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Burning In Hell? For Eternity? Wait a minute...BUT

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posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:10 PM
I guess what I'm saying is...let's compare it a bit to prison life. Sure there's a wardon (Satan) and there are guards (demons) but there is also always corruption. Somehow, Someway, through bribes or whatever the case may be, the "punishment" would not be the same for all.

Considering everyone there is "evil"..then everyone has a backstabbing side (this would include demons) that could supply people with painkillers....or maybe turn the furnace down to "low" when the devil was taking a nap or just looking the other way

All in all..."burning for eternity" would eventually become "normal" and you would no longer feel the pain....

Also, if it's THAT hot...The devil probably would have contacted an AC company to cool down at least his the area closest to that would at least get a cool breeze every now and then....

I know it sounds like sarcasm in a lot of this....but honestly....

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by GiveUpTheGhost
reply to post by PeterGriffin

I will answer your question though. Yes, people who "questioned the existence of God" will be absolutely certain they deserve the same eternal torment as rapists and murderers. They will be cognizant of their own sins, understanding that they have offended a holy God, to whom they are absolutely accountable.

And Advil isn't going to help.

Rubbish (and I'm not even a Brit) ....comparing those who "question an existance of God" to rapists and murderers.....You need help. Even God SHOULD have a "forgiving" side and not even put the two in the same category...but let's say (I can't believe I'm even acknowledging this) that you are right...well, there would have to be 2 different "areas" of hell....if we all deserve to burn for such completely different "crimes"...surely the heat should not be the same.

If you think those who raped and murdered should get an equal BURNING
to those who may have just been confused or wrong on an opinion is insane

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

How many murderers are in the police, how many prison guards are rapists. The list goes on and on.

Its shocking what people can do to people in this world.

Why do any of you think this is paradise, when so many people are living such horrendous lifes.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

I have a question for you...

Why are you asking about the burning, if it's real, how long would it endure, et cetra.

When it's EXTREMELY simple to take a path that you'll never have to experience it???

If you don't want to experience it, REPENT.

Problem solved.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by PeterGriffin

How many murderers are in the police, how many prison guards are rapists. The list goes on and on.

Its shocking what people can do to people in this world.

Why do any of you think this is paradise, when so many people are living such horrendous lifes.

Andy, we get it think we live in it. I don't think we live in paradise....far from it. Back to the question at hand.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by PeterGriffin

I have a question for you...

Why are you asking about the burning, if it's real, how long would it endure, et cetra.

When it's EXTREMELY simple to take a path that you'll never have to experience it???

If you don't want to experience it, REPENT.

Problem solved.

The problem is far from solved. You, yourself are avoiding the question. I don't think I'm going there if it exists. (But just for that statement alone you and others will say I am deserving of going there just because I "am not sure" --) I don't want to experience it, nor do I think I will. Let's just say that YOU for some reason did ONE thing in your life that God sees as unforgivable and you wind up there....You went your entire life living the way you thought you should but SOMEHOW, you end up there...HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE BURNING? WOULD IT HURT FOREVER? and...if you lived your whole life thinking you would wind up in heaven and were genuinely confused as to why you were there...would you still feel you "deserved it", I guess this is getting a bit deeper than I thought it would

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

even if it IS real...wouldnt we get used to the burning??

Since the premise is that people go there after death, it seems reasonable to guess that people in hell will be discarnate spirits, right? Not people in physical bodies? If so, they wouldn't be dependant on nerves and so forth for the experience of pain. Presumably it could be fed more directly to the soul, so it wouldn't neccesarily be something you could become desensitized to.

Of course, there are other possibilities. The "burning of hellfire" may be metaphorical. If pain and agony is the objective, then presumably the demons of hell could be more creative than simply bathing people in fire all day long. Why settle for fire and brimstone when you can look directly into a persons mind and see their greatest personal fears and terrors? Why not suffocate people in stinging insects and spiders? Not only for the terror of it, but also the sensation of having creatures crawling through their lungs, biting and gnashing the body to pieces from the inside? Or perhaps fear? Instead of merely biting insects we could have them lay eggs through their host and allow the poor soul to sit in quiet contemplation for days, knowing all the while that before long his body would give birth to a swarm of foul insects which would eat him from the inside out? For others a more intense pain might be available through emotion. For example...watching simulcrum of their loved ones going through the above treatment...hearing them cry and wail about how it was all their fault for having to go through it? Or even take the original "lake of fire" premise and just be more creative with it? How about instead of bathing people in the lake all day, why not give them a rope above the lake to hang onto...for as long as they can, until their muscles give way, or the flesh on their hands shreds off and they fall?

