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White House Escalates War at Fox News

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by booblessed

Did you read what you said? This is the jest of what you said its okay for CNN and MSNBC to run their pro Obama coverage, but Fox be damned if they do?

PLEASE will someone show me Where fox has blatantly lied about a news story, PLEASE I have asked this questions Dozens of times in other threads but not one of you anti-fox people have been able to show me false fox news stories?

If I recall correctly wasn’t it one of the far lefts news agency (ABC?) who ran an article on bush and his National Guard time that was a complete LIE??????

Show me something like this Show me a LIE...Or all of you fox bashing liberals creditability is forever shot. And I will call you out each time... All I am asking for is for you to show me the LIES and HATE you say they are spreading over a fox... SHOW ME

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:14 AM
Well MSNBC is just as bad as FOXnews, if not worse, but since they slant things in Obama's favor... he won't mention that.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Jamesy_boy

What are you guys watching over there to consider it a comedy news channel? You must be thinking of Jon Stewart and that other guy

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:17 AM
Originally posted by jimmy xi

this administration is now 10 MONTHS OLD, and FOX has never been for this guy. obama was elected by the majority of the people, 8 million more in fact. maybe FOX should stop insulting all the people that voted for him. your guy lost, and i can't stand to listen to them, all day long they put him down and i think they are the most unpatriotic, hatred-induced stations on TV.
this is the way our country works, through elections, and if the republicans and FOX don't like the way our country works ...move the hell out.

and of course you people have to throw in the phrase...'SUCK UP TO HIM"
i don't know a democrat that does that, again it's made up...what a shocker.... and it makes me despise you people even more. you people are toxic. and as far as i'm concerned i'm glad obama is going after fox, it's about time...i'm tired of hearing about FOX insulting our president each day...FOX is just a unpatriotic bunch of whiners.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by jimmy]

This is extremely weak. I can remember nothing but this very tack from most of the media from the 2000 elections on to 2008. What are you thinking here?? Ten months verses 8 years. What world are you living in. There was lots of dissent in the Bush administration through two elections. Same could be said for the Clinton Administration's two terms. Neither administration opted for shutting down dissent in the manner as does this White house.

Think further than your ego needs. Americans have a right to dissent and the news media the same. It is called Amendment 1 of the Constitution.
This is America and not street thuggery.
Once again ..this shows great immaturity in the White house, Great insecurity and a lack of leadership. They expect and demand to shut down dissent by what some are calling "Divine Right of Kings." Royalty. A royal fiefdom.
America is not a country founded on Royal entitlement...a group being able to default through like this automatically goes there by entitlement. This is not an American principle. Nor is street thuggery of this type.

In short..we as Americans expect a higher standard of conduct from our leaders "We" elected and who "Serve Us." We also expect Maturity.

What we are seeing coming out of the White house is entitlement and self promotion of the type most of us left behind in high school and college.
It is not washing with many Americans and also with many who voted for this administration. Many are coming to realize this in only 10 months. What will this train wreck look like after four years??
That is the question you and many other Americans should be thinking about..not entitlement beliefs.
They serve us..not the other way around.


[edit on 19-10-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:19 AM
If there were real network news, the lead story would be Obama's approval rating goes below 50 percent. Then some hard questions to the guy for his comment. But all we see is pep rallies staged to give the impression he is our "savior"!
He started at 65...worse than Bush.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:23 AM
bet you Jimmi X wears Obama pjs!

[edit on 19-10-2009 by blueorder]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by booblessed

PLEASE will someone show me Where fox has blatantly lied about a news story, PLEASE I have asked this questions Dozens of times in other threads but not one of you anti-fox people have been able to show me false fox news stories?

If you have about 12 months to spare for reading you can find all of Faux News mistakes and blatant disregards for the truth here.

Of course Right Wing Media hates Media Matters because they point out how wrong they are daily. I mean God forbid their is a non for profit organization looking out for the betterment of truth in news organizations.

Let's cut the bull shall we. This Administration is not calling Fox Noise names or bullying them into a fight. They are simply stating the truth that Fox News is not a News organization but instead an ideological outlet for Conservatives.

Who the hell here can deny that?

So please lets dispense with the bull that Fox is news organization. They are not, plain and simple.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

This country is NOT run by mob rule, this country is a representative REPUBLIC! learn your facts kid! So just the fact that "Your" guy won doesn't mean that we have to roll over and take the disenfranchisement from you or others like you.
Last I recall, we STILL live in a free country were people can freely express themselves EVEN FOX news, if you can't stand this, and actually need someone to "shut us up" so you can continue fawning over Obama, then perhaps you have to re-consider why you're living here. Maybe a dictatorship like Cuba or Venezuela (where opposing sides are shut up in much the same manner) would be more to your liking.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
If I run a search for the past day with the keyword
Whitehouse War Fox
for the past 24 hours.
1,110 articles pop up.

so , I am sure this story is "real"
ok, I watch Fox News...they are NOT always fair and balanced...
(I think maybe 85% of the time....
but since when are you NOT allowed to have an opinion, or for that fact
report ALL of the news.
seems to me we are about 1 step away from media censorship or a sedition act
that would punish "out of bounds" media outlets and or people.

And anyway, why is the government saying, "YOU shouldn't listen.".
I don't find them so much dissidents as someone who is voicing an opinion.
Makes me want to listen more so I can find out what THEY don't want me to know.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

Are you FREAKING KIDDING me!?!?!?!? is a leftist media hit squad!!! From their OWN website - "A non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in..."

Nice try - PROPAGANDA!!!

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

While I will read this I should point out to you that Media Matters is ran by none other than George Soros.... And they only attack fox not the others (MSNBC and FOX)

Also I asked for blatant lies from the news, not the like of Beck, Hannity, and o Reilly. But I will read this and thanks, at least you are one of the few Liberls(?) who can actually back up his beliefs and statements.

