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White House Escalates War at Fox News

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:31 PM
As I read through this thread another thing that amazes me - besides the apparent stupidity of the obama administration declaring war on anything American - is how many people are parroting the liberal talking points about Fox News when they obviously have never watched it, so have no legitimate comments.

Quit listening to just your high school or college teachers and taking what they tell you as gospel and start to think and check these things out for yourselves.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:33 PM
I should know better than to argue with some of the people here. You claim to deny ignorance yet you purposely choose to defend and believe the lies that Fox Noise feeds you everyday.

They told you he wasn't and American, you believed them.

They told you he was a Marxist, Communist, Terrorist than just happens to be Socialist, you still believe them.

They told you he was going to kill GrandMa, your family and put us all into camps and you still believe them.

They told you that since his pastor is some radical nut job than that must mean he must be too, and you believe them.

Fox News is simply a place where idiotic people can wrap themselves in a warm blanket of ignorance. They want to believe the garbage they that spew because it makes them feel better about themselves. That it is ok to be a complete idiot because I saw another idiot on the glowing box tell me so.

This guy has been President for 10 lousy months and that so called News network has done nothing but LIE to try to make his Presidency illegitimate.

Where or where are the intellectual, decent and honest Buckley's of the world.

Don't bother quoting me because I'm out, this place is nothing but a breeding ground of ignorant fools who have the nerve to proclaim their are Constitutionalists yet have the bloody nerve to try to over throw our Democratically Elected Leader.

Instead of talking policy its about how he is going to kill grandma.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
I should know better than to argue with some of the people here. You claim to deny ignorance yet you purposely choose to defend and believe the lies that Fox Noise feeds you everyday.

They told you he wasn't and American, you believed them.

They told you he was a Marxist, Communist, Terrorist than just happens to be Socialist, you still believe them.

They told you he was going to kill GrandMa, your family and put us all into camps and you still believe them.

They told you that since his pastor is some radical nut job than that must mean he must be too, and you believe them.

Fox News is simply a place where idiotic people can wrap themselves in a warm blanket of ignorance. They want to believe the garbage they that spew because it makes them feel better about their ignorance of the world.

This guy has been President for 10 lousy months and that so called News network has done nothing but LIE to try to make his Presidency illegitimate.

Where or where are the intellectual, decent and honest Buckley's of the world.

Don't bother quoting me because I'm out, this place is nothing but a breeding ground of ignorance racists who have the nerve to proclaim their are Constitutionalists yet have the bloody nerve to try to over throw our Democratically Elected Leader.

Instead of talking policy its about how he is going to kill grandma.

I will quote and call you a liar at the same time, (cept for the death camps because that was just stupid, Hannity)

He is A Commie, socialsit they continued bailout and goverment control of these banks just shows you that, C'mon a pay CZAR, WTF.

Who from fox said he was born in Kenya or wasnt American??? I dont hold any truth to that birther crap like I hild any truth to that 9-11 crap.

Look if my pastor just happen to be david duke, who just happend to be gaurded by the skinheads, would you call me a rascist to?

If I hung around tim Mcviegh would you call me a a right wing nut job to?

Fox doesnt have to lie about him being a lousy President he does that for himself... So show me some proof will ya? Or you taking your ball and going home?

And I hate Bush to FYI.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Very narrow minded. This was NOT a racist statement at all as it referred to truth as opposed to a LIE. I understand though. Will be more careful with my wording. Truth is always above color. Bush was an incredibly diabolical and pathologically lier. What does color have to do with the origin of a lie?

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
1) I should know better than to argue with some of the people here. You claim to deny ignorance yet you purposely choose to defend and believe the lies that Fox Noise feeds you everyday.

2) They told you he wasn't and American, you believed them.

3) They told you he was a Marxist, Communist, Terrorist than just happens to be Socialist, you still believe them.

4) They told you he was going to kill GrandMa, your family and put us all into camps and you still believe them.

5) They told you that since his pastor is some radical nut job than that must mean he must be too, and you believe them.

6) That it is ok to be a complete idiot because I saw another idiot on the glowing box tell me so.

7) This guy has been President for 10 lousy months and that so called News network has done nothing but LIE to try to make his Presidency illegitimate.

8) Don't bother quoting me because I'm out, this place is nothing but a breeding ground of ignorant fools who have the nerve to proclaim their are Constitutionalists yet have the bloody nerve to try to over throw our Democratically Elected Leader.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

Ill still quote ya.

1) For the most part, people that are starting to watch fox news just dont go along with everything they say. They fact check it THEMSELVES instead of going to a politically backed "factchecker" or the likes.

2) Conspiracies are somewhat fun, that is what is mostly on this forum. If you dont like the current conspiracy, change the channel. People can believe what they want to.

