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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 11:30 AM
I have watched the whole video and mildly enjoyed the experience. With that being said, I have a few thoughts about these "advanced alien races". If we were infiltrated by an evil reptilian race shouldn't the counter balance help?

If we are being drained of our positive energies and forcefully replaced by negative ones, wouldn't we be entitled to help by the loving alien races?

This whole thing does not add up. She has basically combined many different
theories into one giant one. From the Illuminati, RFID chips, flu, chemtrails, reptilians, and etc.

If what she says is true then there isn't much we can do about where our path is leading.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 11:31 AM
I'm a believer in UFOs and aliens but this is sad because people like this is what make me and other believers look crazy, if she was a scientist from a much more advanced species or race, then how come all she can do now is make overpriced dolls and speak in barns, she talks about how her people are so loving but they have her raped at gunpoint for a mistake she made, she says their message is for us not to war with each other and be loving but if you make a mistake you get raped, doesn't make sense, not to mention how offensive it must be to other women who haved lived through such a tragic event.
The end where the woman who had lost a child came up and hugged her asking about her child and the "hybrid" told her that the child was on a space ship and they took her because the earth was bad and she would see her daughter again but didn't know when she would return was sicking to watch, she gave that woman false hope and just prolonged the greiving process, but you know I don't think sanni is really to blame, she obivously has a mental illness, the other woman there just wanted so badly to be important in the ufology field and cash in on it, so she took this poor woman and ran with the story, sad.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 11:41 AM
To me she looks like someone who's spent a little bit too much time on ATS and has a bit too vivid imagination.

Jokes aside;

She claims that "her people" does not know of or use the concept of time. Well, that kind of sucks for them, because it's pretty hard to get past just the "cave-man" stage if you don't have a definition of time.

They're building space ships capable of interstellar travel but they are completely unable to calculate their velocity because they have not yet discovered the temporal dimension of time.

Not to mention the use of wormhole propulsion, which would require quite an intricate knowledge of gravity, something that we humans wouldn't have a clue what it was if it weren't for time.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 11:42 AM
I cannot believe some of you actually believe in this stuff. The 5th grade versions of yourselves are looking for you to kick your butts, lol.

People who had a very hard time accepting that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny didn't exist transfer their "beliefs" from those things that were proven wrong into something else, and it's usually something dealing with UFO's and Aliens. Once Santa and the Easter Bunny is no longer there to take care of them, like they were when they were kids, Aliens become their new "hope" that they will come to clean up their lives like Santa who gave all that hope when they were kids did.

Look, fantasy is great, as my girlfriend will attest, but beyond the bedroom, it's not good. Leave the fantasy in the bedroom, or in the TV or in the nice memories of childhood.

And if you still have a hard time believing that Santa, oops sorry, Zetas, doesn't exist, do research on the woman in the video. Can she be related to Blossom Goodchild???

She's a hoax. Don't put your hopes in "people" "from other planets." Put your hopes in yourselves.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:09 PM
Watched it and some inconsistancies are sticking out bigtime.

1) Zetas are emotionless (and full of love at the same time.)

2) Zetas are non individualistic hives, yet they are punishing her for failing at her job and leading to the deaths of scientists

3) "I dont measure time like you do" yet talks about being 4 and the lightning, 8 and being tested, etc...seems she is measuring it pretty well so why doesnt she remember how old she is now?

4) She was simply a tech scientist involved in keeping the force fields stablized, and suddenly she was the commander a commander should not be engrossed in one particular function...they oversee the whole operation and make sure others are paying attention...which is it, were you a engineer or the commander

5) Zetas came to study what was going on with the nukes being tested in a unemotional simple study....they were coming here to help us not nuke each other out of existance...what was the mission once and for all? And, if it was this scientific unemotional expedition to document nuclear activity, why was it unauthorised by the zeta council?

There are many more of course, but this is enough for now enough to get the point across. She discusses how bad and dark the reptoids are yet her zeta council and how things are done there sound like a group bent on dickishness also.

Its a interesting story, but the possibilities are endless as to what the actual truth is. From functioning autism mixed with young stories from her grandmother talking about spaceships, to schizo of course and focused in on a particular subject forming delusions, to everything she is saying is truth.

Her tone of voice I would bet is caused from her hearing problems.

Ultimately this is in no way, shape, or form proof...its just a story. any truth to it cannot be verified so should be taken with a pinch of salt.
no harm in entertaining her story as truth of course, but definately shouldnt be brought up in a discussion for a case for the existance of ETs visiting earth.
Also, the inconsistancies need to be hammered out.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I cannot believe some of you actually believe in this stuff. The 5th grade versions of yourselves are looking for you to kick your butts, lol.

