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Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by A Fortiori
What so many do not see is that marriage transcends religion. It's not a religious institution, it's a human institution.
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by Stylez
WOW, did you come up with that long list of BS by yourself, or did your 'think tank' help you??? And you proved in that post that you pay little attention or just like to twist facts. I was hit in the head with a bottle while coming out of a gay owned restaurant during lunch hours, and (pardon me mods) the ignorant coward that threw it screamed 'Die faggot' as he and his ignorant buddy drove away. As to what I was wearing, a black 'Blair Witch Project' tee shirt and jeans. By the way, it may have been gay owned, and in a gay section of town, but plenty of straight people eat there all the time. See, that's the difference. We have no problem if you come into our businesses, and into our communities. Maybe you could learn a little about tolerance from that. Way to ass-u- me, dude!
See, that's the difference. We have no problem if you come into our businesses, and into our communities. Maybe you could learn a little about tolerance from that. Way to ass-u-
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by Stylez
And you are proposing a violation of the First Amendment. This is nothing short of establishing a 'State Religion'. And what about the atheists? Agnostics? Again, weak Kung Fu!
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by Stylez
The police report, the witnesses and the nasty little scar are more than hearsay and I could care less if it matters to your bigoted #ss. Now why don't you go back to your 'think tank'. I have better things to do than deal with another homophobe. Oh, and spell check is your friend!
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
I could care less if it matters to your bigoted #ss. Now why don't you go back to your 'think tank'. I have better things to do than deal with another homophobe. Oh, and spell check is your friend!
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by Stylez
I didn't tell you the color of the car either, so what does that prove. The jackhole was never caught, so no court case. You lack any sense of logic, and your debating skills are weak at best. Since I have no desire to engage in a flame war with an idiot, I'm done with you. I come here for intelligent debate, which you lack. Good day, sir!
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by Stylez
I didn't tell you the color of the car either, so what does that prove. The jackhole was never caught, so no court case. You lack any sense of logic, and your debating skills are weak at best. Since I have no desire to engage in a flame war with an idiot, I'm done with you. I come here for intelligent debate, which you lack. Good day, sir!
Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by A Fortiori
They could call it anything they want, as long as the State calls all such unions, gay and straight, the same thing. Won't really matter what term the State uses, people will always call it marriage. Homosexual couples have been having commitment ceremonies for decades, and even though they did not have the State issued peice of paper legitimizing it, they still refered to themselves as married. It's not about the name, but the protections that come with it.
Let's go with the accidental assumption that you have made, what harm would it do(none at all, hitchhikers guide.. lol)? The (hypothetical) law in place would simply grant a *universal* right to sane consensual adults to do as they please/see fit. It would not force anyone to do anything they wouldn't want to do.
Originally posted by A Fortiori
Well, but isn't that a contradiction? If marriage is antiquated and it is not about "love" or "romance" and it is about business why not call it "civil unions", have the government put its stamp on it and leave "marriage" with that antiquated, dusty old religion?
Originally posted by A Fortiori
EDIT: You can get married in a church without a license. The license is a legal notice for tax purposes. I know because I've gone to several gay weddings at the UU and they are "marriages" to that church. The same could conversely be true of heterosexual couples who wanted to be married without having to combine assets. I have a friend who got married because she loved her boyfriend but didn't want to lose a chunk of the child support payment from her ex boyfriend. They had a ceremony but it wasn't filed at the county.
Originally posted by Annee
Originally posted by A Fortiori
EDIT: You can get married in a church without a license. The license is a legal notice for tax purposes. I know because I've gone to several gay weddings at the UU and they are "marriages" to that church. The same could conversely be true of heterosexual couples who wanted to be married without having to combine assets. I have a friend who got married because she loved her boyfriend but didn't want to lose a chunk of the child support payment from her ex boyfriend. They had a ceremony but it wasn't filed at the county.
You know that is not what we are talking about.
And the president and vice-president at my church are a lesbian couple.