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Has Baxter International Released a New Biological Weapon in the Ukraine?

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Patton State Hospital

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Hospitals will operate normally, including visitation hours, during the furlough process.

** ALERT **

IMPORTANT VISITOR NOTIFICATION - This is a courtesy notification to families, friends, and any visitors who may be planning a come to Patton State Hospital. Beginning on October 1, 2009 Patton State Hospital will be implementing a precautionary screening for all visitors. This is due to both the seasonal flu and the 2009 H1N1 flu (swine flu) and our efforts to ensure the health and safety for both our individuals and staff. We will ask that all visitors complete a health questionnaire (go to the Visitor Information to access the questionnaire).

Beginning October 28, 2009 Patton State Hospital will be implementing the use of a Visitor Request and Authorization PDF Icon form for all new visitors. If you are going to visit for the first time you may print this form out now, complete it, and bring it with you when you visit. This may save you some time on the day of your visit.

** ALERT **

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 06:38 PM

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
reply to post by Argyll

You’re confusing the panic scenario we are shooting for with irrelevant facts. Perhaps you should try one of those medical blog thingies!

Don't you just hate facts!!......panic scenarios are much more dramatic.....they form their own facts!

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by dnvrliz

I'd like to think all hospitals were taking those steps!

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 05:26 AM

When I saw this news today It stunned me because I saw video where someone said that the purpose in not in to give people vaccine and something like fear is not so important... but the main purpose is make them BEG to be vaccinated!

[edit on 3-11-2009 by bartolas]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:17 AM
Here in Canada there is a shortage even though they were psyching us up there would be enough! I figured it was. Now my best friend and my sister are going to get the shots... Im gonna make damn sure they do not and just drink plenty of OJ and eat plenty of onion

If they do and either of them die Im flying to every Baxter plant and taking them down, Umbrella Corporation style

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:56 AM
I don't wish to be a fear monger so sorry, but the whole bleeding lungs and hitting the healthy part is disturbing. Sounds like cytokine storm and resembles the fatalities of the 1918 strain.

Everyone knows they thawed out a victim and have been reverse engineering the deadly strain for years right? As the video posted earlier shows they been quite busy mixing the deadly strain with modern viruses.

Some reputable scientist claim that in all probability the 70's swine flu outbreak came from an accidental leak out of a lab. Everyone was messing with those strains at the time. And this current variation (swine flu) is related to that one.

The one from the 70's claimed by independent groups of egg heads in the field to be synthetic.

Also there where at least three Sars breaches that I can think of as well, but that's another related subject.

The combination of the deadly 1918 and modern flu viruses is being done people. This aspect of Moshe story is true, it's just the bio weapons angle is up for grabs. And if you think the weaponization idea hasn't cross their minds then your a couple of centuries too late.

It was GONE!! and they resurrected it. I'm sorry but to revive old viruses to develop vaccines for diseases that don't exist YET is INSANE! Weoponization? Also insane but the only logical conclusion for the reasoning.

I said it before Playing with fire.

It's not unreasonable to think that modern strains with the deadly 1918 sequences have escaped or been released purposefully when you are aware of some of this insanity. At least I hope so, otherwise I'm one of those conspiracy nuts right?

I guarantee that if Jeffrey Taubenberger had done his mad scientist stuff in Iran or korea etc.. he would be a highly sort after bioweapons terrorist.
No exaggeration.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by squiz]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by remymartin
reply to post by MajorDisaster

I cant find a baxter lab in the ukraine, here is a list of their facilities
The nearest is in moscow

Baxter Ukraine

29 Beresnyakovskaya st
02098 Kiev
Phone: +38 044 4962410

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Just reported on my show yesterday that the Ukraine has a NEW virus, that isn't H1N1 affecting 40,000 already and some dead. This may solidify this story.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Meria


Welcome to ATS, Meria!

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:10 PM
Very Juicy, very interesting, and above all, VERY SCARY.

The reason why stories like this fit, and start to make sense in smart ppl's brains, is because poison production of any kind for a struggling economy is BIG business.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Chernobyl reactor meltdown, the Ukrainian economy started to slide, and they have been crippled to stay afloat with nothing to barter with.

They have made some nasty things over there (don't forget what happened to Viktor Yushchenko)

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by k3456789

Originally posted by remymartin
reply to post by MajorDisaster

I cant find a baxter lab in the ukraine, here is a list of their facilities
The nearest is in moscow

Baxter Ukraine

29 Beresnyakovskaya st
02098 Kiev
Phone: +38 044 4962410

Here is a baxter link to that address.
I cannot however find it on google earth.
That street does not pull up.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Mr9v9
The only thing is Kiev is supposed to be in a shutdown, no gatherings, Cinema etc; and some Ukraine borders are closed.

