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Aliens will "comeback" in a official way this year!

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posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:16 PM
The pic you inserted isn't showing up for me...getting the red X.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by XL5
As for free energy, if something was 200pounds per 1KW output, the device would not be able to be moblie and used for war. A small 20-30 pound 1.5HP gas generater output 1kW or so, how could it cause a problem? As I see it, totally new and proved phisics would open many peoples minds and make then ready for visitors.

Google for the 'Moray Valve'.....Electrical History from 1930's of free energy based on Tesla science.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:20 PM
Tell me about it.took me last 15 mins to get avatar up.

If you go to bbc web site search Chupacabras in bbc news pages.Article about some farmers who killed it.pic weird though.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:30 PM
There are so many 'pictures' of chupacabras all over the net that I pretty much don't even look anymore....
although sometimes I look, just for the humor value.

I'll try to find this one that I saw once... The caption said "Chupacabra carcass!", but it really looked like someone took a snapshot of a handful of leaves and garbage they found in the street. It made me laugh quite hard.

I'd be interested in seeing a pic of a real chupacabra, if they exist, but I doubt I ever will.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:32 PM

but the only "retarded" ones that need any help here is the poour "mooronic humans"! schocked abot our deaths!??..why?...if we do exatly the same each time a "catle plague" ocur!? how many times pigs,chikens,cows are killed massivle to save they'r specie?? at they'r vision we are "infected" massivle,poisoned by centurys of "bad reptilian" influence. so its time do do a "little clean up" again....for the 6 th time in all our history!

we .humans are NOTHING, we dont have any right to aproach them and start to make our "pertinent" little questions!. they look for us( and we are like that) like ANTS!

another oppurtunity was given to us, and for the 6th time we just messed up! we atc like a "virus" in this planet

6-many of us will die here, abaddoned becuase they don't care....sure! if millions of cows can die daily in all the plannet, agaisnt they'r will, and even with out a clue why we are killing them,,,,why they will must care for all the ones that can't reach the 4rd dimension alife??

if they loose you or not its completly irrelevant for them, in the same way that nobody cares if a white mouse dies in a human laboratory experiment.

"why saved us if we are little ants?"- ok...imagine that you are from a old generation of genetic cientists that have created and studyed for 600 years a huge colony of rats in a cave!... you know that some of them are diceased and you are trying to look for a the process, you discover that a natural event will destroy they'r cave! if you dont do nothing for them,,,they will all you will accept that? the work of generations of your mates?....i hope you have understended

Yes, I have been reading what you have posted. I'm wondering if they told you what they are going to do once the experiment is over. You make it very clear that we mean nothing to them, that the only reason they are going to save anyone is because they don't want to lose all of the elements of the experiment. So what is the purpose of this experiment, when we use rats of ants in tests it's to find something we can use, when we thin the herd it's for our benifit, so what are they using us for.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Duke_nukem wrotes:

"Yes, I have been reading what you have posted. I'm wondering if they told you what they are going to do once the experiment is over. You make it very clear that we mean nothing to them, that the only reason they are going to save anyone is because they don't want to lose all of the elements of the experiment. So what is the purpose of this experiment, when we use rats of ants in tests it's to find something we can use, when we thin the herd it's for our benifit, so what are they using us for. "


that is obvious a big question mate, as far as i know , they seed life in specific places. not just here, more information behind that i do not have any imformation at all, and with other abductees who i have talked, untill now knows that too, so it remains a mistery. if it is for "holly" proposes, for "kind" proposes or other ones, we dont know yet.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:49 PM
Just been looking at the timetable of Kangaxx in the members centre.

since the link started he or they have been doing some serious hours everyday from 04.00ish to 17.00 and 23.00.

they got some serious boring lifestyle in Portugal all that sun and sea mountains and countryside.

Its a wounder he can afford that power bills not working much.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:01 PM
Thank you for your reply, I look forward to your future posts.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:32 PM
Smirkley, how are you sure that this one works? Also, is there an easy way to get even minimal results?

HJ magnet motor/track things have some neat effects but they don't work once you try to loop the power. I have tried it too, the longer the track is, the less power/speed you get. The motor will turn 1/3 of the way around but never all the way around. Tried the MXLO motor too, it didn't even spin a bit. Sorry for going off topic.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:45 PM
At the end of the day people should be allowed to believe what ever they wish to believe. Even if it is hokum who are we to tell them otherwise?

Personally i dont know wether to believe this thread or not, but if ive heard one tale ive heard a dozen all on the same subject.

Reptillians, Asteroid toutatis and these comets gonna hit us this year, Pole shifts, world wide earthquakes ( i live near a railway line the earth shifts all the time!) 2004/2012, thousand year reign of peace and all that. However i do believe the following.

Keep an open mind: in an almost infinite universe doesnt it follow that it needs an almost infinite number of things to fill it?
Respect others opinions: If their belifs keep them happy then so what.
The more often a rumour is denied the more often it tends to be true. Rumour needs an element of truth to set it off.
if something big is gonna happen: what can we do about it, nothing so dont worry.

Personally i feel that this planet is going to find itself in the midst of amazing events in the next 20/30 years. Personally ive felt it to my bones, big is looming and were all along for the ride.

