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PID - Motivations for the Murder of Paul McCartney

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posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Regarding the Conspiracy to Assassinate James Paul McCartney and replace him with a phony double impersonator better known as 'Faul' we cannot deny any longer the complicity of the Tavistock Institute under British Intelligence supervision nor of the CIA's complicity in his murder and lengthy cover up operation.

Hear, hear. But they were just tools of the Illuminati, who ultimately directed them to do it.

There are distinct connections between Illuminati Elite Satanic Cults and the historical presence among us on Earth of an unearthly presence trying to control the Earth and possess our souls. This objective is unfolding before our very eyes in most arenas of public life and social convergence through the news media, cultural events and political strivings.

The Fox show called "Fringe" is about this. TPTB put it right out there - how "shape-shifters" from another universe are coming in to this one & even sending in their version of organic robotoids/clones as a first wave of invasion. This is exactly what we talked about on one of the clone threads. But I think the point isn't to possess the souls, but to push the souls out (or destroy them) & take over the bodies (as in possession).

I'm pretty convinced that Faul is part of the dark agenda, or has at least been used to further it. Paul, imo, was a light-being who pushed back against the dark forces. If he had gone along w/ them, there would have been no need to replace him.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy
TPTB put it right out there - how "shape-shifters" from another universe are coming in to this one & even sending in their version of organic robotoids/clones as a first wave of invasion. This is exactly what we talked about on one of the clone threads. But I think the point isn't to possess the souls, but to push the souls out (or destroy them) & take over the bodies (as in possession).

I'm pretty convinced that Faul is part of the dark agenda, or has at least been used to further it. Paul, imo, was a light-being who pushed back against the dark forces. If he had gone along w/ them, there would have been no need to replace him.

Thanks Someotherguy for your always relevant and useful contributions.

They are definitely an "advance" first wave invasion force, or they wouldn't be pussyfooting around as they have. Armies of various nations are all confronted with the fact that they know that much of the political class which gives them orders and which has been presumably legally elected are not humans, either being clones, synthetic robotoids or worse yet, aliens themselves like Herman van Rompuy who now heads the European Union giving instant direct control over that continent to Alien invaders.

They have become brazen, taking the reigns directly for a number of reasons such as:

- they Earth colonization through the New World Order is on the verge of completion

- clones can have their programming tampered with and their allegiances impacted

- robotoids are subject to embarrassing dysfunctions which compromise control

- spooks and masonic accomplices are starting to realize their number will be up as soon as our goose is cooked

- exposure is increasing on the Internet and public opinion is less and less easily deceived by mass media and news manipulation

- the 'arrival' of reinforcements is forthcoming and they are directly holding the fort

No security task force or secret service team will be able to protect them from the mob of awakened humans defending the humanity of our Earth.

Their enemies number in the billions. From Paul McCartney fans angered at the murder of their esteemed idol, to patriotic citizens incensed at the replacement of their political representatives by mind controlled clones or robotoids, to regular Joe's tired of being fed gobbledygook by retarded media mavens, mothers outraged at their children being abducted, raped and assassinated in satanic rituals, parents alarmed at family values being trashed and perverted by social engineering schemes, soldiers repulsed at being ordered to kill the innocent and defend the culprits, intellectuals dismayed at the onslaught on Earth's many cultures, doctors rebelling against the systematic poisoning of populations, teachers disgusted by the institutional brainwashing of innocent minds, managers fed up with the organized corruption of business affairs, employees distraught at the worsening psychological abuse in the workplace, to entires societies appalled by the concerted lies of the political class.

We must take down their accomplices in droves, by first verifying their culpability and then ensuring that they are publicly exposed for their crimes. Today some authorities with Interpol have started engaging in a battle against a small subgroup of Banksters in the Texas, Washington, New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris and other locations. Some of them have been or are being snuffed out, others arrested on serious criminal charges, others forced to collaborate in investigations and prosecutions. But this is just a drop in the bucket, tangling with a single arm of the extensive octopus. Those forces still loyal must persevere and go far far beyond just the financial web of corruption financing the NWO movement. The Alien globalist agenda must be opposed by all humans, failure to do so will forsake humans having an Earthly agenda in the future.

