I am sorry but during the Q and A(as well as her speech) , She (this supposed "hybrid") she CONTRADICTS herself on several key issues of her
"story", as well as other numerous slip ups that make no sense.
She first says we need to raise our "love energy" as a world the drive out the reptilian/human hybrids that are running the government and media.
Then when specifically asked how do we do this a few minutes later she goes on to say the leaders of nations (or some such), government, (I forget the
exact wording), anyhow she says they must stop the warring and raise our love vibration.
Why would the hald reptoid/human governments who control the media do that? Wouldn't that be like shooting themselves in the foot?
Another contradiction.
She said the reptiods were here, when the dinosaurs were here.
Then later says they came via a portal that was opened by a nuclear bomb
Really it's hard to keep a bunch of lies straight. If this person was telling the true there would not be inconsistancies.
There's also inconsistancies in here story, she said her ship came here after we started setting off nuclear explosions, thats why they came to our
little back water planet.
Then later she says she came here as a scientist to study the plantlife, sea life ect.
Well which is it? She needs to get her story STRAIGHT before I can even taker her seriously.
She not an albino either. Another lie at the beggining of the interview. Her skin has plenty of pigment. She's just a very light skinned possibly
irish woman , with maybe a minor case of psoriosis(sp?) (her face is very red, like you see with that ciondition, I know I have minor flare ups of it,
when it's really dry out.) But no she's not an albino.
Also I suppose the big bulbous hat is supposed to be hiding a abnormal larger than normal cranium?
I dunno she woulda had a better chance trying to pass as a plejarin/pleadian, with her blonde hair and all.
The amount of lieing and contridictions going on here, and dare I say a cohort in the audience (the woman who asks for a hug, and asks about her
daughter), c'mon. I've seen that act too many times already with Sylvia Brown, and John Edwards(or whatever his name is), when things start takeing
a turn for the worse, and theres a lot of cold misses happening, they have thier "plant" in the audience, to make for a somewhat believable hit....,
to the untrained observer.
Thanks for the upload but this video (and I'm really trying to be nice here cause I don't wanna violate anything that would have my post removed).
Is one of the silliest (or saddest, I feel bad for this woman, I believe she has mental issues) things I've seen in a long time, and was not
rehearsed well enough.
Also whats the deal with the Bigfoot casts in the background? I guess they were gonna do, or had done some sort of cryptozoology interview...maybe? I
guess it kinda makes sense, she did say she saw half man half fish, halfman-half deer hybrids.
Oh I also like the immortality carrot she throws out there too. A nice touch.
If this being were telling the truth I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. "Hive"?? "Descendants of the Mantis Race", uhmm, no thanks
I don't wan't to be the next Locutus i.e. Borg. (Star Trek reference).
Also who woulda known Greys/Human hybrids liked Power-aid! Interesting
Last, and more seriously , are we really supposed to believe the half reptilian/half human hybrids that run the government, hence control the army,
who captured, and designated her EB- 7, or 8 (she cant remember, oh well), but do you really think they'd let her loose, and make public speeches
such as this?
If anything this is possibly disinfo. Either way, it's poor, and again somewhat sad to watch. As she's obviously not all there metally.
But again thanks for the post her story was interesting BUT it had more holes in it than all the golf courses in the United States.