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Like it or not, all 50 States must now recognize Gay Marriages!

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Social norms (behaviors):

Get married and have a family
Shaking hands upon meeting someone
Women shaving their legs/underarms
Standing quietly while in an elevator

There's noting inherently wrong with behaviors that do not conform to social norms. The thought that everyone should conform or comply with socially acceptable behavior flies in the face of the ideals of freedom that we hold so dear in this country. Surely you're not suggesting that people that exhibit behaviors contrary to society’s norms should not be permitted to do so? Or should be outcast from society? Or, most importantly, should not have their legal rights protected?

I agree, but then society as a majority isn't required to agree or approve with all behaviors (social norms). Who here in 500 plus posts stated that gays should not have their lifestyle?

It also depends on the social norm, unless you think total freedom is that ALL social norms are recognized and protected under law by our government. You think the healthcare bill is large; I would hate to see the size of that bill…..

One question that never seems to get answered is why should gay marriages be recognized by the state and a man who wants 10 wives should not?

One thing to remember is that their legal rights are protected already....There is discrimination all around us, and we all discriminate every day. The difference is what is legal and illegal, so there is nothing wrong with discrimination as long as it isn’t illegal discrimination.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

One question that never seems to get answered is why should gay marriages be recognized by the state and a man who wants 10 wives should not?

Religion (primarily) is the answer to both.

Consenting adults should be the only criteria.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

One thing to remember is that their legal rights are protected already....There is discrimination all around us, and we all discriminate every day. The difference is what is legal and illegal, so there is nothing wrong with discrimination as long as it isn’t illegal discrimination.

Can you twist that one more time - ply it like taffy - and maybe roll it up and down a hill a few times. I'm feeling like an "unbelievable" twisted pretzel.


You are trying to justify Discrimination & Prejudice all in one paragraph.

There is NO justification for either - EVER!

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Annee]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I agree, but then society as a majority isn't required to agree or approve with all behaviors (social norms). Who here in 500 plus posts stated that gays should not have their lifestyle?

Are you kidding? Let’s see what charming things have been said. Gays are disgusting. The Christians are about to show gays what real hate is. Gays are paedophiles. All male gays want to have sex with underage boys. Gays want to corrupt society. Gays are equated with sociopaths and psychopaths or similar people born with birth ‘defects.‘ Gays should not show or talk of their sexuality in public. They should keep their sexuality hidden in the bedroom only. Gays are filthy, dirty, sexually corrupt and disgraceful deformed beings who are ungodly and bereft of morality.
Somehow I think that equates to believing and stating that gays should not have their lifestyle. Far quicker to show who has said that gays have every bit of right to express their love to a same sex partner without the vilification and contempt that has been shown here.
I personally have been called a reprobate whom God has turned his back on by Stylez…..nice Christian compassion in action.
If you had had to endure a lifetime of hatred and contempt without having done a single thing to harm anyone, then you might understand. Maybe the next life…eh?
If you want to start a thread about recognition of a man marrying ten women, please do. But it has nothing to do with the subject of this thread.
You seem to have missed the point that the legal and financial rights are not the same, are not equal.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by make.changes
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

wow, middle ages and dark ages would be fine by me, homosexuality is a sin check romans and leviticus, and for straight people their should be no fornication or sodomy, guys who are gay can only do fornication because sodomy; well we all know what sodomy is. guys who arent homo lets just stick with no fornication

If you want to believe it is a sin - that's up to you.

However - your belief has no business in laws governing those who do not share your belief.

Archaic belief's have no business in "ALL people's" government. Gay people are part of "ALL people" and require Equality by Law.

for the last time anne, THEY GET EQUALITY "BY THE LAW" and THEY have to marry someone of the opposite sex JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!

If they don't like woman for some reason that isn't our fault but no one is forcing them to get married to one are they?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by Xtrozero

I agree, but then society as a majority isn't required to agree or approve with all behaviors (social norms). Who here in 500 plus posts stated that gays should not have their lifestyle?

Are you kidding? Let’s see what charming things have been said. Gays are disgusting. The Christians are about to show gays what real hate is. Gays are paedophiles. All male gays want to have sex with underage boys. Gays want to corrupt society. Gays are equated with sociopaths and psychopaths or similar people born with birth ‘defects.‘ Gays should not show or talk of their sexuality in public. They should keep their sexuality hidden in the bedroom only. Gays are filthy, dirty, sexually corrupt and disgraceful deformed beings who are ungodly and bereft of morality.
Somehow I think that equates to believing and stating that gays should not have their lifestyle.

Ok this might take some time....

After 10 pages I failed to see any of this, but within the first 10 pages words like “ignorance, bigot, Biblical mindset, prejudices and homophobic are used with religion and Christianity used as if the person spits after typing them…hehe and of course if a person doesn’t agree with your lifestyle and doesn’t want it recognized by law they are hate spewing anti-gay.

