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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by skepticantiseptic

Well, you are entitled to your opinion, of course. You believe I am wrong based on your personal stance and the religion you follow. Not only the religion you choose to follow, but your own interpretation of it.

I honestly have no articulate response to the meat of your reply, though. It is impossible to logically debate with someone entrenched in ideology; no matter if it is religion, politics, ethics, and so on. Not that you being devout is a bad thing. More power to you. Dead wrong though? Well, you're basing your knowledge of Jesus on how many thoroughly historical years of his life? Or are you basing it on sweet King James parables? Either is fine. Free will and all.

Back on topic. It seems that as more comes to light, the signs are pointing to this being a religiously motivated, at least in part, act of murder. Will be interesting to see what kind of spin this story has on it by sunrise.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:40 PM
To whatever guy asked, he's an American, born in Virginia. He is of Jordanian descent. He is also reported to have made many statements online about planning suicide bombings and attacks on Americans and the like. So basically as it's looking right now? Home grown terrorism by an American of Arab descent. Take from that what you will.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:41 PM
General says incident happened in a short time span and the response was relatively quick. General said situation, horrible as it was, could gave been much worse.

About ten years ago, I produced a training video for the Law Enforcement Television Network (satellite video net to law enforcement agencies around the country). We taped SWAT training on how to respond (tactics/techniques) to mass murder shooting incident in progress. Killeen SWAT did the training and a Lt. Colonel and some soldiers from Fort Hood were there to observe the training.

Killeen SWAT is well known as one of the elite SWAT teams in America. After the Luby's cafeteria killings, Killeen SWAT became determined to be one of the best units in the world... and they are.

I would imagine that Killeen SWAT were called to respond but sounds like base police got to it right away and put a stop to this dude before Killeen SWAT could arrive on scene. I will tell you though that Killeen SWAT has the technology to respond to any incident extremely quickly, like you wouldn't believe, and their guys are incredibly professional, like, no offense to the Army, but like Navy Seals (the ones that took out the Somali pirates, only more up-close-and-personal).

Hats off to the law enforcement who stopped this guy,

One thing Killeen SWAT teaches is to not mess around. Get right in there quickly and get the job done right quick.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by switching yard]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

Suleyman al-Faris

Who can forget 20 year old Suleyman al-Faris, you say you don’t remember? John Walker Lindh(Hamza Walker Lind), a convert to Islam at 16, captured in Afghanistan Nov’ 25, 2001 with his fellow Muslim Taliban, fighting American soldiers. Just such a nice normal all American boy who would never harm anyone, but kill infidels? Well that’s something else

John Lee Malvo

17 year old John Lee Malvo (Malik Malvo), who with John Allen Muhammed (formerly John Allen Lee), an Army veteran carried out the Fall 2002 Beltway sniper attacks that killed at random so many innocents, and the best our PC intelligentsia could come up with was ‘it was a plot to extort $10 million from the U.S. government and there was no Al-Qaeda link.’ But of course, now we can all sleep peacefully as they converted to a religion of peace

Ryan Anderson

Ryan Anderson, remember him? 26 year old WSU graduate of Military History, National Guard M-1 tank crew, converted to Islam at the ripe old age of 21, busted for trying to give away information on the weakness of U.S. armor. But you say, that was so long ago – Feb’ 12, 2004

Patrick Gott

Of course you remember the former Marine who converted to Islam, Patrick (didn’t deserve such a fine name) Gott, who on May 23, 2002, invoking the name of Allah and waving a Koran, used a shotgun to kill one innocent and wound another at the New Orleans airport. No you don’t remember the true Muslim who wanted to kill infidels, because our PC intelligentsia belittled the event, saying he was angry because people made fun of his turban. A white American in a turban, really, really looks stupid, if you ask me, and I have seen many

Joel Hinrichs

Joel Hinrichs, Tulsa OK Oct’ 1, 2005 anyone? A very unfortunate 21 year old OU student who shared an apartment with Pakistani Muslim Fazal Cheema, died after a bomb he supposedly was carrying, exploded. He was the only casualty. Strangely his father had this to say “Joe would have become a Muslim fanatic, when pigs fly”

Makes you wonder who encouraged him, helped him construct the bomb, and was it a test to prove himself?

I digress, lets go back to these true Muslim foreigners who want to kill infidels, enough of our “home grown” (what ever that is supposed to mean) terrorists, they don’t sound so ‘terrorristic’ if we use the word ‘home’ in there, and of course they were influenced by ‘extremists.’

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar

Now lets talk about 22 year old Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar such a quiet nice Muslim boy who made his family proud by being a student at UNC Chappel Hill, and on March 3, 2006 formally declared jihad on infidels, rented a SUV and drove through a crowded campus quad, striking 9 students and injuring 6. If only all jihadis were as unsuccessful as this true Muslim, we could….

Naveed Afzal Haq

This only happened in July 2006 so I’m sure you remember how 30 year old Pakistani Muslim Naveed Afzal Haq, whose father Mian A. Haq was a founding member of the Islamic Center in Richland WA, shot 6 Jewish women, 1 died, at a Seattle WA Jewish center on a Friday. Was this penance for having supposedly converted to Christianity for a while, or does the old saying fit “Once a ….?”

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:43 PM
Arabic sources say his parents are of Jordian extraction.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by hungrydirt

Understanding Islam will help us fight this kind of terrorism. Denying Islamic theology is an error. Fard ayn describes his motivation to a T. Please educate yourselves on this behavior.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:47 PM
Let's see how many famous/infamous psychopathic psychiatrists we can come up with (not counting fictional characters like Hannibel Lecter). I can think of only 2: Radovan Karadzic (sp?), the bushy-haired creepazoid of the former Yugoslavian civil war, and now this Major Hassan creature.

