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Aliens will "comeback" in a official way this year!

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posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:04 AM
the only FANATICAL behaviour I read on this page comes from the VERY UPSETT CinLung...............quoting someone by replaceing theyre words with BLA BLA BLA is VERY RUDE no matter what country you live in.....something you want to omit? just omit it....dont say BLA BLA BLA unless you are TRYING to be RUDE......wich it is OBVIOUS you are

Your ANGRY ACCUSATORY MANNER left me no choice but to respond to you in the first place.....all DEMANDING to BE TOLD RIGHT NOW!!!! (you come across like a little spoiled child) things previously answered on this, I was SUGGESTING you read a tad MORE thouroughly, before verbally attacking nice people.....KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A take a deep breath CinLung and chill out

Kangaxx has been very nice really, he answers all the questions he deams worthy, and is that NOT TRUE of any person on this board? that they can choose to NOT answer if they dont want to????we all have free will and free choices do we not? or is Kangaxx the exception? WHY pray tell should he answer to you at all?

Answer questions RIGHT NOW CinLung....(as IF I really
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What sex are you?
What do you do for a living?
WHY are you such a fanatically angry person?
Does it make you feel like a big smart person by calling others names?

Does that NOT make me sound/look a tad pissed off? hmmmmmmmm I wonder how YOU look asking the same?
kangaxx REALLY must have said something that really got your goat hu? Why else would you feel the need to fight? I feel so sorry for you that his prediction has scared you so much. Take another DEEP breath.....

I feel a bit protective toward Kangaxx yes.......for I have rather adopted him in the manner of adopt a YES.....I will speak if I feel the need......If you were my adoptee I would do the same for you. It has to do with ATS friendship, not being a follower. Kangaxx is my friend.......and yes, I also happen to 'feel' many truths in his prediction.....
Please calm yourself down...try to refrain from name calling, try to not be RUDE ON PURPOSE just to be rude, and use the discussion boards in the manner of an adult.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 04:31 AM
Nice one Goddess
some people just don't know when to shut up (or just not start talking.)

I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve kangaxx, it's just that the skeptics, just like kangaxx, have no proof at all, and either way it's just words. Although kangaxx's words (whether they are true or not) are spreading a message of love and peace which is good even if the reasons behind it are false.
The skeptics' words are usually just insulting and argumentative and serve no real purpose except to degrade a thread and make it look immature.

If it's true, it's true. If it's not, then it's not. Either way certain parts of this message are true and something good can be learned from them.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Faceless
I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve kangaxx, it's just that the skeptics, just like kangaxx, have no proof at all, and either way it's just words. Although kangaxx's words (whether they are true or not) are spreading a message of love and peace which is good even if the reasons behind it are false.

actually if you read the message it is - your going to die if you dont do this between this time frame

this isnt a message of love at all , this is a threat

do you honestly think that you can force yourself to feel love at a certain time? no you cant - its something that you do or you dont and no matter how hard you try to feel it - you can never achieve it by force so his "love" message is totally worthless
as the love message is worthless , then all that is left is him telling you your going to die. do you think that someone should be allowed to come on here , tell a story that he claims is fact , tell you that your going to die if you dont do what he says?
why shouldnt he be asked questions to validate his claims ? these are some pretty big claims that are being made so how come he gets to walk free when people in the other sections would be made to come up with some kind of evidence to back themselves?

yes i am skeptical about this story , so because i am , im an "agent" who is out to get him ? actually no , if he could point me to the slightest bit of evidence i would respect his views - but no , no evidence , just more of the same over and over again.

skeptics dont have to prove this story wrong - there are no facts to back this story up in the slightest , unless backed up by facts this story is pure imagination - why should a skeptical person have to prove wrong every scifi story in existance ? have i got to prove the movie starwars isnt real ? have i got to prove the movie xtro isnt real ?

if you believe him then thats your choice , i find it difficult to believe that people can take in any old story off the net and pass it as true - actually it has done something for me - its made me realise how mad this online world is and what kind of people are out there

thank you for opening a bit more of reality for me

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:05 PM
I agree with what your saying, but I think you misunderstood what I meant.

