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Originally posted by Skyfloating
These people rant on about how special and enlightened the mayans were, when in fact...
The Maya practiced human sacrifice. In some Maya rituals people were killed by having their arms and legs held while a priest cut the person's chest open and tore out his heart as an offering. This is depicted on ancient objects such as pictorial texts, known as codices. It is believed that children were often offered as sacrificial victims because they were believed to be pure
Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by Skyfloating
Hi Skyfloating,
The world will never end at least not for billions of years but it will change as it always has changed- it’s part of the cycle/evolution of earth.
Seasons take place on a yearly basis and so do cyclic events of earth on longer periods of time. I know things will change in 2011 because I have seen/been shown these things and I do not expect you to take my word for it alone-
only to look at the evidence/facts and there is plenty of it out there!
I am also positive that governments in high places know about this event and have long since been preparing for it.
Once people really look at the hard evidence and realize all that has been kept from them listening to government eye-witness testimonies, viewing military documents and so on it would be irrational not to believe these people's testimonies and not to believe the many ancient civilizations testimonies/records.
There is proof on many levels for those who really want to face/know the truth. 2012 was never a year to worry about other than earth being changed for humanity but 2011 is a year to prepare for and I have "proof" of this event on a certain level/degree. Depending on how much "proof" you need as everyone differs on what they need to see. If 20+ government/military officials with credible positions/credentials came out and talked about it, that would probably still not be enough so called "proof" for the average person or would it?
Well we have much more than just 20+ military, government official’s testimonies, there is overwhelming amounts of evidence to be found supporting that this event has happened in the past and will happen again- so much evidence that it’s absolutely pure “ignorance” “close-mindedness”, “Irrational” of a person do not consider the possibility of this event after viewing all the evidence first. People only have to study the past to view a glimpse of the future as this event is a cyclic event that has occurred many times before.
A wise man would at least consider that such an event could in fact be a possibility and study/research all the evidence first before hastily making a decision.
Or a person can always remain close minded/ignorant dismissing the possibility without ever researching/investigating.
I’m asking that you do your own research because obviously from some of the information provided in this thread it only goes to show that someone has not truly researched history/archeology and catastrophic events/catacylsm’s of the past.
Originally posted by ET_MAN
people like myself are spending a great deal of effort on putting this information out spending a lot of time and expense only to do humanity a favor and forewarn them of things to come for the benefit of their families/future.
Originally posted by St Udio
We are using the Maya calender end-date to lump together a profusion of ideas...I guess that Major Jenkins set the date at Winter Solstice 2012...
and that date has caught-on with the pop-culture
other things that reinforce our minds (conscious or subconscious) that something big is building up..the kondratieff cycle/wave... the Elliott wave... the bigger picture view of Societal/economic Entropy... DNA manipulation/chimeras/clones/ ~ we have advanced technologically to the point 'we' are pseudo-creators i.e. god like... we, collectively are in a Armageddon Anticipation Overload
hey go-with-the-flow, and chill.... 2012 is just another alternative to the Biblical end times and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdon (AKA: Malkut Pei) = "Kingdom of the Mouth" ...Established after a massive annhilation of spirit beings/fallen Angels/ goblins-[mazikin]/ goyim/gentiles[animals among men] and beings such as 'Amalek' & 'Samael' the progentors of Doubt within the chosen peoples+Unchastity+Murder+and Idolotry....
and these concepts are OK?
Originally posted by Geladinhu
Here you are doing the same thing that the OP is doing in my opinion.
You are only using the interpretations of other people to argue, what good does that do? Don't we know already that each interpretation fits perfectly for the interpreter and that each interpreter is unique?
The Maya practiced human sacrifice. In some Maya rituals people were killed by having their arms and legs held while a priest cut the person's chest open and tore out his heart as an offering. This is depicted on ancient objects such as pictorial texts, known as codices. It is believed that children were often offered as sacrificial victims because they were believed to be pure
Originally posted by Alethea
Could acceptance of 2012 as an "end date" merely reflect that some identify with the superstitions and savagery of the Mayans?
people need a new distraction now.