Dont let these people who critizise put people off, half the time they just expose themselves to their ignorance and people amaze me why they even stay on forums such as these.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:56 PM
Personally this thread (im struggling to read it is very long, reminds me of the Book of Revalation.

You get two sides, good and evil. The Anti christ will rise up and everyone will flock falsly to him. War breaks out between the two sides. Christ returns, the Earth is devestated by numerous man made and natural disasters. 2/3rds thats 4 billion souls will be killed by the end of it all. only 2 billion will survive to live in peace for 1000 years and will live forever on a new paradice Earth.

thats how this thread seems to me.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by XL5
Smirkley, how are you sure that this one works? Also, is there an easy way to get even minimal results?

No I am not sure, as nobody can prove this, anymore.

Have you read the history on Moray?

Do that first, read his history of demonstration.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:08 PM

thx a lot fot that link, i have loved to read that!! very interesting mate!

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:12 PM
The link l believe was only started to cause controversy.The way Kangaxx responds is dependant on the tone or wording of the questions if you don`t like being debunked new members should show more respect.the site has a lot of info from people who have knowledge on these subjects.this is not a general chat forum l am not hear to be educated by self proclaimed experts who are trying to influance under the pretence of there own experiances.


P.S. If you start as subject with so much detail the least you should expect is to prove some of the statements.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by weirdo]


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Yup, I read up on Moray and the same with Tesla and you can never be too sure anymore since Tesla gave us real proof of other stuff. Some sites are up that say Tesla did not make a car run with many vacuum tubes and anttenas, maybe the MIB just put so much stuff out that its too much?

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by littlecitizen
Hello Everybody !

Dear Kang, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences ... I am pretty sure that all the things you said are things you have been shown and told by "alliens".

But I do believe that you have been deceived in a very severe way by demonic powers !

I would like to invite EVERYBODY to have a good look at these following links in order to study this subject from a different perspective :

Have a look at the other subjects on that domain as well ! You'll find out some incredible things !

Please be open-minded and think of yourself !


Hi Folks !

I just thought to repeat my thread in order to give everybody those links I have shown in this thread.

I just want to make some further short comments on this topic :

Did anyone of you notice how psychologically kang is working ?
First he comes and says "not too much" to make people curious, then he keeps being always "very friendly" (and he might is, which is wonderful, of courses), but it appears to me that he tries to make sure, that people like him in so that they would "listen to everything he says without doubting".

Then, in the beginning, he "already" stated that there would be any people coming to give "dis-information", that made him sounding even more "honest" and immediately every "opponent" to his opinion would become a "bad guy" !

Adding to this (as other members already mentioned in this thread) he is ignoring arguments which are asking for some reasonable explanation.

Further on, he reacts to people, who are questioning him with other opinions, arguments, links very friendly, but kind of stating, that the other opions are only "one more theory". In my country we call this "to get the wind out of someone's sail" ... get the idea ?

I can't and I won't blame him for any misinformation or false statements, because I really do believe that he has been deceived and he is not aware of it !

I am a christian, and I am sure when we are talking about alliens, we are talking about demonic powers pretending to be alliens. But one doesn't has to believe in christianity in order to see - at least - his psychological skills he is using here.

Dear Kang, in the worst case just take my opinion just as "another opinion" or migth consider it as a dis-information, but I do hope that you one daywill find out the real truth about it by yourself !

Christians !!! ... be aware of deception talking about UFOs !!!

Greets and blessings,

[Edited on 22/5/2004 by littlecitizen]


posted on May, 22 2004 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by weirdo
If you go to bbc web site search Chupacabras in bbc news pages.Article about some farmers who killed it.pic weird though.

It's not coming up with anything. Can you give a direct link please?

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 04:26 AM
! good stuff
! kanga, i'm going to pm you on this topic, as i don't want to get into a larger discussion with anyone else at the moment.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 04:59 AM
d1k try this link.if dosn`t work search search enter article fro

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 05:39 AM

i have red your "analizis" with extremly atencion, and i full respect your idea,now i will give you my "analizis" about it: after read all what you write, i am forced to think that you are a Christian. if not all what i will say must be ignored!

As far as i know, Christ have teached us to belive in love, spread love, and feel it!, he have teached us too, that "Evil", must be ignored,because that is the better way to undle , and became imune to him!talk about it, inform about it,react about it, its not correct actitudes related to that teachings. besides that, God give us many ways to feel if something is evil or not!
christ teach us that we never must lie or talk "in a bad" way of nothing!

and even more:
Acording to Christ, All in existance was made by God, so if you think that all the aliens are demons, you are assuming too that God have created them! think about that.

but i assure you : if you want to/ or are realy a Christian, you are in a better path then the ones that do not belive in nothing! and has we "MUST" respect your faith, you must respect other ones faiths too.if this is a God's will or just a Democratic right way to act, that is other story. i wish you the best althou. nothing is more important that "what you belive"! that's the point.
all the people have the right to "your" idea" abotu this, if i agree or not, that is not a problem for nobody.even for me!, i only can be worried with your analizies, if i notice that you dont blive in nothing, but obviously you have a "faith path" to folow, and i wish you be happy in it


[Edited on 22-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 22-5-2004 by kangaxx]

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