Jaxon and gays for same sex marriage have employed the following arguments in their attempt to promote the legal recognition for same-sex
"marriages” I said this is where it gets good,
1) Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are being "discriminated against" when denied marriage.
This was one of Jaxons assertions but it has to be one where you can single gays out on the basis of equality where he is not permitted because he is
Gay. That has NEVER happened. NO ONE has been turned down because they are gay. They don’t qualify for marriage as many supreme courts have
defined it. One man, one woman.
But more than that is Less than thirty years ago interracial couples were prohibited from marrying. What Jaxon and all gays have tried to do is
attach their marriage issue to the argument which he and gays supporting same sex marriage must prove a legal equivalency between skin color or race
and "sexual orientation."
2) Marriage is a "basic human right" and choice of marriage partners should NOT be regulated by government
The presumption in this flawed idea is that "sexual orientation" is fundamentally like every other, and relationships involving any and all "sexual
orientations" are the choice made by individuals in those chosen relationships where Gays insist they should be recognized without question by the
Civil Unions and religious mandated marriages will remain separate institutions if same-sex marriages are legalized. The state should not dictate
which marriages any religion performs or recognizes, just as religions should not dictate who gets a civil marriage license from the state This
assumes their will be little to no impact on heterosexual constructs of religion and society in general.
Ok so far?
Jaxon has argued that the emotional needs of homosexual couples are the same as heterosexual and that this isn’t about comparing apples which will
lead to oranges or words to that effect. He claims this is an issue about equality and NOT one on sexual behavior. He slipped up when he said I
endorsed a loveless marriage where if Jaxons love is only as good as he has the capacity to be in lust and have sexual relations with his partner.
This is where the difference is between what gays think marriage is about and what straights do but Ill get into that in a moment as long as we
realize, Gays do exist and that they have the same emotional needs and earthly temptations as heterosexuals, there is no reason to oppose homosexual
marriage and many reasons to support it.
Those Three presumptions are critical to the gay agenda for same sex marriage the most important is the presumption that homosexuals are a
"minority." This is why we have seen this being said by gay activist’s because it is critical to their case. Minority" status will enable gays
to achieve its political goals more expedient, including same sex marriage
In addition to convincing us that gays are a "minority," the general public must be safe in assuming homosexuality is "normal and poses no threat
This was quite a hurdle for gays and is why the yare on such a kick to prove they are born homosexuals but are "just like everybody else having needs
for sex love and companionship. That their choice of same gender partner notwithstanding, they are like you and me so their should be no reason to
deny them marriage.
That if gays are like everyone else, then gay‘s should get to have the exact same benefits the same kind of marriages perks as everyone else. That
married gay unions will have negligible effects if any at all on society as a whole Gays then treat all the suppositions I mentions as a fiat or
assume the are case law in their favor .
Whether or not Vermont or Hawaii has decided this or that, to make this a federally recognized marriage condition by each state, it is imperative they
achieve "minority"/suspect status as it is this component of what the supreme court of the united states will be looking at REGARDLESS of many of
the specious manner in which many court decisions have been adjudicated. This component is the foundational keystone; homosexuals need to even begin
to achieve the rest of their political goals.
The argument was posed by Jaxon when he said he was hit by a bottle when coming out of a gay bar, someone I think it was driving by, threw a bottle
hitting him in the head.
Jaxon thinks this is equivalent to the civil rights struggle Blacks in this country have. Hell, doesn’t even know who threw the bottle much less if
they were a gay hating bigot, knew Jaxon was because he had is Gay Pride Tee shirt on emblazoned on a rainbow across his chest. For all he knows, it
could have been a jealous ex-lover of someone Jason was seeing or any number of things.
That This is a necessity for gays to constitute a “suspect class” distinction or "oppressed minority" which would allow gay activists, via tax
subsidized lawsuits, the mechanism to silence and / or punish dissenting commentary and force business, Church’s and society, award benefits to
their lover or partners. In fact it is so clearly written in the law that one must feel hated by such bigotry that, like those law suits where atheist
have said God offends them making them feel alienated from the United States, they actually have to say the words “offended” and alienated to use
this law to bludgeon Christians into removing such icons as the ten commandments from court house etc, Gays are required the same detail must be said
and is why we hear those very words they use to describe it as hatred and bigotry.
