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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:55 AM
I seen this on episode on Stargate so I know what happened. A goa'uld came through shooting but thanks to SG1 the attack was stopped before the planet-destroying bomb could be detonated.

I'd believe that before I'd believe one dude pulled this off with PISTOLS!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by gaborn415
I hate to downplay this, as the deaths are a tragedy for sure, but I have to say that this news is awfully convenient for TPTB to take advantage of and concentrate on to the exclusion of anything happening in Washington which may significantly affect our way of life, say the Healthcare bill and the 25,000 protesters which showed up. I have a bad feeling that though tragic, it'll be milked for all it's worth to distract the sleeping masses so they can get their vote passed this week. Probably then play it even more for war with Iran, gun control and further loss of freedoms, but watch how much coverage a news event like the healthcare bill, which will affect every single American gets in contrast with this, which realistically only affects a very small portion of the population.

I definitely do not agree with anyone claiming that TPTB were behind this outrageous attack, but I do agree that they will most likely take advantage of it to ram these Bills down our throats with the upmost fervor.

I told someone today that I bet POTUS Obama will turn this into some "I'll make certain that we take better care of our Vets" campaign.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Ragu23

The incident took place in a huge open area filled with soldiers. "Fish in a barrel" isn't a decent term to use here but it describes the tactical situation in an easy to understand way. I don't mean any disrespect to the victims by it.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:16 AM
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is a graduate of Virginia Tech University, where he was a member of the ROTC and earned a bachelor's degree in biochemistry in 1997. He received his medical degree from the military's Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001.

If he was in ROTC, it's very possible he was at VTech on an army scholarship, And then he goes to a prestigious medical school, all costs courtesy of the army. Oh yeah, this guy was army all the way, possibly as far back as '93 when he entered college.

And ya have to wonder how a native arab speaker managed to avoid service in Iraq for the past eight years. But maybe he WAS in Iraq. It is known that the army has used shrinks to find ways to make torture more effective.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by starviego
If he was in ROTC, it's very possible he was at VTech on an army scholarship, And then he goes to a prestigious medical school, all costs courtesy of the army. Oh yeah, this guy was army all the way, possibly as far back as '93 when he entered college.

And ya have to wonder how a native arab speaker managed to avoid service in Iraq for the past eight years. But maybe he WAS in Iraq. It is known that the army has used shrinks to find ways to make torture more effective.

It's interesting the majority of contributors to this thread have terrible difficulty dealing with the concept of a devoted Islamist killing American soldiers because he felt it part of his cultural-religious obligation. I'd say it's pretty clear that's what happened here.

Maybe not unrelated, Zawahiri, acting head of the al Qaida/Muslim Brotherhood alliance recently called on sleeper cells and agents in the West to awaken to the call and fulfill their planned attacks.

A wave of them throughout North America since. This is just another one.


posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:37 AM
I would be betting theses shooters are infact from fort hood.Three soldiers at fort hood have turned rouge and started shooting there fellow men in arms.You would wounder why soldiers turn like this.Did they get treated really bad by some one there.Are they taking out revenge of certain inderviuals at the base.Who knows.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:42 AM
Well, qutie franly, this is why the rmy, marines needs to weed out poelpe, and keep the commited ones..not the ones their just ot get college grant and the like. They seem to let just anyone join* is it a suprise this happened then?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Pell, you have some of the most well thought-out responses, and I completely agree with you on this.

We do have a fifth column here in the US, but we refuse to see it for what it is.

According to Muhammed, a good Muslim is a violent fanatic. A bad Muslim is peaceful and doesn't want to fight.

Gonna take a whole lot more blood before everyday Americans wake up. So far, they can't add 2+ 2+2+2 and get the answer.

And I agree that when the typical American finally does wake up, the more base emotions and reactions will not be healthy for Muslims.

Which will likely cause more reactions, which will bring about more responses.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:50 AM
This incident will lead to a big sorting out of military personnel with islamic background. As some poster said: a muslim first serves the Islam and afterwards all other "duties". This makes them incompatible with the idea of having them fight their brothers in creed.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by JFletcher

But that's the problem with faith ... your argument is no more sophisticated than Catholics serving Rome first, or Jews serving Israel. It's a sinister position to take too, it's one easily exploited by extremists on the right.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
reply to post by Sergeant Stiletto

A local congress woman has raised the specter that this was a case of dissenting soldiers who refused to go to Iraq....

I don't know WHERE that information came from.

She also upped the number to 30 wounded....

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Maxmars]

That was the first thought that crossed my mind, makes a lot of sense.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:23 AM
Yes our imagination can be chosen to fit our own perspective of reality. But what if this person was picked on by other fellow colleagues?