Or why not all these things?

Or perhaps we can take advantage of the inability to cope with sustained pain and use it to our advantage. Maybe you only need to be in the flames for five or ten perent of the time. But the thing is that it's not on a regular schedule, and you never know when you'll be tossed in the pit. The rest of your time is spent in a dark, dingy cell...waiting. Knowing that it's coming, but never being able to relax because you never know when.

Or maybe all this pain stuff is completely unnecesary. After all, we have eternity to work with. Chinese water torture for billions of years? Or even a bare, empty cell with noone to talk to except your own realization that you could have experienced an eternity of love and joy in union with God, but because of your own inadequecy, you failed and will sit and rot in hell for all eternity?

I suppose if the "lake of hellfire" is real, just be glad that whomever came up with the idea wasn't very creative.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by LordBucket]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by GiveUpTheGhost
reply to post by PeterGriffin

I will answer your question though. Yes, people who "questioned the existence of God" will be absolutely certain they deserve the same eternal torment as rapists and murderers. They will be cognizant of their own sins, understanding that they have offended a holy God, to whom they are absolutely accountable.

And Advil isn't going to help.

Answers like this always bothered me when I attended organized religious services. I just never could understand how a loving god could punish someone for eternity because the religious doctrine was so cryptic that anyone could doubt it.

However, to stay on topic, I began to question whether or not those cast into the lake of fire would be there for eternity. It's been a while since I've read the bible so I don't recall if it actually says they (sinners) will burn forever. Or if that's just a misconception from the remark that they will be cast into the Lake of Enternal Fire. Maybe it's the fire that's eternal and not the punishment.

I'm wondering if maybe they'll only burn for a period in accordance to their sins. I can't see somenoe who stole being punished the same for someone who committed mass murders. Then simply cease to exist.

But now days, I no longer have the same views I did growing up based on my search for the answers. I still question any religion that seeks to deny free will and control the masses throught fear tactics, but I don't condemn those who still believe. It's up to them to find their way, just as I believe I'm finding mine.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

That reply was perfect....Star for you. That was exactly the type of answer I was hoping for. It wasn't preachy yet fully got the point of religion and damnation across. Also, it changed my mind a bit on how to look at it
Big thumbs up

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:41 PM
The entire concept of hell or burning for eternity is a complete farce to me.
This was introduced to man to keep him in line with whatever TPTB at the time wanted. Most of us at the time had no concept that our souls/spirits (whatever you chose) are separate from our bodies, and that after death you feel no pain.
I assume the sensation of burning was chosen as a punishment because literally there would be nothing more painful or horrible to endure, hence it had a great effect as a deterrent to keep the masses in line.
I think no more of burning in hell than I do resting peacefully in heaven.
My life choices here, in the now, will dictate my next life..and if it's uncomfortable physically or emotionally, it is due to my own choices and my own actions.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:09 PM
The scriptures say that the burning lake of fire is reserved for "the devil and his angels." It was not intended for humans.

I think many preachers use the fire and brimstone concept of hell to scare little children. The idea of torture and burning people is clearly fear mongering tactics used to manipulate and coerce people. Jesus never spoke of such things and his message was of love not fear or torture.

Those who do evil works are these agents of the serpent seed. Perhaps they had some conscience initially, I think we all do. But as time goes on these ones become hardened to the suffering of others and placate their own greed. The scriptures say that they are turned over to "a reprobate mind." So perhaps they justify their wrongdoing by saying that if people are so stupid and gullible, they deserve what they get. They take advantage of people who are ignorant or trusting. And they do it without a second thought.

Now, as to the reality of a possible Lake of Fire...there is a very interesting discussion at this website quoted below.

According to its own official maps, America (and the entire North American continent) sit directly on top of the largest natural gas reserve on earth. The problem is, as demonstrated below, the gas reserve is now taking on oxygen from the earth's surface, which is turning it into the largest, most volatile BOMB ever to be imagined by mankind.