Paul Is Dead. We know who killed him. It was the Illuminati accomplices of these Alien occupants. Their Secret Service henchmen, for there is no other world capable of better describing them, did the dirty work of delivering James Paul McCartney to one of their Satanic worship sites for his ritual assassination in no doubt unspeakable circumstances. These are not humans. They are Aliens, hybrids, mind controlled clones, and heartless henchmen who have sold their souls to such evil Devils as these Aliens can only be describes as incarnating. It will be equally messy, but their time will come.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:07 PM
Thank you, Getsmart, for your excellent research & insight.

Paul Is Dead. We know who killed him. It was the Illuminati accomplices of these Alien occupants.

This is pretty much where the PID trail leads, imo. I certainly did not expect it when I first started researching Paul's replacement in Aug. of 2008, but there it is. So, now what to do about it...

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Uncle Benny

Originally posted by Dakudo

It's disinfo.
However, when the foreheads can actually be seen, there is no "obvious" difference whatsoever.

I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago.

You - who can't even tell the difference between left and right - stopped taking me seriously?

Ok, an idiot with left/right confusion stopped taking me seriously....

Er..... I think I can live with that....

Your opinions show you up for what you are, an internet shill/disinfo poster.

I wasn't giving "opinions" - I was quoting FACTS.

Disprove them.

C'mon Mr All Mouth And No Trousers. Disprove them!

For example, DISPROVE my claim that there is no "obvious difference" in the size of Paul's and 'Faul's' foreheads:


If it's the "disinfo" which you claim it is - DISPROVE it!

Back up your weasle words with some evidence.

I've challenged you on Macca Funhouse before. I challenged you to explain why the "false ear" you claim is in this video screencap....

...'disappeared' a second later:

Guess what? No answer.

You ran away like a coward with your tail between your legs.

You like dishing out insults and "disinfo" allegations but whenever you are challenged to back up your PID claims you fail every time.

...... All mouth and no trousers.

Socrates (deactivated) D.I forum

No. Let me correct you - again.


Er, just like...

And - your point therefore is?

Lightman (now reactivated) D.I forum

Any evidence it was 'deactivated'? No. Just another claim of yours with not the slightest shred of evidence to back it up.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

In other words, you're a liar.

Redman D.I forum

Krakhead D.I forum

Again - where's your evidence I'm those people? All you're really demonstrating with these crazy claims is your paranoia.

Remember when you also crazily claimed I was Fireman too?

But then you got all confused with your ridiculous claims and contradicted yourself:


The above are just some of your aliases.

Lets not forget your "PaulMcCartney is alive" you tube channel

Your point being?

Is it some sort of crime to have different usernames?

Usernames such as Ramram, Orbandsceptre, Shankly, Uncle Benny which YOU use?

I may use different names on different sites - I don't know anyone who keeps the same name on every site they visit - BUT I DON'T USE TWO OR MORE DIFFERENT USERNAMES ON THE SAME FORUM AS A DEBUNKER.

You know very well that Faulconandsnowjob has used "TWO OR MORE DIFFERENT USERNAMES ON THE SAME FORUM" in order to 'DEBUNK' PIA.

Faulconandsnowjob and hermajesty on Icke.

Faulconandsnowjob and Plasticmacca on PID Miss Him.

Hmmmm... Don't see you attacking her for doing it.

Why not?

I don't see anything wrong with it. But you obviously do.

So, again - what point are you trying (very badly) to make?

What's this obsession you seem to have of constantly infering that people using different usernames are commiting some dastardly internet crime?

Really - WTF?

I haven't posted on ATS in two weeks and I won't be back here again for some time... but you and your cronies ARE ON HERE LIKE BEES TO HONEY ASAP.

Wrong again. We haven't posted here for weeks.

So..... I don't take your opinions seriously dakudo/Socrates/Lightman

Coming from someone who can't even tell his left from his right, I'll take that as a compliment Ramram/Shankly/Orbandsceptre/Uncle Benny.