No, the skeptics don't have to offer up any proof, but neither does kangaxx if he doesn't want to.

People will believe whatever they want to believe

I didn't mean that people should just accept it without asking for proof, if people want to ask for proof then they will. If kangaxx doesn't want to give proof then people can make up their own minds based on that.

What I mean by skeptics not having proof is that you can't prove that there aren't aliens underground, or that aliens are not choosing people to be saved etc. There might be, there might not be, and theres no proof either way. Both skeptics and believers are just saying empty words, why believe either one?

Who cares if someone comes onto a board, makes up a story and tells everyone they're gonna die? What difference to anything does it make?
If it's just a story then it's just a story, big deal. If it's true then people are gonna be killed, nothin any one is gonna be able to do about it, so who cares if he's telling the truth or not it doesn't make a difference to actual reality.

And I never said I belived this.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 01:38 PM
faceless - actually i was replying in a general fasion - the whole post wasnt aimed directly at you

your saying that kangaxx has the right to answer what he wishes - and your correct - tho to be totally ignored is rude also dont you think?

the thing is - the post is saying we are going to die , everyone we know is going to perish to kangaxx's future - so he "knows" everyone is going to die soon but it offends him that people think he is a crank ? yeah yeah - shows you how much he believes his own words doesnt it.

Who cares if someone comes onto a board, makes up a story and tells everyone they're gonna die? What difference to anything does it make?

if i sent a child an email and wrote "your going to die soon" - do you think that is ok ? hey , its only the net right? im not going to actually kill the person am i ? what difference does it make ?

If it's just a story then it's just a story, big deal. If it's true then people are gonna be killed, nothin any one is gonna be able to do about it, so who cares if he's telling the truth or not it doesn't make a difference to actual reality.

if its just a story then he is a liar , i suppose telling people they are going to die and telling lies is ok by you then ?

i have no grief with you faceless , i just find things like this sickening because people some people are actually believing him and sticking up for him when words are said against him - he can fight his own battles cant he ? or maybe he can when he takes everyone off block

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:08 PM

what points are you getting?Points to pass vibration gate to the 4th dimension.

Wow chill cinlung don`t take everything so deep
.I mean`t the points you earn for posting which you accumalate and use to gain access to the pit or R.A.T`s or to add backrounds to your Avatar.take no notice of Rivergoddess she`s very mellow from the posts i`ve read.She is one of those people who see`s good in everyone,type of person who would forgive a car thief unless it was her car then she would blow there brains out.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:12 PM
Well, there is a bit of a difference between sending a kid a message like that and this thread.

I'm not saying it's ok for people to make stuff up and tell lies, or maybe he is just wrong.

Personally I'm more inclined to think that this isn't true, and I feel the same as you except you try to stop people from posting lies, where as I just don't care

I also don't have any grief with you.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
the only FANATICAL behaviour I read on this page comes from the VERY UPSETT CinLung...............quoting someone by replaceing theyre words with BLA BLA BLA is VERY RUDE no matter what country you live in.....something you want to omit? just omit it....dont say BLA BLA BLA unless you are TRYING to be RUDE......wich it is OBVIOUS you are

This is going to be a kind of immature discussion.

When I said a word Fanatic, you returned the word Fanatic to me.
When I asked a simple questions, age, ethnic, sex and location, you on behalf of someone (trying to be a hero?) returned the same questions to me.

Which part exactly shows I have a FANATICAL BEHAVIOUR on this discussion? Thank you if you can give me reliable explanations. I would like to correct myself.
I DID NOT say you are a fanatic, I asked ...a FANATIC??? Do you see a question mark there, a mark where everybody can see it.

