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2010 On to the Next One... WTH

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posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:08 PM
After all those songs I listenned to this one and its clear

he says illuminati want my mind, soul and my body

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Teeky

Jay-z, Rihana, Beyonce, Gaga, paramore, Kanye etc... are all down with the dark side.
There a lot of underground low budget documentaries going around pointing out the symbolic evil in the entertainment industry right now.

Free speech is great, but when the majority of art and media becomes one sided it's never good for the masses.

You know what...

it's too much, your selling aimed at Teens and unlike a decade ago when this sort of thing was brought up in music they are "trying" to be serious about it.

The maker of the video, know his occult business it's not presented like Led Zepplin where we all knew Modor was from lord of the Rings lol and it was basically nerdy...

Or Kiss or Even ICP who were crude and ridiculous but always maintained a comedic side...

This takes itself Very seriously, street lyrics about real life actions combined with (at the least) well researched occult symbols...

It's very well done it's not put out there like it's meant to be fiction and just for entertainment, it appears credible and believable...

When you listen to Slayer and Kerry king asks who here worships Satan... then gives the people who yell the middle finger you know it's all an act...

At the very least, Jay Z is smart enough or those behind him to want this air of being taken seriously.

To me it's crossing the line perhaps between Ideology and Music far more so than anything that has done a demonic style's the past for shock value...

At the very least, they want you to think they are serious about this stuff, that alone is not particularly cool..

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:38 PM
"Obama Camp Offers Free Jay-Z Concert" (from 2008)

Hip-hop star Jay-Z will perform Saturday at Detroit's Cobo Arena to promote voter registration.



..."The free concert is being offered by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign. Monday is the deadline in Michigan to register to vote in the Nov. 4 presidential election, prompting the last-minute push.

Members of the public can pick up one free ticket at Campaign for Change offices in Detroit, Dearborn, Southfield and Wayne County's Canton Township.

Jay-Z has won seven Grammy Awards. He is married to singer Beyonce Knowles and is part-owner of the New Jersey Nets.

Obama has said Jay-Z is one of his favorite musical artists"...

Anyone surprised?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

Well far above and beyond what the lyrics are or if we like Hip Hop or not...

The biggest thing I think in this that bothers me is that the slot at the gong of Midnight on New Years is for sale to the highest bidder in the Music Industry...

I mean... I'm not a spring chicken anymore, but when i want music, I don't turn on the Radio and get obsessed with whatever puke they are trying to sell me, people become these huge fans, and the reality is there is so much good music in so many diverse forms available particularly thanks to the Internet...

I might cave in and go for the diapers I see advertised on TV lol

But I don't pick my music based on what is played x number of times on the radio, music affects both the mind and spirit, i seek out interesting stuff and find it...

Jay Z isn't Music.... all else aside...

It's the business of Music

And apparently my traditions my Holidays, my time is all for sale to the highest bidder judging for this sort of thing...

They could have done anything a Choir, Unsigned Talent... anything


I ride my car 10 minutes a day MAXIMUM...

I have heard this song "run this town tonight" 3000 x.....

It's sickening, and I have to ask why any one buys into it?

It's NOT that good...

It's not fresh or something original

It doesn't carry a good message...

None of it on the charts is really GREAT Music...

We talk in here every day about "control" people come in and are ready to start the revolution tomorrow.... lol

But in reality, it seems half of those same people, can't get past listening to The "BIG" Music of the moment or manage to tune in something other than top 40

I mean...

If we are not going to get past being spoon fed what you hear and worshiping it like it's something special without really knowing what else is out there...

How can the same people ever say they are radical or have new ideas for the direction of the country when they think Jay Z and Michael jackson actually have some Talent worth hundreds of Millions or Billions?

Garbage in Garbage out...

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Yeah, it really didn't seem very festive or anything.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:48 PM
six hundred, three score and six

the real reason the number 3 was used so many times in the video, especially the three stripes

it is because it is the number of his name (the beast in revelations)

there is no such thing as holy trinity. that twisted little word is just a little leaven to leaven the whole lump.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by JacobTheBomb

Festive Rofl...


it's New Years Eve in Times square....

There are Snipers on the roof every where.

Everyone is on Camera....

Bomb sniffing dogs and riot gear cops are waiting in the wings...

Your not allowed to drink...

The announcer is talking about a desperate economy and war

And the highlight is cutting off a song people have sung every year for generations in order to play something loaded with occult symbols and poon talking about using bullets to get Money...


It was more like some strange take on 1984 it was a horror show, it was abnormal from start to finish and it ended with Lucifer gang bangin

Bizzare actually doesn't begin to cover it...

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

See... I had no intention of going to the "BEYOND" with this thread...

