Originally posted by JRSB
reply to post by DeltaPan
I have to warn about taking psychedelics, it dosn't really do much for peace of mind. Infact sitting in nature and smoking a J really begs for more
questions than it can answer, if you are such a state, LsD/'___' will do even less for you. Psychedelics are really only a world of confusion, I can
tell the OP is a more practical person - good vibrations don't sit for everyone, maybe if your an old fart in retirement, kick yourself out and sit
in a forest. However if your young 'n still kickn' focus on ambitions!
Well that's an entire debate in itself, but i'm sure you speak from personal experience to be so contrary to what getting a little **stoned** and
meditating to nature and the planets resonances etc does for somebody and is a main historical use of Cannabis next to entheogenic use which is a
little different to simple meditative.
A lot of difference between all the propaganda and what weed/charas is actually all about and i said get stoned not trip out of ones mind and when i
say stoned i don't then expect somebody to go get some top quality Hindu charas and eat a quarter, i mean what is commonly understood.
I didn't mention '___'/natural amides/'___' nor Psilocin nor did i say seek out a Sativa strain high in THCV.
OK, that's your opinion of Cannabis it seems, you tie it all into one blur, your loss.
I suppose you think crawling into a bottle of Alcohol and never coming out is better than getting stoned in nature sometimes to ground ones self, so
much safer, ay, lovely Alcohol, causing all that lovely necrotic brain tissue and destroying internal organs.
Getting back to nature is great for when modern life is having a pernicious affect on ones psyche and emotional self as much as spiritual, having a
couple of joints enhances that especially if empath and doesn't automatically spin people out into a horrific psychosis like in the propaganda like
"Reefer madness".
However much you may believe the rubbish, it may not suit everybody but your assuming it won't do anything but make things worse for OP whilst at the
same time presenting a dimension i am offering bad advice and such.
So pardon me if i am just a little pissed off by the way you came out with that lot there and adding in hallucinogens like i was saying go take a trip
because i wasn't saying that at all and i am sure there are enough people enjoy getting back to nature and enjoying a little weed of all ages who
make time for it because it is a positive, who range from early adulthood to pensioner age, a great many benefit from it, it may not agree with
everybody but then neither does Alcohol.
You simply have a biased and negative opinion of it, maybe you should try it sometime instead of trying to ridicule it, so you know what you are
talking about instead of asserting an obviously second hand perception of it.
Don't you actually understand what happens in the non natural environments we dwell in, like cities and large towns etc, does to us?
I mean saying "I can tell the OP is a more practical person - good vibrations don't sit for everyone, maybe if your an old fart in retirement, kick
yourself out and sit in a forest. However if your young 'n still kickn' focus on ambitions!" is just so narrow minded it is exasperatingly
infuriating, like people shouldn't get down with nature until retirement age and beyond, it's something to be shunned if a young adult, one should
totally forget nature and concentreate on ambitions, yeah right, i understand mate.
That's what makes a great many people feel so screwed up about modern life in the first place, one of many direct and factoral causes.
The word is compromise, everybody should make some time to ground and connect with nature as well as getting on with thier lives and ambitions, it's
good for mind, body and spirit, all the better when a bit stoned and meditating.
But you're entitled to your opinion, just don't warp things i say out of context and add to make thngs appear worse.
Originally posted by ukman2009
^^^^^ those hallucinogens eh? leave em well alone, they just wreck ur head lol!!!!!!
[edit on 10-8-2009 by ukman2009]
Unlike Alcohol which is so good for people it destroys more people than any other drug our species uses as well as ruining more peoples mental health
than all soft drugs put together together.
And to reiterate, i didn't mention hallucinogens in the context of this thread until you two did, i said stoned and meditate into inner holography
not go trip out of ones mind.
If either of you are thinking of posting a continuance as a wind up, don't bother as you are both on overide and it will have no purchase.
Pardon me, i just had to respond to that ignorance.
Some people just don't have a clue, such is modern life with monotheist theologic basal programming, also known as wearing blinkers so they only see
a narrow fileld along thier paths..
Which is why OP's perceptions and emotions are so common in a big way, especially with empath's who haven't developed control and tolerance yet,
some know they are empath, some feel that way but don't know the terms, some do but all too many get all too wrapped up in modern life to discover
and learn and tuning into nature and self greatly aids this.
Getting away from people and back to nature in a forest especially for 5 days or more, feeling the vibrations of nature and the planet has a
prophylactic quality on the spirit and psyche and helps one cope when returning to other people and modern life.
Getting a **little** stoned whilst meditating to nature and the planet simply enhances such, not prerequisite to but better immho.
[edit on 10-8-2009 by DeltaPan]