TheBug/Edmond Dante - you've been at it how long now.... At least six years isn't it?

TheGorn and the rest, all shills with a shill forum. The longer that place can be kept open the better. Lets have a look again at this "open-minded" MFH forum, and dakudos signature and avatar in particular -

^ I call this intimidation/bullying... You either don't have the brains or the balls to take it down lol!

My, you are so full of anger and frustration, aren't you? So full of negativity paranoia and hate.

It clearly angers you a great deal that there is another website that debunks the moronic claims PIDDers make on PID Miss Him.

The very same website that continually insults, mocks, derides and insults Paul McCartney.

"I call this intimidation/bullying".

Boy, you are such a darn hypocrite.

Seriously, give your head a wobble.

It might shake some sense into it.

Faulcon is a diligent truthseeker

Let's examine some of these 'truths' she propounds, then, eh?

"Truthseeker", huh?

Faulcon is a diligent truthseeker

You call posting homophobic slurs "diligent" 'truthseeking'?

Faulcon is a diligent truthseeker who is uncompromising in her search, fair play to her and others for digging in and presenting their information.

Yeah - "fair play" for presenting proven lies, homophobic slurs, untruths and ridiculous nonsense.

I'm not sure who is more ridiculous. Faulconandsnowjob for claiming all this insulting, delusional, moronic baloney or you for gullibly agreeing and going along with it.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by Dakudo]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I've been off this thread recently, doing research.

I would like to say that I have to agree with the recent posts of Getsmart and furthermore, they are brilliant posts that sum up succinctly what I have been thinking for some time now. There does seem to be a war going on between an alien presence coupled with the very evil Luciferian Illuminati against the former status quo of human civilization which in many respects was and is good hearted and well intentioned.

Some years ago, I had a classic UFO abduction experience. These beings have been gathering massive amounts of human genetic material from many, many abducted humans for what seems to be the diabolical introduction of hybrids onto Earth. Chemtrails have been described by an anonymous insider as " a secret program to terraform Earth." Are they readying Earth for a mass invasion of hybrids? I wonder.

The unprecedented global financial crisis that was revealed in November 2008 spurred an emergency appropriation of almost a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money. The way I interpreted the so-called "crisis" was that TPTB needed and probably still need a vast infusion of money for what? A deep black ops project, in my estimation. Do you really think the major banks needed all that money on an emergency basis? No, it was just a cover story for the acquisition of nearly a trillion dollars for some project they deem absolutely necessary but one they have not revealed to the public.

A battle for our souls and our planet? Yes, I think that is happening.

The more I see on this Paul McCartney was murdered in 1966 concept, the more I am convinced that faulconandsnowjob, someotherguy, and Getsmart are exactly correct in their findings.

I'm not yet willing to say I agree that all the Beatles were murdered and permanently replaced. Where I am on the subject is that Original Paul was murdered and replaced by a permanent double who became part of the band and is the "Sir Paul" of today, and furthermore a cover band or "tribute" band (if you will) made up of all doubles played Candlestick Park (I don't think any of the Original Beatles played Candlestick Park), and furthermore I think that after brainwashing by Tavistock, Original John, Original George, and Original Ringo were joined by Faul in strictly closed sessions for the making of the album Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and all other subsequent albums.

I am open to the idea that doubles were used for all four Beatles on a case by case basis for public appearances but the music was created by Original John, Original George, Original Ringo, Faul, and significant help from George Martin (an MI-5 plant), and others including the likes of Eric Clapton, Leon Russell, and so forth. I strongly suspect there is some connection with Emit Rhodes, whose music is so incredibly McCartneyesque that I must suspect there is something more than coincidence there.

All this New World Order thing comes up out of an underground Utopia movement which in England dates back to Sir Francis Bacon, who was the ghostwriter of the Shakespeare works and highly involved in the creation of the King James Bible. Bacon hid a coded message in the Shakespeare works about the truth of his life (he was the bastard son of Queen Elizabeth I and cheated out of being the rightful heir to the throne). Bacon's hiding of a coded message or encrypted message is a precedent for the Beatles' organization hiding clues of Paul's death in and on their albums. Sir Francis Bacon was a utopian, as were H.G. Wells, Aldous & Julian Huxley, and not least... John Lennon.

