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NorthEast IntelNet documentary: Morality of violent punishment~

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:49 PM
A lot of violence happens through the world.
Russian soldiers used to be beheaded in Chechnya also and a lot of videos of these acts are still available on and they used to be on and ------------------------- too....
During Lebanese civil war Muslim militias used to torture and throw prisoners from the head of buildings and Christian militias used to torture them and kill them by drugs overdose, while the occupying Syrian army used to torture all Lebanese prisoners with more than 55 ways of tortures before they vanish them. And this goes all over the world and wars and, etc... It happened lately in Sudan, Iraq, Rwanda, and in your own countries... Some people get even so tortured that they wish they could be beheaded and die quickly.
Men aren't all saints, the evil in them is sometimes demonic.
Abel killed Kain (as per the recorded history) and so it started, the history of human blood shedding. Gods killed other Gods in other theologies. Men are not better than Gods. The only way evil can be eradicated is by starting with yourselves and be good, and love and forgive!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:59 PM
I've seen some pretty graphic scenes, but this was the worst thing I've ever seen.

I wouldn't do these things to an ant. I hope that those that watch our race from other worlds don't judge us by these actions.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

It's pretty sad that Taliban being perceived as symbol of Islam. Deny ignorance please.

Syaria law is applicable to only to Muslims. Whatever non-Muslims done wrong, he/she is subjected to local/civil laws.

The best example of a multi-religious country that does this is Malaysia.
For example:
1. During fasting month of Ramadhan, any Muslims caught consuming food (without chronic illness) in public will get fined. Non-Muslims not applicable.
2. Any adult male Muslim who doesn't go Friday prayers, will get fined. Non-Muslims not applicable.
3. Any Muslim who consume alcohol knowingly, will get fined/jailed. Non-Muslims not applicable.

When Syaria law is applied to business (bonds/shares), it means EVERYTHING must be "by Muslims, for Muslims". The source and outcome of revenue must be righteous and not involve Non-Muslims.

This is the raw truth of Syaria law by Quran. In short, we do not involve Non-Muslims.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha

Originally posted by silo13
It's their country, their belief system, their law. Leave them to it.

I agree. So long as we know that's what goes on however, and it's not all proud tribal warriors valiantly protecting their lands...

Anyone who believes the war in Afghanistan is all about saving lives has their head so buried in the sand it’s beyond comprehension.

Well it certainly is easier to bury your head in the sand, when it's CUT OFF.

I love how people can look beyond the atrocities and still find blame elsewhere. These beheadings were not against combatants. They were against their own people.

Argh... why bother..

I agree with the "why bother" part....more and more lately on ATS its a why bother proposition cause no one listens much except to the sound of their own ranting....the part I don't understand in your answer is where you agree that beheading is okay since its part of "their belief system" so we should leave them to it?? did I get that right or am I misunderstanding you?...If I am misunderstanding you I apologize in advance - sometimes its hard to interpret internet responses correctly..

Cause its not okay under any circumstances - if that's me imposing my morality on someone else - too damn bad -I vote to impose - there's a right and wrong in this world and this kind of violence is wrong whether its ''uncle bob" who did it during the war or some a-hole taliban half way across the world - its wrong...

That said, problem I have with Afghanistan is like every other war or police action we have taken part in in the last fifty years [since world wr II] -we're not in it too win and make difference - just enough to maintain the status quo and keep and protect certain geo-political, military and industrial interests - the fate of the people/victims is used as propaganda but actually improving their lot is on the bottom of the planning you can show these videos all you want - won't make one iota of difference to those who are conducting the war...If they want to make a deal with the taliban so they can have their pipeline they will do so regardless of how brutal the regime is....that's how our government/military-industrial complex operates and frankly our new administration hasn't shown me anything different so far....

[edit on 1-11-2009 by realshanti]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:22 PM
I agree that beheading is brutal
but does that mean a body exploding
by a 'smart' bomb to million pieces
is gentle or civilized?

this thread is ridiculous attempt to
manipulate with facts showing only
one side of the story, and believe me,
your 'brave' soldiers are doing the same
or even worse things to innocent people
than beheading...

no star and no flag from me

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:28 PM
I always thought that if the US government had found Bin laden then GW would have had a press conference and then placed his head on the desk in the oval office and said "gotcha!". Send a message.