3) He is a socialist. When you say that you want to redistribute the wealth, you are a socialist/marxist/commie. Its classic eco-political theory. Pretty simple actually. Just look up the definition of each and see what they all have in common. Here is a hint, they all start by taking from the "rich" (usually just the middle class and poor).

4) They didnt say that Obama was going to do it. They said that the health care bill will do it. You have to utilize that "thinking outside the box" theory that you libs like so much to preach to little kids in school.

5) If I went to my church on sunday and the priest started saying that blacks/whites/whatevers were evil, id damn the man and look for someplace else to go. If i agreed with the man, id stay. Hmmmm....what did Obama do? Oh yeah, he stayed. For what, 20 years or so? 20 years of listening to the same "Kill Whitey! The white man is the devil!" speech. Youd think that if he actually didnt agree with that, he wouldnt have been going there that long.

6) You seem to be following your own example there.

7) They havent been trying to make it illegitamate. They have been trying to make people wake up and start to think. Its a wonderful experience, try it some day.

8) Not many people want to overthrow him. Most of us just want to stop every policy that the man puts forward because we dont agree with his agenda. Then, in the 2012 election, replace him with someone better. But def not overthrow him. If you overthrow a tyrant, you end up just getting another tyrant in his place...usually for the worse. History says so.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

While I don't think Fox News necessarily lies, for myself, my issue with them is that they didn't care when George Bush did equally disturbing things because he was, well, a Republican.

It's the incredible bias that gets me.

Yes, CNN and MSNBC are left wing bias, but in all honestly, they were no where NEAR as hard hitting on Bush (in fact they touted much of the WH's propaganda especially concerning 9/11 and the lead up to the Iraq war) as Fox News is on Obama.

I'm not saying that I think Fox News should tone it down. They have every right to do what they are doing.

My only concern is that people, IMO, fail to realize that Fox news is at war with the part of the country that aligns itself with the left-wing just as much as the WH is now at war with them.

It's the political bickering and rhetoric that gets me. It's the fact that there seems to be no single tv/radio news agency that I can confidently say has no bias and is EQUALLY critical/supportive of any administration.

In my ever so humble opinion, Fox news just seems to be the worst because they mix their opinion in with the news and bring on people who say things to the contrary of what their views are just to rip them and tear them to shreds. Not to give equal airtime to supporters of all sides.

I can say that the only station I can think of off the top of my head is the News Hour on PBS. I love when they bring on two people with opposing views and you get to hear both sides equally and NEITHER one is demonized nor held on high. I've found myself changing my mind on certain issues when I've gotten to see the "other side" in a mature, civil discussion.

It's hard to make sound decisions when all you have to go on is the opinions of people screaming, crying, name calling and cutting mics. I just think that if you want to be respectfully called a news station, you should leave ALL opinion and emotion out of it. It's almost like your mind is being made up for you. And if you don't agree then you get demonized with the rest of them.

That's just me though.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:21 PM
This is the best way to explain what fox news is...

Terrorist Fist Jab

During the June 6 edition of Fox News' America's Pulse, host E.D. Hill teased an upcoming discussion by saying, "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently."


posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Fox news and the Fox Corp. are god awful creatures that should meet a terrible demise. My parents have been working on shows for them for years, and they're seriously the worst people to work for.

I don't feel bad that the whitehouse is encouraging people NOT to watch it.

seriously, the people who keep Bill O'Reilley on the air?

eff that.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:48 PM
If I were to watch a news channel I would pick Fox News over any other. They seem to be the only ones that question. Obviously, The White house can't control them anymore and they are angry. Glenn Beck warns some of the same things I've seen on here such as : Personal Liberties, freedoms, the financial system, and corruption. Although sometimes he can be a bit dramatic he tends to get the point across. Glenn was kicked out of CNN because they couldn't control what he said.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by OpenYourHead]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by OpenYourHead]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by OpenYourHead]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Come on people. I thought this was a site for people who can see through the mainstream BS. Fox New is the most racist bias network out. They’ve disrespected minorities and non republicans since day one. Fox has an agenda. I can tell after reading some of these posts I can see that people are falling for it. They are a republican station that pushes the republican agenda which is make Obama look as bad a possible so they have a chance at the next election. These are the people who will tell you that Bush was a hero and that war is really about weapons of mass destruction. Fox will be fair and balanced when those death panels they talked about come after you. Someone should hold them accountable for there lies. Why not the President? I can’t believe people watch them. Like Chuck D said “Don’t believe the hype”.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:27 PM
im no fan of Fox Republican news network however i do believe in "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" even if that press is biased as hell.. i think the onslaught from the white house to marginalize fox is horse pucky.. and WRONG

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:32 PM
much as I know you all LOVE fox news (yeah yeah I know) doesn't this smack of the actions of a very scared administration that might feel or know that the station has something big its going to bust out with that they absolutely don't want in the public? Slick Willy was known for these tactics as well as others

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
I should know better than to argue with some of the people here. You claim to deny ignorance yet you purposely choose to defend and believe the lies that Fox Noise feeds you everyday.

