Originally posted by Evisscerator
The problem with LIBERALS is that they want the Government to take care of them and the cost of that care to come from everyone else. This is
They all need to move to California and stay there because it is the only state in the Union of States that is the most screwed up by their laws and
fiscal policies.
They don't need to ruin the rest of the nation with their bullpucky!
Listening to too much Rush, buddy? Here's what liberalism ACTUALLY "="
- a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution
- an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market
- Liberalism is a broad class of political philosophies that considers individual liberty and equality to be the most important political goals.
Now, which of these principles is it that you object to?
Socialism = socialism. Liberalism = liberalism.
Furthermore, this thread is ridiculous. It's just a laying bare of human insecurity. "MY WAY OF LIVING IN THE WORLD IS RIGHT EVERYONE SHOULD DO
EVERYTHING LIKE ME." The OP talks about how there will be NO culture if liberals had things their way, and then seems to propose...that everybody
does things his way? Besides, what makes up culture? Art, music, literature, architecture, and (to a thankfully much lesser degree than when people
were being burned at stakes for being accused of witchcraft) religion.
Take away the liberals, and you'll have a couple architects and some churches. Wow, impressive culture. You've managed to make buildings and tell
people what to believe.
As far as dying before I'm 120, I'm alright with that. I prefer to not spend my last 20 years defecating all over myself, yelling at Filipino
nurses that they steal from me, whilst confusing every person that comes in with my years dead wife. People ALWAYS equate living longer with living
better, but simple observation will tell you that the human mind deteriorates, and when it does, life deteriorates. They could probably keep you
alive indefinitely at this point, but it wouldn't be living.
There also was the issue of hate. The OP then says, "See?! Look at how angry people are that I've painted what is an apparent majority of the
population in a negative and untrue light!!!!" This thread is cultural baiting. People get angry when they get baited. Watch me work it the other
Conservatives are all holier-than-thou loudmouths who probably derive a sexual thrill from telling people what to do, and their rampant overbreeding
is going to eventually lead to a critical level of human population that will cause people to starve to death due to lack of resources. And since,
unfortunately, conservatives don't believe in spending money on things like "science", preferring to spend the taxes THEY never supported on
missiles to destroy people they've never met (but don't worry, they've been told they're quite evil), they'll never devise a way to get off this
doomed rock, and so therefore conservatives will be the end of the human race.
And now I could watch responses be made which are angry, then I could add to my ridiculous generalization that, "See! Conservatives OBVIOUSLY have
anger issues."
Thumbs down, OP. You don't have a valid point, and you don't know 'the right way to live', because there isn't one. As for the 17 year old who
lives in Chicago and ADMITS that the reason he leans right is t hat his city leans left; congratulations! You're a teenager rebelling against your
environment! If you lived in Kansas, you'd be wearing black and would probably have several interesting piercings!
Threads like these seem to be the only ones going up on ATS anymore, and I can't help but thinking that soon I'll be able to go to the Fox news
boards, then go to the MSNBC boards, and I'll have gotten the entire ATS experience.