Edit to add Media Matters in not ran by Soros but finaced.

Edit to add- You mentioned that Fox is not a news organztion... Do you belive that NBC,ABC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR are news organztions with no spin? Or are they just like Fox?

[edit on 19-10-2009 by poedxsoldiervet]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by poedxsoldiervet]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

How about the New York Times...

On CNN’s “State of the Union,” the host John King asked Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff, why Ms. Dunn would take Fox on in this way. He replied: "Well, no, it’s not so much a conflict with FOX News. But unlike — I suppose, the way to look at it and the way we — the president looks at it and we look at it, is, it is not a news organization so much as it has a perspective. And that’s a different take. And more importantly, does not have — the CNNs and others in the world basically be led and following FOX, as if that — what they’re trying to do is a legitimate news organization in the sense of both sides and a sense of value opinion."

Link to New York Times Article

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:33 AM

funded by George Soros and John Podesta.
Into "green jobs" as well and funded by the Center for American Progress.

Same people.
Look it up.
You will be glad you did

[edit on 19-10-2009 by justine093]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

google may be `fantastic` - but to make a good thread - the OP should have more than 1 source from `both sides` of the fence.

simple really.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by booblessed

PLEASE will someone show me Where fox has blatantly lied about a news story, PLEASE I have asked this questions Dozens of times in other threads but not one of you anti-fox people have been able to show me false fox news stories?

If you have about 12 months to spare for reading you can find all of Faux News mistakes and blatant disregards for the truth here.

Of course Right Wing Media hates Media Matters because they point out how wrong they are daily. I mean God forbid their is a non for profit organization looking out for the betterment of truth in news organizations.

Let's cut the bull shall we. This Administration is not calling Fox Noise names or bullying them into a fight. They are simply stating the truth that Fox News is not a News organization but instead an ideological outlet for Conservatives.

Who the hell here can deny that?

So please lets dispense with the bull that Fox is news organization. They are not, plain and simple.
[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]


Years before there ever was a Fox News or home computers I would listen to my shortwave set and catch news and informations from foreign news broadcasts when they would transmit in English. I learned way back then what a heavy paper curtain thier was over the United States. Back then before the advent of all these news media outlets and "opinion" makers..going way back to Walter Cronkite...there was this heavy paper curtain over America. Fox News Is nothing new.

I dont count on Fox News for the truth in anything. Nor do I count on the other media here in American. I still check it out on Shortwave and also other sources on this computer. I am also a licensed Ham radio operator. I can reach people in other countries one to one and ask them what they think and what is happening. There still is a heavy paper curtain over America...but we now have faster more instant methods of checking up on it than did we previous.

What one learns when watching Fox News and other media outlets is that America is not as left leaning or liberal as someone out there would like to assume we are. You can even substitute here the cover word for this...."Progressive."

The template you are attempting to apply to Fox News fits " ALL " the media outlets here in the States.


posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Good, good. Pity it takes the White House to comment on this affront to journalism, they really shouldn't have to waste their time - whoever is in charge. Don't get me wrong, I think the channel is great. But more as a comedy network than a news one.

They don't call it 'Fox Opinions' for nothing. That's what you get with commercial network news - it is impossible for them to provide, and the viewers to demand an objective service on any network. No one has to be held to account as it is self regulated. It's basic media studies stuff at best. Perhaps Obama should brush up on his

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:40 AM
you have been lied to by your media for years ... so knowing this fact .. if by some miracle your news was live and truthful could you really handle the shock and revulsion of the pictures we see in europe of your rampant imperialism.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Of course Right Wing Media hates Media Matters because they point out how wrong they are daily. I mean God forbid their is a non for profit organization looking out for the betterment of truth in news organizations.

Let's cut the bull shall we. This Administration is not calling Fox Noise names or bullying them into a fight. They are simply stating the truth that Fox News is not a News organization but instead an ideological outlet for Conservatives.

Who the hell here can deny that?

So please lets dispense with the bull that Fox is news organization. They are not, plain and simple.
[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

"conservatives" would be, to my mind, people who believe in small government, I wouldn't class the Bush administration as "small government" and they were apparently the home of Bush supporters

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by manxman2
you have been lied to by your media for years ... so knowing this fact .. if by some miracle your news was live and truthful could you really handle the shock and revulsion of the pictures we see in europe of your rampant imperialism.

our media is gash as well

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by SaturnFX

Please provide some evidendce to back up what you state, I watch both MSNBC,CNN,and Fox, and I have to tell you, you do not see anything about the people in Obamas white house on CNN and MSNBC, they choose not to run it or dont care.

I dont feel the need to google for you, in the same way I wont be providing evidence that water is wet.

I did mention that the other networks, specifically MSNBC is also in the same area of fail...they do stick to the truth in regards to republican hammering, but they simply ignore democrats screwups for the most part (unless it is simply unavoidable). Fox news is dedicated to misinformation, MSNBC is dedicated to hammering Fox. CNN is pretty balanced but rather boring to watch since they are having issues fact checking their stories and not following up on anything to great detail. (I'll have to leave it there)

It was also pointed out that this is a stab mostly at the commentary segments, which encompasses almost all of the prime time, I agree here...Fox News is pretty balanced, and there is only about a hour of news a day, the rest of it is Fox commetary (perhaps a change in the name of the network is in order for both MSNBC and Fox News)

Other fox channels are fine, and other NBC channels are fine, but in reality, its all just sideshow entertainment. If you want news, read the BBC, CNN to some degree if they can get back on track and stop trying to compete with the sideshows, and...actually, just stick to the BBC.

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