It's the 100th monkey syndrome.
Could it be a warning that unless we break the shackles of the entities that seek to divide humanity (religion and politics) and to pit us against one another, that mankind will be doomed to repeat the past?
Originally posted by Skyfloating
Trying to pinpoint an exact date for a future event is a folly because time is flexible and human-made-dates are arbitrary.
Er,we dont seem to have a problem with things like an eclipse.But Im with you on Indigo's.I dont think the world is going to end either,dont know whats gonna happen,but the maya WERE great at astronomy and hacking of limbs.
Originally posted by masqua
Maybe those human sacrificing ancient Mayans knew something we don't or they were just as much in the dark as we are. One thing I do know is that they referred to the Milky way as the Sacred Tree and a marker of note. Why...(?) no idea.
A starting date of 3114 BC, eh? Around 5126 of our Julian years for the total Long Count. Definitely NOT 33 or 60 millions of years. Question then should be - "What happened on the last Mayan Year Zero?" Obviously the world didn't totally end then either.
Originally posted by Paroxysm
What do you think is the reasoning behind our earth going through a number of documented Magnetic Pole Shifts (MPS) in it's history??
What do you think could cause such a thing to happen repeatedly as if it's almost cyclical?
Originally posted by Skyfloating
I dont know.
When Compasses Point South
If all the compasses in the world started pointing south rather than north, many people might think something very strange, very unusual, and possibly very dangerous was going on. Doomsayers would have a field day proclaiming the end is nigh, while more rational persons might head straight to scientists for an explanation.
Fortunately, those scientists in the know—paleomagnetists, to be exact—would have a ready answer. Such reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, they'd tell you, are, roughly speaking, as common as ice ages. That is, they're terrifically infrequent by human standards, but in geologic terms they happen all the time. As the time line at the bottom shows, hundreds of times in our planet's history the polarity of the magnetic shield ensheathing the globe has gone from "normal," our current orientation to the north, to "reversed," and back again.
The Earth is not alone in this fickleness: The sun's magnetic shield appears to reverse its polarity approximately every 11 years. Even our Milky Way galaxy is magnetized, and experts say it probably reverses its polarity as well. Moreover, while a severe weakening or disappearance of the magnetic field would lay us open to harmful radiation from the sun, there's little evidence to date that "flips" per se inflict any lasting damage (see Impact on Animals).
It might sound as if scientists have all the answers regarding magnetic reversals. But actually they know very little about them. Basic questions haunt researchers: What physical processes within the Earth trigger reversals? Why do the durations and frequencies of both normal and reversed states seem random? Why is there such a disproportionately long normal period between about 121 and 83 million years ago? Why does the reversal rate, at least during the past 160 million years, appear to peak around 12 million years ago?
All these questions remain unanswered, though experts like Dennis Kent, the Rutgers University geologist who supplied NOVA with updated figures for the time line, are hard at work trying to answer them. In the meantime, not to worry. Reversals happen on average only about once every 250,000 years, and they take hundreds if not thousands of years to complete.
Even the weakening currently under way may be a false alarm. The field often gets very weak, then bounces back, never having flipped. As Ron Merrill, a magnetic-field specialist at the University of Washington remarked when asked whether we're in for a reversal: "Ask me in 10,000 years, I'll give you a better answer." So hang on to your compass. For the foreseeable future, it should work as advertised.—Peter Tyson
Originally posted by DataWraith
WOW Where do I get these items from? Ebay? Amazon?
Right sarcasm over and anyone who buys this nonsense gets what they deserve IMO, 2012 will be just like Dec31st 1999 and Jan 1st 2000, everyone will be panicking and then wake up the following morning and wonder what happened? then realised nothing happened .
I can't help but wonder how many cults are going to 'suicide' themselves before the 2012 date is up, I'd say 6 -8 wil hit the news, but others will go unreported...
Originally posted by lifecitizen
I first heard about it in 1998- and I know that was the year as my now 11 yr old was just a new born.