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White House Escalates War at Fox News

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

Personally if Fox News weren't here, what would we have to choose from exactly for our choice of propaganda?

Of all the Media out there to read, I choose ATS!!

There's plenty of propaganda and truth all in one....

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by spec_ops_wannabe

Yay! I'm back from Army BCT at Fort Jackson, I thought I would open up with something political for my first topic in a while. Anyways, so does it really seem this unlikely that the Far Left is openly attacking private news corporations like this? Especially from such a high place like the White House staff. Personally if Fox News weren't here, what would we have to choose from exactly for our choice of propaganda? Of course keep in mind I personally prefer Fox over CNN, NBC, or ABC since they actually have been found to be less biased than the other ones and they are the news service in North America that causes the most controversies.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Really??? FOX have been found to be less biased??? REALLY??? Why don't you show me the supporting evidence, that does not come from Fox News, that shows that they are less biased than the other networks. That is one of the funniest things that I have heard in quite some time.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:24 AM
Divide and conquer.

The problem is that you can't control people as well when they all think you are making a mess of things. Time to draw a line.

And for the record dispite the fact that FOX is now allowed to release more substantial information now that it is the opposition it is still quite skewed. Grains of salt are in order.

If a Republican makes it into the White House again they will revert to their default lapdog stance and once again be totally worthless.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by wanderingwaldo]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:25 AM
fox news purposefully puts out disinformation and outright lies. there are tons of fact checking sites that are blowing up with just how many easily checkable facts that dismiss fox as what it is, just a propaganda machine.

I know...who checks the fact checkers..well, if they put even 1 thing out that is not clearly and transparently researched, then they fail and no longer have credibility..if anything, I would say get your news from fact checking websites that have no political bias or agenda (just because you dont like what the facts are doesnt mean they arent true).

fox news is simply entertainment. MSNBC is edging on entertainment unless they start to spend equal time attacking democrats. msnbc does put out accurate information about crappy things republicans do, but rarely discuss the dems flaws, they are clearly bias..however fox news flat out lies...neither are forgivable for a "news" organization.

As far as the white house is concerned..I am on the fence. They are of course entitled to their personal opinion, however they should make sure to make no attempt to censor fox's noise machine. Also, I really dont understand the mentality. Whenever a offical says "dont read this book", guess what people want to do...

just another day :-)

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Its not that hard to provide evidence of Fox's relative LACK of bias. Here's an example.

Now Pew tries to put an anti-Fox spin on their findings, but one look at the chart shows that Fox ran roughly the same percentage of positive, negative and neutral stories for both McCain and Obama last year.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by vor78
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Its not that hard to provide evidence of Fox's relative LACK of bias. Here's an example.

Now Pew tries to put an anti-Fox spin on their findings, but one look at the chart shows that Fox ran roughly the same percentage of positive, negative and neutral stories for both McCain and Obama last year.

Yeah, and Colmes balanced out Hannity *SARCASM*. Number of stories does not equal good information.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by wanderingwaldo]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by wanderingwaldo

Yes, but you're mistaking news commentary for news. Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc, are not actual news. They're opinion shows, no different than Lou Dobbs, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann or any other talking head on the cable networks at night.

I would NOT deny that these commentary shows are heavily biased. They are, but so are everyone else's.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by vor78]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:43 AM
I'd be more impressed if Obama would declare war on Fox news, and at the same time fire a shot at CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS etc.

Something like this:

"We declare war on the propaganda machines, Fox news will be first, however attacking Fox news without addressing the obvious bias of the other news networks would be unfair, So with that said... CNN and MSNBC, please, will you stop kissing my ass and just do the news of the day"

Thank you all and, God Bless the USA!

Now that would be impressive!

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

If facts are the definition of hatred, then so be it.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish


On the other hand, attacking the media is never a wise thing to do. For one, look at how they treated the Bush administration after that group was so dismissive of media. Second, look at what Obama's whining is doing to Fox News' ratings. In both instances, the administration has ended up as the clear loser of the battle.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by vor78
Yes, but you're mistaking news commentary for news. Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc, are not actual news. They're opinion shows, no different than Lou Dobbs, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann or any other talking head on the cable networks at night.

It makes me a little sad that in this day and age people cannot seem to tell the difference. Most of the time when people bash fox they cite those shows as examples.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Please provide some evidendce to back up what you state, I watch both MSNBC,CNN,and Fox, and I have to tell you, you do not see anything about the people in Obamas white house on CNN and MSNBC, they choose not to run it or dont care.