Regarding to bla...bla...bla...:

It is certainly out of topic, if you said it is rude, then forgive me, I will change it to etc...etc... or so on... so on....

If you browse around this famous Forum, you will find dozens, maybe hundreds or even thousands quotes with bla...bla...bla and its' similarity.

If you live in a country which you think OR you yourself think bla...bla...bla is rude. IT DOESN'T MEAN it is rude all over the world. This wide world is not only your country and your manner.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess Your ANGRY ACCUSATORY MANNER left me no choice but to respond to you in the first place.....all DEMANDING to BE TOLD RIGHT NOW!!!! bla...bla...bla... oopsss etc...etc...etc...KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A take a deep breath CinLung and chill out.

How did you know I am angry?
it is a speculative statement based on immature assumptions.
Well, certainly there are readers here, and let them judge who is angry here.
. Anyway it is out of topic.

I did ask: "Abducted by aliens during teenager's, and early 20's, cupachabra, big foot, WAS A PREDICTION?". Maybe you have the answer.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Kangaxx has been very nice really, he answers all the questions he deams worthy, and is that NOT TRUE of any person on this board? that they can choose to NOT answer if they dont want to????we all have free will and free choices do we not? or is Kangaxx the exception? WHY pray tell should he answer to you at all?

You have the rights to measure who what is nice or not. It is your life.
Did I blame someone for not answering something?
Yes, we have free will and free choice, and freedom to ask too.

Or is that freedom belong to you only?

Who is praying he should answer? You are speculating again.

Actually, I was predicting he was not going to answer those questions, that is why I did ask.
And I was predicting also, someone will show up and act like a hero on his behalf and, will end up with this way, this kind of immature discussion.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Answer questions RIGHT NOW CinLung....(as IF I really
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What sex are you?
What do you do for a living?
WHY are you such a fanatically angry person?
Does it make you feel like a big smart person by calling others names?

Oopss, it seems you ordered me to answer. You ordered me? hahahahahaha... look at you, what are you doing?
I asked about X, and you returned the X question to me.
I asked Kangaxx, and you returned the same questions to me. Hahahahaha.....

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Does that NOT make me sound/look a tad pissed off? hmmmmmmmm I wonder how YOU look asking the same?
kangaxx REALLY must have said something that really got your goat hu? Why else would you feel the need to fight? I feel so sorry for you that his prediction has scared you so much. Take another DEEP breath.....

No, it doesn't sound so. You should be asking Kangaxx how he looks instead.

1. 30
2. South East Asia. ( I hide the country for security reason)
3. Male
4. I live in this life
5. No, I am not fanatic in anything, and I am not angry in this forum. (I think this question is more suitable for you).

Whatever I am doing here, people are able to see my mood.
And certainly they see yours too.

Scared me off? hahahahahahahaha..... again it is so typical and classical.

1st Encounter.
The introduction of the good, the bad and the ugly.
2nd Follow up.
If someone don't buy it, then, tell him/her THREATS. If you join us, you are saved or else you will be burned in hell. It is either you are with us or you are enemy, you deserve to die.
3rd Intimidation, insultment.
If still someone don't buy it. Oh no, you are possessed by evil. You will live nightmares life. YOU ARE SCARED so much. I feel sorry for you, take a deep breath. You are loser, coward, you don't know what you missed out, chill out, calm down, cool off, come and take our message of love, it is a propechy (prediction) etc...etc...etc...

The good the bad and the ugly - threats - insultment exists since the beginning of modern human life (erect walking man?).

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I feel a bit protective toward Kangaxx yes.......for I have rather adopted him in the manner of adopt a YES.....I will speak if I feel the need......If you were my adoptee I would do the same for you. It has to do with ATS friendship, not being a follower. Kangaxx is my friend.......and yes, I also happen to 'feel' many truths in his prediction.....
Please calm yourself down...try to refrain from name calling, try to not be RUDE ON PURPOSE just to be rude, and use the discussion boards in the manner of an adult.

