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So That's It. We Are Just Going To Sit Back And Let Them Kill Us???

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:15 PM
We were told that only people in "high risk groups" need to worry about H1N1 being severe to fatal. If you are in good health H1N1 symptoms would be nothing more than a mild seasonal flu. This is turning out to be untrue.

In my city alone (Omaha, Nebraska) in the past 2 weeks, 4 HEALTHY adult males in their mid 20's have died from H1N1. Healthy meaning NO underlying medical issues.

Its getting worse, and flu season has just begun. Buckle up, this could be a wild ride!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Blender]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by DOADOA
hey guys, lets just calm down and be regular people for a sec ok?

so, human are reproducing at an alrming rate. at this rate it won't be long before we ruin it for everything else, from animals to plants. reducing the population now to ensure the survival or humanity and earth isn't that bad of an idea. should we drown our babies? no. should we commit mass suicide? maybe. but we're not so the educated people of the world decided to put us out of their misery.

To say your point of view is totally flawed is an under-statement!

Do you know the birth-to-death ratio of developed to under-developed nations? I don't have the actual statistics at hand but I do remember reading them and they absolutely prove your hypothesis wrong.

Only africa and asia suffer from over-population and that is because corporations need WORK SLAVES to work the fields and do all kinds of menial jobs.

Originally posted by DOADOA
our lifespan is increasing and so is our population. medical break through have helped save million of lives. this shouldn't be happening, some of us who are alive today should be dead years ago. heart malfunctioning? replace it. liver inop? replace it. losing too much blood? pump more in. no, just die. you were suppose to die for a reason, do it.
[edit on 17-11-2009 by DOADOA]

You gotta be kidding us man...

The PTB are stopping medical breakthroughs for a reason and you just mentioned it! Living to 60, if your lucky, is hardly anything to get excited about especially when you work your ass off 30-40 years and are looking forward to a nice retirement.

So why kill people? Just because it makes you feel "good" to play god? What if others wished upon you death, would you like it then? Or being a slave? Be careful what you wish for...because the CURSE might fall ON YOU!!!

ahem, i'm not killing anyone. 2. so world population is shrinking? WORLD, yes, i meant WORLD. not kansas, not russia, not los angels, not romania, THE WHOLE WORLD. the population was 3.3 billion in 1965, 45 years later, 6.7-6.8 billion. it has more than doubled in 45 years and you sit there and tell me about developed and under developed countries? i'm sorry, i didnt know some countries were excluded in WORLD POPULATION and expansion of humanity here on earth. is it because if china's population was 10 billion we won't feel the effect here in the US? what, you don't think it's possible? please, this land is not my land and that land is not
your land, extinction have no border. your nick is "earthcitizen" do you understand what that mean? this is a worldly matter not just the under developed or the developed countries. do you realize what it would take to feed 20 billion human being? the forest we have to destroy, wildlife we'd kill. there might be plenty of fish in teh sea now, just wait til there are too many human eating them.

again, i am not killing anyone but i am sure people wish death upon me everyday, multiple times a day. look at obama, how many peo0ple do you think wish death upon him? he's alive and kicking. yeah ok, curse fall on me, please do. may the lord smite me and smite me now!!! mooohahaha!!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DOADOA]

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DOADOA]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by tektek2012
if you can change my perspective then i'd be grateful...but i really think most conspiracy theories are a human's way of trying to make life a little more interesting.

You need to study up a lot more

EVERYTHING is a conspiracy - really. The entire world is based on a pack of lies.

Here's a list;

Law is a lie - it is difficult to understand, so we can't use it. We need to employ someone to help us - but if they really helped us - they would ALL be out of a job.

Medicine is a lie - there are about 4 useful drugs, the rest are either harmful or useless.

Money is a lie - pieces of paper have no value, they never did. Any system based on paper without being tradeable directly into something of value have always collapsed.

Government is a lie - they are just a show for the people, the real law makers and controllers tell them what to do.

Television is a lie - the entire news is designed to give you an opinion, to support a war, a law or something else. The TV shows are purely social engineering - telling you how to be a good slave, work hard, don't contest authority, be politically correct and so on.

