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So That's It. We Are Just Going To Sit Back And Let Them Kill Us???

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by budro

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Just sit back and enjoy the live horror show. I dont worry about it too much I have FAITH.

[edit on 11/17/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

So you'd sit by and watch as your nearest was murdered or worse because you have faith?

At what point would you decide that your faith was merely enough to give you comfort in your death and realize that some form of action might help some on else prevent theirs?

Not saying deny your faith, more so, have a little more and do something.

No I wouldnt to answer your first question I would pray they all be DESTROYED. I know that once the TRUE LORD CATCHES A WIFF of this stank down here, he will act accordingly as he is already. I personally have a strong connection with the TRUE LORD and I already know what he has planned for those you are in fear of. This is why I say have FAITH TRUE FAITH and you will understand.

Some of you act as if your faith has no physical connections, but it does. I have watched the world change in many ways just from me having STRONG FAITH. Just as I will go thru this situation with STRONG FAITH AND HE WILL CONTINUE TO SHOW ME CLUES. Its not about just praying and thats it, YOU MUST MENTALLY EXCEPT THE LORD AND HE WILL HEAR YOUR WORRIES AND FEARS AND ACT UPON THEM CONCENTRATE.

Like you/many fear the world has hidden societies running it and trying to depopulate earth, let GOD KNOW MAN THIS BOTHERES ME LORD CAN YOU HELP and he will. Even if his help is in a form of MAJOR DESTRUCTION CRIPPLING TPTB PLANS to exist as fake GODS. Sending many of you home where its safe and GOOD IN THE REALM OF LIGHT. This may sound crazy but your EARTH HAS MORE INSANITY IN IT.

My faith is not only to comfort me in destructive times, it is also a BEACON FOR THE LORD TO SEE OUR EMOTIONS FROM AFAR.

Revelations 6:9 And he opened the 5th seal and I saw underneath the altar SOULS OF THOSE SLAUGHTERED BECAUSE OF THE WORD OF god AND BECAUSE OF THE witness WORK THAT THEY USED TO HAVE.

Revelations 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice saying: Until when SOVEREIGN LORD HOLY and TRUE are you refraining from JUDGING and AVENGING our blood upon THOSE who dwell on EARTH.

Revelation 6:11 And a white rob was given to each of them; and they were told to rest a little while longer, UNTIL the number was ALSO FILLED of their FELLOW SLAVES AND BROTHERS WHO WERE ABOUT TO BE KILLED AS THEY HAD BEEN.

The LORD already knows whats up and you should too.

[edit on 11/17/09 by Ophiuchus 13]


[edit on 11/17/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Seiko
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

There's no money in a cure.

Have you ever heard that saying before? I've heard it many times from people when discussing the medical complex.

To be honest, I have not. But then swings and roundabouts eh.

What makes more sense however, killing off people who'd continue to pay for a cure, via taxes or medicare etc, or even directly, by creating a disease that makes sure they will die anyway (proposed killing off the population) - or actually making what is considered a cure that's given freely to ensure you continue to buy tylanol for the next 100 years.. (plus your AD's et al, not saying these people are saints).

Killing off your feed stock is a laughable concept.

Sure, maybe some mad scientist in the middle of zimbabwe made h1n1, and has the world scurrying to fix it, making us take garbage vacciens (I wont), but this thread leads to hysteria on a new level.

Why exceed the plausible to attain the implausible?

WE are big pharmas OIL; they wont want us dead. Oh sure they may like us sombre and obeyant, but not dead.

You're breaking the wrong chains.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:11 AM

post by dodadoom
Then think of all the people who weren't shot, but can smell all the people who were shot, and begin to vomit from the smell, and then think of how it would smell then!

I don't have to imagine. I worked at an abattoir briefly.
I asked to work in packing & load out, basically loading trucks with boxes of meat, but they stuck me on the slaughter floor instead.