Certainly, you have the rights to do those all. Well again, who should calm down here.

Originally posted by Faceless
Nice one Goddess some people just don't know when to shut up (or just not start talking.)

So, why don't you shut up and why you start talking?

It is soooooooooooooooo great ................. I have a good time here.

Just a simple 4 questions could trigger so many things and give so much effects on human's mind.

Originally posted by Faceless
bla...bla...bla... Although kangaxx's words (whether they are true or not) are spreading a message of love and peace which is good even if the reasons behind it are false. bla...bla...bla...

Out of 6+ billion human, only about 1.5 billion are eligible to get the ticket to 4th dimension. From the first interview, only about 500 thousands have the vibration. The rest will be SLAUGHTERED!

You call this a MESSAGE OF LOVE? Oh Jesus... (though I don't believe Jesus is a God, but I have to call his name this time).

Are you living in 0 (zero) dimension, where 5 billion will be slaughtered is the message of LOVE?

We certainly have a different meaning of the word LOVE.

My personal assumptions (for fun):
Which part of hell is it you are living in? A place where killing has the meaning as love.
Someone is so blinded? leaded by wrong society where they take all religion, prediction, alien as the message of love? And he/she humbly stated it as a MESSAGE OF LOVE where ever he/she heard about religion, prophecy, prediction, and alien, WITHOUT clear judgement?

Originally posted by Faceless
If it's true, it's true. If it's not, then it's not.

The truth is the truth, it needs no proof. Lies is lies, why waste time asking for a proof.
Sounds similar? Did we happen go to the same school once?

Strange, I was asking a few introduction questions, and it seems people thought I was asking a proof of this topic. Must be my bad English.


Christian: Jesus is GOD
Non-Christian: Can you prove it?
Christian: Can you prove Jesus is not a GOD?


It is a funny society, a funny world we are living in.

My personal opinion: The 1st person who introduce something, is subjected to insert proof, NOT ASKING back a revert question to audience.

And it seems, religion leader or any similar person always use the same old techniques, asking back a revert question when they are not capable to answer.

It is classical, and it is typical.

Originally posted by acidhead
if you believe him then thats your choice , i find it difficult to believe that people can take in any old story off the net and pass it as true - actually it has done something for me - its made me realise how mad this online world is and what kind of people are out there

It is wise.

And, it is a mad mad mad world, a funny world.
Would you list out Type of People out there according to what you discovered in this online world.

Originally posted by weirdoWow chill cinlung don`t take everything so deep.I mean`t the points you earn for posting which you accumalate and use to gain access to the pit or R.A.T`s or to add backrounds to your Avatar.take no notice of Rivergoddess she`s very mellow from the posts i`ve read.She is one of those people who see`s good in everyone,type of person who would forgive a car thief unless it was her car then she would blow there brains out.

Thanks. I thought it was those points needed in order to get a ticket to 4th dimension.

I don't have any futher comment at this moment regarding to theRiverGoddess, or else I will be accused for personal attack.
Especially after I found out from your words that theRiverGoddess is a lady.

Well, post more and get more points then.

[Edited on 2-6-2004 by CinLung]

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:14 PM

And, it is a mad mad mad world, a funny world.
Would you list out Type of People out there according to what you discovered in this online world.

i could , tho i would be banned - since i dont want to be banned i shall pass on this fine offer that you ask of me

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Out of 6+ billion human, only about 1.5 billion are eligible to get the ticket to 4th dimension. From the first interview, only about 500 thousands have the vibration. The rest will be SLAUGHTERED!

You call this a MESSAGE OF LOVE? Oh Jesus...

No I don't, that's not the part of the message I meant.

He is telling people to be loving, thats the message of love.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
i could , tho i would be banned - since i dont want to be banned i shall pass on this fine offer that you ask of me

Ok, thanks.

Originally posted by Faceless
No I don't, that's not the part of the message I meant.

He is telling people to be loving, thats the message of love.