15 pages and I still don’t see any….

20 pages and I don’t see any…

Ok 25 pages now and I failed to find your examples… I’ll let you look in the last 5 pages for it…

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway

Are you kidding? Let’s see what charming things have been said. Gays are disgusting. The Christians are about to show gays what real hate is. . Gays want to corrupt society. Gays are equated with sociopaths and psychopaths or similar people born with birth ‘defects.‘ Gays should not show or talk of their sexuality in public. . and disgraceful deformed beings who are ungodly and bereft of morality.
Somehow I think that equates to believing and stating that gays should not have their lifestyle. Far quicker to show who has said that gays have every bit of right to express their love to a same sex partner without the vilification and contempt that has been shown here.
I personally have been called a reprobate whom God has turned his back on by Stylez…..nice Christian compassion in action.

Gays are filthy, dirty, sexually corrupt

The sex is ?.

They should keep their sexuality hidden in the bedroom only

That's a lie, although I do think it is none of our business what their sexuality is but reserving it for the bedroom only? I never said that.

All male gays want to have sex with underage boys.

That's a lie.

Gays should not show or talk of their sexuality in public. . and disgraceful deformed beings

That's part lie and the other isn't in context to "overt over the top public displays of affection" even the example of this "testing" tolerance thing they got going on is so over the top I got dinged for showing a picture of it. How you can say gays teaching the finer points of "Rimming" a partner while using a portable toilet seat , to school kids can be done without parents arriving at many of the same conclusions you apparently think (or haven't figured it out yet) has nothing to do with how they are respected? The fact they sued school districts forcing them to capitulate to gays insisting they be allowed to teach this stuff, yet HOW DARE ANYONE TEACH ANYTHING in the BIBLE!

Ya don't think that kinda ticks people off and when we finally DO and say something about it, we are called hater, bigot, ALL THE STUFF gays try earnestly to deserve of us yet I still don't hate them.

You don't think that reflects on gays in a negative way? You don't think for a minute that perhaps gays are a little obesessed, a scandalous tiny bit, too pre-occupied with sex? Just a little?

Hate them? HA HA NAAAAH Like I said, gays have an image problem and they don't seem to think so, nor do they seem to care. So Good luck with that but hating them?

They aren't that important are they oneclick? I mean it takes some real effort to get me to hate someone. Ill tell you this however, Gays have become a lightening Rod of late and are working very hard to deserve the hate they are alleging to ever get that legislation passed they are minority needing special protection class status.

So they do have an agenda to agitate people and get things riled up and then claim how hated they are and whoooa is me poor me gays are so oppressed so hated blah blah blah etc etc etc.

cry me a river.

Gays are paedophiles

No pedastry is homosexual child molestation, I thought I made that distinction clear in the other thread where after you mocked me for my religion claimed more heterosexuals molest children then gays. Oh but then again, the focus is on ME and the embellishment exageration, mis-quotes and quote mines are from you. But of the things I have said that you found so full of hate, I don't see you posting much to the contrary. The facts I have given come from Gay authors the CDC and their own websites their own public displays and if that looks so shocking to you and having someone show it back to you, might shock you it might make you mad and it might make you think I hate them as if all that stuff was a reason to think they are just the cats meow!

NONE of it matters when you have REAL pride and self respect and you don't get that forcing people to give it you by stealing the definition of sacred and long held heterosexual traditons held by one man and one woman marriage. You don't get it by sueing Christian dating websites forcing them to include homosexual online Dating. It's like asking a muslim to draw funny pictures of alah. You don't get that by boycotting every business that didn't agree with prop 8 sending them envelopes with white powder in them.

You don't get that by insisting what you are being discriminated against when it is baloney and I have proven it but you continue as anne does to spread ignorance because being wrong doesn't matter BEING HATED DOES! So you go right one playing the victim dictum.

This is of paramount importance if yo uread any of the gay political activist websites because what oneclick fails to share with you as he paints me as the Gay answer to Satan, Creating hate crime legislation and putting A GAG order on everyone is so integral to ever getting anything else they have planned they must show a general oppression against them. You don't get called wholesome clean fun sex when your partner has to administer an enema just to have it so it is. You don't get such a reputation of clean wholesome members of society by exchanging bodily fluids with 600 people from bathhouses to public restrooms and state parks. You think I am being unfair with my assesment oneclick?

Ill tell you what, Next time their is a blood donar drive in your area, you tell them you are gay and you want to give blood.

You tell me what reaction you get, then after you bitch them out for bigotry and hatred, ask yourself,

can you blame them?

