Hi mates,
As I have stated before , my time is near the end to continue here answering good questions, my �ordered� mission is done, and the �right� people
have/ will be, been �awakened�/activated!
Althou , before my good bye, I will talk a little about a huge part that I have avoided until now. That part is about things that you will see�
soon�, and its more related to the �chaos�/Apoclipse predictions that are �spreaded� all over the places! And they will be predictions, what�s fit
perfectly to this forum sector.
The following informations is not complete at all, and I will write it freely with out any time of pure �chronologic� format or something like
Due to all the massive �bad reptilian� mental influence on us in so many years and in the present , the world will enter in a �shadowed chaos void�
�age�, anyone will can�t be save anywhere, the majority of people will act like crazy insane �zombies�, with a total lack of respect/valor/goodness.
The not controlled ones will be forced to run away to distant places , and start small �human tribes�, trying to defend them selfs. The citys will
became something just imagined in �horror� movies, all �broken�, burned,riped, ect. Althou much before we reach this �chaos� time, the Avatar o this
age will walk Earth again (for the 12th time, he was Christ, Budda, maom�, confucio, Krisnha and so on). And he will try to save the highest number of
humans possible, they will follow him and they will experience true love, what is the major key in all this! He will be killed by the controlled
humans, as he had be killed in a very well knowed incarnation in our past 2004 years ago! Althou that malevulus actitude of the humans , don�t
�destroy�/nulify him at all, but only give him even more strength.!! that is the explanation also why he don't "avoid" this! and that you only can
fully understand if you realy know what love is!!!!
Very near the �end�, they will start to pick some animals and the �right� ones. for the all other ones (near 4.5 billions of humans) they will
experience here things that can�t be even imagined, things that we only can imagine in horror stories and in the �hell� !
For that ones they�r only possible salvation will not be here in a �physic� way, but only after dead in a �etherial� way, because the �weel of life�
continue, and the soul is eternal, because the soul is your real boddy!!
times to times, for us "ants", we will see "UFO" fights/battles, bettwen several alien factions, what will "rise" the chaos already
The Earth will enter in a energetic �portal� when the Sun magnetic field start to change, after that the �polar shift� in our planet will start too!
At that time all the �saved� ones will be already in huge �motherships� that can have a total length of 1500KM each.they have a �smoke cigar�
In the time that our planet start to enter in the portal, the massive last vibrational changes in all the matter here will start, and will be at that
time that all of the �not saved� ones will die, huge permanent tsunamis, hearthquakes,hurricanes, and so on will strike all the planet every where,
�almost� of the ocean floor will raise, and �amoust� of the �solid land� will sunk!! Even if any life form here survive, they will be disintegrated
at a certain stage by the high "caming" vibration of the 4rd dimension.
The �dimensional travel of the planet inside the portal will take a week in order to be fully completed!
When the planet arise in the new universe, Earth and human kind will enter in the �gold age�, the spiritual absolute time!The new Eion!
Slowly the saved ones will be putted in several �human colonies� in our �new shaped� planet again, and life and our specie will continue they�r
evolution with out any �bad� or evilness at all!evilness is something only possible in the first 3 material dimensions, because the are just extreme
low vibarations, and they do not are a part of the dimensions above the 4th.
(althou same evil aliens have learned how to be in the 5th, because they �create in a artificial way that low vibrations in order to not die!in a
same way that same of them do here,,,,that is the primal explanation why they control us to be �evil�, because that creates low vibrations all over
the place!!and that alowed them to be here with out major "biological /phisical"problems
message for all the �agents� and normal humans but already fully controlled:
for them , I wish to thank you in a special way!!! The majority of the times, when you try to desbilive and desinformate, you only acheaved that more
and more people be in a �awake� status, and some times even controlled ones can in a special way to �stop� to be �touched� by that influence, the
majority of you also just proof to us your total ignorance , and blindness!more: each time you try to be evil to us, you only give us more and more
strength! Because for all that can fell love, and know the truth, we use you like �marks� in order we can notice very well inside us �where is the
evil , and where it is not!!
The only possible �mechanism� here is: you hate us, and we love you. That is the way!! So my deepest thx �agents�!thank you for your help in making
love grow inside us!
For all the neutral ones:
You are not �doomed� yet, the majority of the neutral ones are people that want to belive, but they have not see it, or experienced nothing yet, that
can help them to choose!! The Avatar will came here moustly( in many other things) for this group of people! Because the majority of the neutral are
not controlled at all, because as neutrals they do not are represented as a �danger� for the �evil�!!! so. Cheer up! You have yet time to be
For the �Belivers�/�love� ones/good ones:
You will be very happy brothers! You have the noble task to �start over � a new �human kind�! your �childrens will experience a full life of love for
many million years, and they will fullfill �the top� as humans!
if you can �see� the truth when you read it, hear it, and so on, you are for sure able to reach , and live in the �right� vibration., I wish you the
best for you.
For me:
I know that I will not be �picked�, because many of us have several missions here, and mine will be fullfilled �soon�. Some of us will be used like
�data banks� due to the information uploaded to us, in the new world, in order that our roots never can be forgeted in the �new� tribes. Other ones,
will follow the avatar helping him in his noble mission, others will be killed in the major �human chaos� time that I have described later, and
others will be �moved� to other worlds in the 3 rd dimension ,( I do not have a clue why) in far far away galaxys,where are other colonies in lower
stages of evolution then us.
My mission is to teach / prepare a special person , here in my country, when the time will came , he will be picked, althou I had be died some
years later at that time, due to �wealth� problems. I know that �they� can heal me, but I know very well too, that I am a �ant�, and I humble accept
that, for me it will like a �evil heretic actitude�, if I anytime ask �them� to heal me, because I know that I am too small in all this, and I do not
represent NOTHING compared to a whole Civilization!, althou I will reach the 4rd dimension too, as all the others, one "day", in my reecarnation
�weel life�!
I will not post nothing more, and I will not unswer more questions, althou I will be �lurking� here because this site is great, and we can reach many
good information, and information is always �never too much�! especially for all the ones that can �see�!
Farewell my human brothers, I wish you the best for all with out any exeption!