I have seen how American soldiers pick on their own people. If you don't blend you will pay dearly. Trust me i have seen it. I bet this doctor got his share of American humor.
The soldiers probably worked this Doctor over the edge. And the Doctor snapped with hatred. This event points to it with clarity.

Him being a terrorist. Yeah one created by the Americans in that camp.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by Ragu23

The incident took place in a huge open area filled with soldiers. "Fish in a barrel" isn't a decent term to use here but it describes the tactical situation in an easy to understand way. I don't mean any disrespect to the victims by it.

Yah, I was being glib. My first instinct was that it couldn't happen because it takes a long time to shoot forty-some people with a handgun, and you'd figure response time would be quick on a military base. Hell, that Texas Watchtower dude had all day and a sniper rifle and he hit fewer people.

But that's just first instinct and the facts can easily change my mind.

And really, I'm finding the theories as to WHAT REALLY HAPPENED posted on this thread kinda lame (no offense, I'm an idiot) so I got smartassy.

Until an official investigation is conducted I choose to hypothesize the Goa'uld did it and the lone gunman story is a cover up.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:28 AM
When I was stationed on Camp Pendleton the bank got robbed twice. I dont know the details other than they were marines that did it.

I think the official story for this will be as sound as the official 9-11 report.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:50 AM
[Lecture to those who need it, those who don't, you know who you are.]

Started reading this when it was at 35 pages. Must admit I am actually ashamed that many of you had to be reminded, repeatedly, about keeping focused on the topic, not each other or some other off topic material.

Seriously, if this is how ATSers treat each other (let alone believe that they are right) for those born in the 90s, it is called disrespectfully, I am disappointed, to think, you under stand what ATS stands for.

So, for the sake of my own sanity here is a reminder:

Now, "it DEMANDS ATS members to think."
Think about that, for a minute please, 60 damn seconds of your life.

It is, a rage AGAINST MINDLESS status quo, for those who don't under stand latin or are to lazy to look it up, means-
Latin "statu quo" - literally " the state in which" - is a Latin term meaning the current or existing state

mindless...current state ....moveing along.

Reread the motto again if I am required to explain further, it might filter in.

Now, for those who would love to flame/reply to me about my failings and short comings, too late I am calling my self out and admit I make mistakes.

Perhaps trying to reach those who would only flame me and taunt me is that mistake. least I care enough to be disappointed.

Because I know, ATS either got your attention because of what this community represents and has become. Or because your a hater and need to grow up.

I expect more out of ATSers, just like they expect more out of ATS staff.
Now that we both understand we expect certain things from each other, what do you think happens when that fails...

We failed each other, I failed you just as much as you failed me.
We all, failed each other.

Becomeing a member of ATS is a privilege, that is why there happens to be a Terms and Conditions of Membership. It is a notice specifically stateing what is expected from each and every member. It is not your right, to participate on ATS, and the majority of members know this. They know if they mess up they lose that privilege.

Your actions today, especially on this topic are a disgrace. I would never had expected the rampant disrespect for one another, during a crisis. Seeing ATSer turning agianst a fellow ATSer is just absolute bull #!

You expect ATS staff to do their job, well if people didn't act like some did today, we wouldn't have to. But it is because of knee jerk immature speaking/typing before you think, shooting from the lip kind of childish crap we need to moderate.

Think about that for moment.

Because instead of saying some thing, that could have been useful, people were being jerks, because they "think" they know...

Every one else, knows that is not the case, why?
Can't even pull together during an actual situation, what makes you think it won't come back down to this petty drama crap the next time some thing happens, that is worse?

Are you going to stand there and call others names, or act in a disrespecful manner while everyone else around you is trying to help or get answers? What kind of example is being set doing that...

While your not helping, every one else was trying to.

That is what disappoints me the most. Knowing that no matter what happens, some one out there is purposely, trying, to make things worse.
It just sickens me...

I'm going to take a long vacation from ATS, because I remember before when people got banned for less than what happened here today.

Just shameful...disappointingly shameful.

And you, call your self an ATSer....

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:55 AM
Think about what ATS has turned into. From the site design, to the ads, to the featured video, to the culture and direction this site is developing perpetuated by the owners of this site. Are you really surprised?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Pell, you have some of the most well thought-out responses, and I completely agree with you on this.

We do have a fifth column here in the US, but we refuse to see it for what it is.

Agreed on the posts by Pellevoisin.