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

One question that never seems to get answered is why should gay marriages be recognized by the state and a man who wants 10 wives should not?

Religion (primarily) is the answer to both.

Consenting adults should be the only criteria.

I agree, it is about consenting adults. And as far as the man with 10 wives goes, how about the wife with 10 men?

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Can you twist that one more time - ply it like taffy - and maybe roll it up and down a hill a few times. I'm feeling like an "unbelievable" twisted pretzel.


You are trying to justify Discrimination & Prejudice all in one paragraph.

There is NO justification for either - EVER!

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Annee]

I'm afraind their is anne and just because you can't see that because you have some universal understanding that anything having to do with the word MUST be bad, when it isn't. Their are times when being a discriminating person is a good thing.

Don't you want your daughters to be discriminating when they choose a boyfriend or what college they attend? Well their are laws that observe the right to have such discriminating views and if you don't like them, or those who have made such laws, YOU are being a discriminating person

So that shoe seems to fit you just perfect when you discriminate what things should be justified and what shouldn't be.

Sorry, you are what you preach

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:50 AM
We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection - Dalai Lama

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Annee
Can you twist that one more time - ply it like taffy - and maybe roll it up and down a hill a few times. I'm feeling like an "unbelievable" twisted pretzel.


You are trying to justify Discrimination & Prejudice all in one paragraph.

There is NO justification for either - EVER!


I fail to see the word prejudice in my post and I wish that a few of you would stop using it and other words like a bat just because someone disagrees with you and is willing to debate it.


Discrimination is not a bad word or doing something wrong. Let’s say you are going to hire one person out of 10 that applied. You will need to discriminate between them for your best choice, but when you discriminate illegally then you are wrong…i.e. I discriminate and say only people with a BS degree will be considered, this is legal, to say I will only interview white people is illegal.

Legal discrimination is what we ALL do every day.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 08:11 PM
the bottom line, really, is just like the OP stated:
when one state does, the rest must (eventually) follow

this nation is a REPUBLIC, operating through democratic means
but essentially, it is a great UNION of many smaller, but equal, UNIONS


EVERYTHING that makes our country unique as an opportunity for unprecedented improvement for ALL mankind (not just Americans) can be found in the structure and principles upon which our F.F. built its beginnings

to prevent national government from growing into the britches of a tyrant or oppressor, the smaller members must preserve and administer their own individual power(s).

in being many but equal in the whole, no state can bully another or be victimized by its neighbors; nor can the whole bring a part of itself to harm or disadvantage.
(like cutting off your nose to spite your face)

way back when the first state approved gay marriage (what state was it?), i knew what would happen, simply because i knew what was outlined in the plans, and laws, of our government.

same thing, no doubt, will eventually come to pass also with the medical marijuana issue that is presently working itself out, as a pioneer, in the state of California.

it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with whether or not the majority rules homosexuality *acceptable* from any perspective...remember the first amendment!

it has EVERYTHING to do with


and nothing to do with anything else
not even opinions

if you want to live free, then we all must live free
and love free, too, it appears.

what could be wrong with LOVE?

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Odd little list of social norms, especially: women shaving?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by John Matrix

"The Gays chant their recruiting statement as follows:

10 percent is not enough, we want rights to your children and if you don't like it TUFF!"

Lie. Gays chant nothing of the sort.
edit on 28-7-2011 by MartyMcFlyJr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by DarknessFollows

Two tax paying adults who both understand what they are getting into is vastly different than an adult and someone who thinks Spongebob lives in the TV. What's more it is really an insult to even compare the two! Pedophilia is the most disgusting abhorrent act that defies the larger Natural Law that the adult must protect the young. Having dealt with people who have been harmed in that manner I can tell you that it is vastly, vastly different. A child doesn't have a choice when a bigger person tries to force themselves upon them, nor do a lot of the animals that get wrangled into sickness.

Absolutely, what a wild and idiotic comparison! Two adults deciding to be together in whatever kind of relationship, is based on equality. But animals and children are forced, they don't choose to be involved in sexual relationships with adult humans. It is sick and it's damaging to them.
I have never understand the debat about permitting gays to get married, or why a man or woman shouldn't be able to have more than one spouse. If all adults agree, then who cares? Why should the state make such personal decisions? Obviously these laws are religion based, but isn't it time they should be re evaluated?

He/she has been told this numerous times in this thread. Goes in one and out the other since it doesnt fit with his/her agenda.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:13 AM
I think this is a huge step forward in the freedom we've developed in the west and modern world. Like it or not, as the author said!

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 03:04 PM
It's taken a few years, but I am oh so close to finally doing the I TOLD YOU SO! dance...

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: JaxonRoberts

Yep, 31 states totally legal now, others that recognize the marriages. Star and flag for ya.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 03:45 PM
I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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