On fox (while it may be politcal Motavited) there are tons of things being said about some of his advisors, C'mon man there Commies, some of them think Mao Tse Tung was the greatest thing since Sliced bread... Now time me if that doesnt irk you in the slighest, MAO he killed 60 million china men for gods sake, he made hitler look like a pansy.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Originally posted by spec_ops_wannabe

Yay! I'm back from Army BCT at Fort Jackson, I thought I would open up with something political for my first topic in a while. Anyways, so does it really seem this unlikely that the Far Left is openly attacking private news corporations like this? Especially from such a high place like the White House staff. Personally if Fox News weren't here, what would we have to choose from exactly for our choice of propaganda? Of course keep in mind I personally prefer Fox over CNN, NBC, or ABC since they actually have been found to be less biased than the other ones and they are the news service in North America that causes the most controversies.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Really??? FOX have been found to be less biased??? REALLY??? Why don't you show me the supporting evidence, that does not come from Fox News, that shows that they are less biased than the other networks. That is one of the funniest things that I have heard in quite some time.

Yale university (not exactly a bastion of Conservatism) did an independent audit of one year of Fox, and found them to be the closest to being fair and balanced. Show me another news outlet that has so many people from both sides of an issue.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:02 AM
Face it...Fox News is simply not a legitimate news reporting organization. All of it's newscasts (if you can call it that) are skewed to the right and the commentators are nothing more than entertainers. It's more like a tabloid news service with an agenda.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:04 AM
I've only read a small amount of posts towards the start of the thread, mentioning that the White House is being rather petty and should focus on other things, and seemed like a quick attempt at another Obama bash.

To these people... Have you actually watched Fox 'News'? The innacuracies are startling and scary, the political bias is overwhelming, and has always been fantastic at twisting the truth in news reports or covering items of little importance something significant happens. Many of the other channels appear to have a much broader and more equal approach to reports.

Fox has always pedalled an extreme republican right-wing agenda, or at least for longer than many people have been alive. If a news channel has any agenda other than reporting news, then it is not news. A story. Fabrication.

While I appreciate the fact that many of the other channels appear to be 'praising Obama for everything', I think many people are mistaken into thiinking that a lack of significantly negative or neutral reports on him must mean that they are sucking up to him.

Fox news deserves this critique. They have a solid agenda, which is based on pure media warfare, and not news.

I honestly cannot be bothered right now digging up differences in certain stories, but I assure you that if you compare nearly any Fox news story with any one of the other networks, you will find Fox to be the most opinionated, politically motivated, manipulative, and report far less information.

Fox is very good at reporting opinionated stories disguised as news, while many other of the news networks are good at reporting actual events and often provide multiple points of view.

I think the White House is just and right in its critique of a political parties propaganda network.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
fox news purposefully puts out disinformation and outright lies. there are tons of fact checking sites that are blowing up with just how many easily checkable facts that dismiss fox as what it is, just a propaganda machine.

I know...who checks the fact checkers..well, if they put even 1 thing out that is not clearly and transparently researched, then they fail and no longer have credibility..if anything, I would say get your news from fact checking websites that have no political bias or agenda (just because you dont like what the facts are doesnt mean they arent true).

fox news is simply entertainment. MSNBC is edging on entertainment unless they start to spend equal time attacking democrats. msnbc does put out accurate information about crappy things republicans do, but rarely discuss the dems flaws, they are clearly bias..however fox news flat out lies...neither are forgivable for a "news" organization.

As far as the white house is concerned..I am on the fence. They are of course entitled to their personal opinion, however they should make sure to make no attempt to censor fox's noise machine. Also, I really dont understand the mentality. Whenever a offical says "dont read this book", guess what people want to do...

just another day :-)


This is a second line demanding proof...

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

I always thought fox was a comedy news channel

i never thought you chaps across the pond took it seriously !

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:11 AM
Well DUH! Of course thay are declaring war on Fox News!!! It is increasing difficult to implement a narcissistic dictatorship when you have someone with dissenting opinion constantly shining a light on all of your lies. Heck, just ask Hugo Chavez... he eventually just took over all of the media outlets to make sure that they report only the things he wants reported. Folks, don't you dare think we're not about a Mississippi half-step away from it either!

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by booblessed

I could change a few words in your post and it would be the EXACT same argument that many Republicans make against the other networks.

Its not so much that the White House is being 'petty', but that strategically, the White House is making a major mistake by attacking Fox News. As is almost always the case, if the powers that be brand something forbidden, the masses will flock to it to see what they're missing. Case in point: Glenn Beck. He's picked up half to three quarters of a million viewers since the White House has made him their whipping boy. They'd be much, much better off ignoring Fox and pretending as though it doesn't even exist than what they're doing.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:13 AM
FoxNews, a far-right, trashtalking "media" bent on attacking Obama since his first day in the Office? I'm trully shocked..

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