But that bears mentioning too...

This is our President Jay Z is one of his favorite artists?

I'm sorry I often DO listen to Rap as MOOD music if i'm speeding in my car on a lonely road or out dancing or maybe I just want to bang my head up against the wall for a half hr and let off some steam...sure...

I listen to a lot of nonsense music...

But if your telling me, Barack Obama actually would seriously say Jay Z is one of his favorite artists, that's almost hard to even comprehend...

Mr Culture picks a guy who sings

Big pimpin in the house now Bought the land tore the m----f---n house down Bought the car tore the m----f----n roof off Ride clean, I don't never take the shoes off

This is the Presidents Favorite? Or One of

What is he 17 years old?

Maybe he made the request for New Years eve...

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 11:42 PM
yo thats pretty sketchy up in here up in here

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I was actually searching for an article that said Jay-Z had been a guest at the Wjite House,thinking I'd heard or seen that somewhere before.

I came across the other article instead.

Looks like your thread has done quite well. It's touched alot of people,and that is good! It is definetly a statement about the times we're in! Thanks for bringing it up!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by On the Edge

Appreciate that Edge...

I have actually been particularly touched this season with a genuine feeling of it washing away...

I think we spend a lot of time looking for conspiracies against us in here, people are looking for H1N1 or for which weapon system might defeat us or the Islamic Horde...

But in reflecting upon things and on history lately, what I see is that they don't actually need to blow you up or kill you or give you disease or invade to destroy you.

When I look at the situation of Native Americans today or at African Americans... or at others Globally...

It's Not the death toll that creates the lingering tragedy, it's not the fight, it's not the economics... nor is it a piece of land, nor is it a Disease that defeats a culture...

It's the destruction of the culture.of the traditions of the family of the way of life...

So we are all looking for the "EVENT" but there never will be "an event"

They will remove the word Xmas

They will get politically correct and make you feel guilt and worthlessness about your ancestors

They will replace Old Lang Syne with Jay Z and images that are anti the mainstream cultures religion

They will disrupt your family

They will make you "accept" cultures and dismiss your own in the process

They will change your language

And they wont leave you with anything of substance in it's place...

It's not about... if your religion makes sense, or respect for others it's IDENTITY, it's UNITY, it's FAMILY

Most of us in here are smart enough to know most of it's nonsense...

But it's the ties that bind...

Left without your culture and identity... you have nothing, you can be dismissed replaced with whatever or who ever comes along.

This is the real fight and it's a tough fight... because very individual issue sounds stuipid, it's easy to argue against...

There is No Santa after all

You weren't there when Christ was born

Old Lang Syne isn't a particularly cool song

Apple Pie and Baseball, they are both kind of Hokey...

But it's not about that, it's about Identity, ties that bind community, belonging, self worth

If we allow them to strip those things from us we can hold the land, be the most powerful nation on Earth, but we will be nothing but Slaves... completely defeated without a shot fired...

They get the children into some soulless State belief system, we are done for...

And what's coming....

NOTHING, no disaster, no tragedy that is visible, no plauge or Disclosure or stellar phenomena...

It's all distraction from...

Accepting Cameras for no reason

Carrying ID cards

Giving up your traditions

Creating a family system in which no one is raising your kids...

and all the little things we let slide...

I HOPE I did touch a few people... because if they do slowly Take Xmas, if they do turn New Years into some completely soulless Pop festival to generate money... if they Nationalize everything into generics, we will have lost everything without a single shot fired...

This is why there is ruin in the African American community to this day... we stole their Language, they changed their words they broke their families.

It wasn't slavery or was the separation from self... 150 years later, it still hasn't recovered, they have Jay Z lol... being paid by corporations to sell brothers out into Gangsta Lyrics and negative thought process.... there isn't even intent at this point in time, just money and nothing to fill the void of 1000 different religions and beliefs and a Million families shattered...

Ditto for what happened to the Natives... they can't possibly ever return to their traditions in full, bless them many hold their spirituality against all odds, but it was the culture being banished, not small pox or adversity or war that created any situations of negativity that still exist today...

What is being done... is being done to us and AGAIN to them, a complete cultural wash, a loss of identity so they can tear it down and build...whatever it is they are planning to build in it's place... a Slave State, a soulless, working machine

There is No Black and White or Red here...

It's all of us they want this time... They want us devoid of our cultures and families, they will pit one against the other but never let the fight get hot until NOTHING is left of any of us but being drones for their machinations and profits...

Our traditions are moronic mainly lol

They are also our identity, our pride, our communities and our individuality...

If they annihilate those things... they won, no bio warfare, no great war, no drama, just another set of people.... who lost their identity and are helpless to defend themselves because of it...

