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White House Escalates War at Fox News

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:02 PM
I watched the Rohm Emanuel interview. How can these clowns actually be running this country.? How stupid can they be?? In the first place, he is showing his arrogance, and hypocracy by daring to accuse any news organization that doesn't agree with them, of not being a real news reporting organization, and of showing bias by their reports. Hello, what does that dingbat think all the other channels are doing, it's called free speech, something his kind don't like very much.

Fox news should send a thank you note to the Obama administration. Every day they complain about the Fox reporting, people who wouldn't ordinarily watch Fox are tuning in to see what all the hub-bub is about. This is increasing ratings, and bringing in more ad revenue. The Obama administration needs to shut the h___ up.

Now, the White House has put itself in a bad spot. None of the other msm's are allowed to report any negative news that Fox reports daily. This makes the msm's look like a dumb a__. This whole story gets better every day. When will those clowns in the White House learn, the more you cry about something, the more the other side is going to pour it on. I have watched Obama's spokespeople over and over on tv. They look like a bunch of cry babies after someone spanked them.

Keep it up Obama, you're lemmings are doing great. By the way, before you accuse me, I don't like Bush either, so don't even go there.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
It just occurred to me that most conspiracies theories on ATS are based on little or no evidence. This one is not a theory; it is a fact that Obama is trying to silence his opponents.

You are much too dramatic. He hasn't tried to silence them in any way. He is just refusing to feed the trolls. He is supposedly the most powerful man in the world. That ought to come with the privilege of choosing who to spend his time with.

It just does not matter which side you are on. This is scary stuff.

Disappointing maybe. High School 'freeze out' tactics, sure. Scary, no.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by rnaa

For trying not to feed the trolls he sure is making them fat & happy

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Jezus

54% of the country is opposed to the health care bill. What's your point. You opposed to Free Speech and a Free Press? You must be?

Fox news is not free press.

It is a voice of corporations.

In this case insurance companies...

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Wow this thread is a real freak show! i mean think about it.. ATSrs in here flaming Obama and supporting Fox News. Fox News is a corporate whore funded by Murdoch. Whatever the corporates want control of the run it through Fox News 24x7x365 to control the sheeple. And those sheeple are in this thread right now defending it ona CONSPIRACY site of all places. Truly bizarre.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by reasonable

so people here are only supposed to think one way? We can't look at this not as an Obama thing or a Fox News thing, but rather I think some people here see it as an Imperial Federal Government encroaching on the very fabrics of the nation, 1st amendment rights. People keep saying that Fox News has knowingly spread lies. Was it the news portion that did? Or the commentary that did? Large difference there

Anyway, I am glad that I fit in your blanket statement

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Wow is right.

Where in your world does it make sense to decry any news source. Ohhhh, I forgot, The All Heil Fearless Leader World.

Bow down to your messiah(Said in a deep throaty voice-Like Charlton Heston)

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:33 AM
Fox is right calling out Anita Dunn.

My grandfather escaped from China during Mao's cultural revolution. He (now in Heaven God bless his soul) was a doctor and IMPRISONED because he was an intellect and middle class, he managed to escape and fled China. It HORRIFIES me how IGNORANT some people are worshiping that Mao. Dunn and others who think Mao is a cool awesome dude need to move to China in the 1960s. Then they will see how Mao executes the middle class, burn ALL books and destroy China's arts and crafts.

I usually just read and lurk at ATS, but this DUNN and her speech about Mao and his philosophy just makes me sick. She have NO IDEA what Mao's philosophy is, these liberal progresives who walks around wearing cool red star flag and buying Mao's Little Red Book because they think communism is awesome should all be given a one way ticket to China. Good riddance. Obama, we will fight you and your team of idiot intellect-wannabes.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by 317258186]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by reasonable
Wow this thread is a real freak show! i mean think about it.. ATSrs in here flaming Obama and supporting Fox News. Fox News is a corporate whore funded by Murdoch. Whatever the corporates want control of the run it through Fox News 24x7x365 to control the sheeple. And those sheeple are in this thread right now defending it ona CONSPIRACY site of all places. Truly bizarre.

You need to understand there are two sides to every story. I personally feel that NBC, CBS, ABC, and their ilk are corporate whores for Obama. Fox is just the only one with the guts to stand up to the rest of the bullies on the block, and apparently, there are many others that feel the same way.

