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White House Escalates War at Fox News

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:56 AM
Interesting posts. I do agree that the White House is waging a media war against Fox News Network. The White House, like any good adminstration, needs a scape goat, someone they can point to if things do not go their way. I wonder how long till they go after a show like Saturday Night Live for making fun of Obama? What I find that most tend to not see, is if anything Fox News is getting people to look at the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, and ask questions of the federal government. Now if anything this reminds me of the show Murphy Brown and the Vice President at the time, who took on that show stating that it showed a bad thing about single mothers.
Now the question should be before all of this happened, and came about, how many people was watching what the Federal Government was doing or the direction of the country? Seems like there were fewer people watching before this started than now, and now people are asking questions, that the government is not wanting to answer. Alot of this could have been averted by answering some questions, like about the people advising the President of the United States, as to what they believe and their background histories.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:58 AM
I wasn't surprised to see this thread and I think it a good thread.

The last I read Obama and the Administration was really after shutting up Glenn Beck. They are looking for something to bring this man down but everything I read so far says Glen Beck puts it all that there like his alcholism anad everything else.

If they do find something I think Beck will own up to it. I will stick with Beck if for nothing else then to show that our government is going to far. Shame they don't like the Tea Parties.

If we as the peoples don't stand together and keep this government on there toes and in there place were screwed.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

All sorts.

You can't fox seriously as a news channel.

Just as you can't take the BBC seriously on global warming issues.

Fox is a Right wing as the BBC is left wing.

To be honest BBC Radio Five in the UK is about the best news service going ! Imho.

And no where near a 'left wing' as the main channels.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by rnaa

Well, I can see Obama's method has worked on you. FOX is a news network -- the same as NBC, ABC, CNN, and every other network that offers NEWS.

If a person doesn't like it -- they can change the channel. But the government has no business telling people to turn the channel because they don't like what is being said.

Do you know the parent companies of these networks? They are varied and are not at all strictly news organizations. Even CNN has entire segments devoted solely to opinion -- which is not news. And I can guarantee you that if CNNs opionions start being more anti-Obama than pro-Obama....he'll be attacking them next.

FOX is the example. It was an easy target. Lower ratings than most others. Controversial speakers. The perfect example of the power of the White House. How else do you explain the White House continuing this saga?

FOX is as much a news source as anyone else -- same contract with the AP as the rest of them.

At least it WAS a news it's just the whipping boy.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by manxman2
you have been lied to by your media for years ... so knowing this fact .. if by some miracle your news was live and truthful could you really handle the shock and revulsion of the pictures we see in europe of your rampant imperialism.

Americas Rampant Imperialism

Before there was America there was Europe, and you Europeans hold the market on Imperialism, So really don’t be mad at America because we are better then you at your own game, c'mon in the states that’s called Haterism.

America isn’t an Empire say like the Brits or French, Dutch, Germans, use to be. We actually gave our "colonies" there right to independence it may have taken a few decades (Cuba and the Philippians) but they have there choice of governments and they are not American. As a matter of fact, you nasty Europeans still have a lot of colonies, that still dwarfs our "empire" so who is Imperialist?

You should really stop drinking the Hateriad Kool-Aid and get with the program...

I think Europe is a tad bit Jealous that there poorer cousin who fled Europe because they couldn’t hack it or whatever reason they left, are now one of the best-) Please allow me to gloat on this fact because hell even I know with the way things are right now we won’t be top dog very long, Hey but at least we will always be better then Europe--)

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Thw White House controls almost all the news media in America with the exception of Fox News. They admit to controlling all information coming out of this administration to the news media.

White House boasts: We control the media.

What is happening is they are trying to silence the one media outlet that won't play their game. Fox News is seen as a threat to their control over what they want the American people to hear.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Fox "news" is a lying propoganda machine, if you are a fox fan, you are a fan of being blinded by corporate greed, lobbiest, liars, etc.

however, if your a fox fan, you are probably not even reading this as it says something upsetting about your fiction network.

Fox News...making sure the ignorant remain blind

MSNBC is unbalanced in its commentary, but they do not lie. they simply represent one side for the most part...which one is more forgivable to you, someone whom skews reality, or someone who completely destroys it?

(answer - CNN)

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet

Originally posted by manxman2
you have been lied to by your media for years ... so knowing this fact .. if by some miracle your news was live and truthful could you really handle the shock and revulsion of the pictures we see in europe of your rampant imperialism.

Americas Rampant Imperialism

Before there was America there was Europe, and you Europeans hold the market on Imperialism, So really don’t be mad at America because we are better then you at your own game, c'mon in the states that’s called Haterism.