I've also made the 5th column a theme of some of my recent posts - before this happened. I believe there are many 5th columnists out there, many of them here on ATS judging by their anti-everything American posts. These people are not muslim imports. No, they are sympathizers, appeasers and apologists - from right here in the U.S. You can see them on this thread, hard at work posting things that basically say everything from it's a "false flag operation", to a real muslim wouldn't do such a thing, to America is so evil, what else can we expect. Examples? One poster made it sound like they hoped the gunman might escape. Another posted that it was all so understandable because the shooter probably "got picked on" by fellow soldiers.

[edit on 11/6/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael
It's interesting the majority of contributors to this thread have terrible difficulty dealing with the concept of a devoted Islamist killing American soldiers because he felt it part of his cultural-religious obligation. I'd say it's pretty clear that's what happened here.
Cui Bono? Not the muslims. They only get a black eye, public relations-wise. They may hate us, but stupid they are not. So who benefits?

pg29 of this forum
''... there was just a senator from Texas on Fox News talking about how the Patriot Act is coming up for renewal in two months and how this event directly ties into our needing to beef up the patriot act.'' [curiousskeptic]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Keymaster1
False flag alert! false flag alert! false flag alert!

Don't believe anything you hear for 3-6 months after this incident!

I am former army, the army does not release this kind of info ever this quickly!

We had a psycho go off on post and kill 2 people with a rifle and it didn't hit the press for 1 and 1/2 days later!

There is something wrong with this situation! and don't say it's because of the current political/social climate!

Normally they would rectify/end/contain the situation then release info to the public!

So knock it off! Wait to find out what really happened and stop speculating! ...


Your a U.S. Army professional so you know what you are talking about. Certainly a lot more than the media shills who sell us the "soup of the day".

What we are being told is Unbelievable, and therefore should NOT be believed.

Here is a better informed source with Intelligence access and who doesn't have to obey instructions to keep a lid on this situation.

Special Forces Attack Secret GOLD Warehouse on US Army Base

The shootings were staged in order to cover up what was really happening behind the scenes which was as follows:

George H. W. Bush (41) had stored some or all of the diverted Chinese Gold at Fort Hood. These boxes form part of the Settlement negotiated with the Chinese parties, who were immediately double-crossed by Bush operatives.

George Bush Sr. may have flown back from his meeting in Germany with Josef Ackermann, the head of the Deutsche Bank, this army base is conveniently located close to Crawford and other Bush Family locations.

An operation was mounted at Fort Hood to CONFISCATE THE STOLEN CHINESE GOLD FROM BUSH SR., which achieved its objective. These physical assets, forming part of the International Settlement that George H.W. Bush had impeded with the assistance of Chancellor Angela Merkel, were retrieved.

It is likely that the shoot-out which occurred for public consumption was a diversionary operation masking a parallel shoot-out involving Bush bodyguards and US military. The mainstream media, as usual, is running the wrong story.

The deployment of 500+ heavily armed troops, and the fact that military helicopters were called in, implies a sizeable operation, which would be make little sense in the context of a shooting such as is described in the media.

If you consider this possibility, then listen again to Obama's speech which is more plausible, if he ordered those troops into the base to take it over from Bush 41 mercenaries.

No flames please, this is not being presented as TRUTH, only as an alternative read on Mainstream News which is alarmingly false and cannot pass the test of logical sequences of events:

1. Army officers are trained to value other soldiers' lives
2. Soldiers sacrifice their lives for their country and comrades in arms.
3. Fundamentalist Muslims are not sent to fight in our troops in Iraq.
4. The Army does not release news to civilian media of what happens on its bases, even if loud and violent.
5. We are given a ribbon wrapped gift packaged explanation that pins it all on a lone lunatic, a muslim shrink gone postal, how convenient.

Meanwhile, nobody official in higher office makes such wild claims, only lower down disinfo agents, the bosses keeping above the lies and making vague inferences to "investigations will conclude what exactly happened".

We are being lied to, and there is a massive power play between factions with global scale Banksters tied to the Intelligence Community with high connections at the Pentagon fighting it out at the top. If we see some heads roll and staff changes in the U.S. Federal Government (i.e. ousting Hillary Clinton or Rahm Emanuel, etc.) this will confirm this read of the situation.

This is of course only an interpretation of the news, but less unlikely than the wild fantasies we're being fed.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Getsmart]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Correction: its at least 11 dead women, by the prior convicted sex offender.
And the Ft. Hood shooting is purported to have been done by a LONE soldier, recently returning from IRAQ, news break on coast-to-coast am stated the soldier didn't want to go to Iraq, and snapped. But odd it is, at the speed at which this info was released to the public. My experiences in service led me to believe and feel that military affairs were tightly held to the chest, so to speak.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by ahmonrarh]

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