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Burning In Hell? For Eternity? Wait a minute...BUT

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posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:37 PM

I felt like this deserved its own thread. There are seveal discussions on "Is Hell Real" "Is Satan Real" etc...But not really (that I have found on this) -- If this has been placed in the wrong section of the site please help re-direct

*Burning in Hell*

Let's just say for a minute (ahemmm -- here it goes) that Satan IS Real...

And some "will burn in fire for all eternity"

What about this?? -- Ok, the initial reaction to the burning....AHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, followed by another even bigger AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....BUT...ever broken your arm?? (or put your example here) The pain sucks...REAL bad, but after a while the pain SLIGHTLY subsides and gets a bit easier to deal with....

So...the "burning for eternity"...after let's hour...The AHHHHHHH, would slowly turn into...Ouch, this sucks...and then after a week...."Man, this burning is ANNOYING more than painful"

OR we could just say that just like being wouldnt get passed even more than a few minutes before being nothing but ashes

So is Satan Real....hmmm, maybe. Is hell real....could be.....

But even the "worst of the worst" whether they are people/demons/ whatever....GET there must be a few "breaks" in hell we're I guess we could try to find some ice for the burns...

**ONCE AGAIN, SINCE RESPONSES SEEM TO BE GOING OFF TOPIC** I am asking...even if it IS real...wouldnt we get used to the burning?? Plus, wouldnt there be breaks?...I know it's an odd question, but eventually we would get numb to the burns and used to

[edit on 25-10-2009 by PeterGriffin]

[edit on 25-10-2009 by PeterGriffin]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:43 PM
I think this is hell, most people on earth live absolutely rubbish lifes. Just for you not knowing it is, does not mean its not.

Look around you, and see how corruption is all there is. Crime, police who are the biggest murderers going, running the show.

I think if you looked for definition of hell, i doubt you would need to look further than most, not all as scum have good lifes, of life on earth.

At least sooner or later the only decent religion christianity will be forever gone, replaced with genital religion of just gore and sex, for all you lovers of it, to thrive on destroying others, for no reason, other than your pleasure.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Andy. I'm not questioning if hell is real...I'm asking about the burning
Don't you think eventually you'd get used to it?? Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:48 PM


posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
Andy. I'm not questioning if hell is real...I'm asking about the burning
Don't you think eventually you'd get used to it?? Any thoughts?

What does the word burning mean? It could mean plenty of things, in so many ways.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
Andy. I'm not questioning if hell is real...I'm asking about the burning
Don't you think eventually you'd get used to it?? Any thoughts?

What does the word burning mean? It could mean plenty of things, in so many ways.


1. aflame; on fire.
2. very hot; simmering: The water was burning.
3. very bright; glowing: She wore a burning red bathing suit.
4. caused by or as if by fire, a burn, or heat: He had a burning sensation in his throat.
5. intense; passionate: a burning desire.
6. urgent or crucial: a burning question.

7. the state, process, sensation, or effect of being on fire, burned, or subjected to intense heat.
8. the baking of ceramic products to develop hardness and other properties.
9. the heating or the calcining of certain ores and rocks as a preliminary stage in various industrial processes.

****WELL I'm Going to go with NUMBER 1 ...and NUMBER 7 since those are normally associated with Hell********

[edit on 25-10-2009 by PeterGriffin]

[edit on 25-10-2009 by PeterGriffin]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:02 PM
That is a good question in deed. I can picture it now....getting a body rub after 8 hours of excrutiating pain...

I was always of the belief that hell would always be our own personal torment, and that Earth is a living hell.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

You can take it how you want. If you live with torment nightmares all your life, like most of us, your burning away inside.

Can you not think outside the box.

What percentage of the population live in peace and love there lifes. Even priests have a duality that they have there demons.

Living on earth for most people, is hell. Just because americans have ps3, and xbox,, does not mean others lifes are great.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:09 PM
Ha Ha !
Yeah I know a couple of people in Hell and you can ask them how hot it is !

My father in-law witnessed his father molesting his sister ! He's been drinking himself to death for years trying to cool down .

His daughter, my sister in-law same way can't understand why her father can't
show his love to her ! She's been trying to get out of her hell as well.

How hot is hell ? Well pretty damned HOT !

I can't save them from the heat ! All I can do is blow cool air over them and help them chill out !They must like the heat , I've been trying to show them
how to work the A/C But they are a stubborn bunch !

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Andy, I can see what you are saying. Never really thought of it in that sense. I guess I am more leaning towards the "Lake of Fire" we all hear about. If that is where we are supposed to "burn" it leans more towards a "painful" experience rather than an "emotional" experience. But I do like your spin on it

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:10 PM
I believe hell is there to keep people in fear, this is my view, if people new for a fact that when they die they would go to a peacefull and love bearing place, they wouldnt be afraid of dieing, there would be no fear, cause death is the ultimate fear that people have, and everything is connected to it, all fears.

Its a control mechanism, without fear, we wouldnt be controlled the way we are today.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:16 PM
I just re-edited (See: CLARIFICATION) Only a handful of people are actually seeing the REAL question here

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:29 PM
I think that this thread is interesting and after I stopped openly laughing at the mental imagery your post threw up I got to thinking about it some more.