They don't need to take our guns...

They just need to take our identities....

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 04:49 AM
That's awful, especially when traditional songs are replaced by S**t!

It may be a good idea to throw out your TV - the Zombie Box! after a week or so, you will not miss it, more people need to do this to free yourself from the S**t that is shown.

I got rid of mine in June 2009, not once have I missed it, yes my kids complained at first, but they know its for the best!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Up to this discussion the thing that came to mind is:

vampire clowns/joker = the dark knight = batman begins = "we sacked rome" = coliseum = fall of rome symbolism = fall of usa?

Indeed. Us paranoid folks are superior.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 05:36 AM
This type of thing has been sickening me for a while, in many ways.

It's not just the content, I was a teen during the '80's, when censorship began to be a big deal because of NWA, etc.

But as a young journalist, I was concerned not just with objectionable content, but with the dangers of censorship.

So, as a mother AND as a person who deeply values freedom of expression, I've had to limit my kid's choices just because some things he could choose seemed like a quick, one-way trip to a gangster lifestyle.

Now I feel better about it, because what choice does one have, as the OP has seen, if there are traditions once followed that have to be managed more carefully to avoid such overt and narrow-minded messages.

I mean, it's a free country, Jay-Z can worship anything he wants to, but it's a different story when it's his way all over a captive audience, by which I mean, most people didn't realize what they were about to see, expecting, instead, to sing the perennial "Auld Lang Syne."

Plus, aren't demonic finger signs out of style now?

So played....

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by findlesticks

I actually went about an entire year with no television.

I missed Movies, not the big ones but the weird little films you sometimes find made indie playing at 3:00 am...

I missed the Science and History channels, for background while surfing the net... I like the info streaming at me...

And that was just about it... but there are those few things I like to have available...

I guess, you just need to be really discerning about what you tune into, pay attention and look it up first... even if you'd think it wouldn't be brain poison, check anyway...

Don't get me wrong...

It's not like it was traumatic to kids...

There is no great drama or harm done...

It was just offensive, that you can't count on even the simplest things anymore from the media...

The News... I expect to be tainted...

But, you really don't expect Janet's Tit to flop out on the super bowl or Jay z to replace Old Lang Syne or Childrens shows to be centered around sex and relationships...

it's just infuriating that from 1000 channels, you can't have innocence on a single one... The dopamine rush, it just drives you to need more it's addictive, you should be able to have the fairytale... Childhood should be able to remain sacred, somethings should be able to be simple... without any influence of the Sex, the violence, the adrenaline... adult themes...

Even the children's channels depict children behaving as adults and the messages are divisive....

Little sisters are problems, Dads are losers, parents are divorced, all stereo types... all pathetic "programing"

parental controls don't work

because they will zap you with something out of the blue like this with no warning...

Like the thread where Disney threw Hanna Montana up on a pole for no reason...

It's very hard to let it run and it's very hard to supervise everything, really you just can't...

A moment like New Years Eve is a memory... a special one, one that's going to stick...

And for me those moments were Nice, my kids aren't allowed to have that... The final thing on the count down is a message of money and wierded out gothic images...

and here's the deal...

I haven't been a perfect person, most of us haven't... but when I'm at my wits end...I have a core, a psychological place I can return too... a Good place where for a long time of my development... I was filled with decent thoughts and decent morals and values ...a core of my personality that;s okay that I can return too, so I'm a genuine survivor... when things go wrong I look inside at who I am...and I'm an alright person, I make the right decisions I have hope in the worst of anything, I'll never go nuts, I'll never loose it, i'll get through anything... because at my center, there are NO Bad images, nothing depressing, no bad lessons...

My children... might not have it... not because of a single video, but the cumulative, my kids memories will include Adult pain and grief and Sex and Violence in those special times because the exposure, be the TV there or not... is inescapable...

my life had order...every year a rhythm, no interruption, they weren't talking about War or Economy over New Years...I don't have to ask my parents those questions, I learned of all these things when my psyche was ready to handle them...

School doesn't even allow that... The President is busy broadcasting, Sex Ed replaces hard science and music... they learn about woes and molestation and perverts...

So even IF i throw the TV out it's no use...

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by eldard

lol... a bit of controlled paranoia is actually a good thing so long as it doesn't get out of hand... looking both ways 2x before you cross the street will survive you...

But I didn't get into this thread to figure it out...

I just want to be able to have some lameness on the tube and not have my kids SHOCKED for entertainment in daily life or Tv every day, every hour by something...

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Copperflower

I have spent most of my life being the biggest anti censorship guy I could possibly be...

And still am...

But I gather you "get it"

This isn't about censorship I have 1000 channels... I have PPV porn and Internet for the most bizarre Sex you could ever imagine, any violence and death religion or philosophy or channel that can be imagined, I have it...