Supreme Court decisions on Civil Rights that were handed down after 1964 added limitations to balance the incentive for those seeking suspect class
So the Supreme Court added somewhat of a legal barrier like a gate to access suspect status, so that the status remained only for those who are
genuinely and honestly “disadvantaged” and in politically powerless class distinctions that are in “dire” need government protection. They
setup criteria of three explicit, clear and specific markers to determine if the request for said status meets those three specific.
- 1)suspect classes should have a history of “extreme” oppression, and evidenced by a class averaged inability to obtain economic prosperity of
the average individual for income, education, and opportunity.
- 2) suspect classes should, averaged as entire classes, show and prove political powerlessness.
- 3)suspect classes should display an obvious or distinguishing characteristics, such as race, color, gender etc, that can readily define them as a
group or as groups.
INCOME and Opportunity:
Homosexuals have an average annual income of $36,800 to $44,000 moreover 55% of gays earn over $50,000 per year. They don’t meet the criteria
Twice as many college males identify themselves as gay as do males having no College Education, Unlike blacks thirty years prior, gay’s suffer no
economic deprivation. They are employed at the highest levels of corporate society, politics, government, entertainment, media, and legal
POLITICALLY Disenfranchised:
This one you have GOT to be kidding. The Gay lobby is one o the most powerful having won many more victories for gays and the gay agenda than they
have lost. No one can honestly admit that it is any fun winning against them either for the usual in your face, militant reprisals, and many times
violent backlash that ensues. They are a formidable opponent and are taken very serious where many times it takes MILLIONS o dollars to oppose any
legislation where winning doesn’t mean you can rest. They come back harder the next time and will use ANY means necessary to arrive at their
As I have said, sexual orientation can and does change is an observed fact.
The Kinsey Institute claims 84% of homosexuals and 29% of heterosexuals changed their "sexual orientation" at least once in a lifetime; 32%
of homosexuals reported a second shift; and 13% of homosexuals claimed at least five changes in sexual orientation during their lifetimes. The U.S.
Constitution protects all speech, including differing points of view about homosexuality. The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly stated that public
schools cannot restrict speech simply because it may be perceived by some as controversial or because the speaker or writer may happen to have a
religious perspective. Gay-advocacy groups like GLSEN make an unprincipled argument when they pressure schools to censor ex-gay or post-gay
messages. School officials should be aware that materials and events being marketed to schools by gay advocacy groups often make negative or biased
statements about particular denominations and religions, while at the same time seeking to shut out opposing viewpoints. Not only is this an
unprinciplewww.truetolerance.org... approach, but it is legally incorrect.
Science articles on primates and humans are filled with evidence of a permanent change from homosexual orientation to exclusive heterosexual
“The myth that homosexuality is untreatable still has wide currency among the public at large and among homosexuals themselves....There is
little doubt that a genuine shift in preferential sex object choice can and does take place in somewhere between 20 and 50 per cent of patients with
homosexual behavior who seek psychotherapy “ - Dr. Judd Marmor, past president of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of
“I have recently had occasion to review the result of psychotherapy with homosexuals, and been surprised by the findings. It is paradoxical that
even though politically active homosexual groups deny the possibility of change, all studies from Schrenk-Notzing on have found positive effects,
virtually regardless of the kind of treatment used...a considerable percentage of homosexuals became heterosexual.... “- Dr. Reuben Fine, director
of the New York Center for Psychoanalytic Training www.truetolerance.org...
More astounding is the evidence available from gay and lesbian activist sources.
According to "Queer Nation" founder Jonathan Ned Katz:
Contrary to today's bio-belief, the heterosexual/homosexual binary is not in nature, but is socially constructed, therefore deconstructable.
In other words, human beings make their own different arrangements of reproduction and production, of sex differences and eroticism, their own history
of pleasure and happiness. www.queertheory.com/histories/k/katz_jonathan_ned.htm
For Jaxons arguments favoring same-sex "marriage" to be valid, the presupposition, gays are "just like everyone else, except for their desire for
same-sex partners" must be proved valid. Jaxon must prove that there are no essential differences between the way "gays and straights" conduct
their lives and loves. They have often tried to head off this type of objection by saying “It does no harm to you OR what is it to you who we want
to love”.
Yet one can compare these two sexual distinctions using gays own evidence regarding lifestyle behaviors.
