to break it to you!

Read the above post

Then let me respond with this additionally...

It's a conspiracy Forum, the conspiracy here is forcing messages and entertainment forms down my throat while watching something else entirely bought and paid for to interrupt what I am doing, a trend I don't think anyone would like to see on TV continue...particularly if it was a video of something YOU happened to find offensive interjected at a time and in the middle of something you were enjoying

The only other thing i'd say...

"success" is a funny word...

Your defending Jay Z whose entire message is materialism... and in regards to Materialism Yes he is a success...

In most cultures... that kind of success is something a person would be expected to be a little humble about

and in Many cultures Success is more likely to be used for an actual accomplishment other than Money

Success like...educationally or in life or love, or intellect, there are a lot of ways to be successful other than money and for Most of the human race.... a song simply bragging about wealth acquisition would be seen as... a bit gross and ego maniacal...

which is how I see it...

On MTV if you like this sort of thing and for whatever reason it appeals to you it's there and no one is questioning it's right to be...

In the middle of New Years at the end of the Xmas season... a Spiritual time of year for MOST people.... this as the final Cherry you see is wrong message.... money money money greed...

Is this about Jay Z

Or about as I said in the first few lines...

"Is this what we are becoming"

Rampant Materialism is gross, bragging about it constantly is even more offensive... most of the WORLD Hates Americans because this is what we put out and it makes us look like barbarians culturally

Being able to BUY a Holiday tradition spot to show your Video...

This is an awful thing....

Made worse not by anything my kids saw... but rather what other impressionable kids and people in general are being shown not on a channel they tuned into, but as part of a spiritual time...greed, wealth demonic secret societies as a path to success... using bullet to double your money...

Is that actually what should represent an AMERICAN holiday, is that what you want to live in?

I know I don't!

I'm not wasting my time on "jay Z"

I'm spending my time on a conspiracy forum on a MUCH BIGGER issue which the buying and selling of ANYTHING we might hold sacred or that actually may have a positive message.

Jay z... Is on his way to being a Billionaire

And he is preaching to his own people... about valuing the 500.00 sneakers he is wearing or being willing to plug someone to double up his cash

That isn't a new years message for people...

If he was still on his steps playing local clubs maybe you could see the lyrics... but the reality, he is plugging shoes he could buy a half million pair of to kids... who WILL go spend 500 bucks to emulate him, rather than improve their lives, promoting methods that get 499 of 500 kids NOT out of the ghetto who attempt to talk that walk but rather behind bars...

Is it worth my time to speak against a traitor to his own race and to society in general?


because of the number above you know it... I know it...

Pick up a gun to make money 99% of the time your going t ruin your life...

It's a terrible message and just holds the kids who listen to it down...

Plugged on MTV by the all mighty dollar ... I wouldn't debate that...

Shown as a Holiday special?

And given the marketing trend it represents and what else could be shown that way...

Yeah having to seen a Tampon ad in the middle of a show is already awful enough and annoying this is over the top... in regards to the buying and selling of our time...

It's definitely NOT spending time on Jay Z... other than as the example, it's a much bigger picture

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:06 PM

.."The log chronicles 481 visits to the White House from individuals ranging from Jay-Z to Bill Gates from January through July."...

(Just to prove I hadn't imagined it!)

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I get you..Yea I'm not going to toss on a Jay-z christmas tune any time soon...Well I do like the Run D.M.C. Christmas in Queens. It's funny. Any way back to what I said. You have the power...why didn't you just turn the channel. By ranting on what should be on the air and what shouldn't you sound like the scared people who wait for the government to swoop in and ban Jay-Z or Janet Jackson from half time shows. Instead of using your power of choice with a remote to create change. You see this is my view of conservative justice. Conservative bitch about freedom and say they want limited government untill a boob popps out on national T.V. then they want the government to ban every thing they can off t.v. they dont agree with instead of just changing the channel. You see I don't let my daughter watch MTV or purchase certain things or watch certain things. It's power!!! I have it I control it...I'm the parental unit. If I don't like whats on t.v. I change it. I don't bitch and scream and demand the FCC to ban certain programs etc. I just change the's my choice to do as i will. And you have that too. and your power with-in your house only effects you.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:49 PM
Alright this post is still going huh?
Been two days now.....
I actually like this song, like the video too. Because from a directors point of view it has very hard hitting imagery that might make some gullible people mistake it for masonic symbolism and satanism.jay-z's video will get people talking about it, which is the point of making videos like this.

