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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:02 PM
i wish that if people do not have anything nice to say about other people then they shouldnt post. being negative towards other people is wrong no matter what you think about them. keep your negative posts to yourself and leave sanni alone.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by posenergy
i wish that if people do not have anything nice to say about other people then they shouldnt post. being negative towards other people is wrong no matter what you think about them. keep your negative posts to yourself and leave sanni alone.

In this context it may well be the thing to do....but remember, we are not the ones making the outlandish claims.

Otherwise I disagree. How many more despots, dictators, cranks and crackpots would we have if nobody said anything negative about them?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:15 PM
So, after a few eons of evolution ET´s are still doing karma?! A poor woman makes a mistake and she is send to Earth (hell) to be raped and all that?! And they speak of love?
Cant se any love in that!
I also need to believe that in a few eons we evolve to something better than that. Thats not evolution it is stagnation! So i do not believe the lady is encarnated or any more than a human beeing being used, just like all of us.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by gusan]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:25 PM
i think its possible to make a point without being rude and negative.anything is possible

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:35 PM
I will probably continue to consider these sorts of cases as utter bunk until someone produces some of that "proof" stuff. And I do believe in UFOs / other intelligence visiting our world. But if you claim to be an alien, you should be able to shuffle together a little proof, I would think. Without anything resembling proof, this is simply a whole lot of fiction, and perhaps a disturbed person, although she may just be in it for the $$$. I think Sitchen has shown you can slap together almost anything without actual proof, and make a bundle of cash.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Hemisphere
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

OP, her speech pattern sounds native American to me. Her take on many of these issues also sounds native American.

I think she says she has Hopi blood in her?

.. or maybe that was the 'other' interesting interview of a true indigo child - that is mind blowing, that I probably won't post because of the EXTREME negative entities on this thread.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Do I believe what this woman says? No.

Do I believe this woman believes what she says? Yes.

We have no way of knowing what her history actually is. If she suffered even half of the abuse she recounts, then she has my sympathy. No one deserves that kind of life.

I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV, but in listening to her, she reminds me of someone with Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of autism.

Asperger's Syndrome

Although in the DSM-IV definition the criteria for AS and autism are identical, requiring the presence of at least one of the symptoms in the list provided (see table above), it appears that the most commonly observed symptom in this cluster refers to an encompassing preoccupation with restricted patterns of interest. In contrast to autism, where other symptoms in this area may be very pronounced, individuals with AS are not commonly reported to exhibit them with the exception of the all-absorbing preoccupation with an unusual and circumscribed topic, about which vast amounts of factual knowledge are acquired and all too readily demonstrated at the first opportunity in social interaction. although the actual topic may change from time to time (e.g., every year or two years), it may dominate the content of social interchange as well as the activities of individuals with AS, often immersing the whole family in the subject for long periods of time. Even though this symptom may not be easily recognized in childhood (because strong interests in dinosaurs or fashionable fictional characters are so ubiquitous among young children), it may become more salient later on as interests shift to unusual and narrow topics. This behavior is peculiar in the sense that often times extraordinary amounts of factual information are learned about very circumscribed topics (e.g., snakes, names of stars, maps, TV guides, or railway schedules).

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by posenergy
i think its possible to make a point without being rude and negative.anything is possible

Well it sums up the majority of this thread really. And this shows lack of maturity and growth. It also makes it easy to pick out those you need not listen to any more on this site. Problem is I only have a measly 10 ignores

One poster says "this is my last post here" - then posts another 4 - wtf is that! other idiots just repeat the same drool over and over for attention they obviously lack. Others are just plain ignorant. I don't give a flying fox what any of them think to be honest - they should all know this. What is sad on a HUMAN level, is there are a few that think she is retarded or whatever - then make a joke of it? I call these people reptilian minded, service to self.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Im sorry, and I mean no disrespect to the Miss in the video. She seems like she has enough problems at it is...

But this is the last thing the UFO community needs. This will only bring more laughter and turn people farther away from the important topic that it is..

Even if there is some truth to the story, which to me doesnt seem to be the case it hardly can be regarded as evidence and even less as "proof"...

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

This is an example of a MATURE reply - pay attention all you other haters out there.

thank you! now my question to you would be this:

IF a human gray hybrid were to talk in a little room with few people - how would they appear, and what would they talk about to you?

look forward to your reply

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

IF a human gray hybrid were to talk in a little room with few people - how would they appear, and what would they talk about to you?

Bro, I couldnt answer that question if my life depended on it!

Could be exactly like the way the lady appears and responds or like Albert Einstein and the most intelligent person on earth for all I know. But I am not convinced of any "grey" alien visitaions in the first offence.

I just have not seen any great evidence that has been presented. I have seen the videos and read first hand accounts, but nothing to me that could not be puled off by some mind experiments by some of the alphabet agencies or a motivated hoaxer...That doesnt mean I believe the only intelligent inhabitants presently or ever on earth have been the human species only...

It just means that I don't know who or what seems to be observing us or this planet on this seemingly on going basis where we hear about all these eyewitmess accounts...

You could say im alien agnostic...

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:19 PM
Has anyone pointed out that she mentioned camps, viruses and vaccines at 40:17? I thought that was scary enough til' i noticed the date the movie was posted on which is "49:02 - Jan 23, 2007". Your thoughs on this?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

Brilliant reply! See some of these other posters could learn a lot from you.

To admit you dunno is humble, and is only ever coming from a viewpoint of learning. Thank you again - you could give classes in manners and etiquette

Well, for me, that was the same question I asked myself, and the answer that came to mind for me was "yep probably like that!" so there you have it

I guess a submitted Q&A for Commander Sanni Ceto in this humble manner would be more productive to simply learning more about her eh? Question is, who's gonna do it, and would she reply?

Sensitive beings tend to hide from this kind of attention, and this is why I feel defensive of her - because I bought up the thread (after the original poster who i still don't know is, pulled their thread (due to nastiness) ).

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Audun

I though that was a stand out point too.

I also thought this was done in 2004?? I really gotta find that out...

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
.. or maybe that was the 'other' interesting interview of a true indigo child - that is mind blowing, that I probably won't post because of the EXTREME negative entities on this thread.

I would love to watch that. The thing with negativity is not to feed it, it needs feeding to survive. Negativity is a form of resistance but as a people we need to learn in order to progress we must have no resistance.

Negativity is experienced through the ego of our unconscious collective minds. Negativity never works, its totally unnatural to our true being and it should actually be seen as an outside pollutant, a poison within that we have allowed to take over our spirits. No other animal/life form on Earth knows negativity, no other plant or animal lives in a state of negativity because its mind/being has not allowed this poison in...we have and we dont need it.

When we sense negativity arising within we should become aware of it immediatly and wake up to it and reject it. I certainly dont want this negative energy within me and others shouldnt either. Why as a race do we keep choosing negativity over positive energies? We do because we have been manipulated to be this way but it doesnt have to be like this, we have the power within to turn this around.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

well, the fema camps are well known. there's tonnes of talk about why we need this vaccine and why the poop we should be afraid of this new flu.

might be just me, but there seems to be a link there.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:30 PM
Any of you even heard her message?

Mankind is the evil of this world..
it Is time to Change.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by Yaxkin]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Yaxkin

Blanket statement!

I'm a man - I love and care for this beautiful home we call Earth, I love the people of this Earth, and only want the people in control that are stuffing it up for the rest of us - to either be ejected from Earth to another dimension/planet/insert your far away destination here...

"Some" people on this planet don't realize how lucky they are, while others are grateful to even take a breath from our living planet!

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:35 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by mystik999

so i did say something worth mentioning

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