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PID - Motivations for the Murder of Paul McCartney

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:41 AM
Regarding the Mind Control aspects of The Beatles, we can suspect that they were subjected at minimum to hypnotic suggestion, and possibly far worse. Also, the entire media frenzy and mass hysteria created around The Beatles was a form of Nazi Mind Control adapted to the 60's Rock Music Scene. Since Hitler, the world hadn't seen such a throng of support, and this time it was international.

We know that the roots of the CIA's MK-Ultra Mind Control program are imported from Nazi Germany, with some witnesses even implicating concentration camp torturer doctor Josef Mengele as a CIA programmer/handler. The combination of physical and mental torture, electroshock and hallucinatory mind altering drugs were further perfected in CIA laboratories such as the one run by Donald Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal.

Donald Ewen Cameron

His work led to the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual published by the CIA for internal use in 1963.

KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation July 1963 - part 1 of 3

KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation July 1963 - part 2 of 3

KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation July 1963 - part 3 of 3

This manual was further perfected and modernized some 20 years later by the publication of the CIA's training manual for torture by its hybrid assassination squads Latin American countries to destabilize the continent and install dictatorships supportive of the CIA's covert international drug trade.

CIA Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual 1983 part 1 of 2

CIA Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual 1983 part 2 of 2

These are apparently fully integrated PsyOps methods used either on a case by case basis or more largely in Mass Mind Control operations through celebrity cults and cultural manipulation and leveraging for geostrategic purposes. It is noteworthy that they associated the same combined propaganda policy of the Nazis, that calling for both the most effective torture by duress and brainwashing of individuals along with an overall program of political and cultural manipulation of All Society by Mass Mind Control hypnotic suggestion.

In the late fifties and early sixties it appears that the British were closely associated with the CIA's MK-Ultra Mind Control program, as can be noted in the person of William Sargant's experiments with deep sleep. Not to be left behind his colleagues, Sargant connected Pavlov's findings to the ways people learned and internalized belief systems. Sargant also connected Pavlov’s findings to the mechanisms of brainwashing in religion and politics. Could this be what stimulated John Lennon's suggestion that maybe The Beatles might outlive Christianity?

William Sargant

We can acknowledge that the CIA and MI5/MI6 have made great strides in advancing such Nazi objectives, giving a great impetus to the Mass brainwashing of contemporary society. Associating drugging of populations through medicated water and bottled drinks, hormonal and mood affecting genetically modified food products, mind numbing propagandist edutainment and a constant barrage of mass media lies in the mainstream press, they have labored steadfastly to bring forth the Orwellian Big Brother paradigm so dear to the Nazis and their Illuminati overlords.


posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:48 AM
Beyond blowing the lid off of the assassination and replacement of The Beatles, beyond casting into the public light the perniciuos conspiracy to dumb down humanity with Mass Mind Control, the PID investigation also leads to who is operating such programs and how they have been coopted.

It is fully established historical fact that the Nazis used Occult initiations to condition and control their elite SS troups. These wore Skull & Bones insignia and were deeply involved in the "dark forces" at work through their operations. This was also imported to the USA thanks to the CIA and its Nazi infiltration of most of the American military bodies. Here is what a recent report about the current state of affairs in the US "kleptocracy" of banksters and how it is supported by intelligence agencies.

"Just how deep this culture of open-ended, unrestrained criminality has penetrated the American structures more generally, is confirmed, for instance, by reports of the free-wheeling operations of the Church of Satan inside the US military, which is said to be ignorant of, and indifferent to, the extreme dangers of the esoteric rituals and practices now prevalent in its ranks. One military wife has reported in detail on the satanic rituals her husband had to go through in order to secure advancement. In other words, he had to sell his soul to Satan if he wanted to continue his career."


We will note that this has been the case since WWII and possibly before, where it was a prerequisite to be a ranking Freemason, meaning one having attained a sufficient level of occult initiation, before being considered for membership in the CIA or other US Intelligence Agencies.

