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Had Enough? Citizen Uprising Takes Hold!

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posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by blahdiblah

Honestly, I don't know where you are from and I don't mean to be a jerk, but I don't tell you how to handle YOUR Government's corruption. Please show the same courtesy.

I mean, lets assume you are from England, I have never told an Englishman to go out and kill Gordon Brown (this is just an example and I don't mean to go point by point on this)... it isn't my place.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by TheOneElectric

You ignore your nutrients...which will be classified as illegal substances. You ignore your subconscious, which is being melded by advertisements, television, movies, text books, and the media

You intend to use those criticisms as a reference as to WHY Americans should EMBRACE Government sponsored healthcare?


If the Government is going to classify nutrients as illegal then I DAMNED SURE don't want them running my Doctor's office!


And whoever starred your post is at LEAST borderline retarded.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

You grossly misunderstood what I am talking about. I am telling you to forget the healtcare situation because it is unimportant and is only helping to increase the anger on the masses (on both sides of the issue)

I mention the food, the mind, and the religion to tell you the things you should be getting involved in, instead of the healtcare situation.

You misread, no need to call names. Why act like a child?

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by burntheships

If you want to know who writes the rules of the health industry, why they drop people, read the testimony of Wendell Potter. the head of the health industry lobby for the last decade.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

For one is advocating hate or violence, at least not in this thread. Even love has it's limits.

About Codex...this should add it to the thread...Yes...I have had enough!
Codex is a false front to gain control over the food.

But also a word of can not ignore healthcare...and health.
They go together, literally into the hands of government if we acquiesce our freedom!

If you want to see the truth, watch the video, and click on the link to learn how the "Global Government" has already passed laws and is preparing to contol all the food in the world!

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

IMO, some of the main problems right now with the health care system as a whole that could be fixed fairly easily WITHOUT the government, and this is coming from somebody on the inside, is the billing and reimbursements between providers and the insurance companies. Providers basically charge patients with insurance more than they charge patients without. Insurance companies delay and deny payments of claims for so many insanely mundane reasons. Some doctors refuse some insurance because they don't like the percentage of billed charges they will recieve, and they really dislike government program reimbursements. The fees charged by providers should be flat fees for services, and should be the same for everybody. Insurance companies need to streamline the reimbursement process, so the providers are paid the flat rates in a timely manner, and aren't fighting for payment 2 years later. All those hang ups and overcharging results in higher costs for the little people, all the way around.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
reply to post by burntheships

If you want to know who writes the rules of the health industry, why they drop people, read the testimony of Wendell Potter. the head of the health industry lobby for the last decade.

Thank you! This document is a critical read! While I would call foul, I can not think the remedy for this level of corruption is government contol.

The lie is different at evey level. So...if the government should end up with totalitarian control of the U.S. healthcare...the corruption shall only increase!

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:57 PM
Angry Residents Pack Meeting To Protest Job Cuts

August 07, 2009

Dohoney announced plans to layoff 319 city workers including 138 police officers, saying there was no other way to make a dent in the deficit.

An estimated crowd of 500 people attended the meeting Thursday night on the second floor of the Duke Center in downtown Cincinnati. One by one, residents went to the microphone to make their opinions on the layoffs heard by city council members, Dohoney, and Mayor Mark Mallory. Some were city workers, pleading for their jobs.

Video here:

[edit on 8-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:06 AM
A Town-Hall Protest in Maryland

Suprised? the congressman was suprised!

As he entered the auditorium of the Mardela Middle and High School on Tuesday, a surprised Frank Kratovil waded through a sea of constituents. The first-term Democratic congressman had been told by aides that maybe two or three dozen residents would attend the “Congress in Your Corner” town-hall event in this Eastern Shore town of about 360 people. Instead, more than 250 people showed up...

..... Mr. Kratovil is an attractive, polished, likable guy, but his seeming support for President Barack Obama’s health-care proposals and his vote for cap-and-trade legislation put him out of step with many constituents. “You don’t get it,” one told him after he argued that increasing government’s role in health care would be a good thing if only Congress crafts the legislation language properly. “We don’t want it. We don’t want your help.”

The audience erupted in huge applause when a retired naval chief petty officer brought up government-run health care on Indian reservations and at Veterans Administration hospitals and then asked, “Why would we want that?” The audience booed when Mr. Kratovil said he voted for cap-and-trade because he thought it would actually lower Marylanders’ electricity rates.

These protesters add Cap and Trade to the list!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by burntheships

We have seen this before, cut the import services that benefit everybody before they give up their own pork.

Seems like people aren't buying it. It's a good thing. Don't know about him trying to bust the unions or not, but stuff like this just isn't flying anymore.

I truly think the gig is up and they know it.

Edit to add -

Just read your second post, that is awesome. They are showing them how informed they really are now.
the ball is in the reps hands, who are they going to listen to their party leaders or the people they represent?

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by consciousdrum

No if we do that then our so called president has a reason to call marshall law. When he does this we will have everything taken away and there will be no election in 2012.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by blahdiblah

Honestly, I don't know where you are from and I don't mean to be a jerk, but I don't tell you how to handle YOUR Government's corruption. Please show the same courtesy.