People who had a very hard time accepting that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny didn't exist transfer their "beliefs" from those things that were proven wrong into something else, and it's usually something dealing with UFO's and Aliens. Once Santa and the Easter Bunny is no longer there to take care of them, like they were when they were kids, Aliens become their new "hope" that they will come to clean up their lives like Santa who gave all that hope when they were kids did.

Look, fantasy is great, as my girlfriend will attest, but beyond the bedroom, it's not good. Leave the fantasy in the bedroom, or in the TV or in the nice memories of childhood.

And if you still have a hard time believing that Santa, oops sorry, Zetas, doesn't exist, do research on the woman in the video. Can she be related to Blossom Goodchild???

She's a hoax. Don't put your hopes in "people" "from other planets." Put your hopes in yourselves.

First off, I find this story far fetched..she offers no evidence, simply a couple (off camera) photos of some potential UFOs and thats about it. I dismiss this story as just that...a story.

Now, for the rest of what your saying, your of course making sweeping statements on what is and isnt a objective truth...and of course with no proof.

I will say this then to counter you and of course show you the flaw in that.
Your girlfriend you brought up does not love you. You can show no proof, and therefore no proof of love means the opposite...she has no love for you.
You can of course tell me stories of how she loves you...tell me things she did, but hey, you could be hoaxing it. Matter of fact, you havent even proven you have a girlfriend.


Just because you do not believe a story does not mean the story isnt (potentially) true, nor could it ever be true in any other form. You can dismiss the story, but not the potential of the story as true. You say Zetas are not real...not unlikely, or no proof...but you state matter of factly they arent you went to the Reticuli system and looked yourself.
This of course opens you up to just as much skepticism as this womans story opens her up.

What solid peer reviewed proof do you have that nothing inhabits the binary star system we referred to? or were you simply taking the shortcut of thinking and using religious belief and pretending thats fact?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:33 PM
Whether you believe she is or is not a hybrid, really misses the true point.
Of which, I got. Love. That, is her message. Cooperation, not competition.
Compassion and caring. I love the part where she explained that hugs were the universal language. I hope she can eventually find peace. That being said, I'm off to play more Fallout 3._javascript:icon('

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:39 PM
If you don't want to believe something that is your right.
BUT going off and calling someone names and being hateful to that person and others who want to explore things like this isn't right and you KNOW it!
Grow up and use the brain you where blessed with to make up your own mind in a fashion that doesn't infringe on the right of others to do the same. Name calling is just that but it can be hurtful and down right mean to most people. Think about it.

What this woman wants to tell and what she believes is her right . Belittling what she has to say just because you cant comprehend it puts you in that boat with all those people you yourselves are always complaining about.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:56 PM
She's a liar! Not all reps are bad. Many of us are good and love humans!
Shape shifting is bad? Being a human-looking hybrid is good?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:06 PM
Is this video from Jan 23, 2007?
How come she talks about the mass vaccination?
Am i missing something here?
I'm not american so it might be part of your folklore this vaccination thing and you run through it and don't even note it,but that made me

maybe it's my innocence.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by upnorthtrip]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

I watched the whole video, and was quite moved by it. I'm not going to bother going into whether I believe her story or not. I have my beliefs and I'm really not bothered if anyone else shares them or not.
What I would like to say is this:
It doesn't matter if she is really a hybrid or not, it doesn't matter if she is retarded, or handicapped in any way whatsoever.........the IMPORTANT thing is that she is trying to spread the word about LOVE, and how we should all be living in harmony with each other.
To me it is so OBVIOUS that is the way we should be going to make things better in our world. I just cannot understand why so many people concentrate on the DIFFERENCES instead of concentrating on how much everyone is the SAME. Whatever your beliefs, everyone wants to live in peace, don't they???
Whatever your beliefs we should be sending our love out to this woman. Even those we consider to be of the 'dark' need to be sent love. LOVE is the only way.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by upnorthtrip

Good eye, Op! I didn't notice that.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by upnorthtrip

Good eye, Op! I didn't notice that.

Well,Ronald Rummsfeld and the Reps posse came to mind.
And the flu hysteria,also

Think twice about getting the flu shot,cause baxter might have the nano robots inside the vaccine.
You know R.R is one of the vaccine owners right?

[edit on 9-8-2009 by upnorthtrip]

[edit on 9-8-2009 by upnorthtrip]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Absolutely a good catch! You have done your homework , atlasastro!! I went to her "Sanni Ceto" website, and it's obvious she has been dalying in the ET subject for awhile now. Here hair used to be brown, now it's DYED BLONDE, on purpose to make her appear hybrid. I smell a rat, a fake alien hybrid rat.

Someone needs to find her birth certificate, her family of birth, and interview the foster families she lived with. If she can't stand the scrutiny, then she has something to hide. It's probably easy for her to hide her true identity seeing as she is a foster home kid. Very easy to lose track of paperwork.