This brings again to the forefront that it is more than likely that The Beatles were probably also victims of Satanic Ritual Human Sacrifice by the same goons who handled their media promotion, organized their tours and wanted to use them to destroy Western Civilization as it used to be known. Where were they abducted and where were they murdered remains to be established, but the trail is leading to an Illuminati ritual assassination.


[edit on 25-5-2010 by Getsmart]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Regarding the Mind Control aspects of The Beatles, we can suspect that they were subjected at minimum to hypnotic suggestion, and possibly far worse. Also, the entire media frenzy and mass hysteria created around The Beatles was a form of Nazi Mind Control adapted to the 60's Rock Music Scene. Since Hitler, the world hadn't seen such a throng of support, and this time it was international.

It is interesting that it was called the "British Invasion." There is certainly a militaristic overtone of conquest.

As always, you bring great information, GS. IMO, the original Beatles were not controllable, however. I have read from a couple of different sources that about 15% of the population is immune to mind control. IMO, the Beatles fell into that category. If they had been controllable, there would have been no reason to replace them, IMO.

I think the people recognized the light & goodness that was in the original Beatles & connected with it. That was mainly why people responded to them the way they did. "They" can try to make any of their stooges big stars, but people just don't connect to them the same way. The only reason why people like the current Sir Paul is b/c they have transposed their positive feelings for the real Paul onto him. If they could see him for what he really is, they probably wouldn't like him at all. JMO

That being said, your information is still valid. "They" could have been trying to implement these programs & meeting resistance w/ the originals, necessitating the replacement(s).

The combination of physical and mental torture, electroshock and hallucinatory mind altering drugs were further perfected in CIA laboratories such as the one run by Donald Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal.

McGill - featured in "Rocky Racoon," a Faul song.

In the late fifties and early sixties it appears that the British were closely associated with the CIA's MK-Ultra Mind Control program, as can be noted in the person of William Sargant's experiments with deep sleep. [/quoe]
Hmmm... William Sargent Pepper, maybe?

Sargant also connected Pavlov’s findings to the mechanisms of brainwashing in religion and politics. Could this be what stimulated John Lennon's suggestion that maybe The Beatles might outlive Christianity?

John said:

Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first—rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.

IMO, John recognized how religion is used to manipulate & control people. He said "t's them twisting it that ruins it for me." Also keep in mind how the Council of Nicea picked & chose which texts to include in the Christian canon. They chose the ones that suited their purpose & left out the ones that didn't. John probably also didn't like the hypocrisy that can sometimes be seen in organized religions - such as the rampant abuse of children in the Catholic Church. This is all JMO, but I can understand his attitude, & I think maybe that was what he was getting at.

We can acknowledge that the CIA and MI5/MI6 have made great strides in advancing such Nazi objectives, giving a great impetus to the Mass brainwashing of contemporary society. Associating drugging of populations through medicated water and bottled drinks, hormonal and mood affecting genetically modified food products, mind numbing propagandist edutainment and a constant barrage of mass media lies in the mainstream press, they have labored steadfastly to bring forth the Orwellian Big Brother paradigm so dear to the Nazis and their Illuminati overlords.

I definitely agree w/ that. I also agree that they were trying to use the Beatles as agents for change.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:37 PM
The phrase "Lonely Hearts Club"... breaking that down, you can see that each of the four doubles were not naturally, socially homegrown friends with each other nor were they interested in the Originals' wives and girlfriends, so the doubles, each one, must have felt lonely. I can see that the clandestine bringing together of these strangers would indeed make them lonely hearts.

I'm going to begin posting some excerpts from A TWIST OF LENNON by Cynthia Lennon, using the Avon paperback edition published in 1980. Avon Books was a division of the Hearst Corporation, New York; (the original hardback edition was first published in 1978 by W.H. Allen).

page 96 Avon edition...

An untitled poem by Cynthia...

The truth for me does not agree
With other people using me
With a freedom that they think is free.
Checkmate will only find success
When pawns themselves don't fall from grace
When honesty comes face to face
With truth and not commodity.

