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Originally posted by Getsmart
Regarding the Mind Control aspects of The Beatles, we can suspect that they were subjected at minimum to hypnotic suggestion, and possibly far worse. Also, the entire media frenzy and mass hysteria created around The Beatles was a form of Nazi Mind Control adapted to the 60's Rock Music Scene. Since Hitler, the world hadn't seen such a throng of support, and this time it was international.
The combination of physical and mental torture, electroshock and hallucinatory mind altering drugs were further perfected in CIA laboratories such as the one run by Donald Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal.
In the late fifties and early sixties it appears that the British were closely associated with the CIA's MK-Ultra Mind Control program, as can be noted in the person of William Sargant's experiments with deep sleep. [/quoe]
Hmmm... William Sargent Pepper, maybe?
Sargant also connected Pavlov’s findings to the mechanisms of brainwashing in religion and politics. Could this be what stimulated John Lennon's suggestion that maybe The Beatles might outlive Christianity?
John said:
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first—rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.
IMO, John recognized how religion is used to manipulate & control people. He said "t's them twisting it that ruins it for me." Also keep in mind how the Council of Nicea picked & chose which texts to include in the Christian canon. They chose the ones that suited their purpose & left out the ones that didn't. John probably also didn't like the hypocrisy that can sometimes be seen in organized religions - such as the rampant abuse of children in the Catholic Church. This is all JMO, but I can understand his attitude, & I think maybe that was what he was getting at.
We can acknowledge that the CIA and MI5/MI6 have made great strides in advancing such Nazi objectives, giving a great impetus to the Mass brainwashing of contemporary society. Associating drugging of populations through medicated water and bottled drinks, hormonal and mood affecting genetically modified food products, mind numbing propagandist edutainment and a constant barrage of mass media lies in the mainstream press, they have labored steadfastly to bring forth the Orwellian Big Brother paradigm so dear to the Nazis and their Illuminati overlords.
I definitely agree w/ that. I also agree that they were trying to use the Beatles as agents for change.
Originally posted by switching yard
1965... Paul is killed at 5:00 am in a car crash with a truck on a deserted road.
Finding a phone booth, he calls his gay nephew who knows Brian Epstein and has bragged that he has Brian's home phone number.
They get someone from the Paul look-alike contest held months earlier.
Originally posted by switching yard
I think the problem with all four being killed at the same time would have been filling the void with talent.
The bit about Epstein being gay has been common knowledge since back in the day. Every biography of the group says he was gay...
By the way, Loren mentions that the walrus is an Egyptian symbol of death. I hadn't heard that before.
It doesn't make the original Beatles any less wonderful or important, but it does humanize them all, like they were not gods
I have been toying with a bizarre idea in my head that perhaps parallel worlds were resonating with each other in a very weird form of synchronicity which (I know this sounds bizarre) meant that several different possibilities and plot lines were 'true' at the same time. I can't explain it any better right now.
The title is taken from an old Cockney expression, "as queer as a clockwork orange"¹, and alludes to the prevention of the main character's exercise of his free will through the use of a classical conditioning technique.
Originally posted by switching yard
Sir doesn't seem to give a hoot about the crisis killing vast tons of ocean life. Hmmm, I wonder if his whole animal loving thing has been a P.R. sham from the early 1970's to the present?