[Edited on 2-6-2004 by CinLung]

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:13 AM
I fully agree with your words Faceless,because that is the absolute right/mature/racional way to act in a public forum.
the objective of this topic or any other topic is to create a debate or a "trade" of ideas! i show my version of things, and the other members ask things, and we all can post our ideas about why this can be true or not! that is the correct way to use a public forum! althou if some one want to proof that something is wrong, he can try and tell us they'r arguments, and so on, but that is a completly diferent from the way some guys here are acting! as you say if i want or not, if i cant or not, proof my words, these so caled" debunkers of truth" cant do that too! the extremest possibilitie that they could do its show us why they do not belive, that are not proofs at all. althou instead of that they offend, disturb and "twist" our words with "incomplete quotes", trying to proof.. waht they can't! that is the primal reason why i have ignored them, because they'r objectives are clear....= just want to create havoc!
do you have notice how some guys "enter" here and start to ask me things and deal with me like i was in a court room or in the saintly spanish inquisition??! it's insane. and its a shame too that they cant see that just because they do not belive, why they offend and bash in a extreme negative way people , when they do not have a single racional proof to support them! as i stated before the "proof war" is something to avoid, we are in the internet for God sakes! how can we proof something here!? i just smile each time i see them "linking" a site where some one or some "official" sorce tells that a especific matter is "prooved" to be a hoax already!! that is just not a proof at all, it was just another "pieace of information", not proofed at all.
i realy want to say some thing about a especific argument usualy used because it will be a good exemple of how futile or useless some "good points" can be(hirony)!:~

- for some ones i am a hoax just because all or almoust what i say are things that are very well knowed from other files, docs, authors and so just think in this:

if the truth is just one.... dont you think it is logocal that what i say it's readble/ viewed in other places too? do you imagine what you will say if some one like me had appear here talking about a "brandly new" "theory", never stated anywhere, or by any one?!?,,in that case you will say that i am a hoax because never no one or any place have told nothing about that!! quite insane, this just proof that for some "weird" reason what some of you want is...not belive in absolut nothing!! no matter the information are new or not! lets take a easyer exemple:

i say that aliens tell me that in side our planet are god reptilians, and more around 13 alien clases, the "lacerta" files say that too, some time later a chinese apear and say that aliens tell him the same, and same time later a australian say the same....and so you think it is inteligent to say that they are all hoaxes just because they all tell the same information?? no for sure!! the inteligent "cientific" way to deal/react with that is to note that several people are telling the same thing, and that needs a kind of serious reachearch in order to "see" what is happened for sure!
this is like the "vibrational" information...just because the majority of the humans do not/ or cant experience them rising and lowering ...tha is a hoax?...IMAO! that is the same if a guy that cant paint a professional painting start to say that Leonardo da Vince paintings are a hoax...because the majority of the humans cant paint so well!!..get it?

as far as i can see untill today, and not only here but every where, that so caled "debunkers" just are helping the desinformation agencys in they'r work!because they do not proof nothing, they just create havoc.
i have do some research work in this forum and in many others, and i can state that in a big group of the so caled "debunkers", (i will state a number as a example) like in 1000 of them just 8-10 are people that are dealing with "things" in a mature/serious/real proofs way!!trying to be real helpfull, arguing inteligent things, seeking for real official facts, and so on!
for sure if some one just enter here and say that this is impossible ...just because it is, and start to effend people that they do not know from nowhere, saying we are crazy, we are religious leaders, we are "hundinis" hipnotizyng people, we are gaining lots of money with this,,, and so on, that for me is caled not as "debunker", but as just plain stupidity with a extreme low rate of intelect!

the good way is to debate and share ideas, that is the way to go in a public forum. what each of us belive or not in the final, that is personal and "unblaimeble"!!

