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Had Enough? Citizen Uprising Takes Hold!

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+36 more 
posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Police were called in as a group of retirees refused to leave Senator Dianne Feinstein's office untill she talked to them about health care reform.

Los Angeles police Sergeant Rich Brunson said Thursday that police lured the group of seven outside somehow, then locked the building's doors behind them.

Brunson had said earlier that eight people were being taken into custody, but corrected himself after getting new details from officers on the scene.

Cowards! What does Feinstein get paid to do? Call the police on senior citizens?

Everyone has a tipping point...
Everyone wakes up at different times....but this Treason must come to an end! This is not just about The Healthcare issue!

But if that is what it took to push them out to the be it!

It is becoming clear that all across America average citizens are outraged and energized for action. They are no longer content with sitting comfortably at home and griping under their breath. They are taking to the streets

Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania makes a gaffe by saying the healthcare bill needs to be done fast, and the crowd explodes!

Rep Lloyd Doggett's of Texas; at a meeting on Obamacare in south Austin, TX, 1 Aug 2009, he was not expecting this amount of oppostion!

Rep. Tim Bishop,New York is greeted by a large, angry crowd!

Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen's representative GraftonNew Hampshire,tries to limit videotaping and limit expected "town hall meeting" to a few people at a time. Shaheen operatives say it was not supposed to be a town hall meeting.

Protesters disrupt U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy’s meeting at supermarket

Chanting "Dump Chris Dodd" and "No national health care," scores of angry constituents confronted U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy at a meet-and-greet outside the Super Stop & Shop Wednesday August 06, 2009 afternoon

August 06, 2009
Protestors block traffic in Newark at Broad and Market streets
Watch video here!

August 06, 2009
Protests, passions roiling town hall meeting on health care

A crowd of about 250-300 people made it inside the Hillsborough County Children's Board office at 1002 E. Palm Avenue before the door was closed. A couple hundred people wound up outside. Tensions were high and the meeting was extremely noisy

August 06, 2009
Ross, Snyder Meet Angry Crowd In Arkansas Town Hall

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, Tampa Bay was only able to say a few words, most of which were inaudible because of the shouting from protestors.

A packed old town Napa church became ground zero Monday evening when a chaotic meeting about health care reform drew some 500 community members and a panel of VIP speakers including Rep. Mike Thompson, D- St. Helena.

More and more...

One step off the podium will show them this is anything but an “astroturf effort.” This is zoyzia, it’s real, it’s hearty, and can tolerate the heat.
Alice Stewart

[edit on 6-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:51 PM
Finally...i guess american idol is over ??...people are finally waking up??..only we are missing the real root of evil,The Fed,...anyone and everyone should be protesting that...but this is a start

+19 more 
posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Yes lets pick giving everyone healthcare as the issue to get mad over. It works all around the world where they spend less money per person in many areas and are ranked at getting better coverage but I'm sure it would never work here.

And little johnny didn't need insurance to pay for his cancer treatment anyway. Sucks to have a preexisting condition...

Let's not get mad about the bilderbergs or the federal reserve ( same thing?
). Lets not get mad about ear marks or elections being rigged. Make sure nobody gets angry over the fact the media is full of BS and people are losing their freedom of speech.

It seems each day that the world really does need a reset button. If all the MSM are telling you to get mad about something then you probably should look into the facts.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Well I agree that for certain there is much treason going on...and I am very upset about all of it. Read my signature, especially RED ALERT. I have done my part...but for many...they have finally reached thier tipping point.

This is not JUST about health is about the TREASON!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:09 PM
The U.S. American elite expect protests, riots etc. They believe they have things in hand with the militarisation of local police forces and the building of the camps.

The good news is that this particular elite is almost always wrong in their assessments and plans.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Sorry I didn't mean to come off as ripping on your post
. It makes me angry that people are so blind these days and health care for everyone is one of the only things I actually think is something the government should try and provide for the people.

The people in the videos are mostly getting mad because of disinfo just like TPTB want them to.

That of course is just my opinion

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

No offense taken...have to smile as I have been calling foul on the
Fed Banksta's , The Bilderberg's , so much so I get tired of it myself.

Though I would say we differ on the idea that these folks are angry about disinfo. No...they are angry because they have been sold out, robbed, used, and now some Czar wants to take away thier private insurance, and probably raid the equity in thier pension funds.

No disinfo is just that some people loved this country, and it took a while for them to see that the government has betrayed them.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:30 PM
I wonder how long it be before the police start breaking out the tasers at these town hall meetings.


Retiree: your messing with my Medicare

Police: Manufactured anger, part of the mob


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Unfortunately we werent alive in 1913 when the first betrayal happened...the ATS crowd woulda stopped that clear in its tracks

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Flag, and a star to everyone who posted in this thread so far.

Good Job once again Burntheships.

This has been a topic which is growing like wild fire, and it is important we do NOT allow the PTB to distort the real implications, or reasons.

It's getting to the critical point where the sheeple will stay asleep as they are led to the slaughter house.

The people who wake from their ignorant bliss won't have it easy, but at least they'll have a chance at life....

Again, excellent information packed thread...

Thanks very much.


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Isn't Medicare, Medicade, and the Vet administration
really ALREADY socialized medicine?

Funny how the people that are already insured by our government
are the ones protesting so hard...

Healthcare has the second biggest expenditure ,
only after the Military.
Yet I don't hear any outrage when we are paying for weapons
that don't work or are not needed.

Seems to me that the insurance companies have a lot to lose.
Have made unpresidented profits and are willing use that money
to make sure it stays that way while they scare the
hell out of seniors , and people who have yet to really read this bill.


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by consciousdrum

Knowledge is a certain degree!

