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So That's It. We Are Just Going To Sit Back And Let Them Kill Us???

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Relax. Learn to conquor your fear. Once you do this then TPTB won't have any power over you. They feed on fear. Remove fear and you win. Keep the fear and let it grow and it will consume you then they win.

Break the fear, break the program.
Anyone can do it.
You just have to want to.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by '___'omino

Brilliant. Maybe i'm vibrating on another frequency and have a slightly different perspective on how messed up this world is.
Anyhow, this is not meant as a pitty party, although i guess it can be taken that way. I feel pitty for humanity as a whole.

My take on this "conspiracy" is that the elitists of this world want population reduction and they are going to accomplish it one way or another. The obvious method, the preferred method is said to be using a plague as a bio-weapon.

Its NO SECRET that world reduction is the agenda, if you dont know about it you better do some reading up on this. Its everywhere and dont count on MSM to tell you.... Its not going to happen.

My concern is we just sit and take everything. Like mind controlled freaks.

If there is too much conspiracy here for you, i'm sorry...but the propondance of evidence points to the fact that they want us DEAD.

Why do they want us dead? Too many people, too much hassle and knocking off a couple of Billion of us would sure make it easier for the NWO to carry on their agenda.
They want to sip margaritas, enjoy the fresh air with no pollution from
the low lifes, like us. Its a fact of life. Hell, they are saying so out in the open now...

Prince Phillip: I want when i die to come back as a deadly virus in order to kill most of the world population.

Ted Turner:
The population should be about 500,000 and no more than that.

The Reptillian Queen shares the same sentiments.....

They want to poke us with a vaccine that hasnt even been tested yet.. and its already said to be paralizing people and worse than that, death.

A bit trivial, but none the less, gives you something to think about...

Anyway, i have concerns and i'm sure most of us do. Microbiologists continue to be killed, anyone who can blow the whistle, is struck with one thing or another. Now why do we suppose that is?!

This flu has mutated (natural or by design) and is now killing people by making your lungs hemorrhage and you bleed out. No chance of survival for these cases. It is going arround the world and dont wait for MSM to tell you...they hardly talk about it at all. At first they were sounding the bells on a daily basis "WARNING, WARNING, H1N1 COMING.....bla bla bla,
NOW i hardly hear anyhthing except for the Internet.
I love the way they play with our heads.

I have the information (my information) and now i have to deal with it. I'm a big girl i can take care of myself. My life continues.. but as a thinking feeling human, i cant help being concerned.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Great thread OP! S&F

As much as I would love to stop what these maniacs are doing, with the population on ATS, the full population, we can't get nothing done. 90% of the world doesn't know what is going on. They are walking blindly and listening to the guiding hand of the mainstream media. The best tool we will have against these powers is the tool of education. If we educate the sleeping masses we could have an army which the government cannot fathom.

All this requires money, and people who have extensively researched the pandemic, the governments role and the pharmaceutical company's role. We can't just walk down the street preaching the government is killing it's own people without solid proof. You must always remember you will face resistance from local officials, and local government people.

This fight is too much for us to handle. These maniacs spent way too much time, money and effort to get this rolling, and I'll be damned if we could stop it. The only reasonable way to stop this madness is if you find the top key members and assassinated them. It won't stop their plan but it will slow it down.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
reply to post by '___'omino

My take on this "conspiracy" is that the elitists of this world want population reduction and they are going to accomplish it one way or another. The obvious method, the preferred method is said to be using a plague as a bio-weapon.

Its NO SECRET that world reduction is the agenda, if you dont know about it you better do some reading up on this. Its everywhere and dont count on MSM to tell you.... Its not going to happen.

No. There is no reason for population reduction. If we put the proper technology which we already have, and their resources, we could build skyscrapers with the abilities to have better agriculture then farms.

What they are thinking is a little mayhem, and mix it with a false flag attack = New World Order. When the populace is most helpless, the government is given power. When the populace plead with the governments to step in and help them, the government is given more power. 9/11, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Iraq, Iran, and etc. All fear mongering words which gave the government more power.

Al Qaeda, literally means the base, which is similar to foundation; building blocks if you will. There are far too many people involved in this plot.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Relax. Learn to conquor your fear. Once you do this then TPTB won't have any power over you. They feed on fear. Remove fear and you win. Keep the fear and let it grow and it will consume you then they win.

Are you kidding me? I get more "fear" from this site, than from any other source on the planet. This is fear-monger heaven.

If people want to master fear, perhaps they should stop posting such sensationalist, unproven gibberish here, which happens more often than not.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Eye of Horus
reply to post by dgtempe

Relax. Learn to conquor your fear. Once you do this then TPTB won't have any power over you. They feed on fear. Remove fear and you win. Keep the fear and let it grow and it will consume you then they win.

