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i didn't say petroleum alternative, i didn't say bio-diesel, i did not say alcohol. i did not say synthetic fuel, i don't want cooking oil, i don't want propane gas. i said to replicate petroleum as if they were sucked out of the ground. not viable? why not? it's making billionaires. do you understand?
Ropy nie zabraknie? 14-09-2009 15:19 Vladimir Kucherov · paliwo · ropa naftowa · gaz ziemny · szczątki organiczne Naukowcy ze szwedzkiego Królewskiego Instytutu Technologii (KTH) udowodnili, że szczątki roślinne i zwierzęce nie są konieczne do powstania ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego. To olbrzymi przełom, który z jednej strony oznacza, że złoża paliw kopalnych będzie łatwiej znaleźć, a z drugiej - że powinny znajdować się one dosłownie na całej planecie. Korzystając z naszych badań możemy powiedzieć, w którym miejscu w Szwecji znajdziemy ropę - mówi profesor Vladimir Kutcherov z KTH. Kutcherov wraz z dwójką współpracowników przeprowadzili symulację warunków, jakie panują we wnętrzu Ziemi. Udowodnili, że przy podwyższonych ciśnieniu i temperaturze tworzą się węglowodory, główny składnik paliw kopalnych. Zdaniem Kutcherova, to dowód, iż paliwa kopalne wystarczą jeszcze na bardzo, bardzo długo. Dodał, że nie jest też możliwe, by ropa, po wytworzeniu się, przesiąknęła na głębokość większą niż 10,5 kilometra. Nie ma najmniejszych wątpliwości, że nasze badania dowodzą, iż ropa naftowa i gaz ziemny powstają bez udziału szczątków organicznych. Każda skała może być rezerwuarem ropy - mówi profesor. Jego studium zwiększa też szanse na znalezienie ropy. Obecnie, po przeprowadzeniu wszelkich specjalistycznych badań szanse, że trafimy na złoże wynosi 20%. Teraz prawdopodobieństwo to wzrosło do 70%. To powinno znacznie zmniejszyć koszty wydobycia i, być może, będzie skutkowało mniejszymi cenami paliw. Kutcherov podzielił Ziemię siatką, wyznaczaną przez pęknięcia w poszczególnych warstwach skorupy ziemskiej. Te pęknięcia to, według niego, "kanały migracyjne". W miejscach, gdzie się spotykają, warto szukać ropy.
Oil would never end? 14-09-2009 15:19 Scientist from Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) proved that vegetable and animals debris are not necessary to create oil and natural gas. It’s a huge breakout which from one side means that beds of fossil fuels would be easier to find and from another side that it should to be placed on the whole earth. Using that researches we could confirm in which places in Sweden we find oil – says professor Vladimir Kutherov from HTH. Kutherov with two of his coworkers conduct simulation of conditions which obtain inside earth. They prove that in elevated pressure and temperature they are creating hydrocarbons, main component of fossil fuels. In Kutcherov opinion it is prove that fossil fuels will suffice for long long time. He added that it is not possible that oil after creating itself could permeated for depth greater than 10,5 kilometer. There is no question that our researches proves that oil and natural gas are creating without participation of fossils. Every rock could be a container of oil – says professor. His stadium grow the chance for finding oil. Currently after conduct all specialized researches the chances that we find Oil is 20%. Now it this probability rise to 70%. This should significantly decrease cost of possessing Oil what probably could take effect in lower prizes of fuels. Kutcherov divide earth using grid pointed by bursts in different layers of earth crust. This burst are in his opinion “migration canals”. In places where they come across it’s good to look for oil.
Oil would never end? 14-09-2009 15:19 Scientist from Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) proved that vegetable and animals debris are not necessary to create oil and natural gas.
Originally posted by Staafke
J'ai l'impression que depuis quelques temps cela devient une tendance et une sorte de "mode" que de vouloir trouver des complots partout où il peut en exister et plus particulièrement dans les faits scientifiques. Comme s'il fallait trouver le moyen de prouver que toute les recherches effectuées ces 100 dernières années n'étaient que pour mentir à la population.
C'est d'autant plus triste quand cela touche à des domaines que l'on pratique, j'ai moi même vu et effectué des analyses sur des systèmes pétroliers, c'est pour cela que toutes ces fausses informations m'énervent au plus au point.
I'll try to translate this as accurate as possible, because it's a very important thing you're saying
Translation of above quote:
I've come to the impression that, for some time now, it has become a tendency and a fashionable thing to search for conspiracies where possible, in particular on subjects where scientific facts are presented. Like someone has found a way to prove that all scientific research and facts presented for the past 100 years where only created to keep the population ignorant and in control. It's especially sad when you're a practicing scientist yourself and you've effectively worked on an analysis concerning petroleum systems. It's because of this that misinformation angers me so much.
End of translation
Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by Solenki
OK, so if you agree that hydrocarbons/oil can arise from abiotic processes, then how can you assume that those processes don't occur at all on Earth?
One of the most dramatic images of the concept under discussion, and one which brings various of our motifs together in one place, is invoked by the Indic myth, from the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana, concerning the production of amrita (or ambrosia). In brief the myth is this: In an effort to produce this divine nectar, both gods and demons used Mount Mandara as a churning stick. Winding the serpent Vasuki, also known as Ananta, around Mount Mandara, the gods (at one end) and the demons (at the other) grasped hold of Vasuki by the head and tail and, pulling him back and forth, were able to rotate Mount Mandara fast enough to whisk the sea into an ocean of milk from which amrita was produced.
In nature, it is found in the stings and bites of many insects of the order Hymenoptera, mainly ants and is also present in stinging nettles[citation needed]. It is also a significant combustion product resulting from alternative fueled vehicles burning methanol (and ethanol, if contaminated with water) when mixed with gasoline.[citation needed] Its name comes from the Latin word for ant, formica, referring to its early isolation by the distillation of ant bodies.
Originally posted by ufoptics
....I just don't understand the academic mindset, you people think your so above the rest of us....
Originally posted by raptorinvictus
Sorry to bust your bubble mate but you are looking for a conspiricy where there is none. there is a term for this: Paranoia!!!
Originally posted by Daniem
I have a friend whos father works offshore in Norway. He laughed his arse off when i asked about this stuff, if we're out of oil in a few years.
He told me its just something the bosses or whoever say, there is enough oil down there to last, if not for ever, a LOOONG time.
Originally posted by kenochs
reply to post by Solenki
Yay Solenki!
But (and I honestly don't mean to be snarky) you really need to work on your grammar. Your message will be so much more effective if you take the time to copy edit your work.
Your post reads like a hastily scribbled rant. So, even though its right on target, the haphazard writing and grammar detract from your ideas, and this site really, really needs thoughtful, smart, skeptical voices,
Just a thought,
the hopeful skeptic
Originally posted by Chastral
reply to post by polar
... Talk about concentrated brainwashing, there you go. Honestly, I do believe our scientists are tricked, and lied to about a lot of things.