Oil is a lie - it is firstly not necessary, there are MUCH better sources of energy. It is also completely renewable.

War is a lie - every war is purely for the controllers benefit - no-one is attacking anyone, its all a sham.

Drugs are a lie - the elite are the ones who grow and control the sale of all the drugs like coke and heroin. They make a 'war on drugs' to push up prices. They attack 'drug barons' who are competing with them.

Global warming is a lie - it is happening as a result of solar activity, and also extra solar activity.

Banking is a lie - they make money out of air, no goods or services are backing it. They lend purely to keep people in debt, so they work for the banks their whole lives.

The stock and futures markets are a lie - they are rigged and controlled in every way - commodity prices, especially oil are set at a whim.

YOU are a lie - your entire legal identity is a corporation - a legal fiction, they own and control it. You agree to represent it - making you fall into their legal trap.

Muslim terrorism is a lie - the people who kill and die, die for personal or political reasons - not religious. They always say they shout "for allah' or some such crap - but they are religious people who face death, they are saying a prayer before dieing.

Nations are a lie - western nations don't exist - they are corporations, businesses run and owned by the banks.

Religion is a lie - the Vatican is a corporation - it is designed to maintain control over people. As is Christianity in total - it is a way of splitting the west form the rest of the world, and creating reasons to war with them.

Science is a lie - physics is dead in the water. Eienstien's theory of relativity flies on the face of 30 years of hard evidence produced by Dayton Miller proving the vacuum is not empty. The tested and theoretical energy vlaue of 1cm cube of vacuum is equal to the entire energy of the entire known universe compressed into 1cm cube. When we do calcualtions on it - we 'renormalize' which is another way of saying - ignore! The vaccum can produce infinite energy. Peer review, and university grants are controlled by the corporations - they completely control science.

History is a lie - all history is rewritten. Obviously too much to go into - but WWI and WWII were created wars - for profit.

Archeology is a lie - so many ancient findings are covered up. The real ancient history includes ET's, flying ships - nuclear weapons - and we are told none of this.

I could keep going with this list all day - I don't even know if I covered the most important things - this is an EXTREMELY short list of lies - with no detail.

The best way to think about it is like this, EVERYTHING is a lie. Once you start realizing it - then you're on your way to understanding.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Hi dgtempe.

I know what you mean, also the same as whaaa already said.

I am about to quit my job because it violates my levels of integrity, loyalty and empathy.

I don't care that it is my best paid job so far or my highest function or that it is recession.

I'll find something else with ease.

We are the ones that can draw lines.

I wish more people would.

But ignorance is a bless it seems, so as long as at least 80% is brainwashed tptb will remain in control and safe against the chances of a revolution.

Learn to make choices, be selfish for your own good sometimes and recognize the signs that are meant for you, trust me they they ARE there.

And expect the unexpected, so you are always prepared.

edit - spelling

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Grey Magic]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:54 PM
Ok, I am trying to get a solid understanding on the general dynamics of the posting base of ATS. It seems like a lot of you feel that the world as we know it will soon come to end, and destruction and despair will ensue.

I am not disagreeing with you.

I am just wondering, how many of you are currently victims of this shot economy? How many of you are currently unemployed, or work dead end jobs making very low incomes due to the fact that good paying jobs are hard to find in this economy?

If you fall into either category, do you believe that your current predicament might slightly affect your outlook not only on your own life, but your view of this planet as a whole?

Would you agree that your view of this world is for the most part sculpted by everything you read on the internet and see on tv, or possibly word of mouth from people you know?

If so, could you realize that possibly the planet is much larger than most would like to think it is? And that you cannot possibly fit it into a box, and state things like "the world is headed for hell in a hand basket"? The planet is a very large place, and does not completely depend upon America. If America fails, the rest of the world will continue on.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:03 PM
Things are looking bad, really bad.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:30 PM
It is alarmingly apparent that the vast majority of US citizens are a bunch of sheeple. The rest are doing what they can to prepare. I am a proponent of the barking dog analogy. In reference to the obvious problems coming, if it barks like a dog, wags it tail like a dog, fetches like a dog, it's a dog. I don't know how much more obvious our current dilema can be, but people go on like nothing is wrong.
I won't even go into the long list of problems we have. We already know what they are. I'm not sure people are just in shock by their economic plight, or just so apathetic, they don't care. I do sense that people are somewhat in shock by the endless stream of bad news, with no end in sight. I also think that most people have realized that we aren't in a recovery, but a dive into the deep end of the cess pool of socialist rule, where everyone is under the thumb of some bureaucrat telling you what to do, and to trust them, and everything will be ok.