To use another's soul for gain,
Misunderstanding all in vain,
For those who use another's brain,
To lift themselves with words profane.
Cynics born to eat the words,
Of men who falter not with swords.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by switching yard]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Sir's public relations machine spins him as "normal"...

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 11:40 PM
Just finished a book called THE BEATLES EXPERIENCE published by Rock n Roll Comics / Bluewater Comics and written by Todd Loren who was murdered in 1992, case unsolved.

In the back of the book, there are eleven pages of PID theory written by Todd Loren.

Here's the basic rundown of the theory...

1965... Paul is killed at 5:00 am in a car crash with a truck on a deserted road. The driver of the truck is O.K. and recognizes the victim: Paul. The driver panics and hides Paul's crumpled Aston-Martin by pushing it in a ditch behind some bushes. He drives his truck away from the scene, searching for a phone.

Finding a phone booth, he calls his gay nephew who knows Brian Epstein and has bragged that he has Brian's home phone number. The nephew gives the truck driver Brian's number. Brian is awakened, told what happened, and the driver gives him the location of the crash.

Brian calls Ron White, an executive with EMI. They both decide to keep the whole thing quiet. Brian and Ron go to the scene of the crash, see that it's real and that Paul is dead (decapitated), and Ron tells the truck driver "You disappear and forget this ever happened. I'll take care of the body and the car, and you'll never have to worry about having killed anyone. But if you breathe a word of this to anyone, you'll hang for it!"
The truck driver agrees and drives off.

Ron and Brian place the body parts in the trunk of Ron's car and presumably arrange a tow truck to later haul away Paul's wrecked car. Ron tells Brian that The Beatles have sold more than 180 million records and the group has to stay together and continue on making money. Ron insists on getting a replacement for Paul and fooling everyone.

They get someone from the Paul look-alike contest held months earlier. The guy agrees to be the double and play the role of Paul. EMI, along with John Lennon, teach the new guy how to play and sing like Paul. Other artists in the music business are "bribed" to write songs for the Beatles and sign a non-disclosure contract which turns the songs over to the group. The ones that sound most like Paul songs are recorded by the group which now includes New Paul.

Lennon decides 'the most dedicated fans deserve to know the truth' so he begins to insert clues into the album covers and songs. The first album to have clues was "Yesterday and Today." Lennon is the sole mastermind behind all the clues.

The fake Paul ends up brainwashing himself into believing he is the real Paul McCartney. It's a mental disorder. Lennon tries to get a confession out of fake Paul, but then EMI's Ron White begins persuading Lennon that there was no accident or replacement and that the whole thing was made up by Lennon during an '___' trip. Ron tells Lennon "Think carefully, John now, you know that this is the real Paul McCartney, you know Paul didn't die, don't you?" Lennon threatens to go public with the truth. Ron tells Lennon if he goes public he (Lennon) will be arrested and ruined for his role in the coverup. New Paul says to John, "Besides, no one will believe you anyway!" Lennon agrees to keep quiet.

Linda Eastman never knows she didn't marry the real Paul.

"The driver who started all this was never heard from again. In 1980, John was killed. In 1989, Ron White died and the only one left who really knows the truth about Paul... is "Paul" and he's not telling."


I can't say I believe the above theory, but I wanted to post it.

Anyone collecting data on PID, should purchase this book. There are many more details. I just kind of summed it up. The entire book is a treat to read.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Thanks for passing this info on, SY.

Originally posted by switching yard
1965... Paul is killed at 5:00 am in a car crash with a truck on a deserted road.

1965 is the earliest I've ever seen anyone claim Paul was killed/replaced. I personally believe it was Paul at least until Aug. 19, 1966, & I'm pretty well convinced it was Paul in Seattle on Aug. 25, 1966.

I also believe the car crash story is disinfo meant to throw us off the real culprits' trail. One of the problems w/ the car crash story is the speed with which they had the double ready to deploy. JMO

Finding a phone booth, he calls his gay nephew who knows Brian Epstein and has bragged that he has Brian's home phone number.