The lamb slaughter floor was old & the area of the production line I was working at didn't have proper drainage.

we started work at 6am. the first lamb to come round would cover me waist down in blood and sometimes the suspended carcass would swing out and hit me in the stomach as it came around the corner.

Its stomach contents would drain from its neck and onto the gumboots I was wearing.

First smoko was @ 9am.

whats the point?

The 'vomit' & blood from the 1000's of lambs being processed, built up on my apron, feet and the floor around me, I was standing in the stuff, and whats worse is that 3hrs of that in a row gives you the full spectrum of terrible scents as old blood congealed and new blood was added to the mix.

I lasted all of 1 week.

I had nightmares the entire time & became clinically dehydrated before the week was up.

However, I do not regret witnessing it.

In fact I think everyone who wishes to enjoy animal meat as a food, should be required to slaughter an animal, prepare it for food & then consume that animal, at least once.

People have to know where there hamburgers are coming from.

Its also an excellent way to break down the fantasy land a lot of people walk around in, its an easy & accessible way to confront your own mortality, therefore enabling you to REALLY live the only life you can be truly sure of having.

as well as being accessable its a less traumatic way to face death (slaughtering a chicken for food..for e.g) than many other things that may occur & help prepare you to deal with these events should they occur.

the vicarious or philosophical ways we normally expose ourselves to death are no 'real' preparation & you may find yourself going to pieces when it comes to facing it for the first time.

I put it to you that by learning butchery skills you not only gain a more mature & solid outlook on reality/life but you learn useful skills that you would in all likelihood NEED to know in order to survive on your own or in a tribal situation.

I'd also like to mention that whilst the urban/city people literally fight a losing battle & alliance's & rouge organisations (like the rouge cops already forming private militia groups to become active when shtf) pop up everywhere and battles occur until things settle into established cliques/tribes...

I will be preparing my small tribe/community for the prospect of outsiders & defence/rescue operations, followed by the continual maintenance & occasional development of the community...this includes manufacturing of goods for trade, I would be wary of too much development of the town itself & the spreading over too much land, greed & excess must be kept check on.

As the clock ticks I'm just recently begun scouring survival writings, accumulating a massive library of DIY & educational materials to cover anything my 'tribe' will need, other future members of the tribe have begun organic food production & the community is to be set up & functioning (off the grid) as individuals until it is necessary to join forces, upon which time each of us will bring something different to the table, new initiates will be accepted on a skills/goods/usefulness for membership agreement. the industrial electrician will be the resident spark & in return receive all the community has to offer, food, water, accommodation, etc.

I will be tribal leader as I'm the one whose been preparing the longest, (some years now) and I'm also the one planning the governance.
I would like to have a minimal laws/maximum solutions balance & I hope to achieve sustainability by teaching/providing my tribesmen with everything they need to set up their own tribe. Not simply my tribe located in other additional places, but an entirely new tribe, his/hers to do with what they wish. this will keep numbers manageable & form strong ties amongst the various peoples.

Treaties & such will be set up with other tribes as they are discovered and a network of tribal leaders will begin creating more & more and larger and more inclusive networks & organisations appear to become members/associates of.

there will be insignia to determine associations & trade will commence between tribes.

I have not considered travel at this point but I imagine designated scouts will travel/explore with the help of multiple tribes.

I've created my own version of the mason triangle system, for the social/political structure of my society, but with an entirely different shape, and different power balance.
I believe it will work but will need constant revision.

Its loosely based on an upside down celtic cross, with the circle being the core of decision making & without which the entire thing would self destruct, despite having 4-5 levels above it.

90% of decisions to be made will fall within the circle which itself has 3-4 equal levels managing 2 more equal levels which each manage the 8 aspects of the circle, the societies 'core'.

Obviously the NWO, is just lots of little networks coming together to its probable conclusion - 1 all inclusive network.

where i think we (the people) differ from the view of those in power,
Is that we wish for a far 'better' network than the version of 'unity' the global elite are offering us.