The problem with the war on the terror is that it is a war on religious extremism actually. They believe in something. Religion. It is very powerful. It is instilled in their minds as children and it is repeated over and over and over and over. They only know one thing. This is not bad as long as you do not introduce violence. If you do, they will always use believe as a reason and not rationality. It is an excuse. There is no distraction and you give your life to a cause. In this case the cause is in the name of your religion to kill the infidels. It is a bastardization of Islam but it is Islam.

We do not have this in America. Religion has been replaced with reality TV and your five minutes of fame. Self gratification is the root of the each waking day. Now, I am being a little cynical but if you smiled at 10 people today 3 might smile back. What happened to a sense of unity? A sense of one nation. Do we need another 9/11 to boost flag sales again?

That is why the terrorist or insurgent will always repel the one who is there to invade, especially in a region where there is religious extremism mixed with political ambition and lots of weapons.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:31 PM
I'm still suffering from pretty nasty nausea. This shows us just how peace-loving these people are. lolz, "people". The are not freedom fighters. They are turning Islam into the worst thing that happened to humanity. They should be purged, look at what they do to their fellow countrymen, I couldn't watch beyond the zooming of the neck after it was slit.
They are disgusting and I hope they receive the same fate for the things they have done.
I think that Guantanamo bay is the best way to deal with these beasts, and god bless the marines, the entire US army, the IDF, the British SAS and anyone killing and cleaning the world of these monsters!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Anyone who could do this to another human being is sick, extremely disturbed and should be locked up! They are barbaric, un-evolved brainwashed sickos to the max!! No matter where they are from. There is no excuse for madness.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Wow I thought I had a pretty strong stomach until watching that...
Disgusting. And only second degree murder for that guy in the US?! He deserves First to the fullest!

No America is not like them, we shouldn't have tolerance for any actions like this in the US at all. Call it ethnocentrism or what have you but this is a disgusting and horrific act of violence and am ashamed that this still happens in the world.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by realshanti

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha

Originally posted by silo13
It's their country, their belief system, their law. Leave them to it.

I agree. So long as we know that's what goes on however, and it's not all proud tribal warriors valiantly protecting their lands...

Anyone who believes the war in Afghanistan is all about saving lives has their head so buried in the sand it’s beyond comprehension.

Well it certainly is easier to bury your head in the sand, when it's CUT OFF.

I love how people can look beyond the atrocities and still find blame elsewhere. These beheadings were not against combatants. They were against their own people.

Argh... why bother..

I agree with the "why bother" part....more and more lately on ATS its a why bother proposition cause no one listens much except to the sound of their own ranting....the part I don't understand in your answer is where you agree that beheading is okay since its part of "their belief system" so we should leave them to it?? did I get that right or am I misunderstanding you?...If I am misunderstanding you I apologize in advance - sometimes its hard to interpret internet responses correctly..

Yep, misunderstanding me, perhaps not the person I was replying to however. I never meant it was OK to commit this act. Personally, I find it barbaric and disgusting.

The part where I agree to leave them to is, is in reference to our people being there. They get sent there and are put at risk for no good reason. They are attacked by these people, aswell as people at home, they cannot win.

I say bring our people back, leave these places to whatever they do. Nothing we do will change thousands of years of tribal customs, and they certainly don't want us there. It simply won't happen, and trying to enforce it is like trying to keep a wild lion as a pet.

Cause its not okay under any circumstances - if that's me imposing my morality on someone else - too damn bad -I vote to impose - there's a right and wrong in this world and this kind of violence is wrong whether its ''uncle bob" who did it during the war or some a-hole taliban half way across the world - its wrong...

Believe me, I've seen pretty much every video like this there is, and it's been going on for a long time. They don't have any intention of stopping it as a practice whether it's against a kuffr or one of their own.

It's the sort of thing that gives me nightmares. Knowing that this sort of barbarism can be so easily inflicted by people who smile at you one moment, and decapitate you the next.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
People want to do that here, who aren't Muslim. Most of them want it sanitized though. It is still the same thing in the end.