Has it been established that Brian was gay? I've seen people question that in the past... Since this is concerning a "gay nephew," Brian's gayness or not-gayness might be relevant... Not that I'm going to spend any time researching this aspect, lol.

They get someone from the Paul look-alike contest held months earlier.

I would not be surprised at all if this "contest" had been a cover for finding Paul doubles. Keith Allison might have been the "winner," but someone else was tapped to become Paul. JMO

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Yeah, I agree with you, someotherguy.

I think you've pretty well nailed the timeframe for the switch. Todd Loren was alluding to the cover of "Yesterday and Today" in which Paul was in a big trunk and if you turn the cover sideways, he's in a sort of coffin. That's what made Loren think that the switch was 1965, not a year later as you have nailed it. But I think you have the switch dates down to just a few days in 1966. I think, as you do, that it was the real Paul in Memphis, 1966.

The reason I think the Todd Loren PID theory is worth looking at is that I think he may have gotten a few things right. For example, this guy Ron with EMI. If he was really in on the deceit, then that may explain why both Ron and Todd Loren are no longer among the living.

Loren's theory also places John Lennon at the center of the clue making. I'm willing to entertain that thought, but if that were true, I think he had help. Namely, Tavistock.
I've been wondering about something that I think could go either way. I have no doubt that doubles were used in public appearances. So, I think that either all four Beatles were killed and replaced at about the same time or the alternative which would be that the real Beatles survived Paul's death but used doubles for all or most public appearances. I think it's possible that after Paul's death, the others said "That's it then, no more public appearances, period." So, all the films and photos post-1966 were of the doubles appearing with fake Paul, but the three real Beatles stayed behind the scenes. Like I said, I think it could have been either scenario.

I think the problem with all four being killed at the same time would have been filling the void with talent. I can see how if John and George remained alive, they could have carried on with the talented songwriting behind the scenes. I do think that Loren might have been accurate about EMI secretly getting other artists to write for "Paul" on condition they would never admit it. Or, I think Lennon, if he remained alive, could have wriiten all the post-66 songs with George and used leftover scraps of songs that real Paul had in notebooks or tapes.

The bit about Epstein being gay has been common knowledge since back in the day. Every biography of the group says he was gay, which, as you say, would be irrelevant except that he very well may have had gay intimates who he spilled the beans to about what was really going on. I think that may have been exactly why Brian was taken out.

Loren's assertion that EMI was the main culprit sounds believable once you think of them as having been infiltrated by British Intelligence and therefore, Tavistock working hand in glove.

By the way, Loren mentions that the walrus is an Egyptian symbol of death. I hadn't heard that before.

Loren prefaces his eleven pages (at the very end of a long comic book which details the entire history of the group which is all done in true facts) with saying that his theory is true in a parallel world. What's a little weird about that is that Loren was killed in 1992 and I'm not sure that the parallel worlds theory of physics was common knowledge back then.

Anyway, I recommend the book. It's extremely fascinating for PID researchers or anyone interested in the history of the group. Here's what I liked about it... nobody in the book, whether a Beatle or an inner circle type, is idolized. Loren gives you the nitty gritty, which is... they all had a few glaring character flaws. It doesn't make the original Beatles any less wonderful or important, but it does humanize them all, like they were not gods and no one else around them was, either.

Having said that, I do agree with someotherguy that there was a spiritual element. It was like some kind of cosmic synchronicity.

I have been toying with a bizarre idea in my head that perhaps parallel worlds were resonating with each other in a very weird form of synchronicity which (I know this sounds bizarre) meant that several different possibilities and plot lines were 'true' at the same time. I can't explain it any better right now. It's like two equations that are different but both are true. Huh? Yeah, I know.

[edit on 31-5-2010 by switching yard]

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
I think the problem with all four being killed at the same time would have been filling the void with talent.

I don't really see the "talent void" as a problem. Paul, John, & George could have left behind songs, song ideas, even laid down tracks that got used. Maybe the band "broke up" when they ran out of good material? Alternatively, songs could have been written for "the Beatles" & credited to them.