The Original Beatles had noble and good ideals for elevating popular music and world consciousness to a higher level. They were latched onto and attacked and taken over by evil forces (Illuminati, extraterrestrial aliens and/or inter-dimensional aliens, and the accompanying dark side of the UK and USA intelligence services --- deep black ops).

Several people who could have broken this story wide open in public have been rubbed out... Brian Epstein, Mal Evans, John Lennon, George Harrison, and there may have been others rubbed out because they had inside knowledge of Paul's replacement... I'm thinking of Brian Jones, Mama Cass, Jimi Hendrix, well, you see, one has to re-evaluate many of the rock icon deaths based on the suspicion that some of them "knew too much."

No one can argue the fact that The Beatles were the most powerful act in the history of show business, bar none. Keeping this in mind, it is easy to imagine why TPTB wanted to take them over and use them for the Illuminati's nefarious goals. A few more facts that no one can argue... intelligence agencies specialize in myriad deceptions including covert assassination, the use of doubles, the use of disguises, the faking of any and all documents, etc.

What will it take for this PID story to break big in the public eye... someone like Heather Mills or Cynthia Lennon will have to break their silence, hold a press conference, tell what they know and suspect and by doing so break this story wide open. Currently, Faul is protected by the British Royal Family, UK Intelligence, CIA and other powerful forces. Some surprise announcement from an insider willing to risk his or her life to get the truth out could blindside the Illuminati, but short of that there doesn't seem to be a way to get this topic up to the general public's top of mind. Since the mass media is completely controlled by intelligence agencies, the whistleblower would have to get on a show like Larry King under the presumption of an innocent chat about fun memories with the Beatles and then just blurt out on live TV that Paul was murdered and replaced. The insider who would do this would be a very brave person.

I will say one more thing for now, all PID researchers must keep digging and keep looking for circumstantial evidence. I believe there is still a mountain of circumstantial evidence to uncover and if someone has the luck of deciphering the cryptology used in the PID "clues" we may even come up with an irrefutable smoking gun that was put in place by Lennon, Harrison and friends or someone in the inner circle who had influence over the planting of clues who encrypted a truth message in hopes that someday someone would crack the code and get to the truth. This is precisely what Francis Bacon did to create a sort of time capsule of truth hidden, embedded in the Shakespeare works.

Lennon sang on the white album "here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul" about two years before the famous Paul Is Dead story hit the mass media. So, what was John Lennon trying to tell us with that lyric? Well, he tells us straight out that clues have been planted. He tells us that the clues pertain to Paul. There is the code word "walrus" and the theme of identity switching to do with the walrus symbol... first he sings "I am the walrus" and then later he sings "the walrus was Paul" so obviously he is trying to imply that there is some mysterious identity problem going on within the group.

All I can say is keep digging. We've been making incredible progress during the past few months getting theories published on ATS to ponder and test with each other. We may soon come up with a detailed theory that solves many mysteries in this case.

The importance of this case is emphasized by the presence of professional debunkers. When those folk fight hard to get the topic suppressed, you know that it is real and it is something very powerful people want to keep secret.

Onward with diligent research. Getsmart, faulcon, and someotherguy are hot on the trail of the truth and I sincerely hope they keep this thread alive and keep posting their extremely insightful comments. Getsmart, in his last few posts, has hit the nail squarely on the head. Humans are under attack. Deception is rampant. We must fight back to expose the truth and help save humanity from diabolical forces.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:55 PM
The Illuminati just celebrated the opening of their new Tower of Babel in Dubai...

Is this their new headquarters? Just a hunch.

I'm reviewing all the Beatles Anthology videos looking for anomalies. Quite interesting. One gasps at the power The Beatles wielded before and after being taken over by sinister forces.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by switching yard

I'm reviewing all the Beatles Anthology videos looking for anomalies. Quite interesting. One gasps at the power The Beatles wielded before and after being taken over by sinister forces.

