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**Attention: All U.S. Military forces**

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Just out of curiosity, does it say anything in there in the Posse Comiatus Act that police have authority over security officers when they need their help????

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:58 PM
When the constitution was laid forth they gave lawmakers the ultimate ability to have the constitution open to interpretation. This means however these laws are worded they can always be perceived in other ways, which leads to eventual laws stacked on top of laws. Just like debate their is no "real" answer, only one that is better supported, the winner of debate is almost always the better debater not so much the right person.

Kind of reminds me of I-Robot. The three laws were already instilled into all the AI but one is able to manipulate the three laws into where they can harm humans in the act of "saving" them. Which results in the new robots trying to execute a curfew and a robot "martial" law.

Sounds like our lawmakers have "evolved" our constitution.
Also back to the Posse Comitatus, it still exists, those in control have just evolved it beyond its original meaning to allow certain parameters of soldiers on US soil. If we try to enter a legal battle with the crooks we'll never win. It's actually our constitution that lead to all this.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by grayhawkz1]

[edit on 26-9-2009 by grayhawkz1]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

As you stated so well, "Let voices ring out, let telephones ring, let pen be committed to paper, let the despots be put on notice..." Obviously you have a different way of handling despots than I. I wish to no longer take your time away from telephone and pen. Good luck!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by downtown436

sir, you are an idiot!

if you want to prove how faulty the u.s.a.'s military is then take the shortest path of reasonning with facts and produce the least amount of words needed for the desired effect!!!!

look around you. people have enough problems.
let's get to the point.

here is what we can agree upon, perhaps.
meet me here, in this state of mind:

1) fear ends, friends.
2) it takes courage to cure rage.
3) acoms razor states: 'the simplest answer is usually the right answer'
meaning the least amount of words needed = right answer, usually.

meet me here accepting those 3 things, and see my perspective easier:

here we go. enjoy the ride. and, remember #1 = be not afraid

dear united states air force,
fear is a direct result of the instinct of self preservation.
fear invokes and impowers self preservation, aka self before service.
your first core value is integrity first. integrity = compliance with the facts.
your second core value is service before self.
remember your oath: "to defend against all enemies foriegn and domestic, an oath to god"
every action or behavior that you take against another soul that invokes their fear is reinforcing self before service.
and if you were in compliance with the facts, aka integrity first, you would would know you are suppose to be promoting service before self, not the opposite of it.

is that short enough? i just conquired the most powerful nation on earth's most powerful military branch in 110 words. have i given you compliance with akoms razor? me know stuff. me share.

could i have done it in less?
sure, take out the words i used that were their words!
their promise to me, and their first 2 core values.
defending america?
they don't know what they are doing.

so help you god?
ok, here i am.

me: 1, united states air force: O

am i god?
yes, i am.
just here, in the words.
just here, in this box on ats.

and i offer you my best perspectives and imagination on matters, and i see no purpose for holdig back. i hope you can appreciate the effort i provide to enternain you.

don't be afraid.
can you meet me here?


what is a human that is absent of fear?
not human, perhaps?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by GrOuNd_ZeRo

The day that I have to turn on US Citizens/residents is the day I go AWOL and turn against my brothers in the Army.

I am in the Army to uphold the US Constitution not to shred it.

We are better off if you stay in the army and keep you mouth shut. Remember all those officers in Vietnam who were shot in the back.....

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Your right there is is a strong ego reinforcing factor in how you react to the situations as they present themselves. We appear to be more cogent then I thought. Will I stand corrected? Not yet. But I have an open mind.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by merkaba93
Watching the toobz of the protests was surreal. I felt like I was watching a low budget sci-fi flick when the LRAD with the robotic voice would pull up. The Republic is definitely in its death throes if not already dead.

This has glaringly exposed the heavy hand of the man behind the curtain and what the reality of life in the US is at this point.

If it is not clear that (which continues regardless of current/future administrations) will go to any extreme necessary to crush opposition it won't be until the boot is on your neck. Most of America has sleepwalked into a country with a militarized police force that is better armed than the citizenry. A clear violation of the 2a.

Seat belts are recommended from this point forward.