I mean, lets assume you are from England, I have never told an Englishman to go out and kill Gordon Brown (this is just an example and I don't mean to go point by point on this)... it isn't my place.

I mean to be a jerk, you obviously DO NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE YOUR GOVERNMENTS CORRUPTION. (YES IM TYPING IN CAPS FOR ADDED AFFECT) So yes i am telling you how to handle your governments corruption.

Take a look at Canada, Netherlands and England, their health cover is a heck of a lot better than yours. How about you stop with the PRIDE and start taking a long hard look in the mirror and taking on board other much better ideas that will benefit the vast majority of the people. Universal health care is one of those things.

Hey mate I would love to not give a hoot about the happenings in your nation but unfortunately because america has its tentacles everywhere if you go down we all go down.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:25 AM
Blahdiblah…so true, so true. We Americans have so little control over our Elected officials…they jump around on TV saying all these things that sound good and wonderful to people, but in reality they are merely telling you what’s already going to happen. Like the War, for example…Eight years ago we were bombarded with all this nonsense about how the terrorist must be killed, or whatever…and still, even after their staged false flag attack (9-11) there were a huge amount of Americans scratching their heads and questioning how Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. So we pay our huge taxes, and see no health coverage for our citizens, all the while tripling government – which is to say the Republican way where we spy on our citizens and give money to companies like Halliburton and Lockheed Martin to create weapons that kill other Nation’s citizens. For “good”, for the fight against “terror” and my favorite; for “Jesus.” I do not apologize for the quotations.

I mean to say the Neo-Cons and all the other Elites spend billions for their own efforts, all the while proclaiming nobility and “Pro-Life”, and this other crap. But when it comes to spending a fraction of that to insure our people who are dying everyday, it’s considered :GASP: socialist!

Again I want to say that I’m not necessarily in favor of government run health care. Perhaps we could abolish the illegal Federal Reserve. Restore our dollar so we can afford it…I don’t claim a definite answer…but of all the things to get in an uproar about we grieve over making sure people live better. You know – we the people could be in control over it…instead people on the Right, and on the Left, condone illegal wars, and torture, and sorts of other sick Nazi @#$%&.

Why is it like this?? When do we get to tell our leaders what to do for a change??

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:31 AM
If only the citizens really knew what happened on 9/11 and why...

People get fired up about their health.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Nazis? no that was actually Limbaugh. He called dems Nazis in his progam this week and went into an elaborate rant about it. Fact is this country is devided by "anarchist" ideology on both sides and it will only lead to failure. Election day is the time for "protest," but hey what do I know, I wans't born here, I was born in a dictatorship.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:45 AM
At the Lloyd Doggett town hall meeting, a former brigadier general's wife, aged 67, was forced to leave because she had a sign that said "No more lies!". She continued her protest outside, but even there was harassed by the police until she moved out to the unshaded sidewalk in 106 degree heat. Link: general's wife

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:05 AM
We are seeing the Democrats for who they truly are at this point. They are bad mouthing simple protesters. Now Democrats are running and hiding from the people. Being escorted out by police or to waiting cars. Phone Call meetings (so they can pick who they talk too), Hiding and looking at Pens for 20-30 minutes to avoid questions.

Get over Democrats this is the people making their point the best way they know in a no violent fashion. It will get worse the more you refuse to listen.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by daniel815
Nazis? no that was actually Limbaugh.

So what? He is a citizen.

Are you just as disappointed in Pelosi who called protestors Nazi's? Pelosi is an elected official who should NOT say such things.

Please stop with your faux outrage.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 11:22 AM
I know I've had enough, I'm running a web site at:

So far most of it is politics and I don't have many people contributing, but soon I'm hoping to have a large community there doing anything and everything that can be done to help in anyway possible in bring our country back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Just my opinion...but these representatives aka public servants; senators and congressmen know they have to try to keep a lid on it.

If we can succeed in broadcasting this message out I think there is a good chance we might get a revolution. See, they are shocked but for the wrong reasons! They are shocked that people are awake and shining the light on them.

Oh..they know alright that they have crossed the line...they know we are mad. When the Pentagon plans for Martial Law...they are not taking the rebellion lightly! They may never need to implement martial law...but they are ready nonetheless.


I am at a loss as the comments about the divide and conquer angle.
This is not a Democrat thing...or a Republican thing! I am neither!

We the people have a right to demand from the servants that are our elected officials they do what we pay them to! Listen!

Listen! When they become so arrogant and sure that they have gotten away with treason...well it may be to late! But we can still get in thier faces...and let them know how we feel!

What, may I ask is the answer then if it is not confrontation of thier blatant disregard for the Contstitution! Are we to sit on our hands...and wait till the election comes. Wait two years, and do what? Or maybe you who naysay protesting are just ready to get on with a revolution?

They will never be able to say we did not give them a warning!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by blahdiblah

Take a look at Canada, Netherlands and England, their health cover is a heck of a lot better than yours.

Please break it down with some unbiased facts and figures how all these countries have better health care than the USA, instead of stating an opinion.

You make a statement of fact, you have to back it up. That's how it works here. Otherwise you are just having a p*ss at the expense of our time.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

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