They told you he wasn't and American, you believed them.

They told you he was a Marxist, Communist, Terrorist than just happens to be Socialist, you still believe them.

They told you he was going to kill GrandMa, your family and put us all into camps and you still believe them.

They told you that since his pastor is some radical nut job than that must mean he must be too, and you believe them.

Fox News is simply a place where idiotic people can wrap themselves in a warm blanket of ignorance. They want to believe the garbage they that spew because it makes them feel better about themselves. That it is ok to be a complete idiot because I saw another idiot on the glowing box tell me so.

This guy has been President for 10 lousy months and that so called News network has done nothing but LIE to try to make his Presidency illegitimate.

Where or where are the intellectual, decent and honest Buckley's of the world.

Don't bother quoting me because I'm out, this place is nothing but a breeding ground of ignorant fools who have the nerve to proclaim their are Constitutionalists yet have the bloody nerve to try to over throw our Democratically Elected Leader.

Instead of talking policy its about how he is going to kill grandma.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

Wow, this just shows you really have never watched Fox News. Removes all of your credibility when your comments show that you never even watch the channel. If thats what the news on fox even said, you wouldn't have as many people disagreeing with you. They reported on Reverend Wright, as they should. The rest was never said.

I would recommend you not resort to insults and calling people ignorant, especially when you make comments that show you obviously don't ever watch the channel you are commenting on. I believe that is pretty close to text book defined ignorance.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by johnny2127]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I'm a bit conflicted with this. I hate fox news and their blatantly obvious lies framed as truth, about spewing propaganda and claiming to be unbiased. But I also hate MSNBC for the same reason. Fox sensationalizes how bad things are or can be while MSNBC tends to sensationalize how good everything is and how awesome it's going to get. Both are just tools to manipulate the people.

Fox has been mercilessly attacking Obama during the campaigning stage. Obama refused to go on Fox news. Fox increased it's efforts to slander him. Obama wins the election, fairly. Fox amps it up even more. Obama still refuses to go on fox. Obama becomes president. Fox goes in to overdrive. Meanwhile, MSNBC turns in to a bunch of cheerleaders.

If Obama keeps ignoring Fox, oh he's just a weak leader who has insecurity issues.

If Obama fires back, he's still a weak and insecure leader but he's also trying to control the media!!

No matter what he does, the haters will always find fault with it. For this white house vs fox situation, I say he should just go for it. Then, the next Republican president should do the same to MSNBC. Maybe when people see enough of this, they'll finally realize main stream media always has an agenda and isn't serving the public interest.

For the thousandth time, this crap with Fox is making ANYONE who criticizes the president get thrown in the same category as the completely crazy people. It discredits intelligent arguments by labeling the individual as a moronic redneck racist. To a lot of people, there is no middle ground. You're either for or against their side.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reads like Fox can't take it's own medicine? lol

If the white house wanted to Nail fox, they'd do it through the FCC. It's that simple.

what rot this sort of announcement is.

fox has been playing the GOP shill role for a while now, I think they can give it a rest with their shouting fire in a crowded theatre.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
is there any other source other than FOX??

if not then this could all be (once again since fox are known for this)

all made up

It is apparent that you don't watch the Sunday morning "Talking heads" news shows. White House reps were making the rounds (except on FOX) slamming Fox News. I'm a CNN guy myself, and I voted for Obama, but the administration is not doing itself any favors by these actions. I voted for Obama, but he is just another politician. Those of you who think he is a "transformative figure" have severe mental problems.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by manxman2

I am still waiting on your holy European News Agency pictures, You through some thick accuastions out there, And I backed mine up with cold hard facts, so Please where is yours?

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:19 PM
what sourced facts did you put up..?

your just another indoctrinated yank spewing your govs propaganda and revisionist history.

and i could put up european newsagency pics that would turn your stomach .. dont doubt that for a heartbeat.

only when i do your american buddie site owners delete the posts .. even they dont want the real results of american munitions shown here.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by manxman2]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by manxman2

I'm surprised the entire population of this site doesn't already have you on ignore. Its obvious "by your own admission" you have NOTHING to contribute to the dialog.

Edit: How does one rack up -(yes minus)5235 ats points?

[edit on 10/19/2009 by Remixtup]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

First FOX News, then the internet.

Say good bye to the first ammendment kiddies.


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