Not hard to see how that power could have been exploited, which the original Beatles seemed to have taken care to avoid. I'm reminded of the 1965 interview w/ Paul in which he said he/they wouldn't encourage people not to drink b/c it wasn't their place.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
faulcon, and someotherguy are hot on the trail of the truth

How ironic that you think faulcon and someotherguy (they're the same person!) are different people!

Just like you think Paul and 'Faul' are different people.

Hmmmm..... There's a lesson to be learned there....


Comp showing how a change of hairstyle fools the gullible:

[edit on 5-1-2010 by Dakudo]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Dakudo
Just like you think Paul and 'Faul' are different people.

Paul McCartney was replaced by a double - so that would make them different people. :bash:

This thread is for people who believe Paul McCartney was replaced.

Hmmmm..... There's a lesson to be learned there....

[edit on 5-1-2010 by Dakudo]

Yes, shills like you will sit on threads as long as it takes putting together dud comps and misleading videos to show that there was no replacement.


Fellow ATSers,

Give the disruption of another ATS thread regarding whether Paul Is Dead (PID) this thread is intended to debate NOT, I repeat NOT whether he in dead and replaced by a double nicknamed 'FAUL' and who may or may not be Billy Sheppard.

This thread is ONLY FOR CONVINCED PIDers who by cross-checking evidence, through testimonials or musicology, or even by virtue of their own reliable deep seated intuition, realize that the person posing as Sir Paul McCartney is an impostor...
by Getsmart who started this thread and knows, like the rest of us, that McCartney was permanently replaced.

In fact you were so desperate, you and your cronies (edmond dante/the bug/formosan termite) went and created another PID/PIA thread in this section - A BIG FAT THANK YOU FOR THAT HAHA!

Just like the scum rises to the top (PIA disinformation drones), so does the cream, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it when the truth is there for all to see.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Uncle Benny]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Uncle Benny,

Once again you have spoken well, and fairly.

Thank you GS, and kudos for starting a thread which highlights that there has indeed been a double/replacement of McCartney.

Disinfo shill and mocking attackers were DISINVITED from posting in this thread in the very first post.

Their presence here is only a testimonial to their dishonor, and to the inability of ATS Moderators to allow the peaceful pursuit of conspiracy investigations.

They're doing a job to dissuade others from looking into this whole scene. People like this have no trace of moral fabric/humanity when they can begin a thread named "PIA - Motivations for defending the honour of Paul McCartney," and know in their hearts that they're spreading lies (and they do know). Fear is a disease and it eats away at people like these.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 03:27 AM
This picture Dakudo posted has obviously been doctored.

They just took Paul's face from a picture very similar to the one below & put Faul's hair on.

It's sad how they have to resort to photo-doctoring to "prove" Paul & Faul are the same person when it's so obvious they're not.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by someotherguy]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Uncle Benny

Originally posted by Dakudo
Just like you think Paul and 'Faul' are different people.

Paul McCartney was replaced by a double - so that would make them different people. :bash:

But he wasn't replaced by a double - so that would make them the same person. :bash:

Yes, shills like you will sit on threads as long as it takes putting together dud comps and misleading videos to show that there was no replacement.

More weasle words from Mr All Mouth And No Trousers. YAWN.

I challenged you to back up your "disinfo" claims and you haven't done it.

And we're still waiting for you to explain where 'Faul's' 'fake' ear went to...

You're full of empty claims...




All you can come back with is the same moronic 'shill', 'disinfo' drivel you always do - without a shred of evidence to back it up.

"Dud comps"? PROVE it.

Here's proof of faulcon/someotherguy's 'dud comp':





Originally posted by someotherguy
It's sad how they have to resort to photo-doctoring to "prove" Paul & Faul are the same person when it's so obvious they're not.

Oh, your blatent HYPOCRISY is staggering!

Unbelievable! Just unbelievable....

When you can offer some actual evidence to back up your claim of "dud comps" Uncle Benny (like PIAers do), instead of your EMPTY, weasle words, then get back to me, ok?