The bit about Epstein being gay has been common knowledge since back in the day. Every biography of the group says he was gay...

Yes, well, I know that's what they say, but I've come to the point where I don't hardly take anything at face value.

By the way, Loren mentions that the walrus is an Egyptian symbol of death. I hadn't heard that before.

I think Fred LaBour said the Walrus was a Viking symbol of death in his Oct. 1969 PID article. I think that's been proven false. I'm pretty sure it's false that the walrus is "an Egyptian symbol of death." How many walruses were in Egypt? Besides, Anubis, the Jackal God, was the God of the afterlife. Wouldn't "the jackal was Paul" have made more sense? I think you were closer to the truth when you figured out that Walrus is Sir Law backward, & Sir Law was Gen. Montgomery - someone who used a double to great effect. JMO

It doesn't make the original Beatles any less wonderful or important, but it does humanize them all, like they were not gods

Well, that's his opinion, lol.

I have been toying with a bizarre idea in my head that perhaps parallel worlds were resonating with each other in a very weird form of synchronicity which (I know this sounds bizarre) meant that several different possibilities and plot lines were 'true' at the same time. I can't explain it any better right now.

How about different dimensions coming into play?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Yeah, fair enough on your points.

The thing about different dimensions and parallel worlds. I've done some serious reading (Michio Kaku, Lisa Randall) about the parallel worlds aspect of string theory and brane theory. The physicists say that there are near infinity amount of parallel worlds (some occupying the same space we're in, but we can't see them --- like another frequency we can't detect) and these parallel worlds are constantly being created every moment a decision is made or a choice made.

A simple example would be: you are sitting opposite another person at a card table. The person shuffles a deck of cards and says pick one. At the moment you pick a card, 52 parallel worlds are created, one for each card. Then there are many zillions of other worlds also created for variations on that. Like, in one world, the person unexpectedly tosses the deck in the air. Then you have worlds created for the tossed cards falling in different places on the floor, etc. Anyway, the point of it is that there is a new world created for each possibility.

The leading physicists who champion this theory of parallel worlds say that we are stuck in our world and cannot perceive the infinite number of parallel worlds constantly being generated. They say we cannot detect any other world.

I think they're wrong about the mechanics of it. I think that they are thinking like we live, let's say in a groove on a vinyl record and there are a stack of records but we are stuck in this one groove for our lifetime. But I think it's more like instead of a spiral groove, like on a record, there are grooves (realities) that are not connected in a spiral but are separate concentric circles. Now, imagine the record player needle scratching across these grooves. It travels across them due to free will, chance and synchronicity.

So, if you follow me, every time we make a decision or choice, we skip to a different, parallel world and we're skipping through them all the time. If I decide to go to bed early, I'll suddenly skip into that world, that reality. But if I decide to go to a bar and have a few drinks, then I jump into that reality. There is still a reality or world out there of me lying in bed snoring, but I am now in the world of drinking and talking to a bartender. So, the string theorists say we're trapped in the one world of our lifetime, but I say wrong, we're constantly going from world to world and leaving other worlds, realities, timelines behind as we traverse the infinite possibilities.

Once a beautiful girl I was dating broke up with me and I had this very strange feeling "Oh no, I wanted to stay in that reality I was enjoying so much before she dumped me, the reality in which she never dumped me!" It's kind of like finding yourself in a new reality you didn't want, but there you are.

What if it's possible that the world or reality jumping could be manipulated or with enough mass consciousness involved it gets mangled in some way. This is the part I'm still trying to understand. Put it this way, The Beatles were four young guys who had phenomenal world mass consciousness involved in their realities, which was this massive power of fan hysteria. Could the realities of what happened to them have been warped or bent or somehow opened a strange door of resonating parallel worlds?


Now, back down to earth. The other much less exotic thing I've thought about is the following...

I spent many years studying the JFK hit in exhausting detail. I came to the conclusion that one of the possibilities of the JFK hit was that all of the key players that were in the media (Ruby, Oswald, Marina, Marguerite, Ferrie, Shaw, the Paynes, etc, etc) were all CIA actors. Actors! The whole thing was like a movie played out according to a script.