One word that we will NEVER hear uttered by the MSM is "psychopath." Guaranteed. Mark my words. I have a few opinions and statements on why I believe that's the case, but I have better things to do now.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by JJay55

No idea why that's a reply to me. I merely gave information and said "Make of it what you will...".

Incidentally, my sisters Step-Son had just left the building when this guy opened fire. he deploys this week.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Zenagain]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:48 PM


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:48 PM
I think the most significant fact is that 33,000 people are on lock down. Why on earth would they have to lock up 33,000 people? What is really happening? We will never know because we no longer have a free press and we no longer have a government we can trust to tell the truth. With the unConstitutional measures our govt has taken lately, Swine Flu escalation, threat of mandatory vaccination, parading of UN troops on American soil, buildup of DHS & military presence in the US, violent racist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, economic manipulation to destroy our economy and irrational pushing of legislation through congress that will impoverish Americans, the idea of being at the mercy of the military estalishment is not looking good for Americans.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:49 PM
RE: BNO News
Shooting suspect is still alive, contrary to previous reports!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Yep. Nothing like embracing barbarism in the name of fighting barbarism.

[edit on Thu Nov 5 2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by hungrydirt
reply to post by skepticantiseptic

It seems that as more comes to light, the signs are pointing to this being a religiously motivated, at least in part, act of murder. Will be interesting to see what kind of spin this story has on it by sunrise.

Still true Christianity is not about death but life. I'm not to hate this man, and I don't. But the emotional side of me detests him. I just need to let thew spiritual side win out to overcome this seed of hatred that even many Christians need to acknowledge and ask God for help to overcome the flesh.

Still, "if you prick me do I not bleed" is a pretty powerful stimulus to forget about. Especially if that is what caused the pain and death.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Eye of Horus
reply to post by CX

There was no secound shooter. It was the military head shrinker a Major. Probably couldn't handle listening to all the horror stories and he finaly snapped. And decided to kill the troops so they wouldn't have to face the horrors. Then he was killed. So we won't ever know what really happened.
Only speculation.
My view point is that the head shrinker got a conscious finaly and was going to spill the beans on what was really going on so he had to be eliminated. He's just one more pasty. And the real mission program continues.
TPTB are making yet another "example" to anyone else thinking of talking.
FEAR...its the old game.

From this will lose more of our rights, the few we have left. The alphebet groups will get more funding. The game will continue.


This is indeed a poison idea. Why would you subject yourself to such dangerously irrational thought knowing so little about any of the events in this man's life in the days, months, or even years leading to this event?

The truth shall set you free, and the next few days will give us much more insight toward denying ignorance. There's honestly nothing about this that makes my Spidey-Sense tingle. Just good old fashioned barbarism.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by mattifikation

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by mattifikation
Breaking News: Something bad has hap...


Get real, folks.

What the hell man?

Bullets still flying and people are still posting this BS.....geez

BS? It's the truth. That's how some people on this site act. I was posting that in response to other posters, in fact. Every tragedy that happens, before the dust even settles they're pointing fingers at the government and screaming false flag. Don't thumbs down me just because I'm the one that pointed this out.

Some people need a serious reality check. Sometimes bad things just happen, and it's not some grand government plot to scare everybody. It doesn't do the deceased any honors to use their deaths to spread unsubstantiated conspiracy theories on the Internet. Do you disagree with that statement?

NAWWWW.. Bad things only ever happen when the governmunt makes them happen to hide their badder things..

Don't you know nuffing yet?

*hurts your head huh.. mine too*

Still, can't complain, I made a foe today !! Yippee!!! lol

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Zenagain
reply to post by JJay55

No idea why that's a reply to me. I merely gave information and said "Make of it what you will...".

Incidentally, my sisters Step-Son had just left the building when this guy opened fire. he deploys this week.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Zenagain]

I was inspired by your post.
There is an unspoken religious profiling and this guy slipped the radar because of his taqiyya conversion. Will happen again and again until we face this problem with Islam.

My best to you and your nephew.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by JJay55

Thought you were doing some kind of strange attack on me. lol Anywho, yeah, been following this all day and it just get's curiouser and curiouser. Why have they reported the guy dead for the last 6 or so hours and now he's alive? Something is rotten in Denmark says I.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

If many of the killed/injured just came back from a combat zone maybe there is something that they know that the government doesn't want to get out.
A false flag attack would be useful to kill the most angry and to shut up anybody left that can be intimidated. The only way to know what is happening is to hear it from them. The administration was alerting the DHS in that infamous MIAC report about the dangers of disgruntled returning servicemen, maybe there is something our soldiers would tell us if they could about what is really happening overseas.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:02 PM
So let me get this straight.

Not only was this guy of Jordanian descent... and perhaps a recent convert to Islam (that's a tough one to determine if you ask me), but he was a Major... that's at least an O-4

AND he was a PSYCHIATRIST!!! This is right out of a movie...

[edit on 5-11-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Zenagain
reply to post by JJay55

Thought you were doing some kind of strange attack on me. lol Anywho, yeah, been following this all day and it just get's curiouser and curiouser. Why have they reported the guy dead for the last 6 or so hours and now he's alive? Something is rotten in Denmark says I.

The more of these guys that we put on trial then the more we will be educated about Sharia Law and Islam. There have been so many incidents in the US in the past few years that are indicators of the motivation of this type of behavior and it is on the increase.
Muslims have a duty to kill us. Especially since we moved into Afghanistan. Fard ayn is an obligation of muslims to act out and attack us with any means they can. This guy will admit to this, just like the muslim who ran his daughter down in an honor killing also in Texas a few weeks ago. Many cases and growing rapidly in the US.

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