"Misleading videos"? Prove it!

Here's proof of "misleading" PID videos:

Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Howie from PID Miss Him made an interesting post today. He showed Illuminati subliminal messages in a new Faul ad:

Here's the REAL trailer from Paul's OFFICIAL channel.


When you can offer some actual evidence to back up your claim of "misleading videos" Uncle Benny (like PIAers do), instead of your EMPTY, weasle words, then get back to me, ok?

I won't be holding my breath, though....

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Dakudo]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
This picture Dakudo posted has obviously been doctored.

We have proven that you use doctored photos and videos. Now prove what you say. Show the original of the photo next to the "doctored" one. That should be easy if it is doctored. We have asked for proof many times. You have never done so.

Again. Just show the "undoctored" version of this photo next to the doctored one. Simple. We await your proof.

And no, Uncle Benny. Whining, crying "shill" and "disinfo," and having a temper tantrum doesn't count as proof.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM

They're doing a job to dissuade others from looking into this whole scene. People like this have no trace of moral fabric/humanity when they can begin a thread named "PIA - Motivations for defending the honour of Paul McCartney," and know in their hearts that they're spreading lies (and they do know). Fear is a disease and it eats away at people like these.

LOL! This is too funny for words. "No trace of moral fabric/humanity?" Oh, Lord, how dramatic. Defending Paul from the lies and sleezy things stated by you, faulcon and the other cronies is the epitome of moral fabric and humanity.

I guess to you, it takes high moral fabric and humanity to call Paul a fag over and over, and accuse him of murder and fraud. Also to accuse people of doctoring photos while showing NO proof to back up such accusations. If that is your morality, I want no part of it.

And, LOL, you think we fear you? What a joke. We laugh at faulcon and her cronies. We don't try to hide what you say; we link to it. We highlight it. We provide links to TKIN, NIR, PMH and this thread on our forum precisely because we want people to view them. We have no fear of that, unlike the pidder forums who refuse to link to PIA forums, and also ban anyone who dissents.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by edmond dantes]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:58 AM
We seem to have reached a going nowhere impasse with the uninvited who work so hard to pollute this thread with propaganda while they work on their other goal: to dilute the progress of those of us who are seriously looking into the mysteries of the who, what, when, why, and how of the permanent replacement of Paul McCartney by a clever double.

I've said this before and I'll say it again... true Beatles fans would not care to work as hard as these propagandists. They simply wouldn't care to delve into this topic. So just as a matter of logic, one can easily deduce that the debunkers on this thread are not merely innocent Beatles fans as they portray themselves. If one were just among the millions (perhaps billions) of worldwide Beatles fans and nothing more, then one would probably laugh this topic off in two seconds and not give it another thought.

I know this, because that's what I did when I first saw the PID topic on ATS. I brushed it off with a snicker. Just because I thought it insulting to Paul, I dashed off a quick post saying PID couldn't be true because of Sir Paul's obvious songwriting talent in the latter years of the Beatles as a group and on into his solo career.

But then I got to thinking... what if PID is true and was brilliantly covered up by Paul's surviving bandmates, the Beatles inner circle, EMI, the British and American intelligence agencies and others? The question then was, could it have been done? Was it even possible? I reflected upon my years of research into the JFK assassination and the obvious use of doubles for Lee Harvey Oswald.

Was it possible that a double was used to replace Paul? I had to conclude "yes" it was possible. Could someone be trained to play the instruments and sing like Paul? As far as the instruments go, the world is full of talented musicians who could easily be taught left-handed bass and guitar. If the person were already an accomplished left-handed pianist, all the more easily. What about the voice? Well, of all four Beatles' voices, which one would be easiest to mimic? Perhaps Paul's. The most difficult to copy would be John's voice, next most difficult perhaps George and Ringo, but Paul's voice could be impersonated more easily, I believe, because it had a sort of Vienna Choir Boy purity with none of the edginess of Lennon's and Harrison's voices. But don't take my word for it, ask a professional voice talent (many commercial voice-over professionals also specialize in impersonating famous voices)... which of The Beatles' singing and speaking voices would have been easiest to copy? I believe they would say Paul's.