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:20 PM
ok kangaxx , share some information on technology that can be verified ?

since you are a storing pot for the alien information (why they dont put it in a computer is beyond me)
* explain to us how there crafts fly , i want detail - not "its antigravity device that i found on"

* tell us what is just out of reach of our telescopes , tell us what star systems have life giving planets etc etc give us co-ordinates , densities , composition etc etc

* get one of your alien friends to draw a diagram of complex unknown molecules that we may not know how to create at this moment in time - so your little et mates can show us how they can be stable etc

* show us what unknown comet or asteroid is near us - give us co-ordinates and let us look to the sky ourselves

* explain what dark matter is and how "WE" can use it or measure it

* tell us where these underground aliens are - they want to kill us - lets go and pay them a visit

anyone can come to a site and claim things , magical things , special things , for people to respect these outlandish claims they need some weight - as you say its a discussion forum and you are claiming these things - people who arent total sheep are going to ask questions - im asking mine , can you please answer them ?

billy meiers has a similar story to you but atleast he has some pics and videos etc (ha ha) how come you havent ? u seem to know so much , 19+ pages of aliens / god / spiritualism and yet you get a mood on when someone asks you to prove your claims ? u know these people will die anyway soon so why are you getting all upset over some stranger on the net ? if someone bothered me in real life and knew they where going to die i wouldnt start getting all defensive and moody about it

i think you should sit down and ask yourself what you would do if the role was reversed , if i had come on here and stated this magical story and you had read it - wouldnt you be atleast currious to ask me some questions before you believe it ? if you say "no" to this then your lying or your very gullable

take care

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:44 PM
Wow wow wow acidhead

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 03:19 PM
For give me if l am wrong but the whole point of a debate such as this is to bring disscussion and debate to the table,this basicaly means you bring an idea that you have researched and can provide information to substanciate the idea.To remind you it is a condition of this site that all posted subjects have a link to further information.You have not done this which could be overlooked if the information you provide has some credability.
You cannot blame people for debunking when you write so much information that cannot be proved and when asked specific details which you are not prepared to answer you ignore.The way you have returned to this site after stating you would no longer post provides us with evidance that you have extreme difficulty proving this subject to people who are less likely to believe in these types of ideas, and that you have a need to prove this to people otherwise you would not have posted in the first place.
There will always be people in the world who will believe in these theories there will always be cults and secret socieities.The one basic fact is we came into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing that is FACT,beyond this cannot be established FACT.Humanitiy has always struggled to believe that,and this is the point at which we try to believe that we will carry on in an after life because it is easier to sleep at night.
I question people who l determine is a threat to me.This is my life and i will fight to preserve it from people l believe could threaten it,whether they be Reptillians or Aliens or people that have nothing better than to write there believes and discredit my logical way of thinking.


posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Must be Venus getting to us all!

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by weirdo
...To remind you it is a condition of this site that all posted subjects have a link to further information.....

Ummm, may want to re-read the T&C page. It does not say that at all!

I have myself gone beyond what is posted in this thread, and have searched elsewhere for similar info on the books referenced. They are real, but free info is very limited.

Either way, it has been interesting reading beyond and outside of this thread, to say the least. Kangaxx is not making this up, but himself referencing to these books, as he has already suggested in earlier pages of this thread.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 05:36 PM
Sorry your right it`s not in the terms or conditions but l was reminded by one of the mods that new posts should be supported with a link to support.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 05:53 PM
I am still thinking and reading about the 'vibrations'.

Reading excerps from 'THE CAVE OF THE ANCIENTS' and still interesting 2 me!

It occurs to me, if you look at low ultra-violet light, do you see it?

If you could look at a 'doppler-increased ultra-violet light, is it still ultra-violet, or visable?

If a train has a 10khz horn blaring, and is speeding toward you extremely fast, do you hear 10Khz? No. It may even have increased to the point of being too high a pitch to even hear (+20Khz)(obviously determined by the speed of the train.).

Does this mean the 10Khz horn does not exist?

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 06:04 PM
Exelent exemple Smirkley

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