America isn’t an Empire say like the Brits or French, Dutch, Germans, use to be. We actually gave our "colonies" there right to independence it may have taken a few decades (Cuba and the Philippians) but they have there choice of governments and they are not American. As a matter of fact, you nasty Europeans still have a lot of colonies, that still dwarfs our "empire" so who is Imperialist?

You should really stop drinking the Hateriad Kool-Aid and get with the program...

I think Europe is a tad bit Jealous that there poorer cousin who fled Europe because they couldn’t hack it or whatever reason they left, are now one of the best-) Please allow me to gloat on this fact because hell even I know with the way things are right now we won’t be top dog very long, Hey but at least we will always be better then Europe--)

no your not imperialistic my mistake its not as if you had slaves or anything like that is it.

i will put some links up of news items we get .. to see if you can stomach them .. all will be the result of american munitions and all would never see the light of day in america on any channel so your being played no matter where you pick up your impressions of the outside world from. .. why not...??

[edit on 19-10-2009 by manxman2]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by manxman2]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:15 AM
Good, somebody needs to stop these liars from poisoning the minds of it's listeners. After a court ruling allowed them to blantantly lie legally to their viewers, they are completely out of control.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by booblessed

PLEASE will someone show me Where fox has blatantly lied about a news story, PLEASE I have asked this questions Dozens of times in other threads but not one of you anti-fox people have been able to show me false fox news stories?

If you have about 12 months to spare for reading you can find all of Faux News mistakes and blatant disregards for the truth here.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by AllexxisF1]

LOL, ya great 'unbiased source'. Take a a look at the goal and what they were set up specifically to do:

Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

In other words, critique everything conservative news outlets say and do, but completely ignore liberal ones.

If this is an example of 'proof' you're going to have problems convincing people of your point of view.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

MSNBC is unbalanced in its commentary, but they do not lie. they simply represent one side for the most part...which one is more forgivable to you, someone whom skews reality, or someone who completely destroys it?

You've been conditioned to believe they don't lie.
NOT telling a story is also a lie -- simply called lying by omission.

(answer - CNN)

Funny that you bring up CNN. I was watching CNN on TV the other day and they had an ad for Anderson Cooper's show. The commercial said:

When the right muddle and misstate the facts....WE set them straight.

It would seem to me that even CNN has decided to take part in the current media war. The difference? CNN has declared its allegiance to the left.

We are being conditioned to believe that anything that comes out of the right side, or any network that has been LABELED as the voice of the right, is completely wrong! That only the left knows the REAL TRUTH.

I do hope everyone realizes the problem with this thinking -- whether you're from the right, left, or middle of the road.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by lpowell0627]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by damwel

It's not just Fox that is allowed to lie to their viewers, it's all of them. There is no accountability in the "news" industry anymore. The journalists and reporters of old are long gone, replaced with corporate talking heads. There is a reason that ALL mainstream news channels are losing viewers to independent news sources from the internet. This is just another ploy to polarize the nation, which seems to be a trend lately and will only help fox gain more viewers and keep the real news out of the spotlight.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM
The longer this administation is in power the more respect I am losing for it. President Bush got slammed by almost everyone. He seemed to always try to stay above it. He is still staying above it. I am gaining more respect for him. I also don't remember Bush 43 blaming Clinton for propblems, and i don't really rember Clinton blaming Bush 41 for his problems. It seems like evey issue in the world today this administration blames on Bush 43.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by manxman2

Yes America was a slave nation for 90 years, but how did those slaves get here, I wonder? Oh yea thats right the Spanish and English who for roughly 400 years allowed for slave traders to buy slaves from Africa and transport them here to America. ( oh and we can’t forget about Brazil who had more slaves and a longer history of slavery then the US.)

But hey you know what ever helps you Europeans sleep better at night...
I will be the first to say America has a dark history but there is also a bright future.

I mean it wasn’t like Europe Oppressed a whole continent like Africa, no not the noble Europeans. HAHAHAHA what a joke we have our problems here in the US but no matter what skin color all Americans can agree on one thing were not Europeans. -)

And no Europe never sold munitions to any country in any war... Another big fat European Lie, Here is a news flash for you, G.B, France, Russia, and Germany move weapons around the war just as much as America and China do-) News flash that. All 5 members of the security counsel sell arms, maybe Omar had it right when he called the security council the terror council... And what do you know 3 security council members are wait for it... European...-)

Your news agency are far worse than MSNBC and CNN could ever hope to be-)

[edit on 19-10-2009 by poedxsoldiervet]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:31 AM
This is laughable. Coulda seen this one coming a mile away as he is going right along with Chavez in trying to control the media with the bills he wants to introduce. Socialism at its best.