I have stopped trying to convince people of anything, and just trying to get my house in order for the sh__ storm coming---and it is coming. Simple things like reducing debt to a mininum, stocking up on food, purchasing silver or gold as one is able, picking up a firearm when you can. All these ideas are no brainers, because when the SHTF, it will be time to batten down the hatches, and go into survival mode.

I think most people who follow the current plight we are in "know" something is getting ready to happen. Your gut feelings are correct, and many people have the same gut feeling. The only question is when. As the weeks go by, things will get clearer, and when the key events happen, it will be very quick, and unmercifullly bad. And when people get over the initial shock and panic, unrest will start as people look for somebody to blame. This will not be a good time for our country.

We haven't hit bottom yet, so you have a small ammount of time to prep. Don't wait till "it" starts. Don't worry about what people say, just do what your gut tells you, it's smarter than you know. Good luck all.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:32 PM
YOU don't have a choice. 2010 begins the 7 years of tribulation. Think I am right or left. You wish. Has nothing to do with that human sh*t. The truth which most can't even begin to comprehend is here and it will consume your ignorant ass as you comprehend only foolishness.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:35 PM
Hrmm about the Ukraine, i told a mate at work whose wife is russian and has lots of ukrainian friends. She rang them last night to find out WTF is happening there. flu, martial law, etc. They told her nothing is going on in the Ukraine apart from the no water, no electricity, no gas sorta situation they are in, and just rubbish about the elections... No big flu epidemic she got told...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by gaslaugh123
YOU don't have a choice. 2010 begins the 7 years of tribulation. Think I am right or left. You wish. Has nothing to do with that human sh*t. The truth which most can't even begin to comprehend is here and it will consume your ignorant ass as you comprehend only foolishness.

Although I dont like the feeling it brings, I tend to agree with that statement, yet I thought it was 3 years not 7.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by capgirl
A person I know made a statement, which makes sense to me.

He said that if most of everyone in America would just leave their job, go straight to Washington DC, and take over the whitehouse, (And that is A.L.O.T of people) then I think MAYBE something would get done in this country, Obama would do something, and the government would finally fear the PEOPLE instead of the other way around.

But ofcourse no one wants to stand up for what is right.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by capgirl]

Sounds great, the key to this plan is getting everyone to follow along.

So how do you build a movement? Slowly, one person at a time.

I know you guys want change to come quickly, but think how long it took for things to get this way.

The timing has to be right. Revolution is all about timing. We will change the way things are you just have to be patience and continue to prepare.

So when the time is right we are ready and there will be no excuses for action.

We can do it. Just be patient.

Peep my sig, Malcolm says it all.


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by DOADOA

When you spout garbage like that you shouldn't expect to have many friends and I can see why people wanna see you dead. Have a nice time roasting in hell!

I could say A LOT MORE about you but it's really pointless because ATS has a low tolerance for "bad manners"...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

They only estimate 40% or so believe in the "pandemic" and want the "flu shot" .. just because the media harps on about it, doesn't mean we care what they have to say. Simple fact is, the majority of people will refuse the Flu Shot. They might not protest openly (gosh that would make you weird) but I don't think we are just "letting them kill us" .. just my opinion anyways.

(On the whole, I do agree with you though DG =) )

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:08 PM
If you can draw the heat from the space weapons, and survive it, you may enter into true fear. I thought I knew all about isolation...then they began shooting out the lights. Weeks of dizziness, ringing in the ears, intrusive thoughts with beer swilling goons pulling the strings...certain knowledge that all this has done to you is make you a cookie cutout of what is schizophrenia. Then the White Owl landed when I was at my breaking point, at the factory I was cleaning out, where it was so easy to fix the ray gun to cause collapse, being alone in a cold dark place, and it lifted it's wings and headed hard to the East. Must have been a 8-9 foot wingspan. I just hadda mention these toys because they are real as they are denied. And I am pissed. What we need to do is risk telling others about these weapons of mass destruction, despite their non-need to hear it.