There's nothing I can't find order or watch... no topic taboo, no idea that I can not visit...

The issue Now is... we are so addicted to that dopamine rush... the excitement the fear the adrenaline, the sex addiction...

There is simply no way to avoid it... There is nothing that is just nice... NICE is Censored, GOOD is Censored...

I'd dare say genuinely talented is actually censored too... it all has a program to it an agenda or it is a rush of Over stimulation...

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I missed the Science and History channels, for background while surfing the net... I like the info streaming at me...

You haven't missed much. Nowadays they are full of speculation and no facts at all. Propaganda, just like rap.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:44 AM
The best way to implement censorship is to put people who are not up to the task to edit shows or magazines. That way you can be sure nothing good will come of it, and therefore the task of censorship - done!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by LiXx84
This guy breaks it down pretty good about the video

stop his music video at these Points to see what im saying!!
0:05 throws up the diagonal one (while pulling up his jacket.)
0:09 throws up the masonic demonic compass (not peace signs)
0:10 3 black bands on 100 dollar bills (33rd degree mason)
0:12 he stands in front of the lights like he's Jesus (catholic symbolism of

the Son or halo of Jesus.)
0:16 Bleeding hammer (dont really understand the meaning.)
0:22 goat in the ink ( look at it from light and dark contrasts)
0:24 black girl with double zero on here jersey eyes begin to open oddly.
0:27 3 strips meaning 33rd degree mason.
0:28 finger print meaning the blueprint or master plan.
0:29 throwing down the baphomet off his hat.
0:32 skull with diamonds 50 cent diss ( skull and bones.)
0:33 baphomet & diagonal one thrown up (using one hand each.)
0:34 diagonal one again
0:36 Ink goat has risen to adulthood.
0:36-0:37 666 hand symbol
0:37-0:38 3 bullets (meaning 33rd degree mason.)
0:40 white chick black lips with veil over her eyes.( meaning to be lied to or

0:43 chick has 2 swords held over her back form the masonic compass.
0:46 3 strips on the car (meaning 33rd degree mason.)
0:49 black skull with white paint being poured over the left eye (demonic

meaning posession.)
0:50 satan from passion of the christ with a eagle or Phoenix tatted on his

chest (very demonic to say that satan is in the flesh)
0:53 heath Ledger joker like Skull Clown (demonic nothing more to say)
0:56 a statue of a Pale Horse.
1:02 bird with no head grows (but before it does frame by frame it to see a

pyramid with an eye over it the a women or stands in side it before u see the

1:44 jay-z in front and swizz beats and young jeezy in the backbround standing

pyramid style ( very masonic demonic the pyramid that is)
1:54 3 milk bottles in the form of a pyramid ( very masonic demonic the

pyramid that is)
1:56 jay-z flips us off and says we cant stop him or kill him.
1:56-1:57 7 ace of spades bottles in the form of a pyramid (meaning get drunk

and very masonic demonic.)
1:57 a dice with the 3 facing you and a diagonal 6 and a 1 under it (meaning

666 the number of a man.)
2:00 dice catches fire like they were in hell.
2:02 young jeezy swizz beats and jay-z standing pyramid style (masonic demonic

2:12 baphomet skull & horns of a goat or bull (demonic meaning)
3:03 goat head with blood being poured on it( meaning 33rd degree mason.)
3:22 Pops his Jesus Piece 7 chain (meaning Anti-Christ)
3:33 someone's hand throwing up a 3 (meaning 33rd degree mason & it looks like

a dead person's hand)
3:36 3 strips scretched in pencil (meaning 33rd degree mason.)
3:39 you will see one bullet on each side of Jesus dying on the Cross Chain.

(need i say more?)
3:50 3 bullets (meaning 33rd degree mason.)
3:51 rams head or goats head (meaning baphomet symbol very demonic.)
4:02 throws up the baphomet on both hands.

Yes... all that, OR...

Maybe you or whatever wrote this just lost it.

Why is a pyramid demonic?
3 bullets mean 33º masons, hand showing a 3 means 33º masons, 3 strips means 33º masons, and even 3º pencils mean 33 masons.... maybe if there were 3º Jaguars would mean 33º masons, or maybe the 3 girls, or 3 guys or... should we ban the 3 from our math?

Move along citizen this is JUST a video... a very cool one btw, with a cool music, and I'm not even a hip hop fan, but have to admit that the rhythm of this music DOES make you want to have all that and have like 10 or 15 hot chicks dancing like that in a huge party in my beach house... makes me wish there were more songs like this so I could really organize such a party - I'm not going very far with only one song.

Seriously... some people need help - professional help

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