Look back long long ago into the eighties:

Kind of weird right? and if you try really hard while your board and have nothing better to do you can find something scary and satanic in her video too.

You guys are just complaining about the video because, aside from the music you grew up with there's A: a black man who is more popular than Elvis who has a lot of money making these songs
B: A rapper got the first video of the year and crashed your tradition of hearing the same old song played over and over every year
C: this music is very frightening to some viewers because while they are watching their normal tv programming such blasphemous noises are usually native to BET and MTV.

When frightened some people have no other option than to acquaint what they see as satanic in origin.

mystery solved.

Jay-z was played on new years because the song had something to do with new years and it spared us from hearing more lady gaga, auto tuned crap, or the johnas brothers.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by patent98310]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

No offense, but a good parent has a hard time with "explaining" things a child can easily hear despite parental control.

Things that a good parent would not discuss with a youngster unless they were forced to, and not a moment sooner. Our job is to protect them from danger, and from the feeling of being threatened, as well, by things they should not, as children, even have to think about.

I can protect my child, but not when I don't see it coming! No decent parent would sit down and explain all the violent things in some music and media today. Children need to be allowed to grow without those things forcing their way into a person's world. When they are grown, they can choose whatever they want to listen to or to watch.

But by then they'll be better able to brush it off, etc, and it will be after they've been allowed to grow and learn reason, uninfluenced by things we all agree have no place in childhood.

It's just harder and harder to protect innocence. Parents are much more militant as a result, sometimes. Others are more lax, to have less restriction and resistance in their lives. Both are affected by their response to these environmental factors that once were simply personal choices in music, movies, etc.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by tsloan

No... I have no desire to have anything banned from TV, i'm on the same page as you in regards to the fact that I have a degree of control...

In fact i like the fact that you can put anything on the tube, in an earlier day or if things were censored, you'd never know who you could respect or not because they never would be given enough proverbial rope to hang themselves by... If it's all fake and controlled and everyone wears masks your never going to be able to tell the good from the bad...

Evil concealed is imho more dangerous than evil being allowed to exist, everything after all has a purpose

This is all about CONTEXT my friend where and when things are placed...

Censor? Never...

But with a virtually unlimited Internet and 100 channels of cable and Satellite Radio

I do believe in marking what things are and having places for things...

It's the "screaming fire in a crowded movie theater vs free speech" debate in many way.

I want places where things can be avoided, I believe there Should be a specific domain extension for pornography for example, so long as you can get access there is no need to unwittingly expose others...

It's an interesting thing.... we are at odds with the rest of the world on many topics these days and we will here repeated over and over again from our enemies and even friends several things about us...

Too Materialistic


lacking in spirituality


Immature as a culture lacking tradition

and you know what... everyone else is right, this is an example of it...

My lash out has little to do with any kind of censorship but rather grasping the pendulum when it swings too far in a given direction...

To me... this Vid as a Celebration of the New Year is an example of everything said about us...

It's all about Money and materialism from it even being able to bought into the spot to what the song preaches, It's obnoxious for a holiday, rude ego maniacal, lacking any kind of positive message and it's placement was rude...

I have been talking about this a EXTREME we actually are...

Take for example Gay rights...

I absolutely believe in gay rights including marriage... I do NOT believe that needs to extend to wearing daisy dukes in a super market with part of your crack showing a wig and make up and being obnoxiously loud about it...

There isn't a gene that requires you to prance lisp and go half naked and cross dress in a school zone lol... if nothing else and not to use kids as a weapon of debate, it's just being very over bearing to others...

freedom of expression is a right...

But there is a time and a place and there is respect for others and Politeness...

another word you hear about our culture regularly...

We are not polite

Sometimes and some channels and some places can be kept nuteral and I don't think it's an imposition on anyone's freedoms...

I Love sex... I don't think it needs to be full nudity on Cbs with 1000 channels...

And here's the deal... I'm a pretty fringe guy, i'm saying this because on every level i'm a bit out there and have tastes that are outside the norm sometime...