I have been thinking that this Beatles death thing could have had lots of spy agency actors playing roles. The original Beatles were real, but a lot of the entourage could have been actors... George Martin, for example. The car crash could have very well happened...if it was staged.

I would really like to know how Todd Loren got his information because a lot of it sounds like insider info.


I believe we are missing a very big piece of this puzzle. That's why I remain so interested in this.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by switching yard]

[edit on 1-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Sir admits he doesn't know his own songs unless he "learns" them...

He said he wrote "something like 300 songs with John" but I think that's quite an exaggeration. Says he couldn't possibly remember them all, so he doesn't do requests.
Very funny he chose the party song example "Baby Face"... LOL!


Watched a DVD I got from Netflix called "The Beatles: She Loves You," which is one of those unauthorized compilations of interview clips and raw news footage from the Beatlemania days on into the later period. Check it out! You can plainly see that Paul's face and mannerisms changed after 1966. It's pretty obvious in this DVD. Another bit of intrigue is when a reporter asks The Beatles "Why are they giving you the MBE?" and the look on their faces seems to be that they have something to hide. Ringo and George immediately say "We don't know!"... "Haven't got a clue why." But on their faces you see stress like you know, in a lie detector test the needle would swing off the chart!

[edit on 2-6-2010 by switching yard]

[edit on 2-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 09:01 AM
More from Cynthia's book A TWIST OF LENNON...

page 131

"Brian found himself in all kinds of weird and wonderful relationships, his parties gained in momentum and madness."

"Brian was no match for the devious, plausible companions who wangled their way into his generous existence."

page 134

"I fought to keep the wolves and jackals from the doors of our life."

page 141

"Four talented, enthusiastic trend-setters were an obvious target for the underground drug activists."

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:55 PM
Have you looked at this? Todd Loren

[edit on 5-6-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:00 PM
Man, thanks for the link! You rock! Dude, I want to buy all that groovy stuff!

I highly recommend Todd Loren's biography of the Beatles and his 11-page PID theory fully illustrated at the back of the book. It holds your attention, you don't want it to end, and boom, the last eleven pages are this trippy, eerie episode of Paul's dead and here's the coverup explained.

Like I have already discussed a few posts back, I don't necessarily buy into some of it. For example, I believe someotherguy is right on with the date window in 1966. The car crash? I think only if one had been staged as a fall back position of some sort. I must say, I think he was murdered, not killed in a car wreck when a slow lorry crossed and there was nowhere to go, oh that magic feeling, nowhere to go.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:18 AM
more from Cynthia Lennon's first book...

page 140

"I bought a clockwork bird in a gilded cage which I wrapped up carefully, just leaving the winding mechanism at the base exposed. Before handing it to John, I wound it up. The imitation bird warbled loud and clear from its perch as John unwrapped the strange looking gift with an expression of sheer disbelief on his face. Birds were not his favorite pets."

(italics by me for emphasis)


One gets the feeling while reading Cynthia's first book that she is sometimes speaking in code with thinly veiled references because she is afraid for her life if she revealed openly what was troubling her. The little story above seems like a harmless anecdote until you think about --- why would she put that in the book and what was her point?

These phrases and words can mean something significant to PID researchers...

"bird in a gilded cage"

"wrapped up carefully"


"imitation bird warbled"

"from its perch"

"strange looking"

"expression of sheer disbelief"

"his face"

"not his favorite pets"


You see, we have to read between the lines to glimpse the desperate message, Cyn was trying to preserve her code words and phrases for future generations who might read this stuff and understand the significance. I believe other Beatles bio books contain code and veiled references to a sinister truth. PID researchers like myself are continuing efforts to smoke these codes out into the open instead of leaving them in their burrows, eternally hidden. The word "exposed" is pretty significant.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 02:23 PM
I agree that it seems like a coded message. I kind of think "Blackbird" is about Paul - a black-haired singer. I don't know, but the song always makes me want to cry.

