posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:38 AM
Now, my take on racism. When someone becomes racist, conformist or whatever, try to interrogate them. Don`t attack them for their opinions, simply
ask them why do they think that other nationalities or colour people cause problems or antipathy. Ask them to prove and exemplify, and only if they
can`t come up with meaningful answers, call them racists.
Actually, a bias towards each nation or nationality is based upon what complexity of things and values they are able to construct. There is not a
bias towards Greek, because people tend to remember great Greek philosophers and great culture they had created already a long time ago. There is no
bias towards Japanese, because they create unbelievable technology and gizmos,and are generally referred to as hard working nation. There is no bias
towards Germans( apart from WW2 legacy) because they build things. Respect also goes to South Korea. The actual bias actually goes towards
nationalities or groups of people that create somewhat mediocre added value to economies they live in. It also has to do a lot with hygiene, culture
and education level. When every time we see a report from Los Alamos or MIT where white people and some Asians are swarming around some miracle gizmo,
it creates an impression. And when we see Harlem, graffiti, and black people playing basketball but not actually building highly valuable or complex
things, we also have an impression. The whole wealth and infrastrucutre was actually built by taxing companies and those that create consumable
values. That is how you end up with nice Switzerland and well organised Sweden. And blacks and Mexicans have built the image of themselves- by all
this mundane and primitive rap music with rented limos, gold chains, and naked babes, etc, etc..I am Latvian, and come from Latvia, and Latvians hate
Russians because they generally are trying to avoid real work, their communities are dirty( untidy), they tend to be brutish, bullies and abuse too
much alcohol. If you ask this publicly, everyone will say, we are getting along well, if you ask each Latvian seperately, they will tell you how much
they hate Russians. Am I racist? No, if I was, I would hate any race or nationality that is not of my kin, yet I try to base my opinions on facts,
and I have never stated that I love Latvians as well. Create values, and noone will be biased towards you. Or if you don`t create, don`t go and
consume values and infrastrucutre created by others. There are some nationalities that could learn a little bit more humbleness and being down to
earth. Some should learn more from native Americans. They maybe don`t build lasers and power actuators, yet they also don`t demand everything to be
serviced to them!!! We don`t judge nationalities based on individuals, we judge them by averaging their positive input versus our input.
[edit on 08.15.09 by Advancedboy]