It basically comes down to rockafella thinking we can't come up with anything better, not capable of it, and that we would always prefer a unified society over a split up one, not matter what form it takes.

We need to universally stand up and say
"well sorry to burst your bubble David, but NO.
You are wrong.
we are capable of anything.
now having refused to accept YOUR vision for MY future
I will proceed to show you just how wonderful the world can be."

This is our 'reset' button people.
This is our 'press start to continue' our 'insert coin for credit'
Well this 'coin' is liable to possibly blow up in our faces in a really permanent way if we # it up..
so lets get it right shall we?

This is our 2nd chance on a interplanetary level.
& this time we have science AND spirit.

(Peace Love Unity Respect Integrity)

[edit on 17/11/09 by B.Morrison]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Just a little study taken back in 2001 and it's probably right around the same sort of numbers today.

Pretty much clearly states the "normal" flu kills about 63000 a year, in reference the swine flu has killed about 4000 in the US so far.

(Here's a link to Swine flu deaths)

So in all reality this isn't much different from the normal flu. Just my 2 cents. Stop the paranoia or keep those tin foil hats on for all I care.

And actually in further thought it kills much less than the normal flu. Since the normal flu kills 5300 in a month and the swine has only killed 4000 in 3 months. Seems like people are getting way to into this "panademic" thing.

Also the definition of panademic was changed, it no longer has to be a deadly disease. Just a disease that affects many people in different countries. Call it a panademic when ebola gets over here. That kills 4/5.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by NoJoker13]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Just more bitching and no suggestions of what to do about it.

Frankly, anybody who has traveled anywhere in the world in the past 20 years has seen first hand the population explosion. Clearly there are too many people competing for space.

As for the Sheeple, we can only hope that some sort of Natural Selection process is occuring, whether NWO or simply Existence, doesn't matter because the situation has reached a point that it's every man for himself.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
Hi DG, I am sorry I can't join this little "Pity-Party."

Today is the first day of the rest of my life and my dog just licked my entire bald head.
I am off to a great start.

Hahahahaha, can I borrow him, mine needs a good lick'n..

Man you sound weird there, but I just know what you mean - cats are great lickers too!! I miss me ol' patches. Nothing like a cat tongue on your forearm to tangle your tickle nerves. Mad bugger would wash me where he left off.

hahahah, erps.. entirely OT. so...

Ummm, yeah the flu nah, no, its bad yeah!! flu.. nah!! oO

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:29 AM
I think while big pharma is greedy, just like every business and every person in the country is as well, I don't think they "orchestrated" anything.

If this was designed to "kill off a large chunk of the population," they are doing a terrible job of it. Over 1,000 people die a DAY from smoking. Over 500 from heart attacks, most of those brought on by unhealthy living habits. Poor eating, overweight, lack of exercise. I'd say we are doing a MUCH better job of it than this "pandemic" so far.

And the immunization, which they are not FORCING on anyone (no, not even health workers), will probably have ill-effects on (not even kill... just adverse side-effects) 1 in 100,000 people. This form of "killing off" people doesn't seem like a very good plan, does it.

While I believe there are plenty of agendas floating around, most of them with self-gain agendas, I don't think there is a master plan to "kill off" a large percentage of our population. I still haven't figured how why anyone would want to do this. Workers = profit, and at the end of the day, that's what people are interested in. $$$, plain and simple. I hear "we are running out of resources." That's of course, utter rubbish. There is an absolutely TON of available resources, and open space on the planet. We have actually barely scratched the surface. Crowded? Sure. But why would they care if some cities are crowded?

I guess my point is simple: I think too many people (especially on boards like this one), get themselves far too worked about evil agendas and masterplans to kill everyone off. That can't be healthy for you, the constant worry and stress of thinking everything that happens is a plan to kill you, enslave you, or brainwash you. Sometimes I have to take a break from this place. It's very depressing. Then I go read up on many things happening in the world that are full of hope, positive, and moving forward with our planet's evolution, and I feel a bit better.