AIDS research released in 1982 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that the typical gay man interviewed claimed to have had more than 500
different sexual partners in a 20-year span. Gay people with AIDS studied averaged more than 1,100 "lifetime" partners. Some reported as many as
20,000. (A psychologist we interviewed personally told of counseling a gay clergyman who admitted to having had more than 900 sexual partners to
date.) From perhaps the most comprehensive study of gay lifestyles ever undertaken before 1980, we learn that:
• 43% of white male homosexuals estimated they'd had sex with 500 or more different partners
• 75% had had 100 or more sexual partners; 28% (the largest subcategory) reported more than 1,000 partners
• 79% said more than half their partners were strangers
70% said more than half their sexual partners were men with whom they had sex only once
Studies by Bell and Weinberg Indiana University 1981 indicated that only 3% of gay men they surveyed had had fewer than 10 "lifetime" sexual
partners. Only about 2% could be classified as either "monogamous"."
"...The cheating ratio of 'married' gay males, given enough time, approaches 100%...Many gay lovers, bowing to the inevitable, agree to an 'open
relationship,' for which there are as many sets of ground rules as there are couples." - Gay activist marketing firm, experts Kirk and
David McWhirter and Andrew Mattison, the authors-a gay couple themselves- could find no gay relationship in which fidelity was maintained but more
than that is the idea that it even should be. Gays by and large do NOT want monogamous marriages. This again is antithetical to the marriage ideal
"the single most important factor that keeps couples together past the ten-year mark is the lack of possessiveness they feel. Many couples
learn very early in their relationship that ownership of each other sexually can become the greatest internal threat to their staying together."
How bad can it get?
Hold on to your butts
USA Today (November 21, 1984) this was at the Height of the AIDs epidemic when fear was laced with ignorance of AIDS yet how did gays deal with it and
how much of a dent did their taking responsibility for their depravity and debased bathhouse bang brothels, do to curb the disease?
Back them it indicated that fear of AIDS had lowered gay men's promiscuity rate from 70 different partners in 1982 to 50 partners per year by 1984.
Even at this "safer sex" rate, a gay male would still total over 600 sexual partners. www.usatoday.com
Jay and Young's Gay Report revealed that 38% of lesbians surveyed claimed to have had between 11 and more than 300 sexual partners in a lifetime
In 1992, more than half of men and women in America between the ages of 18-26 had had just one sex partner in the past year, and another 11% had none.
The same kinds of results are reported in British and European sex surveys Same Sex Marriage would cost the Government Billions in changes to
accommodate them to force the rewriting of business employment policies, insurance actuarial tables and government regulations at every level of
society. Not going to impact us in any way is it? THINK AGAIN from income tax and estate tax law, communal property, inheritance and probate,
divorce, child custody, most lawyers will make a bundle but they have a HUGE mess coming their way.
Even scarier is that if this gets where Gays want it, then there is no legal mandate to argue against brother and sister getting married or gay
brothers, polygamists. And although Jaxon gives me a fruity comparison (no pun), comparing apples = doesn’t equal oranges was his defense that it
wasn’t going to be about apples etc, it was going to be based on “equality”
That my friend will be the polygamist’s comeback too.
Does jaxon Roberts want to stretch marriage barriers to include all kinds of relationships and combinations of same that would not now be accepted
under that same judicial precedent? NOT harm society in any way huh?
Gays Are NOT stupid:
You may think they are crazy, hehe yeah crazy like a FOX . As long as gay activists can "claim discrimination" on some grounds, they can and will
use government taxpayer dollars to sue others and advance gay activist interests, we have seen atheist’s do this with the ACLU also. "Marital
status" will serve as well as suspect status in many states for that purpose.
Jaxon has posted a lot of case law and shows us that marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man" (see Skinner vs. Oklahoma, 1942; Zablocki vs.
Redhail, etc However, this is and has been visted and re-visited many times and will until it is seen by the US supreme Court regarding the suspect
class distinction gays are desperate to win at all costs. Even if it means besmirching Christians using Gay High School murder victim Matthew Shepard
as an example of hate crimes when Mats murderer was bisexual himself and had shared methamphetamines with him at parties,
There's no civil right to marry whomever you want.
Gay and lesbian couples aren't the only ones who can't get marriage licenses. You can't get a license to marry your brother or sister. You can't
get a license to marry more than one person at a time. You can't get a license to marry a child etc, et-cetera et-tedious,cetera
Every man and woman in has the exact same right to get married. It just has to be to an individual of the opposite sex who is of age, is not a close
relative and is human.
If men and women are treated the same Jaxon Roberts, there's no sex discrimination
Unless of course you can prove that gay men and lesbian women are the third and fourth genders.
Good Luck with that
[edit on 8-9-2009 by Stylez]