Moshe does have a profile here,

The phone-in was said to be the Republic station,( I don't know if that is TV or Radio or both) he is supposed to be now in Israel, and was said not to have been arrested or handcuffed. His call either to the White house or media, or both was said not to have included any threats, just the warning.

The Baxter product, Celvapan is manufactured in Baxters's Bohumil, Czechoslovakia labs. It is then sent to Vienna for the "Final Fill" whatever that is. Celvapan is also made in a nasal spray which contains the live virus which has been modified. Anyone who has the spray is possibly infectious to others for some time. Baxter uses the cells from the Green Monkey, called Vero cells to produce their vaccine,

This is Baxters website on the new vaccine,

Their actual patent for the "new vaccine" goes back to 2007 however.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by smurfy]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by j2000

There is such street.. It is left bank of Dnipro.. Actually close to Dnipro. However it is more like leaving area, Not many offices there.. Close to Patton bridge. District nname Rusanivka..

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by squiz

The 1918 strain was indeed H1N1!

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:56 PM
Baxter was the company that in Feburary 2009, shipped tens of thousands of doses of flu vaccines to countries in Europe contaminated with two "live" unattenuated viral strains, one of which had a lethality of 60% but a low infection rate, while the other hand a .01% lethality rate, but a very high infection rate.

The combination of these two strains, if the contamination hadnt been caught (inadvertently), would have caused a real worldwide pandemic, much, much more serious than the H1N1 pandemic, which by the way started only 50 miles from a Baxter Lab in Mexico.

Now with the declaration of a level 6 pandemic, over the H1N1 virus, which is less lethal than the ordinary flu virus, the conditionality has been set up for WHO to "order" mandatory vaccinations for the world population, and Baxter is a major producer of those vaccinations, in spite of it being caught distributing lethal vaccination material last February.

And WHO changed the definition of the term "pandemic" in June, so that it could justify declaring a pandemic for the not very lethal H1N1, virus, just before it advised against any actual testing of suspected flu cases to confirm whether or not it was indeed H1N1. Now H1N1 cases can be "confirmed" by anyone calling in on a hot-line with flu-like symptoms.

I dont know about you, but to me something smells very fishy about this whole mess.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by Angiras]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:00 PM
Well this Public health Phd and Doctor of medicine to seesm to think maybe so

Alarming Info!! Spanish Doctor Reveals all about Swine Flu

In it it links to this Spanish Nun and I think everyone seeing this thread can better understand this OP to by watching the Video Below:

Great Op here to and just trying to get through it all.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Nichiren

Here is what Dr True Ott said about the phone call he received from Joseph Moshe:

"Last Tuesday (August 11), a gentleman called me following my latest radio show interview."

So Moshe was not actually on the show but phoned in (not recorded) after the show. You can read True Ott's complete response here (scroll down the page for the response).

Listen to an audio of True Ott talking about the call from Moshe here and an audio of Dr Deagle discussing the incident here.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by lighting]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by MajorDisaster
Folks watch all 6 segments of this video headlined on ATS, incl discussion re H1N1 vacine and more that is pertinent to this discussion...

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:42 PM
A brief summary of this story: In August, someone claiming to be Dr Moshe calls a radio talk-show host, after the show is off the air, to deliver a warning about a planned outbreak of a flu-like disease in Ukrania. There is no actual record of the call, except for Dr True Ott's report.

A day or two later, the same man is arrested in Washington DC under suspicious circumstances. He is allegedly now living in Israel.

Two months later, an outbreak of a flu-like disease occurs in the Ukraine. Government officials appear to be suppressing or distorting the news. Official reports, as of Nov 5 claim that 81 people have died. Unofficial sources claim that over a 1,000 have already died. Some mutant strain of H1N1 seems to be the culprit.

Posters in this thread, who live in the Ukraine, claim that many Ukranians are not taking it seriously and other posters claim that it is more serious than reported. The Baxter Pharmaceutical company seems to be involved. The level of conflicting stories & opinions and lack of verifiable data leads to much confusion.

The general population in the U S A does not seem to be too interested in the story as they think the Ukraine is some "obscure country" with little connection to daily life here in the good ol' USA. Meanwhile, they are lining up for the limited supply of H1N1 flu vaccine, not because they think they need it, but because it is reported to be in short supply so better get mine while I can. They are not interested in the allegations that the real danger might be the vaccine itself, not the flu.

Conclusion: It is very difficult, perhaps impossible, to determine what the truth is as the level of conflicting reports leaves this topic open to wild speculation, just the kind of thing we conspiracy theorists love. When the truth does become public knowledge, the few who are left will say "I told you so". Then they will have to get back to work, burying or cremating the dead victims.

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