I am learning about zero-vacuum quantum mechanics now, trying to put sense to the myriad languages I see on the veil of my sleep, which I summoned to protect me against these rays. They've come far, pilgrims, with this stuff. But God is always first, and last.

I remember a time not so long ago..shag rugs, Americana wall paper in every house, easy times, friends, optimism...then I see black light absorbing soldiers wearing the helmets of defeated Germany..crashing through the basement door, arresting me for my wisdom. I could cut off my genitals and then die.

So we must fight them.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Seiko
Boiling frog effect.

If they do it slowly, and methodically it doesn't slap people in the face the same way. One day more will wake up, eventually tptb will cross that line. people say it will be to late then, but I disagree. No matter how powerful or advanced we get there will always be a simple way to dislodge the foothold.

For now we can spend our time helping to educate, and offering support. Look at the survival forum, learn more about community activities. Learn how small scale societies work, and start from a tribal viewpoint and build from there. if something on the scale of a major shtf disrupts the order people that have prepared both physically and mentally can be the order the masses will need.

And we have to learn how to play their game against them. If they sell the cult of personality, we need to be charismatic. We should learn to exude an air of confidence and become more then ourselves. You can kill a person, but an idea can live forever.

I have just watched "The Hidden Empire" on, man it will blow your mind. You are exactly correct in what you say here. But......we as human beings NEED to understand where we are and WHO our enemy really is. NWO/OWN The mirror image of the Freemasons.

This is their plan and has been. So many other sites have published Albert Pike's three world wars .. and so on. If we know who is behind all this, what they hope to achieve and how they plan to achieve it, we can stop them.

Many people have published their ideas and some work.

Here is a good place to start reading. She has good info and great ideas. We can stop them by doing nothing basically, sounds wrong but is right. Read her book, at left and downloadable, and her blogs, she makes good sense.

The woman on ATS that stated she wasn't going to pay her credit card bills till they fixed the interest rate was somewhat right, who controls who?

Who are we, slaves? Yes, but educated slaves. Knowledge is power, keep a positive attitude and start educating others and we may get out of this without blood. I highly doubt it, but we have to do something. Reclaim your strawman is a start. Understand you are NOT a U.S. citizen but a human being, an AMERICAN CITIZEN. Know your country and what federal territory is. They will use trickery of words to get you to verbally agree to any of their contracts. Know that the U.S. is a corporation as is every "incorporated" city in America. DO NOT CONTRACT WITH THEM and they have no power over you, it's that simple. NEVER give or use your last name, it's a family name, your actual name is your first and middle.

I could go on but some reading of the websites will get you more info.

I think mid/late December/January it is all going to crash. middle of winter, sick people because they don't take care of themselves, companies out of work because of the season and so on. Best be ready, TPTB are working on treaties to ban guns world wide, let's see if they get away with it? The sheeple will give in quick. Not me.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Here's what you do! Buy some "Miracle Mineral Solution". Drink this stuff for a few weeks to a month and you will not have to worry about any Bio Attacks, PERIOD! No vaccines or flu bugs will be able to hurt you! It will supercharge your immune system and add oxygen to the blood. Look it up! Look at the science behind it! Do it right now!!!!!!! It's only 20 bucks and it will last one person a whole year! Buy it now before CODEX makes it illegal and ruins it forever! I am convinced that population reduction is beginning and anybody that doesn't take this stuff is going to die! Vitamin D can't hurt either! I feel the same as you! I am sick and tired of ignorance and laziness! I am almost welcoming the population reduction just to get rid of stupid people! The cure was here long before the cause.... Watch this short video now!

The cure is here!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by B.Morrison
Its also an excellent way to break down the fantasy land a lot of people walk around in, its an easy & accessible way to confront your own mortality, therefore enabling you to REALLY live the only life you can be truly sure of having.

as well as being accessable its a less traumatic way to face death (slaughtering a chicken for food..for e.g) than many other things that may occur & help prepare you to deal with these events should they occur.

the vicarious or philosophical ways we normally expose ourselves to death are no 'real' preparation & you may find yourself going to pieces when it comes to facing it for the first time.

