hearthmagic wrotes:
"Ok, So your avatar is real, but the photo is changed. Can you tell us what is changed? You said something about the cave being different?"
-no i cant tell you what is changed because it was not me that have changed! and as i have sayed the original ones it was replaced by that
-it was not me that bring the "diferences in the cave" subject, althou if you wanna know put them side to side and see for your self. maybe you see
a equal one,,maybe not...who know?, all depend of your eyes i think.
weeman wrotes:
"ok so now we are done with all that chupapara stuff I have a question. The good reptilians that live under the Earth, you said they live on many
other planets. I assume they were put their by the good aliens because I didnt think they had the technology to fly there themsleves, or do they use
their own ships? "
please take time to read older posts here, that unswers are all here already.
weeman wrotes:
"kangaxx can you tell us how the Satan story came about and how we forgot about the aliens, or u2ume the story? I dont beleave in any religon anyway
(except some daioism) so I wont be offended "
as you can imagine you will not be hurted, but many other ones can be hurted in they'r "faith", i can provoke same havoc in the "stated"
science", but i never will hurt by my own words possible religious people here, or in elsewhere.
religious faith is need it, no matter the religion of each of us.
rivergoddes wrotes:
"Kangaxx.....you really NEED to inform people when you plan to cut and paste. "
See what i have writed in the beggining of that "paste:
"...,this is a small part from a doc running the net, ..."
so...if i had sayed this how can you imagine that i will "typed" all that text!?.lol..nooo plz that will be sadistic, hehe!
rivergodess wrotes:
"....you truly NEED to let us know when you plan a cut and paste ....OR you are just setting yourself up to attack...."
dear friend, as you can understend very well, i will not fear this types of attacks why?.simple, all is explained before, who wnats to read it, fine,
who wan't pitty, we do not have fear of things like this in we just told the truth
althou its quite obvious that some "people" fear the truth a
lot!! so no worries
althou my time here is near the end,,(i have posted some time ago that after my mission finish i will vanish from this
topics),,soon they will need to find another "topic" that "scare" them!lol, im preparing my final text for the next days, but...grrrrrr it is
tooooo long,,, and i am trying to "enshort" it... but i have in a hard decision because it so much to say and so few room to that
i will see...
[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]
[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]
[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]
[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]