That is exactly how I felt. I was just waiting for judge dredd or darth vader to show up. This just might go down as the sound cannon shot heard round the world.

Edit to add: Why does posse comitatus even matter when you've turned the police into the military? *sigh*

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Exemplar]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:21 PM
I wonder what makes the OP think that the military was involved in anyway what has happened in pittsburg at the G20 meetings. The video dipicting guys in camo's are not military and may not even be police. I am in the Army and no one has told me to take up arms against citizens. Of course Marines (as well as other Branches) are training in urban enviroments since the wars we are currently involved in are in urban enviroments. training takes place everyday...convoys of Hummers or tanks are simply ways of getting fron one Post to another or one training area to another. No one is coming to get you and no one from the Military will...the NG is just that the National Guard they are responsible for National protection and are pressed into Federal service overseas as well to shore up the Military. Those protestors at the G20 are a bit out of control when they destroy others property, some just got caught up in that mess. We canot have people that tear up others property. Could it be handled better...of course but do not blame the military for the actions of local and state police.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

You know I think I'm going to get a copy of the Constitution make copies and give them to everyone..People obviously need a reminder! I know people I talk to have no idea their rights are being violated and just think I am paranoid. Maybe a complete idiots guide would work....

Make sure you include Jury nullification link

.....When they believe justice requires it, jurors can refuse to apply the law. Jurors have the power to consider whether the law itself is wrong (including whether it is "unconstitutional"), or is being applied for political reasons. Is the defendant being singled out as "an example" in order to demonstrate government muscle? Were the defendant's constitutional rights violated during the arrest? Much of today's "crime wave" consists of victimless crimes--crimes against the state, or "political crimes", so if you feel that a verdict of guilty would give the government too much power, or help keep a bad law alive, just remember that you can refuse to apply any law that violates your conscience.

I also prefer to handout information instead of doing "protests" our chance of "WINNING" is best through voting third party and through making sure EVERYONE is aware of the right of a jury to CHANGE the law. the Supreme Court does NOT have the final say the JURY does

I hand out a card and ask people to google: (also vote third party and tell ten more people)

Confessions of an Economic Hitman
the creature from Jekyll Island
secrets of the federal reserve
History HACCP and the food safety Con Job
Fully informed Jury Assoc.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by soul of integrity

be not afraid, or
be knot a frayed
same thing to me!

doesn't anyone care to respond to my course of logis, aka denying ignorance?

any americans care to defend america?

if you want to prove how faulty the u.s.a.'s military is then take the shortest path of reasonning with facts and produce the least amount of words needed for the desired effect!!!!

look around you. people have enough problems.
let's get to the point.

here is what we can agree upon, perhaps.
meet me here, in this state of mind:

1) fear ends, friends.
2) it takes courage to cure rage.
3) acoms razor states: 'the simplest answer is usually the right answer'
meaning the least amount of words needed = right answer, usually.

meet me here accepting those 3 things, and see my perspective easier:

here we go. enjoy the ride. and, remember #1 = be not afraid

dear united states air force,
fear is a direct result of the instinct of self preservation.
fear invokes and impowers self preservation, aka self before service.
your first core value is integrity first. integrity = compliance with the facts.
your second core value is service before self.
remember your oath: "to defend against all enemies foriegn and domestic, an oath to god"
every action or behavior that you take against another soul that invokes their fear is reinforcing self before service.
and if you were in compliance with the facts, aka integrity first, you would would know you are suppose to be promoting service before self, not the opposite of it.

is that short enough? i just conquired the most powerful nation on earth's most powerful military branch in 110 words. have i given you compliance with akoms razor? me know stuff. me share.

could i have done it in less?
sure, take out the words i used that were their words!
their promise to me, and their first 2 core values.
defending america?
they don't know what they are doing.

so help you god?
ok, here i am.

me: 1, united states air force: O

am i god?
yes, i am.
just here, in the words.
just here, in this box on ats.

and i offer you my best perspectives and imagination on matters, and i see no purpose for holdig back. i hope you can appreciate the effort i provide to enternain you.

don't be afraid.
can you meet me here?


what is a human that is absent of fear?
not human, perhaps?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:53 PM
the posse comitatus act has been suspended per tours of duty within the borders of the USA. As we type soldiers are already patrolling and policing within the USA. sorry to burst the bubble.
Dept of Homeland Security reporting in.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by skeetontheconspiracy

It wasn't suspended. It doesn't apply to non-federalized National Guard.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:28 PM
I always thought government was made to express the interests of the people as a whole. But now the government is being run by money and power hungry tyrants, and little do people know it, but the power of the people has been steadily decreasing over the years.