Here is Pelosi commenting on this...saying that the protestors are carrying signs that have swastikas? This is such doublespeak. What does that lady eat for breakfast anyways?

[edit on 6-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Odd that MSM is running with this. The biggest losers will probably be the insurance companies, who undoubtedly are helping fund the protest wagon and propaganda campaign against Obamacare using media organizations as launching pads.

But I said before... Get rid of insurance companies, and divert a large portion of future military hardware spending to health care. Problem solved. I'm talking hundreds of billions of dollars that could be spent on health care and superior future cost effective systems like group consultations or surgeries, internet care. Where is that in the discussion on health care, the mere mention of how much we spend on the military, is that covered anywhere?

The middleman has a strangehold on America and they're pulling out all the stops to discredit Obamacare because it's either go against this plan or end up on the streets or having to learn a real skill or trade.

Besides where are the horror stories of insurance where customers get overcharged or have treatment rejected all together by their private insurance companies.

Just look at Canada, our healthcare is free. There is also private care if you have the money. Granted, we may have to wait for superficial cases but everybody still gets treated as long as there's a spare heart or lung and they're not addicts who've destroyed their bodies beyond longterm repair.

Public health care is one of the services that should remain free, because no matter what the naysayers say, it can be affordable, as long as the system is well organized, it will have heart which is more than any middleman insurance system can offer.


posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Knowledge is a certain degree

and name calling wins again...........( Sigh)

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Great thread, S&F OP!!!!

I agree that healthcare reform is not exactly the issue that I
had hoped would wake the American populace up....buuut i must
say, it's nice to know that there are still Americans out there who
actually give a crap!!!

It seems to me that many of us(and those who attended
the town hall meetings) are angry and frustrated over a
whole SLEW of topics....and the healthcare debate is apparently
the issue that has become the tipping point.

Hopefully it will be possible to seize this opportunity and get
some REAL change in our nation.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Ex

Hey, I'm not protesting Health care, and I don't think everyone else is either.

IMO the MSM is trying to make it all a healthcare topic, but it goes beyond that.

I'm protesting because of taxation without representation; which equates to Slavery.

Yes, taxation without representation; the politicians are constantly doing the opposite from what their constituents want, and doing exactly what the biggest lobby is paying them for.

I wanna "burntheships" as seems some others see fit around here.

The PTB/Elites are DOING it NOW. The difference is they're future means death, and orwellian hell for We The Sheeple. That's what their future has instore for all of us.

I'd kinda like to curb that to a future where a great deal of "We The People" will be able to Live, Laugh, Learn, and have a good life.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

Just look at Canada, our healthcare is free.

Why do people try to sell healthcare as free when it really isn't?

Taxes are still paying for it and that tax money is coming out of working people's pocket.

Just curious.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:14 PM
You guys make me lose hope in the future.

I stopped reading the posts when I say the majority of people cheering this on.
You all claim to be awake. Yet, you are merely sleepwalkers feigning consciousness.

This, this "uprising", is what they want us to do. Do you dull minded armchair revolutionaries understand that? They want us to throw the first stone so they can crackdown with the power of an iron fist. You fail to realize that we are the catalyst that will form the NWO, our hate and violence is the catalyst.

I grow worried reading what you people say from a day to day basis. 80% of you would be more useful asleep. I wish more intellectuals would become awake rather than those who can not see that blind rage is what they are counting on.(call it calculated if you want, the fringe is dangerous no matter what you say)

I say to you all, wake up. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. You start uprising once you see the controlled opposition and the hate that they instill within us. You acting on the hate further drives their agenda. WAKE UP, love yourself and love others how you love yourself. Stop being concerned about their skin color, beliefs, religion (or lack of). You are playing into your "master's" hand. Stop and WAKE UP

But, this will go on being ignored or rebutted with some witty remarks.

I hope providence has its way.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
You guys make me lose hope in the future.

I stopped reading the posts when I say the majority of people cheering this on.
You all claim to be awake. Yet, you are merely sleepwalkers feigning consciousness.

This, this "uprising", is what they want us to do. Do you dull minded armchair revolutionaries understand that? They want us to throw the first stone so they can crackdown with the power of an iron fist. You fail to realize that we are the catalyst that will form the NWO, our hate and violence is the catalyst.

I grow worried reading what you people say from a day to day basis. 80% of you would be more useful asleep. I wish more intellectuals would become awake rather than those who can not see that blind rage is what they are counting on.(call it calculated if you want, the fringe is dangerous no matter what you say)

I say to you all, wake up. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. You start uprising once you see the controlled opposition and the hate that they instill within us. You acting on the hate further drives their agenda. WAKE UP, love yourself and love others how you love yourself. Stop being concerned about their skin color, beliefs, religion (or lack of). You are playing into your "master's" hand. Stop and WAKE UP

But, this will go on being ignored or rebutted with some witty remarks.

I hope providence has its way.
Not to pick a fight,just wanna ask a say we should remain asleep...if our forefathers would have not grown angry and acted on their rage,what country would this be now?

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

So what exactly are you suggesting? Shall we just sit around
and wait for it all to come down around our ears?

I really could careless whether you think I should just be
"asleep", whatever that is supposed to mean.

How is embracing the love and light going to make a damn
bit of difference? Last I checked, this is real life and not the
movies....If a spiritual awakening is to come in the near future,
than so be it. I will deal with the ethereal and unknown when and
if it happens.

You are as entitled to your opinion as anyone else, but your
condescending language and your holier-than-thou attitude
AREN'T likely to make anybody think twice anytime soon.

Edited to add that just because people are angry and feeling
betrayed by their government doesn't mean that violence
is going to ensue on a mass scale. Have a little more faith
in people.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by mpriebe81]

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