It really isn't all gloom and doom and death and hopelessness. The old axion about them "being out to get you" imo, can be whittled down to "they are out to get your money." But you know, that's the same for everyone on this planet. Even the nice old lady selling pies in front of her church is out to get your money. It's what makes the world tick sadly. But even if they won't admit it, I'd venture a guess that even the majority on this board wouldn't think twice about steamrolling others on this board, if it meant they turn a profit. Money buys luxury, and peace of mind, and so yea, everyone wants it. I think it unnecessarily drives politics (omg get rid of lobbyists), big pharm, sure, and everything else. But I still don't think there is a sinistar plan to "kill everyone" to thin the population. Dead people turn no profit, after all.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:33 AM
People are just plain lazy end of.

They just want someone else to deal with it so they don't have to, they want to sit back , let someone else take the heat and then when the dust settles say " I agreed with them for doing it , Yay!".

Only some will stand, most will cower and pray it doesn't come their way, out of sight out of mind is their attitude to the problems.

Close your eyes and you won't see the problem, maybe it will just get bored and go annoy someone else??? Doubt it.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Dear I am there with you, don't know what to do either, I keep screaming for action but without an able leader to take us there we are nothing than sitting ducks.

Money in this nation runs rampant when it comes to corruption, when it should be to help the nation raised up for its citizens, money is control and use to bribe those that have a vision and can stir up some masses.

Everybody in Congress and government are bribe and pay for we all know that.

I am ready and willing for a change.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:40 AM
Just a thought or two…

TPTB much to their own chagrin are not omnipotent, they only fantasize that they are. Henry Kissinger predicted a while ago that Americans would be disarmed by September 2009. That clearly hasn’t happened, although it is one of their wet dreams. Their plans have been thwarted in the past and while they will create grandiose ideas of total power, and cause some death and destruction they will be thwarted again in the future. Why?

Several reasons really…

First even though the think tankers are genius level, the pawns that work for them are not and make plenty of mistakes. For instance, screw up the teleprompter, and the sock monkey figurehead doesn’t know what to say. Who can do this? The “little guy” working behind the scenes.

Baxter contaminates 72 kilos of material with live bird flu virus, and who find it? A lab technician who decides (isn’t required but decides to) test in live ferrets, thus unmasking the deception.

We are much more numerous and powerful than they want us to think that we are, and our worst enemies are fear and apathy. Our most impressive powers are love and compassion for others, the unfathomable human spirit and its will to survive.

Plan, prepare, network.

Bet on us, not them

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:52 AM
Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesnt take you anywhere.
Your perspective is unique from an awakened position.
Be thankful that you can see, now you can do "something" to assist others,
and yourself.
Feel good about becoming awake,
and yes, when you see more, you can also become more:
Youre still alive, you still have choices.
Youre not alone. Be strong. Someone needs you.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:56 AM
ehhh its not even clear that any of this is actually happening
Can you say paranoia attack anyone? Hence the non action.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

You said "Killing off your feed stock is a laughable concept."

I agree. Don't kill the goose that lays golden eggs... has always seemed like a good policy to me, and yet, everywhere the greedy and lustful seem intent on doing exactly that.

The latest genocide attempt from Baxter and the obvious exclusion of the facts from MS consciousness does seem to support the thought of an ongoing scheme to exterminate, maybe not billions, but probably many many millions.

That would scare the survivors into an even weaker place and strengthen the murders even more, and pretty much guarantee a higher return from the farm animals that aren't culled.

But things do seem to be coming to a head pretty much as Yeats poem predicted and whatever is coming doesn't look good for most people; but don't overlook the possibility of some sort of Divine Intervention.

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip and the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Brown Bear]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by dgtempe

I confess, I don't know what to do. About all I have energy for is to work, eat, spend a little time on ATS then hit the sack.

Everyday's the same. No passion, no ambition........

I look around me and see blank faces or expressions of pain and loneliness. And worst of all......hopelessness.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by whaaa]

Quoted for truth, I think you speak for most of us.