That all being said, lets really look at the heart of the matter. He isnt really calling out just all of FOX news, its mainly Beck who is callin out Obama's people/aids/friends and so on. He is pissed and is trying to hit back (not very smart I might add). Lets also look at the simple FACT that Fox news is way higher in ratings. What does that tell you?

If Beck has higher ratings, doesnt that mean that more people like what he is saying vs what they here on other programs? Also, isnt one of the main things that Beck tells his listeners to do is check out what he is saying? Do the people against Fox news think that the listeners are just zombies and not fact checking? He created his own watchdog program for listeners to let him know about stuff that they think is dangerous in this government. Its just proof that people are actually doing their own homework for once instead of being zombies. I think that it is awesome. More and more people are actually starting to care about who runs the gov and not just vote down the party line like they have been. Sure, im willing to bet that many people on here do their research as well before they cast their lot, but the majority of America hasnt cared for years, at least not enough to actually look into things on their own. They just read headlines and news clips and just went about their day.

The Obama admin is running scared (as they should be) because Americans are finally waking up. Beck not only calls out the dems, but the rep's as well, and rightly so. I wish we could just wipe em all outa office and start over with everyday people who we can actually trust instead of people that play on our hearstrings and smile alot. The Obama admin is filled with vipers and they are easy targets. Its about time that we start pickin these people off and kicken em out of office. Prime exampe is the Van Jones debacle and now Anita Dunn who called out fox news.

Above is a sample of what is in our government. Please watch it before you comment. A lady in the gov that looks up to Mao Tse-Tung. How can the people on the left who say that they are for the little guy and what not let these people be in power? Mao straight up killed more people than Hitler, and that is a proven fact. Do you really want the people telling you what to do follow people like Mao? If so, its a sad day in the country. There is no justification for somebody following Mao and agreeing with him on his issues. Actually, the only one I can see is if you are a "progressive" or "communist" or "socialist". Either way, it doesnt end well for the rest of us that dont agree with the said policies.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by dizzie56

Dizzie do you think Beck is right about members of the Obama Administration?

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:35 AM
I have to agree with Chris Wallace. They're the biggest bunch of crybabies to ever occupy the White House. If they have a problem with what's being reported, go on the show and offer a rebuttal. They've been invited numerous times, so why not go on and set the record straight?

Could it be that they don't have a rebuttal? That Fox is reporting facts and the WH can't dispute them?

All this proves to me is that this administration is petty and childish. If everyone doesn't play their way, they're not going to play at all.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Simple really.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by dizzie56
Lets also look at the simple FACT that Fox news is way higher in ratings. What does that tell you?

That tells me the FACTS

FACT: Fox news targets conservative republicans
FACT: MSNBC, CNN, CBS, CSPAN, etc target the rest

lets say you have 10 million news watchers tuning in...2 million of them are conservatives and goto their comfy place of Fox to hear about how they are the only real americans

the other 8 million divide up into the other networks, some going to CNN, some going to MSNBC, some going to CSPAN (may god have mercy on their souls).

Skew the numbers as much as you want, but simply put, Fox, or better yet, ultra conservatives account for about 2-3 million people in America...there are over 300m people tuning in and about 10 times the amount that Fox gets dividing up into the other news networks at the prime times...why? because Fix News is simple entertainment for a specific mind controlled segment of the population.

Fox News should have its broadcasting license revoked or fined heavily everytime they knowingly lie...even the commentators.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
reply to post by rnaa

FOX is the example. It was an easy target. Lower ratings than most others. Controversial speakers. The perfect example of the power of the White House. How else do you explain the White House continuing this saga?

now it's just the whipping boy.

Sorry, just have to correct the fact that Fox is the highest rated cable news organization by far.

On another note, nearly all news agencies except FOX are left supporters. People point to the bias of Bill O'Riely, and other FOX opinion spewers when you have people like Keith Oberman supporting the left.

It is extremely hypocritical for the white house to wage a war upon news media simply because they aren't supported by the one "right" news organization.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by Bugman82]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627

NOT telling a story is also a lie -- simply called lying by omission.

I agree completely and on a former post, I said that MSNBC is misrepresenting reality by only slamming the right while ignoring the left...they are clearly bias and a joke of a news organization should they play down one side and hammer the other.

My issue with Fox is simple...they lie...and not a lie by ommission technicality, they state things as fact in a authoritative position that is absolutely not true.

A form of debate is to simply not mention flaws and problems with your side and its up to the other side to expose the missing pieces. Our entire court system works like this, however, if you actually lie in court, you could end up behind bars.

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