Break the fear, break the program.
Anyone can do it.
You just have to want to.

I use to think the same way... But now I realize that you are wrong.

they feed on using their power over the masses. It's the fact that the masses are too afraid to do anything about it is the reason why they can get away with stealing our money, murdering our brothers and taking away our constitutional rights. So in a sense you are right... they want you to be afraid, but it's the fact that the people of the USA have no balls whatsoever is what TPTB depend on.

Nobody is gonna do a damn thing but scream about it over a megaphone, or write about it on the internet.... Or maybe they will make a youtube video.

The message of truth has been sent out to the public... over and over again.

And the people have reacted.

What's our reaction? That we aren't gonna do a damn thing about it.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Seiko

So, true.

Its hard these days not to fall into despair, especially at my job where I have to hear our receptionist turn people away looking for jobs, and its only getting worse.

People have given me weird looks when I tried to speak to them in the same way as your post, but now I see that they are slowly starting to see the errors of their ways and the wisdom in mine.

By the way, I cannot log out of this website without spending at least some time in the survival threads.... it was a good addition in my opinion

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I had no idea apathy was so deep inside the soul that it just will not react. I always thought humans had an instinct to live, to save their young, the survival instinct is non existent now.

So what do we do?

"Wow, I didn't know that these seeds were so highly nutritious and valuable! You can even barter with them and stuff!"

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:49 AM
It's not that the people fear the government; most people fear for their families. What I believe is someone must cut the rope to set off a chain reaction. I don't mean someone from the people's side, because if you gave the people the best speaker to the people, he wouldn't deliver. What I'm saying is if a child gets injured because the police or government start to abuse their power, the people will react.

However, I also believe the PTB have examined past cases and incorporated new tactics. It seems that America will be leading the world into the best containment of population ever.

My thought: The government holds a lot of power; the controllers hold the government.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

God, everyone just keeps talking about "what's about to happen," and the "things to come," and when "shtf." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU ALL KNOW THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD DOESN'T?!?! Who blessed you with some great clarity that you can see through all the smoke and mirrors and twisted lies of the governments of the world. And what the hell is "coming" anyway? All I hear is a bunch of people crying about the Boogyman.

Guess what, pandemics have happened before, economic crisis' have happened before, and you know what else? Nations rise, and nations fall. But the world keeps on turnin, and humanity keeps pluggin along. I don't understand why everytime the Human race faces a little diversity, people cry foul and try to blame it on someone else. They can't handle the fact that bad things happen in the world, USUALLY due to the fault of no one in particular.

Now I consider myself pretty well informed about everything that's been going on in the world. I try to keep an open mind, and I'll admit, there are a lot of things happening that I don't agree with, or I find to be pretty shady. But all this nonsense about the flu pandemic and how it's a long term solution to cull the population drives me nuts! My wife is a nurse, my Dad and stepmom are nurses, I work at a school where I deal with sick kids all the time, AND I'm in the military. I've had the flu vaccine (non H1N1), and I'm still alive. I say all that because here's the thing about H1N1: it's just the flu. It's communicable for a slightly longer time period than the Type A flu strain, but the symptoms are typcially no better or no worse.

So in conclusion, forgive me for ranting, but I guess all the doom and gloom has just shortened my fuse a little bit. Maybe I DO see what's coming, and this is my way to cope. Maybe that's what all the so called "sheep" and those who are "asleep" are doing as well. Think about that.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:18 PM
Edit: double post.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by dwiggen]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Seiko

Boiling Frog... wow, you nailed it. I have been trying to figure out how to articulate what I see happening - the game being played if you will - and boiling frog is just it. By the time the people react it is too late.

Beautiful. It sure is comfy here in this hot-tub, isn't it?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

Originally posted by mahtoosacks

should have read all the way through the thread first.

get to work and stop thinking about how bad things are. youll only slow down and not get anything done.

physical excercise, hoard money to buy necessities, train in all things.

lets move! the new age doesnt wait on anyone!

Okay 2sacks you lost me on this reply.

was agreeing with you. was saying i should have read everyones before replying.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Magpie82n

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by dgtempe


You say 'them' 'pharma companies' 'Governments' (have produced mass viruses i'm guessing is what you are chatting about)... do you have the facts to back up this statement?

Ok, the swine flu could have been manufactured in a lab but we don't know for sure....

This new virus could have been manufactured in a lab but we don't know for sure...

9/11 could have been a Government job but we don't know for sure...

7/7 could have been a Government job but we don't know for sure....

This list goes on but we don't know for sure....

If you wanted to take the Governments of this World to court on hearsay & propaganda you wouldn't stand a chance of winning...