I have watched all the channels at one time or another, and it's amazing at the soft ball questions that Obama gets asked, as they don't want to offend him, or make him mad. I'm just thankfull there is at least one network that has an opposing view to the fascist crapola that comes out of our White house.

So, before you accuse one network of being a whore for corporate America, remember there are plenty of people on another side that disagree with your opinion 100%.

I have trouble understanding how anyone could listen to anybody from the Obama administration, and not immediately want to hurl at all the crap coming out of their cry baby mouths. What a bunch of socialist, fascists cry babies. But that's just me. Have a nice day everyone, even those that disagree.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 09:30 AM
It does not matter if FOX news is the worst news outlet that ever existed.

What does matter is that a publicly elected official, Obama, put into office and paid by the American People, has no business whatsoever commenting on ANY media outlet. Period.

Both FOX news enthuiasts and FOX news haters pay Obama to be President of the United States. He has no business endorsing ANY business or company in this country. Period.

Anything that Obama says or does that negatively affects or controls any aspect of the media is nothing less than the beginnings of censorship.

This also applies to any words of praise or encouragement for any particular media outlet.

At the very least, no matter your particular standpoint in the whole left/right saga, we should all be working to protect free speech and our ability, as free Americans, to choose what we hear and read. Without any input by the White House.

FOX, CNN, MSNBC, are all companies looking to make a profit. The White House has no business trying to shop itself out to highest bidder nor does it have the right to blacklist anyone -- especially based on the premise that they simply "don't like" what is being said.

What if Obama suddenly decided to start bashing Chase and throwing his weight behind Bank of America? What if Obama cherry-picked what companies received taxpayer dollars for a bailout based on whom he likes and whom he doesn't? What if he then starting blogging about Ford versus Honda?

Doesn't anyone else see where, if left unchecked, this could potentially lead?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

What if Obama suddenly decided to start bashing Chase and throwing his weight behind Bank of America? What if Obama cherry-picked what companies received taxpayer dollars for a bailout based on whom he likes and whom he doesn't? What if he then starting blogging about Ford versus Honda?

This is already happening behind unions and the ability of the unions to deliver votes for power and control. Nothing new here ...but this administration is very obvious about it. entitlement. Payoffs for political favors. Throwing their weight behind unions.
You do not hear this administration belittling the corruption and graft of unions and thier strong arm techniques. A very interesting and conspicuous abscence of view.


posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
and of course you people have to throw in the phrase...'SUCK UP TO HIM"
i don't know a democrat that does that, again it's made up...what a shocker.... and it makes me despise you people even more. you people are toxic. and as far as i'm concerned i'm glad obama is going after fox, it's about time...i'm tired of hearing about FOX insulting our president each day...FOX is just a unpatriotic bunch of whiners.

Look at who is a whiner.. ^

Many people who voted for Obama are seeing the light, and are getting tired of him, but of course the Obama fans keep claiming "we won so suck it up"....

Dont like criticism much?... The same media that is now complacent and kissing president Obama, and it's administration's butt are the same ones who daily bashed the other guy, and btw Fox News also would post news stories that were critical of Bush from time to time, the ones that were true.

Perhaps you should spend some time reading the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to see what is really patriotic.

The forefathers woud have never allowed a leftist administration to be in power, because it's main goal, and it is obvious by now, is to change the Republic into a Socialist dictatorship in cahoots with the elites and corporation who happen to be cheering for Socialism since it is the best way to consolidate power for the elite.

Have you ever wondered why most of the times those who start demanding for Socialism/Communism happen to be part of the elite, and are rich kids? Do you think they want what is best for the people?...

Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States clearly says.

Article 4 - The States
Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,.................

BTW, the above doesn't mean to accept a corrupt Republican party, but instead to get back to the foundations that made this country possible, and for the reasons that this country was founded for.

It doesn't mean to be subjects of corporatism, the corporations, but to be advocates of the REPUBLIC, which is what this nation has always stood for until the indoctrination began decades ago to CHANGE the country into what is being systematically changed into as I write this.


[edit on 20-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:43 PM
BTW, claiming there is no "us vs them" or "left and right" is the same as claiming there is not a systematical attempt to CHANGE the Republic into a leftist state.

When you keep trying to ignore the root of the problem, you are begging for the same problem to occur again, which is why history keeps repeating itself.