Anyway, back to the story, why would she give him a bird like that if he didn't really like birds?

Clockwork makes me think of "A Clockwork Orange."

The title is taken from an old Cockney expression, "as queer as a clockwork orange"¹, and alludes to the prevention of the main character's exercise of his free will through the use of a classical conditioning technique.

Why would someone phrase it as an "imitation" bird? Seems like a strange way of putting it, unless there's a reason.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:02 PM
"imitation bird warbling"

Who the (expletive deleted) talks like that, anyway? It's either code or an overproduced ghostwriting job by an intelligence agency.

To me it sounds like British secret code during WWII or even like Nazi code gotten by the Enigma machine.

To say the least, many phrases in the book are perplexing. The first time I read this book (A TWIST OF LENNON), I didn't catch anything suspicious. It's only the second time I read it and began to analyze it through the 'PID lens' so to speak that I picked up on weird words and phrases in there.

I think the book tells a real inside story of Lennon, but what Cynthia has done, I believe, was to edit out the bits that are top secret while embellishing the story with code-phrase-anecdotes. These brief add-ons are fiction but serve as vehicles for code.

The phrase "bird in a gilded cage"... there was a song written in 1900 by Arthur J. Lamb and here is an excerpt from the lyrics...

"I stood in a churchyard just at eve,
When sunset adorned the west;
And looked at the people who'd come to grieve
For loved ones now laid at rest."

Here's the wiki on Lamb...


Hmmmm. Very interesting.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:06 PM
"Sir" is supposed to be so caring about wildlife, but that seems to be a lower priority than partying at the White House and touring.

I don't live near the Gulf, but at least I am definitely not in a party mood while millions of sea creatures are dying and the blowout is still gushing (don't believe the controlled media who are now trying to spin that BP has a handle on it.) Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of people living on the Gulf who are losing everything!

Sir doesn't seem to give a hoot about the crisis killing vast tons of ocean life. Hmmm, I wonder if his whole animal loving thing has been a P.R. sham from the early 1970's to the present? Wouldn't surprise me.

If the current administration were decent, there would not be any parties at the White House because it would be in crisis control, not fooling around in black tie and tails.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by switching yard]

[edit on 8-6-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
Sir doesn't seem to give a hoot about the crisis killing vast tons of ocean life. Hmmm, I wonder if his whole animal loving thing has been a P.R. sham from the early 1970's to the present?

IMO, Sir Faul McCartney is a dark soul. I think he pretends to care about animal issues to trick people into thinking he is a good person. It's like how the Illuminati pretend to be philanthropists openly, while they are conducting Satanic rituals privately. JMO

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Sir Faul claims he joined the Beatles at the same time George Harrison did at 3:14:

However, according to official Beatles' history, Paul joined the [I]Quarrymen[/I] 6 months earlier than George did:

[QUOTE]20 July 1957. Pete Shotton ...happened upon Paul McCartney on his bicycle in Woolton, stopped him and said that Lennon wanted to invite Paul to play with The Quarry Men.
Paul, of course, agreed and was right to do so. After all, we all know what happened next. The greatest performance and composing duo in the world - Lennon-McCartney - was born on 7 August 1957 at the Cavern Jazz Club, Matthew Street, Liverpool!...

January - March 1958, Liverpool. The Quarry Men continue their performances... Incidentally, on 6 February at Wilson Hall, George Harrison, a fanatical guitarist and close friend of Paul McCartney, meets The Quarry Men for the first time. It is here, after a short and very good-natured and friendly session playing the guitar with the group - as every one recalls it - George is accepted into the group. The Quarry Men now include John, Paul, George, Len Garry, Eric Griffiths and the pianist John Lowe, nicknamed "Duff", who played with them occasionally...

Source: Beatles stages 1957 / 1958[/QUOTE]

I think Faul is forgetting details of his "legend."

More Funny Faul Flubs

On the other hand, it is possible that Faul & Feorged did join the Beatles at the same time...

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