Now i'm not saying i support the Governments or believe in everything they do but i dunno.... there seems to be lack of proof when it comes to blaming Governments for everything.... we do know however that the CIA, FBI, KGB MI6 and all the others do operate in taking people out..... However, there are Terrorist Organisations which do do all those things you read about and think about as it is in full view on Film or in books and in some cases in plain site of your eyes...

You don't see any proof, by god man where have you been living. America has been f***king up the world for the last 100 years, all you need to do is look at all the wars since 1900 and you will see the hand of america and great britain. What about the World Bank, IMF, UN, EU and WHO and look what affect these orginisations have been up to. It's all there for you to read and the proof is all around you. This is no joke and it is the only thing that should be on any sane persons mind every day.

ok.... i completely accept your reply... but let me tell you i have been around for a pretty long time to know about the World and what happens in it... unfortunately we lack proof or fact to do anything much about it...

for instance... do we know as FACT that the US Government had a hand in 9/11?

It's possible but we don't have the proof of any imvolvement!

Do we know that the US Government or any other Government have conspired to kill us all off aided by a virus which was manufactured in a lab?

It's possible but highly unlikely!

Do we know there are planes spraying us with deadly toxins (again concocted by the Government)?

Again it's possible but highly unlikely as they too would eventually be infected!

Do we know that the Invasion of Iraq was all about Oil?

Now this one is definately possible because of our circumstances of today but again we have no definitive proof!

Do we know... do we know.... do we know?

Ok, now i should add that i dislike governments as much as the next guy with all their lies and what not but i really do believe that some things on this site proclaiming Governments have done this or that... you know the ones... there's plenty right now about planes dropping toxins onto us or deadly viruses are just plain (excuse the pun)ridiculous!

Just remember that there is a big awakening happening right now and we the people shall overcome....

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

basically thats the jist is work or cry, but there are many levels of gray.

of course you could go sit in a corner and cry a tear for every messed up thing there is, but i really dont see the world so badly.

you can feel like youve been sent to the pit of hell if you read and believe everything on here.

look around you. life is still wonderful. yea messed up stuff is happening, but think of how many times in the past messed up stuff has happened.

my conclusion is that the world will keep chugging along.

i agree there are many hazards in our society. our society alone is a hazard.

when i said that bit about the grasshopper; that lesson always applies. at any time, age, or anything.

if you sit around and do nothing but party, or cry, or hurt, instead of truly make advancement in your stockpiles and infrastructure, you will always hurt when winter comes.

emotions wont help you. work and moving forward will.

of course you should make friends and help out to those who need it, but you should come first, and making sure you and your immediate friends and family come first.

reaching out and helping someone who was too stupid to think for themselves comes last. sorry but its true.

you dont see wildebeest turn around and go save the slow fat one that holds everyone up do you?

even if killing half the population isnt right, it needs to be done every now and then or we will all be drug down.

i for one attest the fact that our government will decide this in the shadows without telling anyone, but could you imagine what would happen if they did?

people have too much emotion to allow something so inevitable as natural selection, so i can imagine if its hard for anyone to swallow.

truth is, i know you despise me now for those words, but i'm not condoning the actions of anyone who kills, or anyone who hurts anyone. life is life, and crying over it will only set you back. its best to dig in, and get your hands dirty for the wild ride we are about to be on.

strength and family will matter again. spirituality will awaken when the world calms.

then again, being at the front lines make you see things that most will never see. question is whether or not you can handle it.

im not pushing my thoughts or agenda on anyone, but being aquarius pices cusp gives me about as much emotion and feelings i need, yet also lets me see down the road a bit, and now isnt the time for making sure everyone survives this. there is a heavy weight being applied, and its about pushing back or crumpling under it.

work to get your mind and soul right.
train to learn things you need most.
money for the small things that you need (e.g., training, supplies, etc..)

whoever says they dont need money in this society must be stealing their internet

but never let them overpower you with scenes of hurt and agony. these are the mind games of war.

you get yourself locked and ready and then you can see the beauty around you, and you can help out those that you can. never sacrifice yourself (or sanity) for those around you who dont even get it.

sorry i went off on a tangent, but i cant see good people get lost in the intentional chaos created by those who are trying to hurt you.

stay sharp and vigilant. perhaps im the lost one. see ya down the road either way

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:18 PM
I am not a doctor, but before you start a world wide revolution on an asumption,
might be an idea to get yourself some 50ppm quality colloidal silver or the gadget that makes it, get a dispenser with a spray cap and apply the silver water via your nostrils,one at a time ,snort it right up into your sinuses until
it starts to drip down the back of your throat.
It won´t kill you and it does a fine job of decimating all sorts of viruses
and other parasitical life forms( even vampires apparently )
I have battled many a nasty flue this way, it will unclog your nose and the healing can beginn.
I would not touch tamiflu, especially not for children.
Our collective business is to inform and be informed,make the right choices, then nobody can mess with you.
Most importantly, be happy and don´t worry !