"Islamic terrorists" eh?, seems like a presumption.

After generations of bloody tribal wars and decades of punking clumsy violent empires, there are plenty of US citizens who would be reduced into the exact same behavior. It's inside all of us... ever watch "Red dawn?"

Some foreigner dude bombed my village slaughtering my loved ones, then gets shot down & captured.. I'd be 1st in line to chop off his head.. so I could shrink it and wear it on my belt. Then I'd send pictures to his grieving mom with a message to the invading forces "Dont travel 1/2 across the planet to kill my family then expect a warm welcome. PS send more heads"

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:47 PM
wow...funny i post anything at all related to the real threat of islam and i get bashed and called out as a troll....funny thing, perception.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by sumgai

well the difference being of course that when the 'muslims do it' it is being done UNDER Sharia Law and pushed by not only their clergy BUT also their leaders and 'GOOD book" not JUST by some yahoos(the nicaraguans) that were trained by special forces in some localized massacre...BIG diff guy.

Its not like the Nicaraguan government or regional religion supports such how can you even compare the two? shocking use of logic.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by jeddun]

[edit on 1-11-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:55 PM
Hey look at those Muslims. They are killing each other! We better kill then to make it stop!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:56 PM
As much bitching as I do about our government here in America - watching the videos really makes me appreciative of living in a society that doesn't harbor such heathenistic judgment and punishment.

I thought some religious nuts here in the states were crazy for believing or thinking a certain way. The people in these video are freaking idiots for believing in radical Islam.

I'm mean, really? Cutting off an infidel's head like this is going to win you favor with Allah? Get real. Sorry but that just makes me laugh.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro
I agree that beheading is brutal
but does that mean a body exploding
by a 'smart' bomb to million pieces
is gentle or civilized?

Spin it anyway you want...

I doubt beheadings are a recent development simply becuase of the war.

this thread is ridiculous attempt to
manipulate with facts showing only
one side of the story, and believe me,
your 'brave' soldiers are doing the same
or even worse things to innocent people
than beheading...

no star and no flag from me

No wrong...

It's showing the reality. Whether you like it or not. These are people who are capable of face to face atrocities.

Big Fat
S & F

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by anonamousantichrist

Originally posted by ADVISOR
We did so to provide Americans a real world view of the satanic brutality our brave troops were

well, as soon as i read the above quote, i completely lost interest in this thread.

i had some more to say, but, common sense got the better of me.


would you say that these people arn't evil, what ever evil may mean to you? I may not believe in any religious doctrines my self but I do believe in evilness as certainly as whoever wrote that may have his own belief but what he sees in these Islamic fundamentalist is his own view of evil. What say you, these cowards that kill the innocent willingly not through no want of their own while in combat, do you feel that they arn't evil? You don't have to believe in Satan to see that what they do falls in line with whatever satanism would be to those that believe in satan. You don't have to be an ignorant tool whenever a point is made by someone that is christian.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Sheeper]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Out of respect to those who lost their lives, and for the families of the murdered, I would not watch what ever it is you have downloaded here.

For the respect of my own inner spirit, and protecting the sanctity of my own thinking, I don't want this sort of stuff in my brain. Once it is in there, you can't ever get it out again. So , I protect myself my harmful images, and information.

I am a firm believer, that you don't need to know everything, or look at it.

When someone uses>> "BOLD PRINT TO DRAW MY ATTENTION TO SOMETHING I MIGHT NOT WANT TO SEE!">> I know right away, that it is something I will refuse to look at.

You did not sucker me into this one! Sorry! Have a nice day, if you can!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Aren't there guillotines set up in FEMA camps around the US? The research says so.

So before posting this on 'Islamic' terror, ask what the hell are guillotines doing on US soil.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

You don't have to watch the video to know what is going on in it. I myself refuse to watch anything like this myself so I aswell did not watch it. But you could at least say something about it rather than pointing to your self that way. The OP wasn't trying to trick anyone hence the BIG BOLD WARNING, better to have such a warning than an actual heading meant to decieve.

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