I really like the horror genre... I hope I get to make a small movie again for video release in the next year or two (yes I said again)

I don't want it shown (some of what i'm working on) main stream... I'm not obsessed with Hollywood or a theatrical release...

I'm not even sure what I would do with more than a couple Million Bucks...

Ambition is one thing, buying the New Years spot for a semi occult themed vid... that's just Over kill on ambition IMHO, tasteless...

Allot of this is just about being grotesque as a society and nothing being sacred anymore...

Like I said I hope to make a Vid or two myself again soon... and that's it, I enjoy it, even direct to video I can make enough of of one video to pay off a nice house... Right NOW that sounds glorious, a chance maybe to do something I Love and entertain an audience that WANTS to watch and lord knows... make more than I need...

A person should be happy about that and enjoy the success...

If I ever have the success and drift into... signing a deal that plays that same flick which admittedly what i have in mind is pretty raw... and allow it to be shown after sponge bob the movie at make extra Millions...

I seriously hope someone loves me enough to smack my face at that point and time... remind me of why I do it in the first place...

As American kaiju film I have in mind...

No actual redeeming value what so ever lol

I am happy to admit that, beyond effects.... it's got zip to offer on an intellectual level or spiritual level... it's like the Jay Z vid... it's a dopamine rush,.... a shot of adrenaline, nothing more...

IF I ever get my act together and get it done...

like I said... I hope some one cares enough about me to put me in check, and if not... maybe in these cases we do need to put greed and ego in check...

I personally now... wish what i do to be in it's proper place and just hope someone restrains me If I loose track of that like Jay Z certainly has...

who I am now prior to that kind of possibility of Ego... says, I don't want to Pimp 500.00 sneakers to kids in the hood if I make it...

I am not rich ATM and mostly... I'm happier than when I have been relatively rich...

That's more of the message i'd want to be giving out and and to hear right now on New Years Eve...

One Ho Maybe 2 and a Few million dollars is plenty for anyone rofl

No one needs to be pimpin Music Vids in place of holiday spirit...

Happy New Years "some one give me back my money please" Guys guesstimate is over 150 Million and his holiday message is bullets doublin his money...

You can't even spend what you got pal.... lol, someone needs to remind him where he came from or maybe seek help to deal with the trauma...

What do cars and shoes even mean to a guy like that anymore...

Nuthin lol... Get up there and throw 20 Million into the crowd so kids don't have to open fire to pay their rent...

Like Jay Z says...

He's a BOSS a PIMP

Keep him off the holiday for Christ sake...he's an admitted pimp...

that's not censorship... That's kicking the 350 Lb guy off the all you can eat buffet when he reaches his 14th plate

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by patent98310

It's not mistaken for Masonic symbols... it's done with Intent to create a reaction...

My friend... the Bonnie Tyler song isnt appropriate either...

NO Video should have been sold into the spot...

It has nothing to do with Being a Black Man or Hip Hop or even that the Video is bad... it's kind of mesmerizing actually, i'll freely admit that.... well done regardless of what i think of it morally in regards to message... it's a good video...

I don't even think on certain occasions they can't forgo ordinary commercials let alone pimpin a video...

Songs about ... Pimpin, not new years, On to the next refers to next victim not the new years, or lighten next big financial score or upping of game...

WE as a society are pigs in regards to Money, hoarders, dominatrices, violent.... over 100 nations have our guys with guns on their soil doublin that money lol

There is NO question in regards to being allowed to make or play the video or that it was good or bad, no comment about hip hop or Black People...

The comment is ushering the New year...

With a message of greed when we are already HATED for being killers for MONEY as it is... when it's the single biggest critique you can make of us as as society

On New Years we... sing a corny song that reminds us fo friends and relatives not around to not forget them...

One of the few days like xmas where we behave HUMAN


Not another excuse to promote an Album about pimpin hoes and sex and wealth...

This is how backwards we actually are... not once have I engaged censorship, not once have i brought up rap or race or anything else... and deciphering the occult symbols is...just interesting they really did go to town...

This is about nothing being sacred any more bro...

Think about it

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

new years eve? when? oh crap, did i miss it?

tune out.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by vermonster

Tune Out...

Sane answer... reverberated by many

Don't wish to... it's a beautiful medium if used right...