If she submits to a DNA test, then she could be guilty of fraud when the results come back human.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:16 PM
hmmm I'm not sure how to word this without upsetting anyone.

I've watched the whole video, and I found it to be a little disturbing.
There are so many inconsistencies and contradictions in her story, that I cannot take what she's saying seriously.
Was she a force-field engineer, a pilot or commander?
If the memory of crashing and falling to earth, after losing control of the force-field was in a previous existence, then when did the human-alien hybridisation take place?
She refers to her Grey Race father? Was he the father of the engineer/pilot/commander who crashed? or was he the father of the human-alien hybrid she is now?
Why does she refer to the alien craft as a UFO? It certainly wouldn't be un-identified to her.
Why does she insist that her race have an insectoid society "like ants" devoid of emotion etc, then get so upset at how she was treated after the crash? and why is she so "huggy"? (Ever seen ants hug?)
She says her people got their technology from the pleidians, but then says that it was actually a technology swap?
She insists that greys are friendly, and that all of the bad experiences that we humans have had at the hands of greys, were actually reptoids in disguise.... hmm
She says that if the cover-up (of alien visitation, reptoids etc) is lifted, that the reptilians will return to all of the greys home worlds and destroy them, before coming back to destroy those that blew the cover???? Seems a bit extreme! If they hate greys that much... why not destroy them now?
Sorry, but I think she's just read too many sci-fi comics, and is maybe not the sharpest tool in the box.
If she REALLY was the REAL DEAL (Hybrid) and wanted to prove it.... surely a simple DNA test would do the trick?
All of the "LOVE" talk is all very nice, and I agree with the sentiment, BUT only if it's genuine, and if all of the rest of her talk is.... questionable at best, then why should we trust her message of love?
I wonder... Does she send love to the Reps??

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:16 PM
oops - double post - sorry!
Must have clicked twice.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by Gordi The Drummer]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:32 PM
A day later and I find my initial response was a bit callous (although honest).

At this point, my thoughts are:

  • I think she believes her own story.
  • That doesn't make it true.
  • I do not believe she's a hybrid or anything like that.
  • I do believe she needs help, probably both pratically (sounds like housing/poverty issues), possibly medically and/or physchologically.
  • She's essentially harmless, with probably no need to be institutionalized.
  • Perhaps she should be given more sympathy rather than riducule.

Anyway, enough from me.
Peace to all.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Although we have been at loggerheads in a few threads, I have to take my hat off and give you a star for doing your homework, unlike many on here.

Having read what you posted I'm now pretty ashamed at my remarks, but I find it totally insane how this thread is still going after you presented your evidence.

You were bang on the money in your initial gut feeling about this woman, so once again I take my hat off to you for that, nursing seems to has lost an asset.

My time with the X family was very damaging. I was sexually abused, physically and emotionally abused, and they always tried to make me feel like I was a "no one." From my youngest times on this awful planet, they never once told me they loved me, never praised me, and whever I wanted to do anything they always told me I was crazy or a "f___ing nut" and not capable of being independent. Mr. and Mrs. X took me to head doctors when I first "Mom" X about my "daddy" -- my true father. Doctors said I was a schizo. I was hypnotized by this (doctor) and lots of things about my past lives came out. I spent from age 2 to age 19 in this home. Here is what they did to me: They censored TV, music, art, etc.; anything that had a space theme was forbidden. If UFOs were mentioned by me, I would be severely beaten and locked in the attic without food for one or two days or more. Mr. X would sexually touch my lower body and make me feel unnatural feelings I did not want to feel. Mr. X would hit me over the back and shoulders with a heavy push broom until I could hardly walk. All (during) this time, I had visits by ones who loved me, the ones who created me during my mother's abduction -- the Grays, my own species -- never did they abuse me; only humans have done this. " I stayed in 12 foster homes, was raped when I was in another facility, and finally got 'assimilated" into human society when I was placed in a "special" apartment and all my daily activities were checked by a "living adjustment specialist" person.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Hello atlasastro
always nice to speak to you no matter what the subject.

I think Marcellina Beckwith is not what she seems, or she is being manipulated by someone for their own ends.
You think that this in just coincidence MG?

Maybe she is being manipulated, and maybe there is a lot more to this story no doubt, but I love her message, her intelligence, her openess and her natural ability to connect. If it turns out she isnt a hybrid then I will still love her message of unity, love , anti war and anti control. There is nothing wrong in her message and for me it speaks volumes over the usual politicians speeches who attempt to speak about these things but with a closed hearts ,dead eyes and false smiles.

People will always be manipulated in this world, it is what we do.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Honestly this woman is not playing with the full deck, I had to turn off this dribble after 10 mins,

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