Who wrote the music then? Imagine a tightly closed door meeting in late 1966 at EMI or Abbey Road in which Lennon, Harrison, and George Martin are tasked with producing a new album that would sound like all the original Beatles and the songs meant to be attributed to Paul would sound like Paul songs. Could such a meeting have been possible? Yes, of course. Could John and the two Georges have pulled it off using a double whose voice sounds dead ringer for Paul? Yes, I think it was possible. Who knew Paul's writing style better than anyone? John. Who knew best how Paul would have performed? Lennon, Harrison, Ringo and George Martin. Did they have a little help from their friends like Eric Clapton, Leon Russell and others? Perhaps they did or perhaps it could all have been done with the new guy. There are scenes in Let It Be in which "Paul" plays classical music improvisations on piano which lead me to believe the double was a left-handed child prodigy on piano and was schooled in traditional, classical piano.

So, was the whole deception even possible? I say yes.

That's the line of logic that went through my head that got me interested in being open minded enough to look at what faulcon and others were presenting. The more I looked, the more I felt like something was definitely fishy with the lore and legend of the Beatles.

But, what tipped the scales for me and cemented my view that Paul was replaced by a double? The simple fact that there is obviously a professional debunkers campaign on to destroy the PID concept. Not just Beatles fans like myself saying "oh this is baloney, what a joke" and then going on their merry way, but I'm talking about a serious, concerted debunking campaign; the tactics of such are well known to JFK assassination researchers... scoff, belittle, ridicule, flood with doctored 'evidence', threaten (we saw this tactic come out with their veiled threat to "out" faulcon's real name... a veiled threat which should have resulted in that poster getting a lifetime ban off ATS if the mods had been paying attention. Threatening to "out" someone's real name is an extremely severe terms and conditions violation).

I could go on. Suffice to say that those casual ATS readers who believe this topic to be rubbish... look closer, my friends.

Onward, through the fog... the fog of info war.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Dakudo
When you can offer some actual evidence to back up your claim of "misleading videos" Uncle Benny (like PIAers do), instead of your EMPTY, weasle words, then get back to me, ok?

I won't be holding my breath, though....

Hold your breath, and starve your brain of vital oxygen......... don't you think it's deep breaths you should be taking???

In all fairness.... spread your disinformation on your own "PIA" (or whatever you want to call it) thread and quit taking this one off topic!

Also - What constitutes evidence in your "mind" doesn't interest me or anyone else here. You clearly have your own set of rules. Let me remind you and others that ON THIS THREAD we have moved PAST the question of a replacement or......... HAVEN'T YOU READ THE OP???

Here it is ONCE MORE -


Fellow ATSers,

Give the disruption of another ATS thread regarding whether Paul Is Dead (PID) this thread is intended to debate NOT, I repeat NOT whether he in dead and replaced by a double nicknamed 'FAUL' and who may or may not be Billy Sheppard.

This thread is ONLY FOR CONVINCED PIDers who by cross-checking evidence, through testimonials or musicology, or even by virtue of their own reliable deep seated intuition, realize that the person posing as Sir Paul McCartney is an impostor.

The purpose of posting here should ONLY be to discuss possible motivations for this crime, as any proper investigation must address the fundamental issue:

For what motive ?

Qui bono ? *

* In Roman antiquity they asked who profits from the crime.

Do you have some sort of problem UNDERSTANDING what this thread is about???

Would you like Uncle Benny to draw you a picture?

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Uncle Benny]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by switching yard

I've said this before and I'll say it again... true Beatles fans would not care to work as hard as these propagandists. They simply wouldn't care to delve into this topic. So just as a matter of logic, one can easily deduce that the debunkers on this thread are not merely innocent Beatles fans as they portray themselves. If one were just among the millions (perhaps billions) of worldwide Beatles fans and nothing more, then one would probably laugh this topic off in two seconds and not give it another thought.

And who are you to be the omniscient judge of what "true Beatles fans" would care about? There are tens of millions of fans, and you know what each one of them cares about?