Something big needs to happen, and fast!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by donutsonarope

Protecting public and private property isn't in the best interests of the citizens of Pittsburg?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by donutsonarope

Protecting public and private property isn't in the best interests of the citizens of Pittsburg?

Once again the assault of law enforcement agents against the people was intiated by law enforcement agents against peaceful crowds as attested to even by Brian Todd a CNN reporter who was tear gassed and subjected to a Sonic Cannon while reporting on the protest.

This endangered not only the people but the property of Pittsburgh through this premeditated disproportianate act of unconstitutional agression to citizens utilizing their right to assemble and protest.

You can't bear the truth can you friend.

You just can't help but advocate a love of slavery and a need for it?

You just can't help but claiming terrorizing peaceful citizens and communities is some how protecting them?

The motivation behind this really gives one pause and cause to wonder.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by grey580
Listen. I totally understand what you are saying. And I would normally agree with you in most situations.

However this summit is known to attract "Anarchists" that go, not to protest, to be as disruptive as possible. And they will use any means necessary to disrupt the meetings.

I can't condone the activity of these protesters. They are crossing the line when they start destroying property.

And it's the job of the police to keep them from doing that.

As an aside. If some hooligans were outside trying to burn down your garage and break your windows. You'd be well within your rights to shoot them to protect your property.

I don't see much of a difference here. These aren't peaceful protests.

Did you ever see cops dress up like protestors and instigate law breaking to give other cops a reason to attack real peaceful protestors, to gain support of the people in their reckless assualt on liberty?

[edit on 26-9-2009 by romanmel]

Yes but this remains unproven.

Instead of protesting the G20 summit, which is rather benign, people should be exploring 9-11 with all that extra legislation that immediately followed.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:58 PM
when i was eighteen years old, i had a dream about the last days of the planet. it was very indepth and in color. the last thing that happened in the dream was i was confronted by a powerful entity who had created an earth quake with sound. i was told to chastise its behavior and it blasted me with the weapon (which i couldn't see) out of anger -- et al, it was most likely targetting people from space via a building somewhere.

it was so excruiatingly painful, i was afraid my ear drums would burst. i clapped my hands over my ears but the sound continued to escalate. i called on the name of jesus and it turned into soft, beautiful music. then i woke up. not a good dream.

oddly enough, the entity was made entirely of cement and was apparently trying to save itself. it was standing in front of a huge temple looking building made from sand, and had just reached in and drew out the altar in the temple. i was told to prophesy to it and tell it that the previous earthquakes were caused by God in His attempt to cleanse the land of unrighteousness. the land apparently becomes corrupted when innocent blood is spilled on it, and the blood testifies against the person or persons who spilled it.

anyway.....weird that they are now using sound weapons.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by undo]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Is there proof of this? If so I'd like to see it.

However like I said before. I don't advocate violent protest. And if your coming to someones town to cause mayhem and disruption. Then you deserve what you have coming to you.

Now however. If you are a peaceful protester and your CLs are violated then that's another story.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:13 PM
I dont think these people we've seen in uniforms are USGI. Our men wouldnt do this. I have only one guess and i'm not one of the people who have been blasting this bunch.


They look american, talk american, act american. Strictly mercenaries. No home, no flag, no loyalties.

I know TOO many legit USGI people that WILL NOT do this stuff and have stated so!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by felonius

Have you ever seen PMCs in an operations area? Think some nice Oakley boots and shades, a 5.11 khaki tactical uniform, and a plate carrier. Most of them are former special ops from one branch or another, and they look the part. There's no sloppiness; brazeness, maybe, but with an underlying precision and professionalism. There was nothing of the sort in the video everyone's talking about. It's actually one of the most piss-poor executions of that technique I've ever seen; I could pick it apart, but not in this post.

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