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
We all know by now that this so called "Pandemic" is the result of more greed by big Pharma and the governments of the world and to rid themselves of a good chunk of the population.

It hasn't been proven but anyone who did a little alternative research and has an IQ higher than....lets say 60, already knows the harsh truth.

Originally posted by dgtempe
We suffered thru the Bush years, we are constantly being bombarded by Black Ops on a daily basis, we have a president who picked up where Bush left off,
and a million things, no need to get into them, the economy...loss of jobs..the list is endless. And now as a final touch, we have to fear for our lives.

Thats no joke my friend! Call it insult to injury if you will...

It seems humanity just can't get a damm break at all. Some people are working overtime to make their evil goals a nightmarish reality.

Originally posted by dgtempe
It seems like a bad dream that drains you out of every hope you ever had, and seems like we have nothing to look for....A person cannot live without hope...

There is always hope but the anti-terror squad needs to be much more effective.

Originally posted by dgtempe
And here is the saddest thing: We dont do anything about it, and we have let everything happen. Just sitting helpless, drinking the Prozac laced water and hoping you live a little longer...hoping your life and the life of those you love will be spared.

Why has it come to this?

Maybe because we live on A POSSESED PLANET!

Originally posted by dgtempe
But life must go on, doesnt it. As long as we have a breath in our bodies , i suppose we are lucky.

Our lives are at stake, for those who are blind and oblivious to even all the deaths around the world, they would rather not talk about it. NOBODY I KNOW WANTS TO DISCUSS what is about to kill us all. We are a pathetic race, and i will give credit where credit is due, "they" have managed to subdue us in some artificial manner, "they" know we wont rise and say ENOUGH! They know we wont do a damn thing. Oh we will bitch and complain to each other (those of us who are awake) but they know that for the most part, the majority of people are still asleep.

So, we just sit back and let them kill us? If the flu doesnt kill us, well the injection just may. I dont even know whats real anymore.

I hope the clinicians who administer the shots DIE FIRST!

Originally posted by dgtempe
WTF is it with people??? If they dont mention the Pandemic, it will go away???

I had no idea apathy was so deep inside the soul that it just will not react. I always thought humans had an instinct to live, to save their young, the survival instinct is non existent now.

So what do we do?

[SARCASM]Actually we can start being helpful to one another by not censoring posts, deleting videos, etc. If you speak the truth you get *off-topic post* or *decorum and manners* are mandatory...blah, blah, blah

You can't extinguish a massive fire just by praying, neither do you ask a mosquitto "hey why did you bite me? Please stop that LOL" I take my fly squatter and crush the living # out of it!!! Sometimes you need to be affirmative for people to take you seriously...not sit on ATS and be all nice and polite and beg for mercy...thats the coward approach!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Yes, there are many people tired. And I believe there are many people out there ready to fight for what is right even if it costs their lives. Of course I could be wrong. But I really think that intimidation would do good. Who says we wouldnt have weapons to shoot back with ;P

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
We all know by now that this so called "Pandemic" is the result of more greed by big Pharma and the governments of the world and to rid themselves of a good chunk of the population.

Whoa, I know no such thing.

Where is your evidence that the government and pharmaceutical companies are actively trying to kill us.

The last time I checked, both the World population and the avergae life expectancy rates are both INCREASING.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:37 PM
So how can we defeat this scourge of humanity, this international shadow government of complete control, misery and death?
Shadows cannot stand the light of day; they flee truth, true courage, and honesty. Morality and compassion are poisons to them.

If we refuse to admit their existence we have already acquiesced to them.
They require secrecy and conspiracy; anyone who exposes them is a “conspiracy Nut”
We are supposed to believe only what MSM portrays and never think on our own, they wish to tell us what to think. We are to blindly and obediently ignore the massive incongruities that we see around us.

They control us with their favorite tool, money from the fruits of OUR own labors. We are all trapped in a giant financial ponzi scheme of their making and control. When they purposely collapse it, we are all to be panic stricken, and herded into the “salvation” that they have prepared of a unified world currency and government, with no checks, balances, or rights.

The major flaw in their schemes is their own overwhelming greed and arrogance. In general, they are more in dependant on the fruits of our labors than we are dependant upon them. This is why they constantly try to promote socialistic governmental dependence in an effort to deceive us into thinking that we need them. Their plans will fail, partially because they think that they cannot fail. The titanic sank precisely because its builders thought it was impossible to sink.

In the end, the small efforts of many will matter more than the large efforts of a few. The pyramid has no real power at the top without its base.

Dear friends do not despair.

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