The map to the right is of the official U.S. Geological Survey of America's natural gas reserves; all of which are collectively referred to as the HUGOTON PANHANDLE GAS RESERVE because of their underground interconnectivity. The various colors on the map indicate the density of gas from one area to another. The entire North American Continent is perched directly on top of the H-P Reserve. where America stores most of its larger "obsolete" nuclear weapons while they await being dismantled. Pantex is located just thirty miles south of where the H-P Natural Gas Reserve sits a mere fifty feet below the surface of the earth, indicated by the red dot on the Texas county map (left).

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Just imeigen if you were placed into a black void for eternity.You did not need to eat or sleep.You did not age or get sick.You could not move just float within a black void.Your mind was still ok.You had all your memories of you life and you could not move.You just exsisted in a black void forever.Thats what i would call hell.The lonelyness and the darkness would drive you insain.All you would have is your memories.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

We all deserve to go to Hell, in God's eyes Hitler and I are the same..


posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by GORGANTHIUM

Thats what alot of innocent people in prison have to do.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 07:16 PM

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Hell is not a literal place. People do not burn in torment forever. That is false doctrine.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

Satan is not the warden, nor are his demons the guards. They are bound with chains and tormented in Hell.

Also, you are correct that the torment experienced by some with surpass the torment experienced by others. Jesus said of certain towns- Capernaum, for instance- 'it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on the day of judgement than for you'. The expression 'more tolerable' obviously indicates levels of torment.

However, let me stress, the torment is absolutely horrific for anyone. There is no reprieve in Hell. All unsaved are cast into the Lake of Fire, where the smoke of their torment goes up forever: this is the basest of their judgments. What horrors await the more egregious sinners can hardly be imagined.

As the other poster wisely (and compassionately) noted: why speculate about such a terrible place when the way to escape has been freely offered to you? Christ is the Way out, and you're more than welcome to come to Him for forgiveness. Don't make the mistake of thinking God doesn't care about your sins.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Blueracer
Hell is not a literal place. People do not burn in torment forever. That is false doctrine.

"And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt."

Daniel 12:2 (hell is described as "everlasting")

"And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." Isaiah 66:24

(Hell is described as containing both "fires" and "worms", and that neither shall ever stop)

"For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains." Deuteronomy 32:22

(Hell is described with "fire")

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;" 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

(Hell is described as both "flaming fire" and "everlasting" in duration)

"The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
Revelation 14:10-11

(Hell is described as "fire and brimstone" (sulfur) and the torment there lasts "forever and ever")

"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:14-15

(Again Hell is called a "lake of fire")

Jesus Christ taught more about Hell than any other man in the Word of God:

"unquenchable fire" - Matthew 3:12
"eternal fire" - Matthew 25:41
"eternal punishment" - Matthew 25:46
a place of "torment, fire, and agony" - Luke 16:23-24

Jesus taught specifically about Hell numerous times in His ministry: Matthew 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mark 9:43-47; Luke 12:6; 16:23.

Christ both taught of a literal Hell, it being "eternal", and it being a place of fire and torment. So no, it is not a "false doctrine".

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 08:04 PM
From Strongs Exhaustive Concordance:

FIRE (Hell Fire) Matthew 5:22
A primary word; “fire” (literally or figuratively, specifically lightning): - fiery, fire.

Hellfire is translated as lighting. It is one thing to be tormented in fire but if it were that you were repeatedly struck by lightning it would be torment, as the rich man who despised Lazarus and ended up in hell exclaimed, " for I am tormented in this flame " (Flash) Luke 16:24

From Strongs Exhaustive Concordance:

From a primary φλέγω phlegō (to “flash” or “flame”); a blaze: - flame (-ing)

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

I don't think you know how to use a Concordance:

#4442, (Look at section 5 under 4442)

"of the fire of Hell, to be endured by the ungodly hereafter, Mt 5:22; 13:42, 50; 18:8, 9; 25:41; Mk 9:43, 48; Lk 3:17"

Luke 16:24 is not even listed under #4442, the only Luke verses listed anywhere under #4442 in "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance" is:

Luke 3:16 (under subset 3), Luke 3:17 (under subset 5 listed above), Luke 12:49 (under subset 6)

Perhaps you meant another Strong's number? Because when you use #4442 to define Matthew 5:22 it means "of the "fire" of Hell, to be endured by the ungodly hereafter" (subsection 5)

Precisely my point.

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