I put it to you that by learning butchery skills you not only gain a more mature & solid outlook on reality/life but you learn useful skills that you would in all likelihood NEED to know in order to survive on your own or in a tribal situation.

I'd also like to mention that whilst the urban/city people literally fight a losing battle & alliance's & rouge organisations (like the rouge cops already forming private militia groups to become active when shtf) pop up everywhere and battles occur until things settle into established cliques/tribes...

I will be preparing my small tribe/community for the prospect of outsiders & defence/rescue operations, followed by the continual maintenance & occasional development of the community...this includes manufacturing of goods for trade, I would be wary of too much development of the town itself & the spreading over too much land, greed & excess must be kept check on.

As the clock ticks I'm just recently begun scouring survival writings, accumulating a massive library of DIY & educational materials to cover anything my 'tribe' will need, other future members of the tribe have begun organic food production & the community is to be set up & functioning (off the grid) as individuals until it is necessary to join forces, upon which time each of us will bring something different to the table, new initiates will be accepted on a skills/goods/usefulness for membership agreement. the industrial electrician will be the resident spark & in return receive all the community has to offer, food, water, accommodation, etc.

I will be tribal leader as I'm the one whose been preparing the longest, (some years now) and I'm also the one planning the governance.
I would like to have a minimal laws/maximum solutions balance

I think I LUV you B.Morrison & I want in on the tribe!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
reply to post by DOADOA

When you spout garbage like that you shouldn't expect to have many friends and I can see why people wanna see you dead. Have a nice time roasting in hell!

I could say A LOT MORE about you but it's really pointless because ATS has a low tolerance for "bad manners"...


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by SmokeyDawn

Originally posted by B.Morrison
Its also an excellent way to break down the fantasy land a lot of people walk around in, its an easy & accessible way to confront your own mortality, therefore enabling you to REALLY live the only life you can be truly sure of having.

as well as being accessable its a less traumatic way to face death (slaughtering a chicken for food..for e.g) than many other things that may occur & help prepare you to deal with these events should they occur.

the vicarious or philosophical ways we normally expose ourselves to death are no 'real' preparation & you may find yourself going to pieces when it comes to facing it for the first time.

I put it to you that by learning butchery skills you not only gain a more mature & solid outlook on reality/life but you learn useful skills that you would in all likelihood NEED to know in order to survive on your own or in a tribal situation.

I'd also like to mention that whilst the urban/city people literally fight a losing battle & alliance's & rouge organisations (like the rouge cops already forming private militia groups to become active when shtf) pop up everywhere and battles occur until things settle into established cliques/tribes...

I will be preparing my small tribe/community for the prospect of outsiders & defence/rescue operations, followed by the continual maintenance & occasional development of the community...this includes manufacturing of goods for trade, I would be wary of too much development of the town itself & the spreading over too much land, greed & excess must be kept check on.

As the clock ticks I'm just recently begun scouring survival writings, accumulating a massive library of DIY & educational materials to cover anything my 'tribe' will need, other future members of the tribe have begun organic food production & the community is to be set up & functioning (off the grid) as individuals until it is necessary to join forces, upon which time each of us will bring something different to the table, new initiates will be accepted on a skills/goods/usefulness for membership agreement. the industrial electrician will be the resident spark & in return receive all the community has to offer, food, water, accommodation, etc.

I will be tribal leader as I'm the one whose been preparing the longest, (some years now) and I'm also the one planning the governance.
I would like to have a minimal laws/maximum solutions balance

I think I LUV you B.Morrison & I want in on the tribe!

i am sorry but B. Morrison is an incapable leader. his intellect is clearly lacking and have only read about survival skills. this tribe will split within a day and he will be left for dead. in extreme cases mr. morrison will be the first sacrficial lamb, his flesh will be consume and all traces of his existence will be forgotten.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:24 PM
Check this video out..

Blow your mind.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by daddio]

[edit on 17-11-2009 by daddio]

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