Did you ever see the Beatles play live? Have you ever seen any of the former Beatles play live? Have you ever been acquainted with anyone who was ever closely associated with the Beatles? At MFH, we have members that meet one or more of these categories.

Let me give you some history. In the past 6 years, there have been many accusations made about Paul, the other Beatles and their families and friends.

Pidders have accused Paul of fraud, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiring to kill John Lennon, wife beating and innapropriate sexual contact with his own children. Of course, no proof of these reckless accusations is given. In addition to these accusations of criminal activity, post '66 Paul has been called creepy, ugly, mean, egotistical and a "fag" over and over by a certain person.

They have also accused Yoko of either directly killing John, or conspiring to do so. They have also made random accusations about the other Beatles being involved in the cover-up of Paul's death, being satanists, agents of the government and being guilty of fraud themselves. Other such accusations have been made about George Martin, Neil Aspinall and other Beatle associates.

They have also stated that all of the Beatles were replaced.

We at MFH admire Paul McCartney, the rest of the Beatles and their associates. We are true fans of the Beatles and for some of us, have been for the past 40+ years. We do not like to see anyone of these individuals smeared by these unproven, mean-spirited accusations. I don't know what your definition of a true friend or fan is, but I would think that a TRUE fan or friend would take the time to defend the person or people they admire. Half-hearted fans may laugh it off, but true fans, I would think, would be offended and say something about it.

Think about it. Suppose someone accused you of fraud or murder. If a friend of yours ignored the accusation and refused to speak up, would you consider that person a true friend? I think a true friend would speak up and not let such accusations stand.

If you think logic dictates that true fans would sit back and let such accusations be made without comment, then your logic is faulty.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Oh, and for those who fuss at us for posting things off topic.

If we are directly responding to something that you posted here, then our posts are on topic.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Here's another clue for you all...

John Lennon sang "I've seen religion from Jesus to Paul."

What'd he mean by that?

Religion as associated with Jesus is that people worship Jesus without any hard evidence that the figure "Jesus" ever even existed. It's called blind faith.

Religion as Lennon saw it associated with Paul? Well, maybe Lennon thought here is another case of blind faith, of people worshipping somebody without knowing anything about the truth.

In actual fact, the Jesus legend could have been made up. Just the same, the "Paul Is Alive" legend could have been fakery, as well.

Think about it.

You PIAers out there... answer me this... what do you think Lennon was referring to when he said "I've seen religion from Jesus to Paul"???

Go on, what's your explanation?

[edit on 6-1-2010 by switching yard]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
But, what tipped the scales for me and cemented my view that Paul was replaced by a double? The simple fact that there is obviously a professional debunkers campaign on to destroy the PID concept. Not just Beatles fans like myself saying "oh this is baloney, what a joke" and then going on their merry way, but I'm talking about a serious, concerted debunking campaign; the tactics of such are well known to JFK assassination researchers... scoff, belittle, ridicule, flood with doctored 'evidence'

Great post Switching Yard -

When I want to introduce someone to the replacement of McCartney I do two things.

First I show them the relevant film footage from the mid-60's (interviews and music clips).
Next I point them towards Maccas Fun House which is a sham/disinformation forum pretending to be objective/impartial when dealing with "evidence" of the double. There may be a few deluded youngsters up there who like ridiculing something like PID, which at first comes across as over the top - however on deeper investigation nothing is further from the truth. Ironically, the longer this forum is kept open the better for showing there is something not quite right with Macca.

It is the same, I repeat..... THE SAME guys at Maccas Fun House that go on you tube setting up these PIA channels, making plenty of vids which portray Paul as being alive and well.

Originally posted by edmond dantes
Oh, and for those who fuss at us for posting things off topic.

If we are directly responding to something that you posted here, then our posts are on topic.


You may, or may not, be responding to on/off topic material with on/off topic responces of your own.
That responsibility is yours alone... don't blame anyone else for your own judgment.

Now can we finally steer this ship ON TOPIC?

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Uncle Benny]

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