Yes, there is an "us vs them", us the people of the Republic against the corporate Socialist elite. The same happens in every country, and the Socialist elite are in partnership with the corporations.

Yes there is a "right vs left", or those who want the Republic to defend and uphold the Constitution, and every principle for which this nation was founded for, and the elite left who have been indoctrinating Americans, and the world to accept the Socialist agenda only so that they can consolidate all power to them.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by lpowell0627

This is already happening behind unions and the ability of the unions to deliver votes for power and control. Nothing new here ...but this administration is very obvious about it. entitlement. Payoffs for political favors. Throwing their weight behind unions.
You do not hear this administration belittling the corruption and graft of unions and thier strong arm techniques. A very interesting and conspicuous abscence of view.


Thank you for making my point. I personally am fully aware of the sheer blantant disregard this administration has for treating all businesses, companies, groups, etc. equally. And without bias.

I was hoping that by bringing up an obvious correlation, as I did by mentioning Bank of America, that people would realize that the situation with FOX is exactly the same thing.

People are spending so much time discussing whether or not FOX deserves such a label that they seem to be ignoring that the source of said label is in no position to do so.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 09:42 PM
It's odd that SaturnFX seems to think that Fox lies and MSNBC doesn't. A simple google search will show that it's clearly not true.

Do a search on 'Chris Matthews lies' and see what comes up.

Check out for a few of his lies.


posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Jezus

54% of the country is opposed to the health care bill. What's your point. You opposed to Free Speech and a Free Press? You must be?

Fox news is not free press.

It is a voice of corporations.

In this case insurance companies...

Your point? Free speech means free speech for anyone at all; not just those that you approve of or agree with. You are either for Free Speech or against it. There is no middle ground on this topic. If you want anyone silenced, you are against it.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I know what you are trying to say (I don't agree with your concern though), but what you said is not what you are trying to say.

A Republic, then as now, means "not a Monarchy". The clause in the constitution is ensuring that the United States will have nothing to do with a Monarchy, at the State or Federal level.

Even the Soviet Union was a Union of Republics - USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

So Republic doesn't have to do with Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, Facist, or any other economic arrangements we might choose. Only "not a Monarchy".

I repeat, for emphasis, the Constitution does not guarantee "not Socialist" with that clause. And though I expect it can be inferred from other clauses that a switch to a 100% Socialist economy is not on (you may recall that some of FDR's depression recovery schemes crossed the line), there are many areas where it is demonstrated that a 100% Capitalist Free Market is an abject failure.

When that occurs, the American people insist that the Government remedy the situation. That has happened many times in the past, and sometimes the market matures and the Government can move to handing it back, and sometimes it has to continue it forever.

The U.S. Post office is a Socialist institution from its inception, and it was started by Benjamin Franklin, who in case you didn't notice, signed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

It is absolutely clear that the Founding Fathers expected that the Government would need to supply services that the open market could not. That is a socialist outlook, even if the term 'socialist' hadn't been coined at the time.

Edit: grammar

[edit on 21/10/2009 by rnaa]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Who said anything about silence?

Propaganda just needs to be pointed out as propaganda...

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

Yes. Great idea!
ABC,NBC,CBS stop following Fox News!!!
Gee, imagine if they did that with the Acorn scandal?
Fox News leads with it.
CBS .........what Acorn video????

They all played catch up after 1 week.

Don't follow Fox News! Follow the White House!
When the White House condemned the Acorn videos,
THEN the mainstream media
covered it.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by rnaa
I repeat, for emphasis, the Constitution does not guarantee "not Socialist" with that clause. And though I expect it can be inferred from other clauses that a switch to a 100% Socialist economy is not on (you may recall that some of FDR's depression recovery schemes crossed the line), there are many areas where it is demonstrated that a 100% Capitalist Free Market is an abject failure.

In Socialism the state controls all infraestructure, just like in Communism, so I am certain the Constitution doies guarantee that no form of Socialist govenrment shall be implemented.

There might be, and I know there are many Republics out there that have a different meaning as to what it means to be a Republic, but as it goes in the Republic of the United States, it guarantees not only against a monarchy, but against every other form of dictatorial rule, which includes Socialism/Communism.

The Constitution of the Republic of the United States is not only one statement, it is the whole document.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

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