Might have to again tho, it' gets more grotesque by the minute

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

"Xian"? Could you clarify, please, what Chinese people have to do with your comment?

At present, they are still Communist, which is by definition atheist.

Perhaps a little better geography skills...this thread is already bobbing and weaving all over without dragging our Eastern neighbors into it...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:06 AM
Wow. This is ridiculous. Jay z is 45 and still raps about pushing rocks. But I guess whatever sells, right?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Copperflower

I have utterly no idea what he was going on about there either...

China despite still having many people rural and uneducated, over all probably has 5x the classical music education going on in regards to dance, playing instruments and genuine talent than the USA, it just hasn't been made into a money engine because they understand Music has a FAR GREATER value than money...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by ladiezman323

Exactly the point my friend, exactly the point...

There is nothing to it but Sales and industry and gangsta nonsense, this is the way we show ourselves to the world on a national holiday and then we wonder why people have come to think of us as idiots...

People aren't impressed by wealth and power as this video would make you believe, people are impressed with spirit and action and legitimacy...

150 Million bucks aside... it gets old...

You broadcast something from Times Sq world wide show people what we really have... a few Million people that can play anything from any culture with great training...

Pushed aside for a money grubbin gangsta buying up airtime...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:18 AM
wow is this BS still going on? im glad more people saw that the OP is just scurd cause he does not understand where J comes from. You should really take all this negative energy you have for someone else artistic creation and go make something for yourself put it up here so we can all judge you.

im really glad that OP got him 15 min of internet fame but you need to let this die your really trolling your own thread now, for god sakes you have 8 post on this page alone.
im pretty sure Op is just a racist whiteboy who used the N word all the time.

Mod should just delete this thread

[edit on 6-1-2010 by killartofu]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:53 PM
That is really sad.. I would expect that to be shown on MTV but not on a family channel. At least people know now for next year... Just find a movie or sing some songs that you enjoyed as a child...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 06:25 PM
You're all being played.
The album is good, On To The Next One is catchy as all hell, and I'm willing to bet the video was made the way it is to PURPOSELY look occult, not subliminal. Many people have speculated Jay-Z's occult ties and it's no surprise that he would have heard about it, or the director would have heard about it. I'm gonna say it's almost a 'homage' to the conspiracy theories.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by lovenothate
of course it has a satanic feel to it did you see the hammer driping with blood! this video was sooo wrong at this time!!

A hammer dripping with blood is satanic? Really?

With that assertion I want somebody to lay out a play by play of the satanic images with the time. I just don't see a hammer as satanic.


Somebody did post a break down on page seven.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by MikeNice81]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by LiXx84

(5 seconds) I see a man flipping up the collar on his jacket. It didn't flip smoothly so he had to work at it. Don't see anything demonic there.

(9 seconds) Sideways peace signs. I guess me and half of my high school friends are satanist or Masons.

(10 seconds) I'm only going to adress the number three one time. On the album cover there are three read lines. The name of the album is The Blue Print 3. This is a matter of repetition to drill the album's image in to people's mind.

(12 seconds) The halo isn't suprising. He has used the stage name Jay-Hova since his second or third album. He calls himself the god of rap. If I was a producer I would try to work that in. I think it is a case of having a very imaginative director. I actually give the guy respect for this subliminal move. Re-enforce the celebrities image as the master of his art form. A genius marketing move.

(22 seconds) A Goat? My father-in-law raises goat. If one looked anything like that It would be put down so it didn't infect the gene pool. Two horns do not make a goat.

(24 seconds) The 00s were a crazy decade for everybody. However, it was more so for african-Americans. Imus made (some consider) racist remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team when they won the national title. Yet in the same decade an African-American was elected president. From an artistic stand point I can not think of a better way to express what the decade was like for African-Americans in less than three seconds.

(28 seconds) Another highly artistic way to imprint the album title.

I could go on and on with this video. To me it comes across as a very artistic video that sells the album and follows the lyrics in an interpretive fashion. Honestly, from an artistic stand point this is one of the best videos in a long time.

Yes it is dark and creepy. What else can you expect in a time when the top selling book and movie of the last year was about vampires? In a time when multiple cable stations have shows about the paranormal and "monster quests," what else do you expect?

For some reason I'm having flash backs of Tipper Gore and the pissed off Washington house wives.

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