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
reply to post by urwatu8

I am glad you are happy and care free. you have nothing to worry about.
You appear to be asleep. In any case i envy you.

Downer threads only happen when most of the world is down, when your supiriors want you dead. Its not a good feeling.

you can lay around and cry about all the death out there...

ive got work to do.

must get money, must continue flight training, must get everything together.

dont be the grasshopper trying to get a free ride off this ant!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesnt take you anywhere.
Your perspective is unique from an awakened position.
Be thankful that you can see, now you can do "something" to assist others,
and yourself.
Feel good about becoming awake,
and yes, when you see more, you can also become more:
Youre still alive, you still have choices.
Youre not alone. Be strong. Someone needs you.

should have read all the way through the thread first.

get to work and stop thinking about how bad things are. youll only slow down and not get anything done.

physical excercise, hoard money to buy necessities, train in all things.

lets move! the new age doesnt wait on anyone!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by whattheh . . .

So the poeple that could not get water to the superdome are able to quetly make 180 camps and position millions of foreign troops on our soil and thousands of Russian tanks on our soil, in effort to start a new world order. HA!!!!
. . .

The problem was not FEMA being unable to get water to the Superdome. The problem was FEMA refusing to let truckfuls of donated water and food reach the Superdome.

There were a number of reasons for this, and they were successful with 3 goals:

1. Parts of New Orleans that TPTB wanted emptied of people were, through the flooding.

2. A demonstration was made of governmental uselessness, to convince the population that government should not have responsibility for disater relief, paving the way for the military,

3. A study was done of the behaviour of a large number of imprisined, frightened, people when not supplied with the essentials for life.

FEMA also managed to supply generators for an oil refinery, while turning a deaf ear to hospital pleas to save the lives of dying patients who needed their life support machines turned back on.

Murdering thugs? yes.
Incompetent? no.
They followed their orders to the letter.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by ofthepeople

You're doing some good thinking... keep at it. I was especially enticed by the theme you touched on:

"First even though the think tankers are genius level, the pawns that work for them are not and make plenty of mistakes. For instance, screw up the teleprompter, and the sock monkey figurehead doesn’t know what to say. Who can do this? The “little guy” working behind the scenes."

In the long guerrilla war that's the way to rack up some important victories, and probably win the war, but doesn't it seem as if events are rushing to a head in a gigantic good 'vs' evil confrontation, a final battle for many?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by mahtoosacks

Originally posted by dgtempe
reply to post by urwatu8

I am glad you are happy and care free. you have nothing to worry about.
You appear to be asleep. In any case i envy you.

Downer threads only happen when most of the world is down, when your supiriors want you dead. Its not a good feeling.

you can lay around and cry about all the death out there...

ive got work to do.

must get money, must continue flight training, must get everything together.

dont be the grasshopper trying to get a free ride off this ant!

cry or work...only 2 options? that's sad.

couldn't you allow yourself to feel others suffering & still provide for yourself & your family?

I do.

money for what exactly?

if money for food, energy, utilities, council rates - all of these can be obtained for free and if things move too slowly due to your time/energy being taken up with work, then maybe you could consider getting together a group of people to help each other achieve these goals at the same time laying the foundations for alliances when shtf.

If you start working towards self sufficiency in the forementioned areas now,
then you will save significant amounts of money which could in turn free up money for the flight lessons you mentioned, fast track the whole thing.

btw grasshoppers & ants?

I may be a grasshopper but i'm not interested in any of the ants money,
I can't eat money,
you can keep it.

You aren't carrying my burdens anywhere friend


[edit on 17/11/09 by B.Morrison]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by mahtoosacks

should have read all the way through the thread first.

get to work and stop thinking about how bad things are. youll only slow down and not get anything done.

physical excercise, hoard money to buy necessities, train in all things.

lets move! the new age doesnt wait on anyone!

Okay 2sacks you lost me on this reply.

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