Firstly if Hell is real and I ended up there I would be looking to plant my forehead between the demonic tormentor’s eyes, my skull impersonating a blast of cannon fire.

Hell as a fiery pit of torment might have worked back in the day when all eyes looked to Rome for all the answers but now? We have elevated levels of thinking because these days we are generally highly educated and the superstitions of the past are pretty much seen what it really was – a detracting form of multi layered control.

If there is a hell I will be going there for sure but if I am going then I will be sure to make the devils dance to my tune or it will be they not I who will be burning for all eternity in their own fires because like your post indicates, it is amazing what a person can get used to.

Personally I have been stabbed, slashed, lacerated, numerous bones broken and even had my skull fractured and like you said, the pain subsides to an annoying ache given time (and a corner to find solace in).

For all we know if Hell does exist it was probably taken over a long time ago anyway, the devils beaten to quivering pulps and forced to lap dance for the damned who are now having the most ultimate of parties down there in purgatory.

Heaven or hell, I choose hell every single time but knowing my luck as I chose atheism in life I will be forced to empty the bins and collect glasses (curses).

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by trueset

But even more so, for teh victims of crimes, who have to live with the fact that the people that destroyed there lifes do so with the worlds blessing.

Just because you lot probably booze it up, does not mean people lifes are really like that. Most people on earth live a hell on earth life.

Imagine whats it like to be a starving kid, or there parent watching there kid die of starvation, while we in the west eat enough for 4 people a day each.

I just think we live in hell, but most of us do not want to admit it, and the people running the show, show us that the beasts get to the top.

So much misery here on earth, but the news will only report on what it wants, remember today is just like an entertainment show.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67

If there is a hell I will be going there for sure but if I am going then I will be sure to make the devils dance to my tune or it will be they not I who will be burning for all eternity in their own fires because like your post indicates, it is amazing what a person can get used to.

Personally I have been stabbed, slashed, lacerated, numerous bones broken and even had my skull fractured and like you said, the pain subsides to an annoying ache given time (and a corner to find solace in).

For all we know if Hell does exist it was probably taken over a long time ago anyway, the devils beaten to quivering pulps and forced to lap dance for the damned who are now having the most ultimate of parties down there in purgatory.

Heaven or hell, I choose hell every single time but knowing my luck as I chose atheism in life I will be forced to empty the bins and collect glasses (curses). your reply and thank you. Glad the imagery gave you a good laugh. It's just something I've been thinking a lot about. And I love the spin you've put that hell was likely taken over a long time ago
If so, there probably are some great parties

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:34 PM
People burning in Hell are suffering the perfect wrath of God. Jesus Christ is the King of Hell, not Satan. Satan and his demons are tormented in Hell day and night forever, just like the sinners who've rejected Christ's sacrifice.

There are no breaks, as God's justice will not subside. The individuals in Hell had their entire lives to turn to Christ, but they refused. Because they have sinned against an infinitely holy God, their punishment is of infinite duration and infinite severity. The punishment does fit the crime, although carnal man is scarcely capable of understanding it.

Also, those in Hell will be agonizingly aware of the fact that they deserve eternal torment. There will be no delusion of innocence; they will suffer utter clarity regarding their own sinfulness and Christ's supremacy. Neither sinners nor the devils will have the slightest confusion about their sentence. Justice will be served and all creation will know it.

Hope that helps.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Im in a different kind of Hell right now(its called Iraq) but I guess if you can get use to the pain, it wouldnt be hellish anymore now would it.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by GiveUpTheGhost
People burning in Hell are suffering the perfect wrath of God. Jesus Christ is the King of Hell, not Satan. Satan and his demons are tormented in Hell day and night forever, just like the sinners who've rejected Christ's sacrifice.

There are no breaks, as God's justice will not subside. The individuals in Hell had their entire lives to turn to Christ, but they refused. Because they have sinned against an infinitely holy God, their punishment is of infinite duration and infinite severity. The punishment does fit the crime, although carnal man is scarcely capable of understanding it.

Also, those in Hell will be agonizingly aware of the fact that they deserve eternal torment. There will be no delusion of innocence; they will suffer utter clarity regarding their own sinfulness and Christ's supremacy. Neither sinners nor the devils will have the slightest confusion about their sentence. Justice will be served and all creation will know it.

Hope that helps.

So you think everyone there thinks they deserve the punishment? Rapists, murderers, etc....sure

But people that "questioned the existence" of God deserve the same punishment? I'd say there are millions that disagree with that and I was hoping the discussion wouldnt turn into that...

But back to the "neverending pain" What if the inhabitants of hell have found someone to smuggle in pain killers? Or anasthetics (not sure of the spelling)

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by PeterGriffin

Despite where you hoped the discussion would lead, eventually someone would give an accurate, Biblical account of hell. If you'd like to leave it there without further debate, that's fine, but it seems disingenuous to open a thread about Hell with the hopes that no Christians would mention what the Bible teaches.

I will answer your question though. Yes, people who "questioned the existence of God" will be absolutely certain they deserve the same eternal torment as rapists and murderers. They will be cognizant of their own sins, understanding that they have offended a holy God, to whom they are absolutely accountable.

And Advil isn't going to help.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:08 PM
I just saw a program that said the godthing would keep giving you new skin, so you would perpetually be suffering.

The same godthing that doesn't have the power or time to show itself.

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